Get AddressPO from an AddressBo object - intershop

I have an instance of an AddressBO in my code and i want to get corresponding AddressPO without using the AddressPOFactory. Is that possible ?

In java code try following:
In pipeline/ISML:


How to compare two xpaths in robot frame work in selenium web driver?

I had tried the following command:
CLICK ELEMENT //*[#id="txtBillUniqueIdChk_Grd12597"]:://*[#id="grdFundTransfer"]/tbody/tr[13].
I got the error message like:
"Element with locator '"//*[#id="txtBillUniqueIdChk_Grd12597"]:://*[#id="grdFundTransfer"]/tbody/tr[13]"' not found ".
Please help with this.
Try using #resource-id instead of #id.
Here in the above line u have given an xpath. But in that a random Id generated like '_Grd12597' it is not same for every time when u click xpath. So it throws an error'

How to Set hessian's property" isOverloadEnabled = true "In Dubbo

Thanks in advance.
I try to use the "dubbo" to invoke a method which is override.But the console tell me that "Caused by: '￿' is an unknown code".
Search Engines told me that error may cased by "hessian" is not support override method default.So i try to set this property ,"isOverloadEnabled".But i can not find the way to set. I am searching for a long time on net. But no use. Please help or try to give some ideas how to achieve this.
That's xml content :
<dubbo:protocol name="hessian" port="30002" threads="200" />
<dubbo:service ref="ossServiceImpl" interface="com.fragment.dede.apis.OssService" protocol="hessian"/>
the hessian's version is 4.0.7 ,the dubbo's version is 2.5.3 ,JDK1.8 and SPRING4
You have to use HessianProxyFactory. Then call:
please say something useful
<dubbo:protocol name="hessian" port="${dubbo.protocols.hessian.port:20882}">
<dubbo:parameter key="timeout" value="10000000"/>
<dubbo:parameter key="hessian.overload.method" value="true"/>

getting the PDG graph

I'm developing a plugin in Frama-C and I want to get the Pdg graph from the C program.
I tried the Db.Pdg.get which takes "kernel_function" type while I have a "funcdec" type. I didn't know how I fix that.
Any help?
You can use Globals.Functions.get fdec.Cil_types.svar to convert a fundec fdec into a kernel_function. Calling Db.Pdg.get is then the right way to go.

RunWait() - add parameters

My AutoIt script launches another script (written in UIAutomation). So I wrote this:
RunWait("C:\AutoUIInst\Test\bin\Debug\" & "Test.exe", "","")
It works fine. But now I have to add a parameter. For example: "Test.exe -someParam" . So i tried RunWait() :
RunWait('"C:\AutoUIInst\Test\bin\Debug\" & "Test.exe" -someParam', "","")
That won't work. Can someone help?
Maybe there is only a space missing right before the paramter.
RunWait("C:\AutoUIInst\Test\bin\Debug\Test.exe -someParam", "","")
You can also try ShellexecuteWait which also has a Parameter option!
I had similar problems some time ago when running another applications from my script and I solved it by using ShellExecuteWait. You can rewrite your call like this:
ShellExecuteWait("C:\AutoUIInst\Test\bin\Debug\Test.exe", "-someParam")

IMFMediaSourceTopologyProvider::GetMediaSourceTopology always fails, why?

Under what circumstances the IMFMediaSourceTopologyProvider::GetMediaSourceTopology() does not fail? It always fails with code 0xc00d36e6 (MF_E_ATTRIBUTENOTFOUND).
Please do not answer with a link to MSDN.
Here is the solution after pissing blood for hours.
You have to call QueryInterface() on IMFSequencerSource object to get the IMFMediaSource like this:
hr = pMFSequencerSrc->QueryInterface( __uuidof( IMFMediaSource ), (void**)&pMediaSource );
Now on pMediaSource object call CreatePresentationDescriptor() to get the presentation descriptor required for the GetMediaSourceTopology() call.
That MF_E_ATTRIBUTENOTFOUND error... nice work M$
