How do I graph the Thompson's construction using graphviz? - graph

I am trying to graph the construction of Thompson using graphviz, and I would like to know if anyone could help me graph one of the rules so that I can do the others.
I attach a reference image:
digraph finite_state_machine {
node [shape = doublecircle]; s3;
node [shape = circle];
s0 -> s1 [ label = "ε" ];
s0 -> s3 [ label = "ε" ];
s1 -> s2 [ label = "ε" ];
s2 -> s1 [ label = "ε" ];
s2 -> s3 [ label = "ε" ];

Graphviz programs try to avoid placing nodes on top of other nodes. You can get the node placement by explicitly providing pos attributes for all the nodes. (Not that difficult, but a nuisance.) You can get neato to generate all straight edges, but you will have to provide the (spline) coordinates for all the arcs. Otherwise you get this:
As an alternative, instead of graphviz, if you use dpic or gpic, this program:
.defcolor pink rgb #FFC0CB
## we need to place the large oval before we place nodes on it
Qx: circle invis ; line invis; circle invis; A: line invis;
E:ellipse at A.c shaded "pink" " N(s)"
move to Qx.w
Q: circle "q" ; arrow "ε" ""; C1: circle ; A: line invis; C2: circle ; arrow "ε" ""; F: circle "f";
F1:circle at last circle
move to E.n; up; P1: box invis "ε"
arc -> from C2.n to C1.n
arc -> from Q.s to F.s
### gpic version of greek chars:
# move to E.s; down; box invis "" "\[*e]"
### dpic/svg version of greek chars
move to E.s; down; box invis "" "ε"
produced this:
gpic is part of the GNU (Linux) groff package.
dpic can be found here:


create fixed edge directional graphs in dot format with graphviz

Is there anyway to create defined fixed edges directional graphs using dot notation? the following dot notation (fig 2) generates an automated edges that are curved. It doesnt have notations which will generate directions with straight edges (fig 1). Been on hours trying to find anything close, any hints will be great. thank you.
# fig 1
box A --- box B
|. \
|. \
box C. \
box D
# fig 2
digraph G {
node [shape=record];
a -> b [color = red][arrowhead = diamond][taillabel = "tail"]
b -> c [shape = box]
c -> a
Not sure what a fixed edge is, but if you don't want splines for edges, look at the splines attribute (
Here is you graph with splines=false. You can also try splines=polyline.
You might also connect the edges to specific ports on one or both of the nodes (
# fig 2
digraph G {
node [shape=record];
// see
// also look at ports
splines=false // or try splines=polyline
a -> b [color = red][arrowhead = diamond][taillabel = "tail"]
b -> c [shape = box]
c -> a

How to specify in DOT file that edges go upwards

I want to render a directed graph like:
^ ^
/ \
/ \
But no matter what order I put the statements in, dot insists on generating an image that looks like:
\ /
\ /
v v
I've tried specifying the port, but then the edges just wrap around. It doesn't change the position of the nodes.
The solution is rankdir
digraph G {
rankdir is the solution if you want to build your whole graph from bottom to top. A more flexible approach is to just tell the edges to point backward:
digraph G
A -> B[ dir = back ];
A -> C[ dir = back ];
You could also write
A -> { B C }[ dir = back ];
Or you could give the general instructions for all edges defined after this instruction to point backward:
edge[ dir = back ];
This can be undone by
edge[ dir = forw ];
digraph G
edge[ dir = back ];
A -> B;
A -> C;
edge[ dir = forw ];
{ B C } -> D;

How to create a cyclic graph using GraphViz DOT?

I tried to create a simple cyclic graph with this DOT input file:
digraph {
node0 [label = "0", group="bottom"];
node1 [label = "1", group="bottom"];
node2 [label = "2", group="top"];
node3 [label = "3", group="top"];
node0 -> node1;
node1 -> node0;
node2 -> node3;
node3 -> node2;
and so far so good, it results in:
but now I want to have the following relationships added to the nodes:
node0 -> node3;
node3 -> node0;
node2 -> node1;
node1 -> node2;
and surprisingly, this results in:
If I remove rankdir=LR;, I get a vertical graph. I need a simple cyclic graph, since the node placement in space has a connection to what they relate to. So the new connections should be vertical, and the nodes should form a square. Is this possible to achieve using DOT?
It might be possible to achieve using DOT; I haven't played with it for a couple of years, so I'm a bit rusty. However, your data is rendered as a neat diamond if you use dot's sister program circo, which should be part of a normal GraphViz installation.
One way with dot would be to order the nodes in two rows:
digraph {
0 -> {1 3}
1 -> {0 2}
2 -> {3 1}
3 -> {2 0}
// Put specified nodes on same row:
{rank=same; 0; 1}
{rank=same; 2; 3}

Why is graphviz drawing two arrows, and using a weird order?

Why is graphviz drawing two arrows from uncap_spike to peel, and why is it drawing peel to the right of hang?
I want uncap_spike -> peel -> hang -> spike, in that order, with one edge between each.
alt text
digraph hangers {
fontname="Gill Sans"
node [fontname="Gill Sans" shape=box fillcolor=white style="rounded, filled"]
edge [fontname="Gill Sans"]
subgraph cluster_prep {
gather [shape=Mrecord label="{gather | EtOH swab\nvented tubing}"]
uncap_bottle [label="uncap bottle"]
uncap_spike [label="uncap spike"]
swab [shape=Mrecord label="{swab EtOH | wait 30 seconds for sterility}"]
gather -> uncap_bottle -> swab -> uncap_spike
{rank=same gather uncap_bottle swab uncap_spike}
subgraph cluster_hang {
{rank=same peel hang}
{rank=same uncap_spike -> peel -> hang -> spike -> prime}
hang -> rip [color=firebrick]
rip [label="eyelet\nripped" style="filled" shape=octagon regular fontcolor=white
fontsize=10 width=.5 fixedsize color=firebrick fillcolor=firebrick ]
swab -> not_sterile [color=firebrick]
not_sterile [label="not\nsterile" style="filled" shape=octagon regular fontcolor=white
fontsize=10 width=.5 fixedsize color=firebrick fillcolor=firebrick ]
I think that the rank=same might be confusing. Are you using it to keep everything horizontally? In that case there is an attribute (rankdir?) that you can apply to the entire graph instead.

Connecting arcs between lines in Dot (GraphViz)

I've got to do up a state space graph for my AI course, and I was hoping to use GraphViz to make it (so much faster than Dia). The one thing I can't seem to figure out how to do is how to do an "And" connection, which is basically an arc between two lines connecting to the same node. Is this possible?
Yes. While there's no explicit dot syntax for this, here's the way it's nearly always done:
# just graph set-up
digraph new_graph {
ratio = "auto"
mincross = 2.0
# draw some nodes
"001" [shape=box, regular=1, style=filled, fillcolor="#FCD975"] ;
"017" [shape=circle , regular=1,style=filled,fillcolor="#9ACEEB" ] ;
"007" [shape=diamond , regular=1,style=filled,fillcolor="#FCD975" ] ;
# the key line--creating tiny node w/ no label, no color
# i use this style because it mimics the 'midpoint' style used in Omnigraffle et al.
"LN01" [shape=diamond,style=filled,label="",height=.1,width=.1] ;
# draw the edges
"001" -> "LN01" [dir=none,weight=1] ;
"007" -> "LN01" [dir=none,weight=1] ;
"LN01" -> "017" [dir=none, weight=2] ;
alt text
