Firefox and Chrome button text baseline different - css

A button in Chrome vs Firefox:
the baseline in Firefox seems slightly higher for the text. Is there way to lower the text? Just adjusting the margins based on browser?
Chrome CSS:
Firefox CSS:

The fonts were different. Though they are the same in CSS, they weren't being loaded properly so one of the browsers was using a fallback while the other wasn't. To help debug this document.fonts.check is very useful.
Thanks Temani Afif for the pointer in the right direction.

Use normalize.css. Most differents between browser will gone
Browsers have different base settings. Probably FF default line-height smallest then chrome. Anyway, Nobody find this different in normal using ;)


Why does Internet Explorer 9 render Arial stronger than other browsers?

For some reason IE9 renders Arial font bolder than other browsers such as: IE7, IE8, Chrome, and Firefox. I have looked for the reason in the CSS but couldn't find anything wrong.
Another thing that happened is that I had word-spacing of 1 or 2 pixels in most of my website, but IE9 showed it too wide, so I made conditional css for it with normal word-spacing.
You can see the difference in the attached screenshot, and also find it in this temporary link:
Any ideas will be appreciated.
The problem is the browser, not your site.
Internet Explorer 9 uses sub-pixel positioned ClearType to render text by using DirectWrite. This can cause rendering differences compared to other browsers and is expected behavior. It can cause text to blur slightly more, just as you're seeing.
As a side note, you should consider using TypeKit if you want to use non-standard fonts and have them render (resonably) well for all users. Note that there will still be minor rendering differences across browsers, probably on the same order of magnitude as what you're experiencing here.
And as Alan stated, using normalize.css is a good idea.
It might be worth looking at normalize.css. I don't know if it'll address your specific issues, but I've found that it's a nice starting point.

Margin/ Alignment in firefox/safari which fix do i use and how?

the navigation bar in ** works fine in safari, however firefox is being a bit of a pain. I can see a small margin/padding difference between the two browsers, however can't quite work out why. any ideas?
EDIT: Don't worry figured it out.
font used was not rendered the same in both browsers!
You could use a mozilla hack (generally not advisable) and add Margin and Padding properties. It is recommended that you install Firebug in Mozilla. You can change your CSS on the fly and in your file accordingly.
Turns out it was a simple font rendering issue, due to -webkit-font-smoothing, note to self; check that out next time!

CSS3 - Embedded font disappears in chrome when rotated?

I've been playing with CSS3 transforms- rotations- and embedded fonts.
Some fonts completely disappear in Chrome when I apply a rotation.
Does anyone know why chrome blows this up?
What makes a font susceptible to this behavior?
So maybe y'all don't think I'm crazy- The text only shows up (kind of) after I try selecting it.
You weren't including the font correctly, try it like this:
(tested on windows XP, Chrome 11.0.696.68 and 13.0.782.220)
Cried wolf, the font that was being loaded was another one :/, though it is working for me on Chrome as in your first demo.

browser compatibility issues-css

I am getting this display in IE 7
I am getting this display in Firefox:
for the following code
Could anybody point me, What I should do to make the IE Display simalar to Firefox and also, How Do I make the Size should be same for all the headings?
Internet Explorer does not support gradients, shadows, nor border-radius properties. border-radius is supported in IE9, but this won't be of much help!
You can look into CSS3 Pie, which uses IE-specific .htc files to achieve almost the same effect.
For now, if you really need to be fully compatible with all IE's (and other browsers for that matter) I'd use an image. It's not very nice but at least you can rest assured that it will always work ;-)
Rounded corners and drop shadow aren't going to work in IE7 without a lot of clever image tricks. You can't fix it through CSS alone.
Alternatively you could probably find a JavaScript plugin which would create these effects for you if you don't mind taking that route (see curvy corners for example).

3 pixels extra space in IE6

Could someone please work out what's happening here, and how I could fix it? I'm testing this page in IE6, IE7, FF and Chrome, and it works in everything but IE6. In that, there is a small gap between the edge of the chickens picture and the div it's in.
I hate IE6.
This may be the "three pixel jog" bug that shows in IE6 but not later versions of IE.
See for example.
Using a CSS Reset can help!
Lots of inconsistencies between browsers can be circumvented by using a CSS reset
I use the Meyer Reset method.
However, another option is the Yahoo YUI method.
