Is there a way to sync with a remote folder over SFTP? - sftp

The remote folder in question does not have a shell or allows ssh connections, nor it has a ftp server. The folder to be sync is big, with hundreds of files and continuously updated, and I need some way of downloading any new or modified files quickly.
I have tried lftp and rsync, but the connection is not allowed. I thought about writing a script over sftp, but it seems too complex and slow. I could also use Python, but from what I know the script would be similar.
I would like to install only well-known libraries, if any, but I am not sure about my options here.


Deploying source to web server with deleting not needed files

When developing for using visual studio for web, it is really convenient that when you deploy your website to the web server, it will cleverly check which files have been changed and only upload those files. In addition, if you deleted some files from your source, it detects that too and deletes those files from the web server since they are no longer needed.
I started developing with the LAMP stack and am wondering how you can deploy to a web server in a similar way.
I tried using Filezilla and on copy/pasting the source files to the web server, you have these options if there are similar files:
-Overwrite if source is newer
-Overwrite if different size
-Overwrite if different size or source newer
"Overwrite if source is newer" works, kind of, but it only checks the date modified, not the content of the file. Also, the above method does not delete files from the web server that were deleted from the source.
Is there a better way to do this with Filezilla? (or maybe use some other program?)
You can use rsync to accomplish this.
When you want to push out changes you would do something like this form your production server.
rysnc -av user#<developmentIp>:/web/root/* /production/web/root/
The pattern is rsync --flags [user#host:]/source/dir [user#host:]/destination/dir
You only need the user#host stuff for remote hosts. The user must have ssh access to the host.
Couple little suggestions.
The command can be run from the source or destination. I find it better to run the command from the destination, for permissions issues (i.e. your reading from the remote and writing to the local)
Do some tests first, I always mix up the directory stuff; do I need the end slash, should I use the star, ...
Read the man page, there are alot of available options that may be helpful (--delete, --exclude, -a)

Vagrant 2 way folder sync

I've setup a Vagrant box that runs my webserver to host my Symfony2 application.
Everything works fine except the folder synchronization.
I tried 2 things:
config.vm.synced_folder LOCALFOLDER, HOSTFOLDER
config.vm.synced_folder LOCALFOLDER, HOSTFOLDER, type="rsync"
Option 1: First option works, I actually don't know how file is shared but it works.
Files are copied in both way, but the application is SUPER slow.
Symfony is generating cache files which might be the issue, but I don't really know how to troubleshoot this and see what is happening.
Option 2: Sync is only done in one way (from my local machine to the vagrant box), which covers most of the case and is fast.
Issue is that when I use symfony command line on the vagrant box to generate some files they are not copied over to my local machine.
My question is:
What is the best way to proceed with 2 ways syncing? With option 1 how can I (as it might be the issue) exclude some files from syncing.
With Option 2 how can I make sure changes on remote are copied to my local machine?
If default synced folder strategy (VirtualBox shared folders, I imagine) is slow for your use case, you can choose a different one and, if you need, maintain the two-way sync:
If your host OS is Linux or Mac OS X, you can go with NFS.
If your host OS is Windows you can instead choose SMB.
Rsync is very fast but, as you've pointed out, is one-way only.
As it doesn't seem Vagrant offers a "built-in" way to do this here is what I did:
Configure Vagrant RSYNC folder on the folders that will contains application generated files (in Symfony2 it is your Bundle/Entity folder). Note that I didn't sync the root folder because some folders doesn't have to be rsynced (cache/logs...) and also because it was taking way too much time for the rsync process to parse all the folders/subfolders when I know that only the Entity folder will be generated.
As the Rsync has to be done from the Vagrant box to the host, I use vagrant-rsync-back plugin and thus run this manually everytime I use a command that generates code.
Create an watcher on my local machine that will track any change in code and rsync it to the vagrant box.
Vagrant mounts your project root as /vargrant folder inside box as 2 way share.
You can run your command there do get required files synced. Any I/O will be damn slow (like you already mentioned), however you will get your files. For other stuff use your 1-way synced folder.

How do I scp a file to a Unix host so that a file polling service won't see it before the copy is complete?

I am trying to transfer a file to a remote Unix server using scp. On that server, there is a service which polls the target directory to detect incoming files for processing. I would like to ensure that the polling service does not pick up new files before the copy is complete. Is there a way of doing that?
My file transfer process is a simple scp command embedded in a larger Java program. Ideally, a solution which did not involve changing the Jana would be best (for reasons involving change control processes).
You can scp the file to a different (/tmp) directory and move the
file via ssh after transfer is complete. The different directory needs to be on the same partition as the final destination directory otherwise there will be a copy operation and you'll face a similar problem. Another service on the destination machine can do this move operation.
You can copy the file as hidden (prefix the filename with .) and copy, then move
If you can modify the polling service, you can check active scp processes and ignore files matching scp arguments.
You can check for open files with lsof +d $directory and ignore them in the polling server
I suggest copying the file using rsync instead of scp. rsync already copies new files to temporary filenames, and has many other useful features for file synchronization as well.
$ rsync -a source/path/ remotehost:/target/path/
Of course, you can also copy file-by-file if that's your preference.
If rsync's temporary filenames are sufficient to avoid being picked up by your polling service, then you could simply replace your scp command with a shell script that acts as a wrapper for rsync, eliminating the need to change your Java program.
You would need to know the precise format that your Java program uses to call the scp command, to make sure that the options you feed to rsync do what you expect.
You would also need to figure out how your Java program calls scp. If it does so by full pathname (i.e. /usr/bin/scp), then this solution might put other things at risk on your system that depend on scp (like you, for example, expecting scp to behave as it usually does instead of as a wrapper). Changing a package-installed binary like /usr/bin/scp may also "break" your package registration, making it difficult to install future security updates because a binary has changed to a shell script. And of course, there might be security implications to any change you make.
All in all, I suspect you're better off changing your Java program to make it do precisely what you want, even if that is to launch a shell script to handle aspects of automation that you want to be able to change in the future without modifying your Java.
Good luck!

using pscp.exe for sftp transfer is very slow compared to filezilla

I have a weird problem. I'm using pscp.exe from within a C# program (with process.start) to upload files to an SFTP server. Now I have set up a new server with the same program, where I upload to the same SFTP server as before, but It runs incredibly slow in the new server.
The weird thing is that when I try uploading the files manually via FileZilla, the upload goes as fast as expected, but not when using the program.
Can anyone explain this? Am I missing something obvious like a windows setting or something?
SSH supports what we call pipelining - sending multiple SSH packets without waiting response to each packet. OpenSSH supports this functionality, while Putty doesn't (at least didn't until recently). That's what you observe. Another reason is choice of algorithms. If AES is negotiated, it's faster than DES and 3DES used by default by older applications.
I ended up rewriting the SFTP transfer to use the .Net wrapper for WinSCP in stead. The solution was fast, and the file transfer also. Here's a link to the documentation.
Uploading files using WinSCP is like 10 times faster.
To do that from command line, first you got to add the file to your %PATH%. It's not a top-level domain, but an executable .com file, which is located in your WinSCP installation directory.
Then just issue a simple command and your file will be uploaded much faster putty ever could: /command "open s" "put /var/www/somedirectory/" "exit"
And make sure your check the synchronize folders feature, which is basically what rsync does, so you won't ever want to use pscp.exe again. /command "help synchronize"
Filezilla can use multiple concurrent connections and reuse open connections. I believe PSCP is a relatively simple application.
A library like SFTP.NET will probably yield better results than running a child pscp process.
It would also help to use the ZipPackage to compress the files when sending them.

Script to recursively look for a file on ftp server until it found

I just want to transfer a file from ftp server to unix folder, --this is stright forward.
if the file doesn't exist on the ftp server, then the script needs to run recursively until it finds the file. Please let me know how do i get that file.
please remember script has to run on ftp server.
I'd mount the FTP server with curlftpfs and then use it like it were a local file system — for example, run find(1).
You need to write a program to automate your FTP session. You can either write your own custom FTP client, not that hard if you know a few things about network programming, or write a script to automate a session for an existing client. For the latter approach, I suggest using Expect if you are proficient with TCL, or PyExpect if you prefer Python. Expect is a library designed to automate interactive tasks like downloading a file with FTP.
