JavaFX Application fails to compile on lambda expression - javafx

I am trying to build a JavaFX Application to display a TreeTableView. Still setting up this whole thing. I got it to work with only one column without the Product class but i am struggling to make it work with the Product class and two columns. The following piece of code fails to compile:
(TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<Product, String> param) -> param.getValue().getValue().getNameProperty());
and spits out this error:
Error:(38, 121) java: incompatible types: bad return type in lambda expression
java.lang.String cannot be converted to javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue<java.lang.String>
This is the entire code:
public class Controller implements Initializable {
private TreeTableView<Product> tableView;
private TreeTableColumn<Product, String> col1;
private TreeTableColumn<Product, String> col2;
TreeItem<Product> product1 = new TreeItem<>(new Product("Bread", "300g"));
TreeItem<Product> product2 = new TreeItem<>(new Product("Eggs", "5"));
TreeItem<Product> product3 = new TreeItem<>(new Product("Brad Pitt", "One and Only one"));
TreeItem<Product> product4 = new TreeItem<>(new Product("Moisturizer", "20"));
TreeItem<Product> product5 = new TreeItem<>(new Product("Horse Lubricant", "4"));
TreeItem<Product> root = new TreeItem<>(new Product("Name", "Quantity"));
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle resourceBundle) {
root.getChildren().setAll(product1, product2, product3, product4, product5);
(TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<Product, String> param) -> param.getValue().getValue().getNameProperty());
(TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<Product, String> param) -> param.getValue().getValue().getQuantityProperty());
public class Product{
SimpleStringProperty nameProperty;
SimpleStringProperty quantityProperty;
public Product(String name, String quantity){
this.nameProperty = new SimpleStringProperty(name);
this.quantityProperty = new SimpleStringProperty(quantity);
public String getNameProperty() {
return nameProperty.get();
public SimpleStringProperty namePropertyProperty() {
return nameProperty;
public void setNameProperty(String nameProperty) {
public String getQuantityProperty() {
return quantityProperty.get();
public SimpleStringProperty quantityPropertyProperty() {
return quantityProperty;
public void setQuantityProperty(String quantityProperty) {

First, your Product class is not conventional. Typically the field name matches the property name (e.g. name, not nameProperty). Then you name your getter, setter, and property getter after the name of the property. For instance:
public class Product {
private final StringProperty name = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "name");
public final void setName(String name) {; }
public final String getName() { return name.get(); }
public final StringProperty nameProperty() { return name; }
private final StringProperty quantity = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "quantity");
public final void setQuantity(String quantity) { this.quantity.set(quantity); }
public final String getQuantity() { return quantity.get(); }
public final StringProperty quantityProperty() { return quantity; }
public Product() {} // typically Java(FX)Beans provide no-arg constructors as well
public Product(String name, String quantity) {
Note: Your class is a non-static nested (i.e. inner) class. This means each Product instance requires an instance of the enclosing class. If you want to keep Product a nested class, consider making it static. My example above assumes Product is in its own source file.
With that class, you would define your cell value factories like so:
TreeTableColumn<Product, String> nameCol = ...;
nameCol.setCellValueFactory(data -> data.getValue().getValue().nameProperty());
TreeTableColumn<Product, String> quantityCol = ...;
quantityCol.setCellValueFactory(data -> data.getValue().getValue().quantityProperty());
Notice the factories return the appropriate property of the Product instance. This solves your compilation error since StringProperty is an instance of ObservableValue<String>. It also means your table has direct access to the backing model's property, which helps with keeping the table up-to-date and also with implementing inline editing.
In case it helps, here's setting the cell value factory of nameCol using an anonymous class which explicitly shows all the types used:
nameCol.setCellValueFactory(new Callback<>() { // may have to explicitly define type arguments, depending on version of Java
public ObservableValue<String> call(TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<Product, String> data) {
TreeItem<Product> treeItem = data.getValue();
Product product = treeItem.getValue();
return product.nameProperty();


Populate Tableview with super class fields

I have several classes that all inherit from one super class that need to populate several TableViews related to their class.
The super class is abstract and some of the getters and setters are final but still contains data needed to populate the cells.
Writing a new Callback class for each and every column is doable, but I'm looking for a way to implements this.
sample code
class SuperClass
protected String name;
protected double value;
public final void setName(String name)
{ = name;
public final void getName()
public final void setValue(double value)
this.value = value;
public double getValue()
return this.value;
class SubClass1 extends SuperClass
private int id;
public void setId(int id)
{ = id;
public int getId()
class SubClass2 extends SuperClass
private String location;
public void setLocation(String location)
this.location = location;
class SubClass3 extends SuperClass
private ObservableMap<SuperClass> map;
public ObservableMap<SuperClass> map()
TableColumn<SubClass1, Integer> tc1_id;
TableColumn<SubClass1, String> tc1_name;
TableColumn<SubClass1, Double> tc1_value;
TableColumn<SubClass2, String> tc2_loc;
TableColumn<SubClass2, String> tc2_name;
TableColumn<SubClass2, Double> tc2_value;
TableColumn<SubClass3, String> tc3_name;
TableColumn<SubClass3, Double> tc3_value;
Here's a reference of what I was going to do...
Accessing Subclass properties in a JavaFX TableView ObservableArrayList
But just with the sample code, I'm basically rewriting 2 methods, 3 times each... and there's a bit more than that in the actual program. (Just a smidge more)
I think you are just asking how to reduce the amount of code you have to write. The solution is just the same as any such question: write a method that performs the repetitive part, and parametrize it with the parts that vary. So in this case, you just need to write a generic utility method to generate your table columns, taking the title of the column and the function that produces the property the cell value factory needs.
E.g. you could do something like
private <S,T> TableColumn<S,T> createColumn(String title, Function<S, Property<T>> prop) {
TableColumn<S,T> column = new TableColumn<>(title);
column.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> prop.apply(cellData.getValue()));
return column ;
and then if your model classes use JavaFX properties, all you need is
TableColumn<SubClass1, Number> tc1Id = createColumn("Id", SubClass1::idProperty);
If you are not using JavaFX properties (which is the recommended approach), you can still do
TableColumn<SubClass2, String> tc2Loc =
createColumn("Location", item -> new SimpleStringProperty(item.getLocation()));
or just create a method that accepts a Function<S,T> instead of a Function<S,Property<T>>.

JavaFX TreeTableView - Prevent editing of unavailable cells

I have a particular TreeTableView that displays a hierarchical tree of mixed types. These types do not necessarily have overlapping columns and as such the columns for some rows will be empty. As an example, consider the following classes:
public class Person {
private final StringProperty nameProperty;
private final StringProperty surnameProperty;
public Person() {
this.nameProperty = new SimpleStringProperty();
this.surnameProperty = new SimpleStringProperty();
public StringProperty nameProperty() {
return this.nameProperty;
public void setName(String value) {
public String getName() {
return this.nameProperty.get();
public StringProperty surnameProperty() {
return this.surnameProperty;
public void setSurname(String value) {
public String getSurname() {
return this.surnameProperty.get();
public class Dog {
private final StringProperty nameProperty;
private final IntegerProperty ageProperty;
private final StringProperty breedProperty;
public Dog() {
this.nameProperty = new SimpleStringProperty();
this.ageProperty = new SimpleIntegerProperty();
this.breedProperty = new SimpleStringProperty();
public StringProperty nameProperty() {
return this.nameProperty;
public void setName(String value) {
public String getName() {
return this.nameProperty.get();
public IntegerProperty ageProperty() {
return this.ageProperty;
public void setAge(int value) {
public int getAge() {
return this.ageProperty.get();
public StringProperty breedProperty() {
return this.breedProperty;
public void setBreed(String breed) {
public String getBreed() {
return this.breedProperty.get();
If I construct the TreeTableView as follows:
TreeTableView<Object> treeTableView = new TreeTableView<>();
List<TreeTableColumn<Object, ?>> columns = treeTableView.getColumns();
TreeTableColumn<Object, String> nameColumn = new TreeTableColumn<>("Name");
nameColumn.setCellValueFactory(new TreeItemPropertyValueFactory<>("name"));
TreeTableColumn<Object, String> surnameColumn = new TreeTableColumn<>("Surname");
surnameColumn.setCellValueFactory(new TreeItemPropertyValueFactory<>("surname"));
TreeTableColumn<Object, Integer> ageColumn = new TreeTableColumn<>("Age");
ageColumn.setCellFactory(TextFieldTreeTableCell.forTreeTableColumn(new IntegerStringConverter()));
ageColumn.setCellValueFactory(new TreeItemPropertyValueFactory<>("age"));
TreeTableColumn<Object, String> breedColumn = new TreeTableColumn<>("Breed");
breedColumn.setCellValueFactory(new TreeItemPropertyValueFactory<>("breed"));
TreeItem<Object> rootItem = new TreeItem<>();
List<TreeItem<Object>> rootChildren = rootItem.getChildren();
Person john = new Person();
TreeItem<Object> johnTreeItem = new TreeItem<>(john);
List<TreeItem<Object>> johnChildren = johnTreeItem.getChildren();
Dog charlie = new Dog();
TreeItem<Object> charlieTreeItem = new TreeItem<>(charlie);
Dog daisy = new Dog();
TreeItem<Object> daisyTreeItem = new TreeItem<>(daisy);
I will get a TreeTableView that looks like:
The Age and Breed columns are empty for the TreeItems that contains Person objects. However, nothing stops me from editing Age or Breed cell for the top-most Person row. Setting a value in one of those cells doesn't change the Person object, but the value still hangs around there like it is committed.
Is there any way to prevent this from happening? I know that I could check for nulls in a custom TreeTableCell subclass and prevent the editing from kicking off in the startEdit() method. However, there are circumstances where a null-value is valid and preventing editing by checking nulls is not a feasible solution for all situations. Also, creating a custom TreeTableCell subclass for every datatype and corresponding columns is painful. It would have been nice if TreeItemPropertyValueFactory could provide for a way to abort the edit when no value is present for a particular cell.
Ok, I scraped together something by looking at the TreeItemPropertyValueFactory class itself for inspiration. This gives me the desired functionality, although I'm not sure if it is 100% correct or what the implications are of using it.
It basically comes down to installing a new cell-factory that checks if the cell-value-factory is of type TreeItemPropertyValueFactory. If it is the case, a new cell-factory is installed that delegates to the original but adds listeners for the table-row and tree-item properties. When the TreeItem changes, we get the row-data and see if we can access the desired property (via a PropertyReference that is cached for performance). If we can't (and we get the two exceptions) we assume that the property cannot be accessed and we set the cell's editable-property to false.
public <S, T> void disableUnavailableCells(TreeTableColumn<S, T> treeTableColumn) {
Callback<TreeTableColumn<S, T>, TreeTableCell<S, T>> cellFactory = treeTableColumn.getCellFactory();
Callback<CellDataFeatures<S, T>, ObservableValue<T>> cellValueFactory = treeTableColumn.getCellValueFactory();
if (cellValueFactory instanceof TreeItemPropertyValueFactory) {
TreeItemPropertyValueFactory<S, T> valueFactory = (TreeItemPropertyValueFactory<S, T>)cellValueFactory;
String property = valueFactory.getProperty();
Map<Class<?>, PropertyReference<T>> propertyRefCache = new HashMap<>();
treeTableColumn.setCellFactory(column -> {
TreeTableCell<S, T> cell =;
cell.tableRowProperty().addListener((o1, oldRow, newRow) -> {
if (newRow != null) {
newRow.treeItemProperty().addListener((o2, oldTreeItem, newTreeItem) -> {
if (newTreeItem != null) {
S rowData = newTreeItem.getValue();
if (rowData != null) {
Class<?> rowType = rowData.getClass();
PropertyReference<T> reference = propertyRefCache.get(rowType);
if (reference == null) {
reference = new PropertyReference<>(rowType, property);
propertyRefCache.put(rowType, reference);
try {
} catch (IllegalStateException e1) {
try {
} catch (IllegalStateException e2) {
return cell;
For the example listed in the question, you can call it after you created all your columns as:
TreeItem<Object> rootItem = new TreeItem<>();
You'll see that cells for the Age and Breed columns are now uneditable for Person entries whereas cells for the Surname column is now uneditable for Dog entries, which is what we want. Cells for the common Name column is editable for all entries as this is a common property among Person and Dog objects.

In javafx table view doesn't display

//Database is Sucessfully Connected
I am trying to Create a table in which I want to display the contents of my 'student' table in tableView of Javafx but I could not get the desired output.
ObservableList<Student> list = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
//Initializes the controller class.
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb)
//A view Table has been made with fx:id-table
//Variable name for 2 columns are 'fx:id-rollnoColand' & 'fx:id-nameCol'
private TableView<Student> table;
private TableColumn<Student,String> rollnoCol;
private TableColumn<Student,String> nameCol;
private void initCol()
rollnoCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("s_rollno"));
nameCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("s_name"));
//Name of the Table is 'student' with Columns 'rollno' and 'name'
private void loadTable()
String selectAll = "select * from student";
Statement stmt = connectdb.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(selectAll);
String getrollno = rs.getString("rollno");
String getname = rs.getString("name");
list.add(new Student(getrollno,getname));
catch(SQLException exp)
public static class Student
private final String s_rollno;
private final String s_name;
Student(String rollno,String name)
this.s_rollno = rollno;
this.s_name = name;
PropertyValueFactory works with getters or property methods. In your case you need to add getters for your properties in the Student class to enable PropertyValueFactory to retrieve the values:
public static class Student {
private final String s_rollno;
private final String s_name;
Student(String rollno, String name) {
this.s_rollno = rollno;
this.s_name = name;
public String getS_rollno() {
return s_rollno;
public String getS_name() {
return s_name;
I had this problem before,and it has many reason.First ,you may remove final keyword from your model,because your variables are changing.Second, TableView shows empty cells because you make your variables private in class Student and you can not access them from init method in parent class.So you need add getter and setter methods for access to these variables.
public static class Student
private String s_rollno;
private String s_name;
Student(String rollno,String name)
this.s_rollno = rollno;
this.s_name = name;
public String getS_rollno() {
return s_rollno;
public void setS_rollno(String s_rollno) {
this.s_rollno = s_rollno;
public String getS_name() {
return s_name;
public void setS_name(String s_name) {
this.s_name = s_name;

How do I share a Observablelist between 2 controllers , I have tried various methods but I get null pointer exceptions

I am absolutely new to coding and am stuck with some "binding" code. I have a Record class with getters and setters, and a records Observable list which together populate a Tableview in a controller called RecordController. I want to populate another tableview on a separate AdminController file both with different view fxml's.
How can I bind the SimpleStringProperties in my class in such a manner that when they get updated by by the set method( by any UI user interaction) in RecordContoller ..the (editatble) Tableview in the AdminController gets populated with the new values.
Some bits of the code.....
public class Record {
private final SimpleStringProperty stationName;
private final SimpleStringProperty staffName;
private final SimpleStringProperty staffNumber;
private final SimpleStringProperty agencyName;
private final SimpleStringProperty aircraftType;
private final SimpleStringProperty issueDate;
private final SimpleStringProperty validTill;
public Record(String stationName, String staffName,
String staffNumber, String agencyName, String aircraftType,
String issueDate, String validTill) {
this.stationName = new SimpleStringProperty(stationName);
this.staffName = new SimpleStringProperty(staffName);
this.staffNumber = new SimpleStringProperty(staffNumber);
this.aircraftType = new SimpleStringProperty(aircraftType);
this.agencyName = new SimpleStringProperty(agencyName);
this.issueDate = new SimpleStringProperty(issueDate);
this.validTill = new SimpleStringProperty(validTill);
public String getStationName() {
return stationName.getValue();
public String getStaffName() {
return staffName.getValue();
public String getStaffNumber() {
return staffNumber.getValue();
public String getAgencyName() {
return agencyName.getValue();
public String getAircraftType() {
return aircraftType.getValue();
public String getIssueDate() {
return issueDate.getValue();
public String getValidTill() {
return validTill.getValue();
And the RecordController with the first Tableview.....
columnStation.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("stationName"));
columnStaffName.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("staffName"));
columnStaffNumber.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("staffNumber"));
columnAgency.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("agencyName"));
columnAircraftType.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("aircraftType"));
columnIssueDate.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("issueDate"));
columnValidTill.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("validTill"));
The records observable list being .....
private ObservableList<Record> records=FXCollections.observableArrayList();
The adminController for the other fxml also has another tableview which I want to populate in some way with the property variables in the (class / bean ? ).
To recover from the -1 my question received...
In case a fellow newbie stumbles on this question. The answer lies in the following post.
Passing Parameters JavaFX FXML
If you use the JavaFX properties pattern, then changes to the properties in your Record instances will be automatically reflected in the table view. So your Record class should look like
public class Record {
private final StringProperty stationName;
private final StringProperty staffName;
private final StringProperty staffNumber;
private final StringProperty agencyName;
private final StringProperty aircraftType;
private final StringProperty issueDate;
private final StringProperty validTill;
public Record(String stationName, String staffName,
String staffNumber, String agencyName, String aircraftType,
String issueDate, String validTill) {
this.stationName = new SimpleStringProperty(stationName);
this.staffName = new SimpleStringProperty(staffName);
this.staffNumber = new SimpleStringProperty(staffNumber);
this.aircraftType = new SimpleStringProperty(aircraftType);
this.agencyName = new SimpleStringProperty(agencyName);
this.issueDate = new SimpleStringProperty(issueDate);
this.validTill = new SimpleStringProperty(validTill);
public StringProperty stationNameProperty() {
return stationName ;
public final String getStationName() {
return stationNameProperty().get();
public final void setStationName(String stationName) {
// similarly for other properties...
Note that many IDEs (e.g. Netbeans, or Eclipse with the E(fx)clipse plugin) will generate these methods for you.
Now, as long as you are changing the same Record objects that are in the table's items list, changes to those Records will automatically result in changes in the table: there is no need for additional binding.

JavaFX: TableView(fxml) filling with data

either i am looking at it for to long... or i did not really understand it.
In any case i am trying to fill a tableview that has been created using fxml (inc. Columns) with data.
My Code works for the first (Title) column but not for the rest.
(Yes "data" has all the info in it... checked with debug.)
So can any1 tell me what i am doing wrong??
Here (hopefully all relevant) code (copied together):
#FXML private TableColumn<sresult,String> cl_title;
#FXML private TableColumn<sresult, String> cl_url;
#FXML private TableColumn<sresult, String> cl_poster;
#FXML private TableColumn<sresult, String> cl_date;
#FXML private TableColumn<sresult, String> cl_forum;
String[][] search_res=null;
try {
search_res= search(tf_search.getText());
} catch (MalformedURLException | SolrServerException | ParseException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(MainUiController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
final ObservableList<sresult> data= FXCollections.observableArrayList();
for ( String[] s : search_res){
data.add(new sresult(s[0], s[2],s[3],s[4],s[1]));
new PropertyValueFactory<sresult,String>("Title"));
new PropertyValueFactory<sresult,String>("poster"));
new PropertyValueFactory<sresult,String>("date"));
new PropertyValueFactory<sresult,String>("forum"));
new PropertyValueFactory<sresult,String>("link"));
public class sresult {
private final SimpleStringProperty Title;
private final SimpleStringProperty poster;
private final SimpleStringProperty date;
private final SimpleStringProperty forum;
private final SimpleStringProperty link;
public sresult(String T, String p, String d, String f, String l) {
this.Title = new SimpleStringProperty(T);
this.poster = new SimpleStringProperty(p); = new SimpleStringProperty(d); = new SimpleStringProperty(f); = new SimpleStringProperty(l);
public String getTitle() {
return Title.get();
public void setTitle(String T) {
public String getposter() {
return poster.get();
public void setposter(String p) {
public String getdate() {
return date.get();
public void setdate(String d) {
public String getforum() {
return forum.get();
public void setforum(String f) {
public String getlink() {
return link.get();
public void setlink(String l) {
Thank you!
This was simular enough for me to get the answer.
The getter and setters need to have a Capital letter after get/set.
e.g. public String getTitle() vs public String gettitle()
not really sure why java is forcing this...
Anyway thanks to jewelsea for his answer on the other question.
