Getting "The system cannot find the file specified" while opening IE browser in TOSCA - tosca

I am new to TOSCA ,trying to open IE browser and closing it However in Scratch Book is showing above error in log info.I checked Test Configuration is correctly set as Browser InternetExplorer. Could anyone please help me to resolve this error.

Check the value of the Windows path variable contains the directory where windows can find iexplore.exe. If not then alter your path

You can speciefy a tesconiguration parameter with Value.
The purpule one, named Broser and the value is InternetExplorer.


Error on deploying website to IIS - App still refers to local files directory even after publish

Has anyone experienced this issue before? I published a website using File Deploy and placed it in an IIS. Other apps works just fine, but the website I deployed shows this error:
It seems to still be pointing to my local directory. I've updated the paths but to no avail. Help please.
Thanks in advance.
The paths show locations at compile-time, that is not a problem. Here, you are getting an exception on line 65 in DataAccess.cs - object reference not set to an instance of an object.
If you set custom error "on" (in the web.config), you can get more info about the exception. In the "Network" tab of "Developer tools", you can check your request and response.

Could not render the url. Could not get image from url.Navigation timeout

I've got a ASP.NET web application which contains the Winnovative HTML to PDF Converter.
This has been running for over a year successfully generating PDFs
However, this is no longer working, and the error being returned is:
Could not render the url. Could not get image from url.Navigation timeout..
I've checked the Winnovative FAQ and they suggest adding a NavigationTimeout to the instance of the PdfConverter. I've added the following:
PdfConverter.NavigationTimeout = 500
However, this has not fixed the error. Furthermore, the page being converted only takes a fraction of a second to load when loading directly in the browser, so I don't believe its a performance issue with the page being rendered.
Has anyone experienced this problem before? Are there any known solutions/causes for this?
In the end I found out this error was occuring because we were trying to request a PDF from a HTTPS file.
I weren't able to solve why though.
Please see this question if you have an answer:
Generating PDF from HTTPS causes error
If anyone else gets this error: In our case, running on IIS 8.5, changing the application pool from ApplicationPoolIdentity to Network Service fixed it. So it seems it is a folder permission problem. Network service isn't ideal and really the actual folder permissions should be set.

Unable to start debugging IIS 7.5 Detailed Error - 500.19

I tried to run my WebApp on my local machine today (nothing has changed on it) and I had the above error. I know my machine had a windows update recently (not sure if that has anything to do with it).
The error produces a big print out of css styles and html markup.
In the markup it also says "The requested page cannot be accecssed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid".
Maybe you accidentally changed the web.config and now contains a malformed section. I'd recommend you take a close look to your configuration file.
I'd say that the error page should tell you the necessary information to solve the problem but I assume that if you're asking if because it's not the case :)
I changed the user info. (windows password which was changed) in the IIS & that helped me :)
You may need to enable windows (or some other type of) authentication in IIS for the site specifically.

ASP.Net error "Unable to start program http://localhost:123/myapp/"

Well since i installed IE 8 i get this error so i cant debug my page :(
"Unable to start program http://localhost:123/myapp/"
Could not find the element(or some thing like that translated from swe)
What must i do to get rid of this error? and IE more or less hangs after this, the window does respond but it only loads half of it components...
Edit: Is there any way to set what browser to use when debugging befor i installed IE8 i normaly used opera and it worked like i wanted it to...
i think you IE 8 is not properly installed try setting other browser as default browser.
if you don't get this error then it means you have to re install ie 8 again
Hi all these type of user i had resolved this error so u also must try it as follow below steps:
This is one of the various errors that appear when you are debugging and may haunt you until you do the following fix:-
In the Internet Explorer, "Tools" Menu, select "Internet Options".
Switch to "Security" Tab.
Click on "Internet" (The Globe Icon. Its actually the default selected).
Click on "Custom Level" in the bottom.
Scroll down to find the "User Authentication" section.
Select "Automatic logon with current username and password".
OR Anonymous logon.
Click "Ok" twice to exit.
Restart IE. (You don't need to reinstall your browser.)
Maybe you are facing this known issue? This blog post also describes a workaround. "file not found" - no reference to file!

I'm working with (I'm a designer) and at some point during debugging it'll throw me and I'll get to an Exception objErr in the code - and when I hover it says "file not found". I assume it's an image but I've been searching and can't find anyway to pinpoint which file is missing. I hope this is enough information - if anyone could give me a direction I'll really appreciate it!
Find FileMon which is in the SysInternals package from Microsoft and run it when you get near to your file issue, maybe add a filter to filter out all of the OS file operations.
You'll be able to see a file not found or access denied entry for the file if you have it set up right.
I use FileMon all the time, it is free and really helps when troubleshooting permission and file IO problems.
I think you have not given full path for the image which you are searching.
Another problem which might be possible is when it throws an error check the page in your url and check if that page exists in your project. I wish I could help you more but I need more info for that,
Do you really have no information on which file is not found?
It is probably a misspelled filename (1 character typo's can be hard to find). So if you don't have the missing filename, debugging can be a real horror.
Take a look at the IIS log produced, Found at: C:\WINDOWS\system32\LogFiles\W3SVC1\ and search for a 403 or similar.
When referencing a file inside your project always add a "~" in front. This means that the path after the "~" sign is relative to the projects root folder.
If an .Aspx file called "Example.asp" is located in the Pages folder inside the project you want to reference it as
<asp:HyperLink ID="lnkExample" runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/Pages/Example.aspx"> Example</asp:HyperLink>
I hope this helps a bit.
