Is there a way to display both the CSS and source-mapped SCSS in Chrome dev tools? - css

Currently, I can only see either one of them while viewing the styling of an element in DevTools.
Is there an extension or a setting that would let me see both the generated CSS as well as the source SCSS?
That would be especially useful when the SCSS is using mixins or functions and I would like to verify that the output CSS is correct.
I know I can achieve this by checking/unchecking the "Enable CSS source maps" in the DevTools settings, closing and relaunching DevTools, but that is a cumbersome and time-consuming method.


Why are some CSS rule-sets uneditable in Chrome Element panel? [duplicate]

I am working on a static page that uses React, Gatsby, and styled-components.
When styling a page, my development workflow usually heavily involves Chrome DevTools, tweaking styles there until I have something that I like, and then implementing them in the code.
When using styled-components, however, all of the styles/rules that appear in DevTools for each rendered element are grey, italicized, and disabled. I can override them by adding styles in {}, but that can be a pain, and it doesn't solve the root question which is: why are styles applied by styled-components disabled in DevTools?
Here's a screenshot of what I'm referring to.
It's because styled-components injects styles through the CSSOM API, which the Dev Tools in Chrome (and every other browser AFAIK) can't handle. See this ticket:
Note that this is only true when styled-components is in production mode, i.e. process.env.NODE_ENV is set to "production". As long as you aren't in production mode, styled-components should generate normal <style> tags, which you can interact with through the Dev Tools.
In v4.1.0 it's possible to provide SC_DISABLE_SPEEDY flag to disable styles injection with CSSOM insertRule.
More details
I did a full quit of Chrome (Cmd + q), ran npm update, npm install, and did a full relaunch of the browser and localhost server. This fixed it for me.
At a guess, I'd say you might be affected by this bug:
If you close the dev tools and reopen them again, this might fix the issue temporarily.

Turn off all CSS styles at once in dev tools

I want to debug an issue with CSS and want to start experimenting with all styles turned off. Is there a way in Google Chrome devtools, Firebug or any other dev tool to turn off all styles at once, so that I can start turning them on one by one to see how it affects the elements?
Use an add on called "Web Developer". It's available for different browsers and available here:
You can disable styles from there. It even has many more features.

Can't register style to dev-tools

I created a test extension, to change a few things and maybe add some features to Firefox built-in devtools.
I set up a basic extension, with content css and the usual files, and chrome.manifest:
content devtooltweaks content/
style chrome://browser/content/devtools/framework/toolbox.xul chrome://devtooltweaks/content/devToolStyle.css
Although I can go to "chrome://devtooltweaks/content/devToolStyle.css" and see that file exists in the browser, DOM inspector doesn't show the style applying, I can't see the stylesheet listed either. It's been a long time since I did extension development, is there a step I'm missing here? Or is it not permitted to change the built in dev tools, similar to how it's not permitted in Chrome?
It looks like the style is imported, but not shown as a stylesheet in the DOM Inspector, I also may not have been using firefox -purgecaches. It's working now.

Dojo's Support towards CSS3

Does Dojo have any work around to support CSS3
Box shadow
Rounded Corner
cross browser support. if not what you guys will suggest with an app build on Dojo to acheive the above.
It does for most browsers except IE (AFAIK), using the claro theme makes it easy as it's built on top of the lesscss framework and mixins are provided to make gradiends, box-shadows and Rounded corners... See to check what it looks like in the different browsers you target...
You can easily extend those lesscss mixins to add shims for IE with whatever tricks you need (PIE for example. See
To get you started quickly, have a look at these files :
dijit/themes/claro/variables.less : that's where you put your theme's custom variables (colors, etc.)
dijit/themes/claro/compile.js : that's the script you launch to recompile your theme after you made modifications to your .less files. This requires you install nodejs. It's documented in the README file in the same directory.
Of course, it's better not to touch any of the claro theme's files directly as they may be overriden if you update dojo, but the compile.js script is a good starting point for creating your own theme-building script based on your own needs and structure.

Chrome Developer Tools: inspect prettified CSS

If you want to look at the CSS of other people's websites (to steal learn from them), Firebug lets you inspect the prettified CSS:
But in Chrome 16, you only get the minified CSS as it was served out:
Is there a way to get Chrome to prettify the CSS?
In the newer versions there is a "format" button that prettifies the source:
(only just realised myself :P )
The Developer's console shows the file as served. If you want a human-readable version, copy-paste the code to
If you use the Elements tab, the applied CSS properties are also shown per element.
I recommend Quick Source Viewer, which is an extension to chrome and requires no human copy-pasting (acts sort of like an extra chrome dev-tool).
It can show you the source of the current page formatted and colour coded.
It's pretty powerful, showing all 'sources' of the page, be it css, js or html. Even things like inline css/js can be viewed individually (with injected code highlighted). And the best part is it prettifies all of them, even the css (which chrome's dev tools still refuses to do).
You may want to checkout Pretty Print:
After installing, when you view a minified CSS or JS file, it will appear (after a moment) un-minified.
