Is it possible to create new custom permissions in wso2 identity server 5.9 - wso2-api-manager

Hi I am newbie to Wso2 identity server ,using server version 5.9. I can able to add new users and new roles.Is it possible to add custom permissions that are not in the default list.

There are a few possible ways for you to add custom permissions in the WSO2 identity server.
Method 01:
You can create a service provider and add application-specific permissions to the current registry permission tree. To see how you can do this please refer to [1].
Method 02:
You can add new permissions to the existing permission tree through the registry browse in the Management Console. To see how you can follow this approach please refer to [2].
Method 03:
You can also add custom permissions to the registry through a programmatical approach. To see how you can do this please refer to [3].


JFrog artifactory anonymous access is not working

I have free tier account with JFrog. It is working great to hold build artifacts from my Bitbucket pipeline runner.
Now I created a separate artifactory to hold content that I want to provide anonymous access to. What I mean by that is that anyone with link to an artifact can download it without having to login to JFrog space.
I enabled Anonymous access from Admin panels. Then I created a new permission rule for this specific repository; Added anonymous as one of the users with read access.
I tried to access a link under this artifactory. I am being prompted for password.
Wondering what the trick is.

Unable to find read and write items and lists in all site collections permission in Azure Active Directory

I am working on Webhook for SharePoint notification using the Get started with SharePoint webhooks. I have registered the application as a Web Application and tried to provide read and write items and lists in all site collections permission. I have checked both delegated and application permissions but i am not able to find these permission.
Delegate permission screenshot
Application permission screenshot
I have followed all the steps except step 1. Can someone tell me how to provide this permission?
Based on the link you provided, you are using Authorization Code flow as the grant type.
So you need to add Delegate permission rather than Application permission.
And what you need to add is AllSites.Manage under SharePoint (NOT Microsoft Graph).

Evernote Access Permission change from Basic to Full

while generating Evernote API key I had selected Basic Access permission. Now I would want to change it to Full Permission. How can I do that? Pls. help.
If your application is already in production, contact Evernote's developer support. If you're still sandboxed, then you can probably just autogenerate a new key with Full permissions and use that instead.

How to create FTP accounts for each registered user

I want that when a user sign up on my website, a FTP account will be created for him. So every user can access their folder using File Zilla.
I am assuming that you can create a new ftp user via the command line and use chroot to limit him to a particular directory. And one of the answers at gives you a way to stop 'sudo' from asking you for the password on the command line. Then its purely a matter of building an interface, and invoking system() or exec() to run the commands.
It is really hard to tell from your question what exactly you want to do. This is a very complex subject that involves a lot of work you need to do in order to achieve this.
If you are using an custom membership provider you can create the folder there(for example).
Then you need to create a custom authentication provider for IIS which is not an easy task on it's own. Check out this and this blog posts from Robert McMurray. This module will use your user data in your database that you fill in with the custom membership provider.
Then finally you need to provide each user access to his/her own folder trough user isolation in FTP in IIS.

How to set folder permissions with .NET?

Is it possible to use a small .NET page to set folder permissions on some folders on the server where it resides? What is the code or objects that can be used for this? I am on Windows Server 2003.
Basically I want to hit the page with a GET or POST and have it run and check and/or update the permissions on a folder.
There's a number of possible ways to approach this.
One is to use the FileIOPermissions class, which allows you to specify permissions on files and folders.
The other option is to use the DirectorySecurity class within the System.Security.AccessControl Namespace, and specifically the SetAccessControl Method of that class.
This second method should provide you with much more granularity and control over the setting of permissions as the System.Security.AccessControl namespace allows you to programmatically create or modify discretionary access control lists (DACLs) and system access control lists (SACLs) for a number of protected resources such as files, folders, and so on.
Irrespective of the method you choose to perform the permission setting, you will need to be mindful of the account that your ASP.NET-driven code is running under. You say you are using Windows Server 2003, so you're probably using IIS version 6.0. By default, IIS 6.0 will run all user code under the "Network Service" account, which is a low-privilege account and will have limited permissions outside of the IIS processes and the website hierarchy. You can read the MSDN article, "How To: Use the Network Service Account to Access Resources in ASP.NET" regarding accessing resources on the server side and exactly what access you will have under this account.
Depending upon the exact nature of what you want to do, you may also need to look into ASP.NET Impersonation to enable your server side code to run under the context of a different account. See the MSDN article, "How To: Use Impersonation and Delegation in ASP.NET 2.0" for more information on that.
You can use the FileIOPermission class to do this. Just make sure the user under which the website is running has this permission to do all the security settings.
