Especially i’m working with a ScrollView.
I’d like to be notified when scrolling passed certain elements
You could get the scrolled by handling the Scrolled event of the ScrollView
<ScrollView Scrolled="ScrollView_Scrolled" >
private double Position = 0;
private void ScrollView_Scrolled(object sender, ScrolledEventArgs e)
var scrollView = sender as ScrollView;
if (Position < e.ScrollY)
//scrolled down
Position = e.ScrollY;
//do something you want
//scrolled up
if (Convert.ToInt16(e.ScrollY) == 0)
Position = 0;
//do something you want
notifie when scrolling passed certain elements
I don't think we could implement it even in specific platforms . But as a workaround , we could use AbsoluteLayout and lisnten the e.ScrollY to judge if the ScrollView scroll to some specific elements .
I have a page that hosts a CollectionView and Map.
there is a list of items, the ItemsSource of the CollectionView is set to this list and the map pins are drawn based on this list, there's a requirement that when the user scrolls the CollectionView the opposite map pin is highlighted, and when the pin is clicked the CollectionView is scrolled to that item.
I use ScrollTo and Scrolled event. but the problem is that when the ScrollTo is called the Scrolled event is fired too, and that causes a lag or some unexpected behavior.
I tried to set a flag:
private int centerIndex = -1;
bool userScroll;
private void CollectionView_Scrolled(object sender, ItemsViewScrolledEventArgs args)
if (centerIndex != args.CenterItemIndex)
if (userScroll)
MessagingCenter.Send<object, int>(this, Keys.GoToLocation, args.CenterItemIndex);
userScroll = true;
centerIndex = args.CenterItemIndex;
private void ScrollToVehicle(object arg1, Item item)
if (collectionView.ItemsSource != null && collectionView.ItemsSource.Cast<Item>().Contains(item))
userScroll = false;
collectionView.ScrollTo(item, position: ScrollToPosition.Center, animate: false);
but the problem is that Scrolled event is called multiple times (inside the if statement)
Try to unsubscribe from the CollectionView_Scrolled before call the ScrollTo
collection.Scrolled -= CollectionView_Scrolled;
I am attempting to change the size of the back arrow in the navigation bar.
Using information from this article, I have added the following code:
protected override Task<bool> OnPushAsync(Page view, bool animated)
var result = base.OnPushAsync(view, animated);
var activity = (Activity) Context;
var toolbar = activity.FindViewById<Toolbar>(Resource.Id.toolbar);
if (toolbar != null)
if (toolbar.NavigationIcon != null)
if (toolbar.NavigationIcon is DrawerArrowDrawable navigationIcon)
// Code goes here?
return result;
If this is indeed the correct path, what code goes in the area marked by the comment "Code goes here?"?
I realized that what I am trying to figure out was not exactly described in my original question.
More specifically, when I mentioned that I am trying to resize the navigation bar back arrow, what I am really trying to do is to resize the button that the icon appears on.
For example, if I shrink the height of the navigation bar using code like the following:
The button that the icon appears on will be clipped.
Ultimately, what I am trying to accomplish is resizing the icon AND the button that the icon appears on. I have already figured out how to do the former.
I am attempting to change the size of the back arrow in the navigation bar.
If you want to change size of the back button in the navigation bar, you can get new icon from Drawable in resource for toolbar.NavigationIcon.
public class NavigationPageRenderer : Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.AppCompat.NavigationPageRenderer
public AppCompToolbar toolbar;
public Activity context;
protected override Task<bool> OnPushAsync(Page view, bool animated)
var retVal = base.OnPushAsync(view, animated);
context = (Activity)Forms.Context;
toolbar = context.FindViewById<AppCompToolbar>(Droid.Resource.Id.toolbar);
if (toolbar != null)
if (toolbar.NavigationIcon != null)
if (toolbar.NavigationIcon is DrawerArrowDrawable navigationIcon)
// Code goes here?
toolbar.NavigationIcon = Android.Support.V7.Content.Res.AppCompatResources.GetDrawable(context, Resource.Drawable.back);
toolbar.Title = "Back";
return retVal;
Here is the sample you can take a look:
<NavigationPage.TitleView> will help you out there. This is a XAML approach.
Using this approach you will be able to set HeightRequest and WidthRequest of whatever element you place inside the StackLayout and whatever else you want to amend.
Also, note that if you are having icon size problems it may be worth looking into whether or not your drawable/ icons are the right size for the right resolution.
I've got an Editor which is tall enough to accommodate multiple lines of input. The editor is at the bottom of the screen if it matters. Once multiple lines are entered, if you move the cursor up a line, the entire view shifts downward, so the line you just left is now obscured by the keyboard. I'd like it to not do this unless the line the cursor is on is either off screen or close to being off screen. Sort of like how the built in Android message app works. Here's what I mean in pictures.
Default state, everything looks good. We have 3 lines of input
I move the cursor up one line: notice that the entire view has shifted down one line and so "line 3" is now obscured. I don't want this behavior (it among other things hides some UI elements).
This is the Android messaging app. This is the behavior I want: when you move the cursor to that next line, the view doesn't just shift downward. If you have enough lines to scroll past the visible area, Android just shifts the text and not the entire view to accommodate it.
In essence, I just want the contents of the editor to shift (when appropriate) and not the entire window.
I managed to figure it out. Firstly, in MainActivity.cs, after the LoadApplication call, I added this:
Using the default or .Pan didn't work at all. Note that just doing this didn't fix the issue. I also had to take the class that's described here and use it. Without that class, things didn't work correctly. Also the "alternative method" described on that page didn't work (which was basically just changing the soft input mode adjust).
In the event that the link I mentioned dies, here's the class. I did slightly modify it so that by default it is not enabled. You just set Disabled = false on it to enable it. Also you call the static method Init to initialize the class.
public class AndroidBug5497WorkaroundForXamarinAndroid
private readonly View _childOfContent;
private readonly FrameLayout.LayoutParams _frameLayoutParams;
private int _usableHeightPrevious;
public static AndroidBug5497WorkaroundForXamarinAndroid Instance { get; private set; }
private bool _disabled = true;
public bool Disabled
get => _disabled;
if (_disabled != value)
_disabled = value;
if (_disabled)
_childOfContent.ViewTreeObserver.GlobalLayout -= PossiblyResizeChildOfContent;
_childOfContent.ViewTreeObserver.GlobalLayout += PossiblyResizeChildOfContent;
public static void Init(Activity activity)
if (Instance != null)
Instance = new AndroidBug5497WorkaroundForXamarinAndroid(activity);
private AndroidBug5497WorkaroundForXamarinAndroid(Activity activity)
FrameLayout content = (FrameLayout)activity.FindViewById(Android.Resource.Id.Content);
_childOfContent = content.GetChildAt(0);
_frameLayoutParams = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams)_childOfContent.LayoutParameters;
private void PossiblyResizeChildOfContent(object sender, EventArgs e)
int usableHeightNow = ComputeUsableHeight();
if (usableHeightNow != _usableHeightPrevious)
var usableHeightSansKeyboard = _childOfContent.RootView.Height;
var heightDifference = usableHeightSansKeyboard - usableHeightNow;
_frameLayoutParams.Height = usableHeightSansKeyboard - heightDifference;
_usableHeightPrevious = usableHeightNow;
private int ComputeUsableHeight()
Rect r = new Rect();
return (r.Bottom - r.Top);
I'm displaying some information to the user in QScrollArea.
The user should have seen all contents, before she can proceed (at least the content should have been scrolled to the end)
How could I detect this in an easily?
Is the reimplementing of virtual void scrollContentsBy (int dx,int dy) the only way?
I was able to solve it, but had to use some workarounds:
Scroll-action value sent by the signal actionTriggered(int) had never the value QAbstractSlider::SliderToMaximum (Qt4.8, Windows 7). So I've checked manually, if the slider value is close to maximum.
Even if scroll-bar widget was dragged by mouse till the bottom, the value of the scroll-bar is never the maximum. Only if the scroll-bar widget is moved by any other event such as arrow-down or mouse wheel, the value may become maximum. I've work-arounded it with recheckPosition()
I hope, there are better solutions.
void NegativeConfirmation::recheckPosition()
void NegativeConfirmation::processScrollAction( int evt)
if ( evt == QAbstractSlider::SliderToMaximum) // Have not managed to receive this action
//Another approach
QWidget * sw = ui->scrollArea->widget();
if ( sw ) //any content at all ?
QScrollBar * sb = ui->scrollArea->verticalScrollBar();
if ( sb )
int sbv = sb->value();
int sbm = sb->maximum()-10;
if ( sbm>0 && sbv >= sbm )
QTimer::singleShot(1000, this, SLOT(recheckPosition()));
QScrollArea inherits QAbstractSlider which provides this signal: -
void QAbstractSlider::actionTriggered(int action)
Where action can be QAbstractSlider::SliderToMaximum.
I expect you can connect to the this signal and test when the action is QAbstractSlider::SliderToMaximum, representing that the user has scrolled to the bottom.
I think there is a simple solution to this question, just not simple enough for me to find it.
How do you constrain a TitleWindow in Flex 3 from being dragged off the screen/stage? Is there a way to restrict the TitleWindow to the viewing area?
Example: Let's say I have an application that take 100% of the screen. Next, I create a TitleWindow via the PopUpManager. I can then proceed to click and hold (drag) that window off the screen, then release the mouse button. That window is now lost off-screen somewhere. Is there a way to keep the window from being dragged beyond the viewing area?
Thanks for the help in advance.
this is a very old post, but here's another way of doing it:
Whether you are extending the component or not, in the TitleWindow definition add the following line: move:"doMove(event)"
Import the Application library (import mx.core.Application;)
and add the doMove function:
private function doMove(event:Event):void
{//keeps TW inside layout
var appW:Number=Application.application.width;
var appH:Number=Application.application.height;
For flex 4 the answer is here:
You can set its isPopUp property to false to prevent it from being dragged in the first place.
var popupWin:TitleWindow = PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, TitleWindow);
popupWin.isPopUp = false;
I don't know if the DragManager class in flex supports bounds checking, but if you really want to allow dragging but limit its bounds, you can still set isPopUp to false and implement the dragging code yourself so that the component never goes outside the limits specified by you. Check startDrag() method for an example. Bounds rectangle is the key.
Flex 4
<s:TitleWindow xmlns:fx=""
protected function windowMovingHandler(event:TitleWindowBoundsEvent):void
var appBounds:Rectangle = parentApplication.getBounds(DisplayObject(parentApplication));
// for better precision, corect appBounds manualy, or, instead of "parentApplication.getBounds..." create new rectangle of your application size
Subclass the TitleWindow and add a canvas over the title bar as a drag proxy. Then you can explicity call startDrag with a boundary rectangle.
This is pretty skeletal, but should put you on the path...
The reason for the proxy is you may get some weird behavior when you click the titleBar label if you don't have the canvas over it.
public class MyTitleWindow extends TitleWindow
public var titleBarOverlay:Canvas;
override protected function createChildren():void
titleBarOverlay = new Canvas();
titleBarOverlay.width = this.width;
titleBarOverlay.height = this.titleBar.height;
titleBarOverlay.alpha = 0;
titleBarOverlay.setStyle("backgroundColor", 0x000000);
override protected function updateDisplayList(w:Number, h:Number):void
super.updateDisplayList(w, h);
titleBarOverlay.width = this.width;
titleBarOverlay.height = this.titleBar.height;
private function addListeners():void
titleBarOverlay.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onTitleBarPress, false, 0, true);
titleBarOverlay.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onTitleBarRelease, false, 0, true);
private function onTitleBarPress(event:MouseEvent):void
// Here you can set the boundary using owner, parent, parentApplication, etc.
this.startDrag(false, new Rectangle(0, 0, parent.width - this.width, parent.height - this.height));
private function onTitleBarRelease(event:Event):void
You could simply override the move function and prevent "illegal" movement (it is called internally by the Panel drag management).
I think that you also should listen on stage resize, because reducing it (e.g. if the user resize the browser window) could send your popup out of stage even without actually moving it.
public class MyTitleWindow extends TitleWindow {
public function MyTitleWindow() {
// use a weak listener, or remember to remove it
stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onStageResize,
false, EventPriority.DEFAULT, true);
private function onStageResize(event:Event):void {
override public function move(x:Number, y:Number):void {
super.move(x, y);
private function restoreOutOfStage():void {
// avoid the popup from being positioned completely out of stage
// (use the actual width/height of the popup instead of 50 if you
// want to keep your *entire* popup on stage)
var topContainer:DisplayObjectContainer =
var minX:int = 50 - width;
var maxX:int = topContainer.width - 50;
var minY:int = 0;
var maxY:int = topContainer.height - 50;
if (x > maxX)
x = maxX
else if (x < minX)
x = minX;
if (y > maxY)
y = maxY
else if (y < minY)
y = minY;
In your TitleWindow's creationComplete handler add the following:
This will do the job.
On the other hand, if you have a custom skin, you can remove the "moveArea" part. This should work, too.