How can i edit jupyter notebook from terminal without opening web browser? - jupyter-notebook

How can I edit my jupyter notebook in terminal.
I just don't like to open jupyter notebook in web browser.
I google out but every answer is related to how can we open notebook from terminal directly.

I'd suggest looking at Jupytext's ability to do command line conversions back-and-forth from the notebook json structure to a python script (or markdown). If you already have the backbone of a notebook (.ipynb) file, you can convert it to .py script using jupytext --to py notebook.ipynb. That makes a text file that is easy to edit in your favorite terminal based text editor. The json in the .ipynb files is not as easy to edit directly.
Then when you are done editing, you can convert the .py script form back to a notebook with something like jupytext --to notebook Optionally, you can even execute it without opening a browser by adding --execute. I have an example conversion-and-execution command in use here.


Open jupyter notebook from .py in pycharm

I am using Pycharm 2021.2.3 pro.
Is it possible to open a .py file as a jupyter notebook from within pycharm?
In the classical jupyter notebook, it is possible to open a .py file as a notebook and work with it like with a classical .ipynb (adding markdown etc.).
This allows to work on the full notebook without worrying about cells ordering like with a classical python script. When the script is ready, it is then possible to switch to the notebook view with its nice presentation features.
we did this when creating dash apps, you make the .py file upload and refer to it by way of importing as we do with regular python libraries

Where does Jupyter Notebook save files?

So I'm just beginning my programming/coding journey. I've downloaded Anaconda and made a shortcut for Jupyter Notebook on my desktop. I tried using my first file the other day, and I'm not sure where it's being saved to. Also, I basically don't want Jupyter to save any Notebook I do once I close the Notebook, unless I specifically save it myself - I just use it for 'working out' if you like.
Here is the image showing what I mean
Like, where is that untitled.ipynb file being saved? And, how can I adjust my settings in Jupyter Notebook such that these files aren't saved and are discarded automatically so I can use them as I describe just for 'working out'?
By default the ipynb files are stored to your user profile:
How to disable autosave has already been described here:
Turn Off Autosave in IPython Notebook
I don't recommend doing that.

How to I stop Jupyter Notebooks from creating and opening the HTML file?

Whenever I start a Jupyter Notebook, it creates and automatically opens an HTML file. How do I stop this? HTML files are opened by default on my system in my text editor, not my web browser, and my terminal allows me to click links to open them, and the link to the notebook is in the output of the command, so I don't need the link in the HTML file.
Should have thought of it first, but the help file answered the question (jupyter notebook --help):
jupyter notebook --no-browser

Cannot import .py file to ipython notebook

With apologies in advance for the "I can't get it to work" question: How should I load a .py file into ipython notebook? I want to convert python code to notebooks (first simple scripts and later scripts that include nbconvert directives embedded as comments-- see bottom of the linked file.)
Perhaps I'm doing it wrong, but perhaps there's something wrong with my set-up. When I drag a .py file to the Notebook's file list, I get the message
Invalid file type: Uploaded notebooks must be .ipynb files.
I even tried changing the extension to .ipynb (keeping the python script unmodified); reasonably enough, I got an error:
Error loading notebook: Bad request
Any idea what's going wrong?
System information: I'm on OS X (10.8, Mountain Lion), using Firefox 28.0 and Anaconda 1.9.2 (x86_64), which supplies python 2.7.6 and ipython 2.0. Anaconda is not on the default PATH; I add it in a bash session from which I then launch notebook with ipython notebook, and I'm able to open and edit .ipynb files normally in the browser.
But I do get some curious behavior:
When exporting from notebook as a .py file, I don't get the control comments documented here but a simpler format, without version number:
# coding: utf-8
# In[ ]:
print "This is a slide"
## Top-level title
### Second-level heading
#### Third-level heading
# This is some `markdown` text.
# And some more here.
Any idea what's going on here?
The same format is generated by ipython nbconvert. However, if I start the notebook server with ipython notebook --script (which exports the notebook as a python script every time it is saved), the result contains the nbconvert directives we need to convert back to a notebook!
I had the same problem.
This post helped:
How to load/edit/run/save text files (.py) into an IPython notebook cell?
Basically, we just have to use the following command in the cell. And the .py file has to be in the same directory.
I'm not sure why notebook doesn't support this natively, but I've concluded that the answer is: It can't be done from the command line or notebook GUI.
Control comments like <markdowncell> can only be interpreted by accessing notebook's API through python, as shown by #CliffordVienna in this answer to my related question.
import IPython.nbformat.current as nbf
nb ='', 'r'), 'py')
nbf.write(nb, open('test.ipynb', 'w'), 'ipynb')
Edit: The above method does not work with the current version (v4) of the Notebook API, so I have added this self-answer to show how it's done.
If you only need to import a local file, first use:
to place the .pynb file's directory in sys.path, and then import the local file.

Save ipython notebook as script programmatically

The excellent ipython notebook has a handy --script command line flag that automatically saves a copy of the notebook as a .py script file (removing any header and markdown cells). Is there a way to switch this feature on from inside the notebook itself after the notebook is opened? Apparently, this option is not accessible to the %config magic.
Is there a way to have a cell that does this conversion? Is there any command-line tool I could use to do the conversion, and just have that in a shell command run from the notebook? (It seems that nbconvert does not output to .py.)
The reason I ask is that I have a git repository of notebooks, and I need to make sure the .py files are kept up to date when users change the notebooks themselves because the .py files are used to create c++ code from the contents of the notebooks. But I can't rely on users to set the --script flag because they'll always forget. (And I include myself in that group of users.)
Better yet (at least for my purposes): ipython respects local copies of the file. So I can just add
c = get_config()
c.NotebookManager.save_script = True
to such a file in my notebook directory. Apparently, ipython first reads ~/.ipython/profile_default/, and then reads the local copy of that file. So it's safe to use without worrying about demolishing the user settings.
This was not at all clear to me from the documentation, but I just tried it and it worked.
Oh. My mistake. nbconvert can handle conversions to script. So I can do something like this:
!ipython nbconvert --to python MyNB.ipynb
Of course, this line will get saved to the script, which means the script will try to re-save the notebook to itself every time it's executed. That's a bit circular, and I can imagine it could cause problems with some of my more outlandish hacks. Instead, we can ensure that it's only run from ipython by wrapping it as follows:
try :
if(__IPYTHON__) :
!ipython nbconvert --to python MyNB.ipynb
except NameError :
Note that the conversion process will automatically convert the ! syntax to something that is acceptable to plain python. This is apparently not the case with the --script conversion. So the extra-safe way to do this is
try :
if(__IPYTHON__) :
get_ipython().system(u'ipython nbconvert --to python MyNB.ipynb')
except NameError :
