Segregating lab Hyper-V environment using NAT Switch network - networking

I'm creating a Hyper-V lab network on my machine and wanted them to have internet access as well as communication to each other in the lab. I used Powershell to create a new NAT switch for the ethernet adapter and all works as expected. My lab machines are on the same subnet and can talk to each other and have external internet access.
My question is how can I ensure that my lab machines can't affect my home machines? I can ping other machines in my home network from lab machines which concerns me that my lab could possibly send out DHCP IPs, other settings, or viruses to my home machines.
Sorry new to this and want to learn how to ensure the separation of the two networks? Or is the only real way to separate the two is to only use the NAT switch when I absolutely need internet?

By having a proper router somewhere in front and putting the home network under the same style of NAT setup. That will mean you can not reach the home network from the lab.
That said, you do not ahve to worry about DHCP - DHCP is only local broadcast domain and does not cross routing (unless you use a forwarder which has to be excplicitly set up in the target network).


How to use ICS with multiple VMs without losing the explictly set IP addresses for each VM's Network Interface

I am using VMware Workstation on a Windows 10 machine to add a Ubuntu Server and a Windows Server VM. This is to complete a virtual networking (firewall packet filtering) exercise using GNS3. The goal is to have 3 separate networks routed using virtual CISCO routers so I really need to have the IP of machines explicitly set to simulate different networks.
All of this is fine and I can ping from the host to the machines and the machines to the host but I'd also like to somehow be able to access Internet through each of the machines.
When I use Internet Connection Sharing and specify a single virtual adapter it warns me and changes the IP range to 192.168.137.x which is not desirable. When I want to use ICS for both VMs I create a bridged connection and apply ICS to that but again it changes my IP settings.
Is there a way I can share my hosts Internet Connection with each of the machines but keep the IP addresses and ranges I require?
Or, do I have to approach this a completely different way?
BTW, I'm using the Network Adapter type of 'Host Only' rather than Bridged or NAT as I cannot explicitly set IP addresses on those options.
I was overthinking it.
Using VMware I simply had to add an additional device Network Adapter (under VM > Settings) with a type of NAT to enable the VM to share my host's Internet. Of course, the existing interfaces (with the explicitly set IPs) were kept in place so it did not affect my virtual networking environment.

How to use Vim to edit files using SCP but across different Subnets?

I'm learning about Networks and recently found out that the SCP protocol is used to edit files on some other computer. Now the thing is that the other computer should be on the same network. So I was curious about how to edit files across different networks?
Additional information: In my college we have computer labs. Each lab has exactly one switch. All the computers in a particular lab are connected to the switch. Also all of the labs have Internet connection. So if I want to edit a file using VIM on a computer that my friend is on but he is on a different lab, then how can I do it?
Application-level protocols like SSH and HTTP use an underlying TCP/IP connection; they work regardless of the subnet (barring extended networking features like firewalls, packet filters, network proxies, etc.)
So, if your friend's computer is reachable via the Internet, or just the local lab network, and you have the IP address / DNS name of his computer, and the corresponding port (22 for SSH / SCP) is not blocked, and you have a login on his computer, you can remotely edit files there.
If your end goal is remote editing, I would approach this via these steps, each building on top of the previous one:
ping othercomputer
ssh user#othercomputer
In Vim: :edit scp://user#othercomputer/path/to/file

Is VirtualBox NAT networking fundamentally different than VMWare NAT?

I'm trying to debug a problem I'm having understanding the difference between the NAT network adapter in VirtualBox and the NAT network adapter in VMWare Fusion. So far, I can configure VMWare and achieve my desired result, but I cannot achieve this in VirtualBox. In a VMWare VM, I'm able to use a NAT network adapter to achieve the following:
The guest is assigned it's own unique IP address
The guest has access to the outside Internet
The host can ping the guest and ssh to it
The guest can ping the host and ssh to it
The guest can resolve (internal) domain names just like the Host
I thought I saw that this was possible in VirtualBox, but now I'm thinking it's not possible. Perhaps there is some option that is close to VMWare, in which I manually modify /etc/resolv.conf in the guest to match that of the host? I did find a few questions that seem to indicate I should instead be using Bridged mode in VirtualBox, e.g. this question: Can't ping to VirtualBox instance , in which both answers appear to suggest VirtualBox's NAT adapter doesn't support the functionality I want:
It is quite obvious that when you are using NAT it will be impossible to ping host after NAT. It is how the NAT works... even if you will have real not virtual host the bechaviour will be the same.
You need to change networking mode from NAT to bridged, and ping should start working in both directions.
Also, answers to this question seem to back up the above: How to ping ubuntu guest on VirtualBox
Is it true that a NAT adapter in VirtualBox cannot be ping'ed from the Host OS?
I have used virtual box for years and I also have 2-3 years experience in computer networking.
Yes, in virtual box you can't ping the guest that use NAT from the host and this also how NAT works in real life. In real life, if you want to be able to contact a host behind NAT, you have to set a port forwarding rules where the connection to a certain port of the router will be forwarded to a certain machine. This must be done on the router.
To enable port forwarding in virtual box environment, select the Network pane in the virtual machine’s configuration window, expand the Advanced section, and click the Port Forwarding button. Note that this button is only active if you’re using a NAT network type – you only need to forward ports if you’re using a NAT (

Configuring vmware networking to access static IP

I have a dedicated virtual debian server running with my website, and now have a copy of that so that I can try some configurations by running it virtually on my own PC. It runs fine, but I'm unable to access the machine through http.
The problem is that my machine has a fixed ip, something like 194.247.x.x . My home network however has computers in the range of 192.168.1.x
Is it possible to not change anything in my virtual machine and still configure vmware networking so that I'm able to access the websites it's running?
The only way I can see this happening for you is to use NAT (Network Address Translation) between your home network and your VM.
To do this, you could use a free software based router - something like Vyatta ( - and create a VM with two NICs - one with an IP on your home network, and the other with an IP on the same network as your VM. You then configure NAT to translate your home IP to your web server IP and then you're done.
There's nothing 'de-facto' VMware that will allow you to do this (other than using vShield - which will do NAT'ing anyway)...

VMWare Player on laptop - maintaining connection when wireless disconnected

I'm a complete newbie to VMWare and troubleshooting networking issues.
I'm running the buildix app through VMWare Player on my laptop. Things work fine when I'm connected to my home wireless network.
However, when I'm not connected to a network, my wireless card is turned off (eg., to save power) or when I'm connected to another wireless network, the Buildix appliance / VMWare player fails to get an ip address.
I only want the appliance to be able to communicate with my laptop.
I've tried this in all 3 networking modes : Host-Only (which is what I believe I want), NAT and Bridged, all with no success.
I've also taken a look at the settings by running vmnetcfg.exe in the VMWare Player install dir, but can't see anything obvious here.
Can someone please assist?
Host-Only mode is probably the way to go in your case. The problem is NAT and Bridged mode are relying on some third-party DHCP server to provide an IP address, and that server is not available when you are running disconnected.
VMware Workstation (not sure about Player) provides a built-in DHCP server if your machine is configured onto the right virtual network switch. You can also adjust which virtual switch has the DHCP server, what IP addresses it gives out, etc.
If Player does not support this feature, you may be forced into setting the IP address of the virtual machine manually. This is dependent on what OS you are running.
