How to duplicate input into outputs with jq? - unix

I'm trying to adapt the following snippet:
echo '{"a":{"value":"b"}, "c":{"value":"d"}}' \
| jq -r '. as $in | keys[] | [$in[.].value | tostring + " 1"] | #tsv'
b 1
d 1
to output:
b 1
b 2
d 1
d 2

The following adaptation produces the desired output:
echo '{"a":{"value":"b"}, "c":{"value":"d"}}' |
jq -r '
def addindex(start;lessthan):
range(start;lessthan) as $i | "\(.) \($i)";
. as $in
| keys[]
| $in[.].value
| addindex(1;3)'
Note that keys emits the key names after they have been sorted, whereas keys_unsorted retains the ordering.


how to print all key and one of the values from json using jq

I have a test.json file and I want to print:
prob1, 9
prob2, 10
prob3, 11
cat test.json | jq --raw-output '.[].abc'
return 9,10,11 but I am not sure how to print keys as well.
Two approaches:
jq -r 'to_entries[] | "\( .key ): \( )"'
Demo on jqplay
jq -r 'keys[] as $key | .[$key] | "\( $key ): \( .abc )"'
Demo on jqplay
jq -r 'to_entries[] | "\(.key): \("'
prob1: 9
prob2: 10
prob3: 11

rdflib::as_rdf only recognizes some IRIs

I am trying to convert a dataframe to RDF. The dataframe contains literals as well as IRIs.
I'm doing
test_withangles.rdf <-
rdflib::as_rdf(x = test_withangles,
key = 'uuid')
rdf_serialize(rdf = test_withangles.rdf, doc = "test_withangles.ttl")
| uuid | source_ontology | source_term |
| 7ca250c1-0747-4db0-b613-a1bb45848711 | <> | <> |
| e10acb95-e9d9-4804-a227-844f3e551c78 | <> | <> |
and getting
#base <localhost://> .
#prefix rdf: <> .
<df:source_ontology> <> ;
<df:source_term> "<>" .
<df:source_ontology> <> ;
<df:source_term> "<>" .
Why is it interpreting my source_term column as strings, instead of IRIs?

Unix awk - count of occurrences for each unique value

In Unix, I am printing the unique value for the first character in a field. I am also printing a count of the unique field lengths. Now I would like to do both together. Easy to do in SQL, but I'm not sure how to do this in Unix with awk (or grep, sed, ...).
awk -F'|' '{print substr($61,1,1)}' file_name.sqf | sort | uniq
awk -F'|' 'NR>1 {count[length($61)]++} END {print count[8] ", " count[10] ", " count[15]}' file_name.sqf | sort | uniq
first char, length 8, length 10, length 15
a, 10, , 150
b, 50, 43, 31
A, 20, , 44
B, 60, 83, 22
The fields that start with an upper or lower 'a' are never length 10.
The input file is a | delimited .sqf with no header. The field is varChar 15.
sample input
56789 | someValue | aValue | otherValue | 712345
46789 | someValue | bValue | otherValue | 812345
36789 | someValue | AValue | otherValue | 912345
26789 | someValue | BValue | otherValue | 012345
56722 | someValue | aValue | otherValue | 712345
46722 | someValue | bValue | otherValue | 812345
desired output
a: , , 2
b: 1, , 1
A: , , 1
B: , 1,
'a' has two instances that are length 15
'b' has one instance each of length 8 and 15
'A' has one instance that is length 15
'B' has one instance that is length 10
Thank you.
I think you need a better sample input file, but I guess that's what you're looking for
$ awk -F' \\| ' -v OFS=, '{k=substr($3,1,1); ks[k]; c[k,length($3)]++}
END {for(k in ks) print k": "c[k,6],c[k,10],c[k,15]}' file
A: 1,,
B: 1,,
a: 2,,
b: 2,,
note that since all lengths are 6, I printed that count instead of 8. With the right data you should be able to get the output you expect. Note however that the order is not preserved.

jq: error: number and object cannot be subtracted

I'm using jq 1.4 and am confused about the following situation. I can calculate a number, but get an error when I try to construct an object with this number:
echo '{"aggregations":{"sent":{"value":25},"bounced":{"value":null},"incoming_act":{"value":25}}}' |
jq '.aggregations
| {"num_sent": .sent.value, "num_incoming_act": .incoming_act.value }
| .num_sent as $x
| .num_incoming_act as $y
| $y-$x as $d
| $d'
works fine. But
echo '{"aggregations":{"sent":{"value":25},"bounced":{"value":null},"incoming_act":{"value":25}}}' |
jq '.aggregations
| {"num_sent": .sent.value, "num_incoming_act": .incoming_act.value }
| .num_sent as $x
| .num_incoming_act as $y
| $y-$x as $d
| {diff: $d}'
jq: error: number and object cannot be subtracted
doesn't work. Same happens when I ask for objects in the last part:
echo '{"aggregations":{"sent":{"value":25},"bounced":{"value":null},"incoming_act":{"value":25}}}' |
jq '.aggregations
| {"num_sent": .sent.value, "num_incoming_act": .incoming_act.value }
| .num_sent as $x
| .num_incoming_act as $y
| $y-$x as $d
| objects'
jq: error: number and object cannot be subtracted
I love jq's pipe system. However, something seems to be going on here. What is the "0" that I get in the first example? It doesn't seem to be a normal number 0. This works again:
jq -n ' 0 as $x | {diff: $x} '
echo '{"aggregations":{"sent":{"value":25},"bounced":{"value":null},"incoming_act":{"value":12}}}' | jq '.aggregations | {"num_sent": .sent.value, "num_incoming_act": .incoming_act.value } | {diff:(.num_sent as $x | .num_incoming_act as $y | $y-$x as $d | $d)}'
Will Produce:
"diff": -13
Difference being here;
Previous: .num_sent as $x | .num_incoming_act as $y | $y-$x as $d | {diff: $d}'
Now: {diff:(.num_sent as $x | .num_incoming_act as $y | $y-$x as $d | $d)}'
You can probably see by visualising the difference, where jq is processing things.
In the examples where you get an error, write ($y-$x) as $d rather than just $y-$x as $d. The parentheses are sometimes necessary, and always advisable, when writing (COMPOUND INFIX EXPRESSION) as $variable.
The parser treats expressions of the form:
3-2 as $d | EXPR
3-(2 as $d | EXPR)
This means that 3-2 as $d|$d is parsed as 3-(2 as $d|$d) which evaluates to 3-2. Notice, though, that in this case, $d itself has the value 2.

Is there a Unix style command like `column` that formats into a table?

Is there a command line tool that takes lines of delimiter-separated values and arranges them in a SQL-style table? E.g.,
id | name
1 | apple
2 | banana
3 | yogurt
With perl and format statement :
Input file:
$ cat file.scv
$ cat ./
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict; use warnings;
while (<>) {
$. == 2 and sep();
format STDOUT =
|#<< | #<<<<<<<<<<<|
split /,/
sub sep{ print "+----+-------------+\n"; }
$ ./ file.csv
|id | name |
|1 | apple |
|2 | banana |
|3 | yogurt |
