Google Analytics Traffic Source issue - google-analytics

I'm having an issue with Traffic sources. Sometimes when i'm receiving traffic it doesn't identify the sources and when i click on it displays false data. It could last for an hour and then it does fix itself.Here are the samples:
It shows "?????" on the Traffic source
When i click on it i see false numbers which are 100% incorrect
Here's how it should be on a regular day
Can anyone please advise what is wrong? How do i fix it?
Thank you in advance!

There is no a real solution however it is a false problem.
It's probably a real-time bug, here you can find here other users who have had the same problem:
The support does not seem to say anything about it, however it will resolve itself and does not compromise the data actually acquired.


Not showing Events per Client in Google Optimize <> GA4

We encountered a weird behavior after integrating Google Optimize with GA4.
The AB test is running, but we see "0" in the “Calculated Events per Client” column.
Did anyone have a similar situation?
The objective in the 1st screenshot below is a GA4 Conversion, which is tested and works as expected
we also have another objective on “Pageviews” that populates the “Calculated Events per Client” column with values (see the second screenshot)
we think a possible explanation relates to the number of decimals GO shows. But when we computed the numbers, we concluded that we still should be able to see at least 0.01 events per client
screenshot 1
screenshot 2
we tested the events. They work just fine
GA4 is also reporting as expected
Thanks for your time :D
Yes, I'm seeing something similar on my site.
GA4 is working fine.
Google Optimize says it is installed properly. However, it is recording 0 experiment sessions. I'm not sure why your screenshot refers to "Experiment Clients." I've never seen that before. Is it a server-side experiment?
Our GA4 account is setup with server-side tagging, however we doing just a regular client-side Optimize experiment.

Linking to product page gives "Not Available for bots to index" error on screen instead of the old style App Details
Linking to my app product page gives "Not Available for bots to index"
What is the proper syntax to place a href link to the product so that users online can view it as html?
I don't have a final solution, just a workaround.
We've been seeing the same issue with our own app for the past few days and we've started seeing reports of people encountering this with all kinds of apps, including even Microsoft's own AppInstaller. It seems to be a server-side rate-limiting/caching issue at Microsoft as changing anything in the URL fixes the problem temporarily -- only to get back to the same issue a few hours later. We also found that VPN-ing to some locations (mostly to the US) helped as well, and this throttling seems to be specific to an app & an availability region (when it got blocked, it blocked across all Europe, but not in US for example). It seems to come & go as we have not seen a big drop in new install counts.
As a temporary solution we ended up adding a random string to the end of the URL. We used GCLID as we found it to be the least offensive way -- it could just as well be a legitimate tracking ID we pass over. So now the URL we link to looks like this:[APPNAME]/[APPID]?gclid=f-3579a28842a7bcac7ba630d698829e9b
Where the "f-xxxx" value is generated using the md5() of the timestamp -- but it could be any ever-changing value, even a random number.
We've reached out to our MS contact about this but we haven't heard back yet.
I encountered the same issue half an hour ago, but it seems recovered now.
If you own an app, you can confirm Product identity in Partner Center:
You can share the direct link and Store ID to help customers find your app in the Store:
Store ID: 12CharsAppId
Store protocol link: ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=12CharsAppId
The above address would be recommended but the URL should also work.
I work on I can confirm that there was an issue on our end that appeared on August 23. This issue has been resolved.
And the proper link, of course, is this:[your product id here]

Google analytics geoid tag correct usage

I'm using Google Analytics to provide insights on use of an IoT device. The code I've got works fine and it picks up the location data automatically. When I add geoid tag though it is nulling to location.
I guess I'm doing something wrong. Can someone point me to the right direction?
Here is the code I'm using with geoid at the end:
The issue appears to be in the location's criteria ID.
Even though the ones I tried were on the spreadsheet and listed as valid, when I tried others they worked (it took a FEW goes to randomly select on that worked..).

How much time google analytic take to update a goal?

I am facing a problem in GA analytic. My own analytics tells the different thing about no. of user made sign up while GA tell something else.
This is the goal designation
The funneling is like
Is it something wrong with the goal created or analytics is telling me wrong.
You can get immediate results by going to realtime->conversions.
For the rest of reports it takes few hours, you just have to set the date range to "today"
Impossible to know anything else by viewing only the urls you posted, please debug by using the real time view

Tracking other websites' users (Analytics)

I was wondering if there was any (legal) way to track websites analytics of any random site.
What I mean is simple, is there a way to actually know how many people enter Google a month?
I read around and found that Alexa extrapolates data from users with their toolbar and some cookies, im not interested in that, I mean a true measurement.
Where would you have to start if you wanted to write something like this?
I guess this is no possible but I can´t really understand why, are there any illegal ways of doing this?
I read around and found that Alexa extrapolates data from users with their toolbar and some cookies, im not interested in that, I mean a true measurement.
Nope, there is no way to do that. That's why Alexa needs to rely on extrapolation.
You'll have to rely on what the sites tell you.
Some commercial sites use services like Nielsen that keep an "official" visitor count on whose basis advertising prices are calculated, but this is not the rule.
