How to create month-end date series using complete function? - r

Here is my toy dataset:
df <- tibble::tribble(
~date, ~value,
"2007-01-31", 25,
"2007-05-31", 31,
"2007-12-31", 26
I am creating month-end date series using the following code.
df %>%
mutate(date = as.Date(date)) %>%
complete(date = seq(as.Date("2007-01-31"), as.Date("2019-12-31"), by="month"))
However, I am not getting the correct month-end dates.
date value
<date> <dbl>
1 2007-01-31 25
2 2007-03-03 NA
3 2007-03-31 NA
4 2007-05-01 NA
5 2007-05-31 31
6 2007-07-01 NA
7 2007-07-31 NA
8 2007-08-31 NA
9 2007-10-01 NA
10 2007-10-31 NA
11 2007-12-01 NA
12 2007-12-31 26
What am I missing here? I am okay using other functions from any other package.

No need of complete function, you can do this in base R.
Since last day of the month is different for different months, we can create a sequence of monthly start dates and subtract 1 day from it.
seq(as.Date("2007-02-01"), as.Date("2008-01-01"), by="month") - 1
#[1] "2007-01-31" "2007-02-28" "2007-03-31" "2007-04-30" "2007-05-31" "2007-06-30"
# "2007-07-31" "2007-08-31" "2007-09-30" "2007-10-31" "2007-11-30" "2007-12-31"
Using the same logic in updated dataframe, we can do :
df %>%
mutate(date = as.Date(date)) %>%
tidyr::complete(date = seq(min(date) + 1, max(date) + 1, by="month") - 1)
# date value
# <date> <dbl>
# 1 2007-01-31 25
# 2 2007-02-28 NA
# 3 2007-03-31 NA
# 4 2007-04-30 NA
# 5 2007-05-31 31
# 6 2007-06-30 NA
# 7 2007-07-31 NA
# 8 2007-08-31 NA
# 9 2007-09-30 NA
#10 2007-10-31 NA
#11 2007-11-30 NA
#12 2007-12-31 26


Why does grepl work but not str_detect for mutate depending on row value?

I have been trying to wrap my head around this.
I need to create a corrected column based on detecting a specific comment at another "error" column in my database. I can work around this with grepl, but I am struggling with getting str_detect to work as well (it is usually faster for big datasets).
Here is an example database:
test <- tibble(
id = seq(1:30),
date = sample(seq(as.Date('2000/01/01'), as.Date('2018/01/01'), by="day"), 30),
error = c(rep(NA, 3), "wrong date! Correct date = 01.03.2022",
rep(NA, 5), "wrong date! Correct date = 01.05.2021",
rep(NA, 5), "wrong date! Correct date = 01.03.2022",
rep(NA, 7), "wrong date! Correct date = 01.05.2021",
rep(NA, 2), "date already corrected on 01.05.2021",
NA, "date already corrected on 01.03.2022", NA))
I first tried to create a new "date_corr" column with str_detect:
test %>%
mutate(date_corr=if_else(str_detect(error, "date \\= 01\\.03\\.2022$"), as.Date('2022/03/01'), date),
date_corr=if_else(str_detect(error, "date \\= 01\\.05\\.2021$"), as.Date('2021/05/01'), date_corr))
This yields:
A tibble: 30 × 4
id date error date_corr
<int> <date> <chr> <date>
1 1 2010-04-28 NA NA
2 2 2004-06-30 NA NA
3 3 2015-09-25 NA NA
4 4 2005-08-21 wrong date! Correct date = 01.03.2022 2022-03-01
5 5 2008-07-16 NA NA
6 6 2004-08-02 NA NA
7 7 2001-10-15 NA NA
8 8 2007-07-21 NA NA
9 9 2014-04-19 NA NA
10 10 2013-02-08 wrong date! Correct date = 01.05.2021 2021-05-01
# … with 20 more rows
Adding rowwise is irrelevant:
test %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(date_corr=if_else(str_detect(error, "date \\= 01\\.03\\.2022$"), as.Date('2022/03/01'), date),
date_corr=if_else(str_detect(error, "date \\= 01\\.05\\.2021$"), as.Date('2021/05/01'), date_corr))
A tibble: 30 × 4
# Rowwise:
id date error date_corr
<int> <date> <chr> <date>
1 1 2010-04-28 NA NA
2 2 2004-06-30 NA NA
3 3 2015-09-25 NA NA
4 4 2005-08-21 wrong date! Correct date = 01.03.2022 2022-03-01
5 5 2008-07-16 NA NA
6 6 2004-08-02 NA NA
7 7 2001-10-15 NA NA
8 8 2007-07-21 NA NA
9 9 2014-04-19 NA NA
10 10 2013-02-08 wrong date! Correct date = 01.05.2021 2021-05-01
# … with 20 more rows
However, with grepl I get the desired outcome, regardless of rowwise:
test %>%
mutate(date_corr=if_else(grepl("date \\= 01\\.03\\.2022$", error), as.Date('2022/03/01'), date),
date_corr=if_else(grepl("date \\= 01\\.05\\.2021$", error), as.Date('2021/05/01'), date_corr))
# A tibble: 30 × 4
id date error date_corr
<int> <date> <chr> <date>
1 1 2010-04-28 NA 2010-04-28
2 2 2004-06-30 NA 2004-06-30
3 3 2015-09-25 NA 2015-09-25
4 4 2005-08-21 wrong date! Correct date = 01.03.2022 2022-03-01
5 5 2008-07-16 NA 2008-07-16
6 6 2004-08-02 NA 2004-08-02
7 7 2001-10-15 NA 2001-10-15
8 8 2007-07-21 NA 2007-07-21
9 9 2014-04-19 NA 2014-04-19
10 10 2013-02-08 wrong date! Correct date = 01.05.2021 2021-05-01
# … with 20 more rows
test %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(date_corr=if_else(grepl("date \\= 01\\.03\\.2022$", error), as.Date('2022/03/01'), date),
date_corr=if_else(grepl("date \\= 01\\.05\\.2021$", error), as.Date('2021/05/01'), date_corr))
A tibble: 30 × 4
# Rowwise:
id date error date_corr
<int> <date> <chr> <date>
1 1 2010-04-28 NA 2010-04-28
2 2 2004-06-30 NA 2004-06-30
3 3 2015-09-25 NA 2015-09-25
4 4 2005-08-21 wrong date! Correct date = 01.03.2022 2022-03-01
5 5 2008-07-16 NA 2008-07-16
6 6 2004-08-02 NA 2004-08-02
7 7 2001-10-15 NA 2001-10-15
8 8 2007-07-21 NA 2007-07-21
9 9 2014-04-19 NA 2014-04-19
10 10 2013-02-08 wrong date! Correct date = 01.05.2021 2021-05-01
# … with 20 more rows
What I am missing here?
The difference is how they handle NA values
str_detect(NA, "missing")
# [1] NA
grepl("missing", NA)
# [1] FALSE
And note that if you have an NA value in the condition for if_else, it will also preserve the NA value
if_else(NA, 1, 2)
# [1] NA
The str_detect preserved the NA value. It's not clear what the "right" value should be. But if you want str_detect to have the same values as grepl, you can be explicit about not changing NA values
test %>%
mutate(date_corr=if_else(! & str_detect(error, "date \\= 01\\.03\\.2022$"), as.Date('2022/03/01'), date),
date_corr=if_else(! & str_detect(error, "date \\= 01\\.05\\.2021$"), as.Date('2021/05/01'), date_corr))

Replace missing values in R dataframe

I have data:
And I would like to replace missing values with means, so that the end result would look like this:
You can use zoo::na.approx:
# [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 4 3
One way would be to use na_interpolation from imputeTS library:
imputeTS::na_interpolation(c(1, NA, NA, 4))
# 1 2 3 4
imputeTS::na_interpolation(c(6, NA, NA, 3))
# 6 5 4 3
I consider that you have multiple price cols, where you got the price. Then you want to create a new column named Price which is the mean and without NA values.
Date <- c("2021-01-01","2021-01-02","2021-01-03","2021-01-04","2021-01-05",
"2021-01-06", "2021-01-07", "2021-01-08","2021-01-09", "2021-01-08","2021-01-09")
your.price.col1 <- c(floor(runif(9,0,100)),NA,NA)
your.price.col2 <- c(floor(runif(9,0,100)),33,44)
df <- data.frame(Date, your.price.col1,your.price.col2)
# slice your price cols, which you want to include in the mean with [2:3] for col1 and col2
df %>%
mutate(Price = rowMeans(df[2:3], na.rm=T))
Date your.price.col1 your.price.col2 Price
1 2021-01-01 96 55 75.5
2 2021-01-02 22 43 32.5
3 2021-01-03 68 62 65.0
4 2021-01-04 18 51 34.5
5 2021-01-05 27 6 16.5
6 2021-01-06 26 30 28.0
7 2021-01-07 32 22 27.0
8 2021-01-08 53 95 74.0
9 2021-01-09 74 78 76.0
10 2021-01-08 NA 33 33.0
11 2021-01-09 NA 44 44.0

R inserting rows between dates by group based on second column

I have a df that looks like this
23 NA 2020-03-20
25 NA 2020-04-10
29 2020-02-02 2020-01-23
30 NA 2020-01-02
What I would like to do is for each ID add a row for every month starting from START_DT and ending at whatever comes first FINAL_DT or the current date. Expected output would be the follow:
23 NA 2020-03-20 2020-03
23 NA NA 2020-04
23 NA NA 2020-05
25 NA 2020-04-10 2020-04
25 NA NA 2020-05
29 2020-02-02 2020-01-23 2020-01
29 2020-02-02 NA 2020-02
30 NA 2020-01-02 2020-01
30 NA NA 2020-02
30 NA NA 2020-03
30 NA NA 2020-04
30 NA NA 2020-05
I have the following code which works but does not account for FINAL_DT
current_date = as.Date(Sys.Date())
enroll <- enroll %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
complete(START_DATE = seq(START_DATE, current_date, by = "month"))
I have tried the following but get an error I believe due to the NA's:
current_date = as.Date(Sys.Date())
enroll <- enroll %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
complete(START_DATE = seq(START_DATE, min(FINAL_DT,current_date), by = "month"))
The day of the month also does not matter I am not sure if it would be easier to drop that before or after.
Here is another approach. You can use floor_date to get the first day of the month to use in your sequence of months. Then, you can include the full sequence to today's date, and filter based on FINAL_DT. You can use as.yearmon from zoo if you'd like a month/year object for month.
current_date = as.Date(Sys.Date())
enroll %>%
mutate(ACTIVE_MONTH = floor_date(START_DT, unit = "month")) %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
complete(ACTIVE_MONTH = seq.Date(floor_date(START_DT, unit = "month"), current_date, by = "month")) %>%
filter(ACTIVE_MONTH <= first(FINAL_DT) | %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(ACTIVE_MONTH = as.yearmon(ACTIVE_MONTH))
# A tibble: 12 x 4
<dbl> <yearmon> <date> <date>
1 23 Mar 2020 NA 2020-03-20
2 23 Apr 2020 NA NA
3 23 May 2020 NA NA
4 25 Apr 2020 NA 2020-04-10
5 25 May 2020 NA NA
6 29 Jan 2020 2020-02-02 2020-01-23
7 29 Feb 2020 NA NA
8 30 Jan 2020 NA 2020-01-02
9 30 Feb 2020 NA NA
10 30 Mar 2020 NA NA
11 30 Apr 2020 NA NA
12 30 May 2020 NA NA
Here is an approach that returns rows for each MONTH with the help of lubridate.
current_date = as.Date(Sys.Date())
enroll %>%
mutate(MONTH = month(START_DT)) %>%
group_by(ID) %>%
complete(MONTH = seq(MONTH, min(month(FINAL_DT)[!],month(current_date))))
# A tibble: 12 x 4
# Groups: ID [4]
# <int> <dbl> <fct> <fct>
# 1 23 3 NA 2020-03-20
# 2 23 4 NA NA
# 3 23 5 NA NA
# 4 25 4 NA 2020-04-10
# 5 25 5 NA NA
# 6 29 1 2020-02-02 2020-01-23
# 7 29 2 NA NA
# 8 30 1 NA 2020-01-02
# 9 30 2 NA NA
#10 30 3 NA NA
#11 30 4 NA NA
#12 30 5 NA NA

cumsum NAs and other condition R

I've seen lots of questions like this but can't figure this simple problem out. I don't want to collapse the dataset. Say I have this dataset:
df <- data.frame(group = c("a", "a", "a", "a", "a", "b", "b", "b"),
starts = c("2011-09-18", NA, "2014-08-08", "2016-09-18", NA, "2013-08-08", "2015-08-08", NA),
ends = c(NA, "2013-03-06", "2015-08-08", NA, "2017-03-06", "2014-08-08", NA, "2016-08-08"))
df$starts <- parse_date_time(df$starts, "ymd")
df$ends <- parse_date_time(df$ends, "ymd")
group starts ends
1 a 2011-09-18 <NA>
2 a <NA> 2013-03-06
3 a 2014-08-08 2015-08-08
4 a 2016-09-18 <NA>
5 a <NA> 2017-03-06
6 b 2013-08-08 2014-08-08
7 b 2015-08-08 <NA>
8 b <NA> 2016-08-08
Desired output is:
group starts ends epi
1 a 2011-09-18 <NA> 1
2 a <NA> 2013-03-06 1
3 a 2014-08-08 2015-08-08 2
4 a 2016-09-18 <NA> 3
5 a <NA> 2017-03-06 3
6 b 2013-08-08 2014-08-08 1
7 b 2015-08-08 <NA> 2
8 b <NA> 2016-08-08 2
I was thinking something like this but obviously doesn't account for episodes where there is no NA
df <- df %>%
group_by(group) %>%
mutate(epi = cumsum(
I'm not sure how to incorporate cumsum( with condition if_else. Maybe I'm going at it the wrong way?
Any suggestions would be great.
A solution using dplyr. Assuming your data frame is well structured that each start always has an associated end record.
df2 <- df %>%
group_by(group) %>%
mutate(epi = cumsum(! %>%
# # A tibble: 8 x 4
# group starts ends epi
# <fct> <dttm> <dttm> <int>
# 1 a 2011-09-18 00:00:00 NA 1
# 2 a NA 2013-03-06 00:00:00 1
# 3 a 2014-08-08 00:00:00 2015-08-08 00:00:00 2
# 4 a 2016-09-18 00:00:00 NA 3
# 5 a NA 2017-03-06 00:00:00 3
# 6 b 2013-08-08 00:00:00 2014-08-08 00:00:00 1
# 7 b 2015-08-08 00:00:00 NA 2
# 8 b NA 2016-08-08 00:00:00 2
An option is to get the rowSums of NA elements for columns 'starts', 'ends', grouped by 'group', get the rleid from the 'epi'
df %>%
mutate(epi = rowSums([c("starts", "ends")]))) %>%
group_by(group) %>%
mutate(epi = rleid(epi))
# A tibble: 8 x 4
# Groups: group [2]
# group starts ends epi
# <fct> <dttm> <dttm> <int>
#1 a 2011-09-18 00:00:00 NA 1
#2 a NA 2013-03-06 00:00:00 1
#3 a 2014-08-08 00:00:00 2015-08-08 00:00:00 2
#4 a 2016-09-18 00:00:00 NA 3
#5 a NA 2017-03-06 00:00:00 3
#6 b 2013-08-08 00:00:00 2014-08-08 00:00:00 1
#7 b 2015-08-08 00:00:00 NA 2
#8 b NA 2016-08-08 00:00:00 2
If there are only two columns to consider
df %>%
group_by(group) %>%
mutate(epi = rleid( +

R: na.locf not behaving as expected

I am trying to use the na.locf function in a mutate and I am getting a strange answer. The data is ordered desc by date and then if a column is NA gets the result from na.locf and otherwise uses the value in the column. For most of the data, the answer is being returned as expected, but one row is coming back not as the previous non-NA but as the next non-NA. If we order the data by date ascending and use na.rm = F and fromLast = T it works as expected, but I want to understand why the result is not working if date is ordered descending.
The example is as follows:
example = data.frame(Date = factor(c("1/14/15", "1/29/15", "2/3/15",
"2/11/15", "2/15/15", "3/4/15","3/7/15", "3/7/15", "3/11/15",
"3/18/15", "3/21/15", "4/22/15", "4/22/15", "4/23/15", "5/6/15",
"5/13/15", "5/18/15", "5/24/15", "5/26/15", "5/28/15", "5/29/15",
"5/29/15", "6/25/15", "6/25/15","8/6/15", "8/15/15", "8/20/15",
"8/22/15", "8/22/15", "8/29/15")),
Scan = c(1, rep(NA, 21),2,rep(NA,7)),
Hours = c(rep(NA,3), rep(3,3), NA, 2, rep(3,3), NA, 2, 3, 2,
rep(3,5), NA, 2, rep(c(NA, 3),2), 3, NA, 2, 3)
example %>%
date = as.Date(Date, "%m/%d/%y"),
Hours = replace_na(Hours,0),
scan_date = as.Date(ifelse(,
origin="1970-01-01")) %>%
arrange(desc(date)) %>%
scan_new = ifelse(,
The issue in the result is in row 24, the Scan is coming in as 1 rather than 2:
Date Scan Hours date scan_date scan_new
23 3/7/15 NA 0 2015-03-07 <NA> 2
24 3/7/15 NA 2 2015-03-07 <NA> 1
25 3/4/15 NA 3 2015-03-04 <NA> 2
Interestingly, other data with the same date is handled appropriately, for example on line 18-19
Date Scan Hours date scan_date scan_new
18 4/22/15 NA 0 2015-04-22 <NA> 2
19 4/22/15 NA 2 2015-04-22 <NA> 2
For reference as noted above, the following provides the expected answer:
example %>%
date = as.Date(Date, "%m/%d/%y"),
Hours = replace_na(Hours,0),
scan_date = as.Date(ifelse(,
origin="1970-01-01")) %>%
arrange(desc(date)) %>%
scan_new = ifelse(,
na.locf(Scan, na.rm = F, fromLast = T),
Date Scan Hours date scan_date scan_new
6 3/4/15 NA 3 2015-03-04 <NA> 2
7 3/7/15 NA 0 2015-03-07 <NA> 2
8 3/7/15 NA 2 2015-03-07 <NA> 2
Can someone tell me why this is behaving this way?
In your first try na.locf(Scan), the leading NAs are removed and the remaining values are recycled to the full length in the ifelse. You can see the results with na.rm = F(or na.locf0, see comments) for reference:
example %>%
date = as.Date(Date, "%m/%d/%y"),
Hours = replace_na(Hours,0),
scan_date = as.Date(ifelse(,
origin="1970-01-01")) %>%
arrange(desc(date)) %>%
scan_new = ifelse(,
na.locf(Scan, na.rm = FALSE),
# Date Scan Hours date scan_date scan_new
# 1 8/29/15 NA 3 2015-08-29 <NA> NA
# 2 8/22/15 NA 0 2015-08-22 <NA> NA
# 3 8/22/15 NA 2 2015-08-22 <NA> NA
# 4 8/20/15 NA 3 2015-08-20 <NA> NA
# 5 8/15/15 NA 3 2015-08-15 <NA> NA
# 6 8/6/15 NA 0 2015-08-06 <NA> NA
# 7 6/25/15 2 0 2015-06-25 2015-06-25 2
# 8 6/25/15 NA 3 2015-06-25 <NA> 2
# 9 5/29/15 NA 0 2015-05-29 <NA> 2
# 10 5/29/15 NA 2 2015-05-29 <NA> 2
# 11 5/28/15 NA 3 2015-05-28 <NA> 2
# 12 5/26/15 NA 3 2015-05-26 <NA> 2
# 13 5/24/15 NA 3 2015-05-24 <NA> 2
# 14 5/18/15 NA 3 2015-05-18 <NA> 2
# 15 5/13/15 NA 3 2015-05-13 <NA> 2
# 16 5/6/15 NA 2 2015-05-06 <NA> 2
# 17 4/23/15 NA 3 2015-04-23 <NA> 2
# 18 4/22/15 NA 0 2015-04-22 <NA> 2
# 19 4/22/15 NA 2 2015-04-22 <NA> 2
# 20 3/21/15 NA 3 2015-03-21 <NA> 2
# 21 3/18/15 NA 3 2015-03-18 <NA> 2
# 22 3/11/15 NA 3 2015-03-11 <NA> 2
# 23 3/7/15 NA 0 2015-03-07 <NA> 2
# 24 3/7/15 NA 2 2015-03-07 <NA> 2
# 25 3/4/15 NA 3 2015-03-04 <NA> 2
# 26 2/15/15 NA 3 2015-02-15 <NA> 2
# 27 2/11/15 NA 3 2015-02-11 <NA> 2
# 28 2/3/15 NA 0 2015-02-03 <NA> 2
# 29 1/29/15 NA 0 2015-01-29 <NA> 2
# 30 1/14/15 1 0 2015-01-14 2015-01-14 1
