HttpClient, seems so hard to use it correctly - .net-core

just another question about the correct usage of HttpClient, because unless i am missing something, I find contradicting information about HttpClient in Microsoft Docs. These two links are the source of my confusion:
First one states that the best approach is a shared singleton HttpClient instance, the second that the AddHttpClient<TypedClient>() registers the service as transient, and more specifically (copied from that URL):
The typed client is registered as transient with DI. In the preceding
code, AddHttpClient registers GitHubService as a transient service.
This registration uses a factory method to:
Create an instance of HttpClient.
Create an instance of GitHubService, passing in the instance of HttpClient to its constructor.
I was always using AddHttpClient<TypedClient>() and feeling safe, but now i am puzzled again... And making things worse, I found this github issue comment by #rynowak which states:
If you are building a library that you plan to distribute, I would
strongly suggest that you don't take a dependency on
IHttpClientFactory at all, and have your consumers pass in an
HttpClient instance.
Why this is important to me? Because, I am in a process of creating a library that mainly does two things:
Retrieve an access token from a token service (IdentityServer4)
Use that token to access a protected resource
And I am following the typed clients approach described in the link 2 above:
services.AddHttpClient<IIdentityServerHttpClient, IdentityServerHttpClient>()
Any advises or examples of how a concrete implementation based on HttpClient looks like, will be very welcome.
Thank you!


How to access dependency injection container in Symfony 4 without actual injection?

I've got a project written in Symfony 4 (can update to the latest version if needed). In it I have a situation similar to this:
There is a controller which sends requests to an external system. It goes through records in the DB and sends a request for every row. To do that there is an MagicApiConnector class which connects to the external system, and for every request there is a XxxRequest class (like FooRequest, BarRequest, etc).
So, something like this general:
foreach ( $allRows as $row ) {
$request = new FooRequest($row['a'], $row['b']);
Now in order to do all the parameter filling magic, the requests need to access a service which is defined in Symfony's DI. The controller itself neither knows nor cares about this service, but the requests need it.
How can my request classes access this service? I don't want to set it as a dependency of the controller - I could, but it kinda seems awkward, as the controller really doesn't care about it and would only pass it through. It's an implementation detail of the request, and I feel like it shouldn't burden the users of the request with this boilerplate requirement.
Then again, sometimes you need to make a sacrifice in the name of the greater good, so perhaps this is one of those cases? It feels like I'm "going against the grain" and haven't grasped some ideological concept.
Added: OK, the full gory details, no simplification.
This all is happening in the context of two homebrew systems. Let's call them OldApp and NewApp. Both are APIs and NewApp is calling into the OldApp. The APIs are simple REST/JSON style. OldApp is not built on Symfony (mostly even doesn't use a framework), the NewApp is. My question is about NewApp.
The authentication for OldApp APIs comes in three different flavors and might get more in the future if needed (it's not yet dead!) Different API calls use different authentication methods; sometimes even the same API call can be used with different methods (depending on who is calling it). All these authentication methods are also homebrew. One uses POST fields, another uses custom HTTP headers, don't remember about the third.
Now, NewApp is being called by an Android app which is distributed to many users. Android app actually uses both NewApp and OldApp. When it calls NewApp it passes along extra HTTP headers with authentication data for OldApp (method 1). Thus NewApp can impersonate the Android app user for OldApp. In addition, NewApp also needs to use a special command of OldApp that users themselves cannot call (a question of privilege). Therefore it uses a different authentication mechanism (method 2) for that command. The parameters for that command are stored in local configuration (environment variables).
Before me, a colleague had created the scheme of a APIConnector and APICommand where you get the connector as a dependency and create command instances as needed. The connector actually performs the HTTP request; the commands tell it what POST fields and what headers to send. I wish to keep this scheme.
But now how do the different authentication mechanisms fit into this? Each command should be able to pass what it needs to the connector; and the mechanisms should be reusable for multiple commands. But one needs access to the incoming request, the other needs access to configuration parameters. And neither is instantiated through DI. How to do this elegantly?
This sounds like a job for factories.
function action(MyRequestFactory $requestFactory)
foreach ( $allRows as $row ) {
$request = $requestFactory->createFoo($row['a'], $row['b']);
The factory itself as a service and injected into the controller as part of the normal Symfony design. Whatever additional services that are needed will be injected into the factory. The factory in turn can provide whatever services the individual requests might happen to need as it creates the request.

Managing Facebook object within a Controller

This is a more general Spring question that isn't necessarily a Spring Social Facebook issue; however, I'm asking the question here because it is not clear to me how Spring is managing the Facebook reference that is passed into the controller constructor.
I'm running this in a Spring boot app, version 1.5.3.RELEASE.
I've googled around and have read many things about how scoped-proxies work and whether the Controller is a singleton and such; but something is still not clear to me with this particular use case. My concern is over whether or not two or more simultaneous request will cause one reference to interfere with the other. It seems to me that there will be a conflict regardless of the scoped-proxy solution. To address this concern, I injected a Facebook and ConnectionRepository object into the controller constructor wrapped in a Provider class.
public CopyGroupController(
Provider<Facebook> facebook,
Provider<ConnectionRepository> connectionRepository) {
It appears to have injected meaningful data; but when attempting to run this code:
public void init() {
ConnectionRepository repo = connectionRepository.get();
This failure occurs:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: No thread-bound request found: Are you referring to request attributes outside of an actual web request, or processing a request outside of the originally receiving thread? If you are actually operating within a web request and still receive this message, your code is probably running outside of DispatcherServlet/DispatcherPortlet: In this case, use RequestContextListener or RequestContextFilter to expose the current request.
This creates more uncertainty because I thought the FacebookTemplate was being managed as a request or session scoped bean and that it would Inject as a Provider so the object would reside on ThreadLocale; so two or more concurrent requests will not conflict. Passing a request scoped bean in a controller singleton constructor doesn't make any sense to me either. So I'm puzzled as to why a user specific reference would even be passed into a constructor that should only be called once.
I've tried setting breakpoints in the constructor to verify whether or not there is a conflict; but The same error as above would occur. Could someone please explain to me whether or not this is an issue and if so; how is the best, most modern way to resolve it.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
You have to register a RequestContextListener
Here you can find the problem detail
And here you can get how to add in using spring boot

Unity - Use concrete type depending on user choice

I have a small app (Win Forms) where I have two different repositories (SQL Server and Redis) both implementing a interface IFilterRepo.
I also have a service class that depends on the IFilterRepo. The client (the Win Form) call the service to access filter data.
I want the client to have two radio buttons where a user can choose which repo to use. And here comes my dilemma. How should I tell the service which concrete class to instantiate as IFilterRepo? I mean, ALL Unity registrations and references to it shall be done in the composition root. Is that "rule" really possible in this case?
This is a common question, and the answer is generally to use an Abstract Factory.
Here is a good article on the subject (I link this all the time, but I didn't write it):
As noted in the article, you can make the factory part of the composition root, so that calling container.Resolve() inside the factory doesn't violate that rule.
You would register different implementations of the service using a name (string):
myContainer.RegisterType<IMyService, CustomerService>("Customers");
And then your factory would resolve by that name:
public IFilterRepo Create(string myName)
return myContainer.Resolve<IFilterRepo>(myName);
Edit 2
The question you asked in your last comment is a bit much to answer here, but in brief: your factory itself would implement an interface, and would be resolved and registered via the container.
As a general matter, I would not recommend accessing a repository directly from the code behind--I would at least look at having a layered architecture (or better, an Onion architecture, which works very well with DI).
Finally, I have not done WinForms development in years, but I don't think it fits perfectly with using a container/Composition Root, since you don't have full control over the lifecycle of your objects (you can't inject services into your form constructors). The same is true of ASP.Net Webforms. So you may have to use property injection for your factory and other services needed in your form, or just resolve the factory directly via calling a static instance of the container (container.Resolve()). This is imperfect, and goes against the idea of having a Composition Root, and more toward service location.
You might google keywords "Unity WinForms" and/or "[OtherDIFramework] Winforms" to get some ideas of how to structure your code.

Understanding Symfony2 services

I'm quite new to Symfony 2 and I'm moving to advanced topics like services. When should an object be a service?
For example, say that you have a facade object for making a call to a REST service. This class needs a username and password. Would it be correct modeling that class as a global service? Even if it's used only in a portion of the whole project?
# app/config/config.yml
my_proxy.username: username
my_proxy.password: password
class: Acme\TestBundle\MyProxy
arguments: [%my_proxy.username%, %my_proxy.password%]
Definition taken from the Symfony2 glossary:
A Service is a generic term for any PHP object that performs a specific task. A service is usually used "globally", such as a database connection object or an object that delivers email messages. In Symfony2, services are often configured and retrieved from the service container. An application that has many decoupled services is said to follow a service-oriented architecture.
I think your example is a perfect candidate for a service.
You don't want to copy construction code to all places you need your API client. It's better to delegate this task to the dependency injection container.
This way it's easier to maintain (as construction happens in one place and it's configurable).
It's also more flexible as you can easily change the API client class without affecting code which uses it (as long as it implements the same interface).
I don't think there's a golden rule. But basically all classes implementing a task are good candidates for a service. Entities on the other hand are not as they're most often just data holders.
I always recommend Fabien's series of articles on the subject:
Yes, because this will spare you the configuration part. You're not going to fetch the username and password and give it to the constructor each time you need this class.

How to access 'templating' service not in controller

Ok, so the problem is:
I've got some 'order' entity, and it has 'status' property. On changing status, i wanted some other objects to be informed of this event, so i've decided to use Observer pattern. One of the observers notifies clients via email. Now i want to render Email text's from some of the twig templates. As i get from the Book, rendering templates in controllers are done with 'templating' service.
So the question as it follows: How can i access 'templating' service in my Observer class?
I was advised, to implement my Observer as a service, but i'm not sure 'bout that. I've tried to solve this problem, and here is my options:
Use Registry. Solution that is straight and hard as rail. I guess it misses the whole point of DI and Service Container. Huge plus of this solution, is that i can access all common services from any point of my application.
To pass needed services from the context via constructor, or via setters. This is more like in Sf2 spirit. There comes another list of problems, which are not related to this question field.
Use observers as a service. I'm not really sure 'bout this option 'cos, in the book it is written, that service is a common functionality, and i don't think that observing entity with number of discrete properties is a common task.
I'm looking for a Sf2 spirit solution, which will be spread over whole project, so all answers with an explanation are appreciated.
As with any other service in a Symfony2 project, you can access it from within other classes through the dependency injector container. Basically what you would do is register your observer class as a service, and then inject the templating service into your observer service. See the docs for injecting services.
If you're not familiar with how Symfony handles dependency injection, I'd suggest reading that entire chapter of the documentation - it's very helpful. Also, if you want to find all the services that are registered for application, you can use the console command container:debug. You can also append a service name after that to see detailed info about the service.
I read your changes to the question, but still recommend going down the DI route. That is the Symfony2 spirit :) You're worried that your observer isn't common enough to be used as a service, but there's no hard rule saying "You must use this piece of code in X locations in order for it to be 'common'".
Using the DIC comes with another huge benefit - it handles other dependencies for you. Let's say the templating service has 3 services injected into itself. When using the DIC, you don't need to worry about the templating service's dependencies - they are handled for you. All you care about is telling it "inject the templating service into this other service" and Symfony takes care of all the heavy lifting.
If you're really opposed to defining your observer as a service, you can use constructor or setter injection as long as you're within a container-aware context.
