.NET App runing but not displayed in browser - asp.net

I'm developing a web MVC app using .NET Framework 4.7
Since two days, I can't access to my app in the browser. It runs in Visual Studio 2019 but not in the browser. I have a 404. I think the problem is from my computer because my mates can run my app on their own computer. Maybe it's a problem with IIS but I don't know how to fix this.


Running MVC 5 website without iis or visual studio

I created a website using visual studio 2015 with MVC 5.
The website should run locally using local databse.
The problem is, I want to run this website as program, without need to install iis or visual studio to run it..
What can I do?
ASP.NET MVC is a website and not a program as such. It therefore requires IIS to run. You don't need Visual Studio however.
If you want a stand-alone executable, you need to use a different UI paradigm. Console, Winforms or Universal Windows App to name just three.
Your option is to migrate to dotnet Core which can host web application as a Windows service, or just a Console App. You dont need Visial Studio to host it at all.

ASP.NET MVC 6 using IIS to develop without publish

Is there any way to develop an ASP.NET MVC 6 beta 8 application on IIS without having the need to publish the application?
After install the httpPlatform module I am able to point IIS to a published application.
But how can yo point IIS to say your visual studio solution wwwroot so you can develop and see the changes you make without having the need to publish?
Is this no longer possible like how it you could develop asp.net MVC 5 apps?
For development is IIS Express and Kestrel the preferred way now?
I've tried to run both commands like the vs.net debugger shows but I still get bad gateway
You should read this.
I am currently using Visual Studio 2015 for developing MVC 6 (beta8) applications, and do not have the problem you describe. An MVC 6 application has a file that by default points to wwwroot folder (I do not remember now the filename), so you should not have problem in change code and hit F5 to see the changes, without publishing.
For anyone that is interested to get this working so that you have an edit and continue experience and don't have to manually build or publish your site and work against your source code:

Cannot get out of the box Visual Studio 2015 sample to work in Azure

I must be missing something. I did this
Download VS2015
Create new ASP.NET 5 preview site (With Azure and details).
Run locally and verify it works
Publish with all the default settings. Success!
Goto site. DOES NOT WORK. It only says.
This web app has been successfully created....
What is going on ?
Try refreshing your browser. Often times if you visit the site before a deployment as well as after a deployment, the browser caches your site. You can alternatively try "incognito mode" or "private browsing".
This should force a get on the site, which may be the particular issue you are running into.
Is the app that you're publishing to Azure a .NET 4.6 app? 4.6 Framework isn't yet supported on the Azure platform - we're updating the platform to support the new framework over the next 1-2 months. Can you confirm the framework version of the app you're trying to deploy?

.NET version compatibility issue

I have developed an MVC 3 (using .NET 4.0 and not .NET 3.5 SP1) application with jQuery Mobile that communicates with a legacy application's business layer built in 3.5. Now the time has come to upload the application to a production server. However issues have arised. Namely, the client insists that the mvc app should be a sub app of a desktop version of the same app (built in 3.5). What do I do now?
You could use IIS Express to host the web application locally. IIS Express can be packaged within an application installer and distributed to the users.
The desktop app can then have a simplified browser window that navigates to the local web application.
... an ugly solution to a problem that shouldn't exist.

ASP.NET Development Server - Empty webResource.axd after conversion from 2.0 to 3.5

I have moved a project from asp.net 2.0 to 3.5. The original project was using the atlas ajax extensions so I have modified the code to use the built in ajax features in 3.5.
When running the project within the dev environemnt (VS2008 on Vista Business SP1) and using the asp.net dev server I receive javascript errors such as WebForm_PostBackOptions which point to a missing handler/module.
If I deploy the project and run it stand alone within IIS or if I use Fiddler2 while running in VS2008 I do not see the errors and fiddler shows that the axd files are being downloaded correctly. Also deploying to a 2003 server does not show any issues.
I could just carry on and forget this as it works when deployed but I would like to understand what is happening. Has anyone got an ideas as to what is going on here and how to get the same results accross all environments?
Do you get these same errors when you run in VS2008 but with IIS instead of the dev server?
