How to send non-string objects into pipeline with ExecuteApplicationPipeline preparer - intershop

I am trying to create a dbmigrate file which will call a ExecuteApplicationPipeline preparer, but one of the mandatory parameters is a ChannelRepository as on screenshot, is there any way to fullfil that parameter through dbmigrate file?
I have also tried leaving out that parameter but it doesn't work.

Looking at the source code of ExecuteApplicationPipeline or ExecutePipeline reveals that all parameters need to be of type String. After all you're configuring it via properties file
protected Domain site;
protected Application application;
protected String pipelineName;
protected String startNodeName;
protected Hashtable<String, String> pipelineParameters = new Hashtable<>();
You can create a pipeline of your own that translates a domain name (e.g. YOUR_ORG-YOUR_CHANNEL) into a repository and executes the call against ProcessApplication-Create. See for example


in ASP.NET core (.NET5) how can i write logs for each request on separate files? Using Serilog or other

I'm new to .NET and to webservice development, so i'm not exactly sure how to implement the requirement i have.
My webservice gets a POST request with some data, which i need to
process to generate a pdf file: name_YYYYMMDDHHmmss.pdf.
For monitoring this i want to have a separate logfile for each request, named like the output file: name_YYYYMMDDHHmmss.log
I would like to avoid passing a config object into every class/function in which i need to add stuff to the log file
I've managed to install Serilog and it works for what i need, but not when i get concurrent requests. I'm also not exactly sure how simultaneous requests are handled in .NET (i have no thread specific code written so far), but as far as i can tell, when i change Global Logger file name, that object is shared across all threads so all of them write to the same file.
I've looked at a bunch of solutions, but i haven't managed to find nothing that suits this, and it seems most people have everything into 1 file...
Is there any clue or tips you can give me? I'm open to using something other than Serilog.
One way to have dynamic file names based on a specific context is by using the Serilog.Sinks.Map and then, via a middleware in the request pipeline, you can add a property to the log context that drives the file name to be used when writing to the log.
Examples of similar usage of Serilog.Sinks.Map to decide which file name to use at run-time:
Serilog - can not log to multiple files based on property
In Serilog dynamically changing log file path?
The best solution that I found to this problem was using Serilog.Sinks.Map. I configured my Logger something like this:
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
.WriteTo.Map("Name", "Default", (name, wt) => {
var fileName = name == "Default" ? "log" : $"{log-{name}}"
Then on my controller, on each method where I needed this feature, I enclosed all the instructions inside a LongContext like this:
public IHttpActionResult Get() {
using (LogContext.PushProperty("Name", "theFileName") {
// ...
// ...
public class MyService : IMyService {
// ...
public void Method1() {
// ...
Log.Information("This is what happened at this point…");
// ...
// ...
So all the Log's inside will use that context and it will write on a different file with the name you set for that context without having to modify any Log.Information/Error/Warning/etc that you already have on your code.
This is the ugly part... you have to define a context on a root place in order to make those Logs write on a different file. So for a controller method, the first thing you have to do is to enclose all with a LogContext.

Custom Binding Required for SpringMVC Form Field

I ran into the following SpringMVC issue: there is a domain object which uses a certain Address sub-object, but the getters/setters have to be tweaked to use a different Address object via conversion. This is an architectural requirement.
public class DomainObj {
protected DomainObj.Address address;
public getAddress()
return convertFrom(address);
public void setAddress ( value)
this.address = convertTo(value);
// Internal Address object, old, #1
public static class Address {
protected String street1;
protected String street2;
// etc., getters/setters
Now, in the JSP, I bind an Input Text Field to the new Address object (the result of conversions) that's what we have to deal with. In this new 2nd Address object (, there is a field e.g. "addressLine1", which is different from the old object's "Street1":
<form:input path="topObject.address.addressLine1" />
My problem is that the setter, setAddress(), never gets called in this case for binding (verified in the Debugger). Any solutions to this?
Your options are:
a) do not bind directly to the business object
b) configure a binder to do the conversion to your domain object
Usually in enterprise class software we don't want to bind directly to the business objects -- which are usually entities (in the context of jpa). This is because session handling is a bee-otch. Usually we code against DTOs, and when one is received from the front-end we read the appropriate object from the repository (ORM) layer, update it, and save it back again (I've only described updates because they're the hardest, but a similar model works for everything).
However, spring mvc binders offer a way of binding anything to anything. They're a bit complicated and it'll take too long to explain here, but the docs are in the spring documentation and you want to be looing at converters and a conversion service. There are SO Q/A's on this topic, for example...

Is it possible to manipulate retrofit url without method parameter?

Network call are made like this
void getVideoData(#Path("slug") String slug,Callback<VideoContainerGSON>cb);
Now I need to add wariable path before "/api" e.g:
That parameter is global wide, so without setting alteration all network call will use same language path.
Question: Is there a way to alter it without method signature or I must change method signature to
void getVideoData(#Path("lang") String lang, #Path("slug") String slug,Callback<VideoContainerGSON>cb);
You can use string xmls to resolve your issue. You can put your api root in string.xml and override it in other xmls for example:
in values/string.xml
<string name="api_root"></string>
in values-es/string.xml
<string name="api_root"></string>
and when you create your adapter set api root from resources as is shown in the code below:
new RestAdapter.Builder()
if you do not want to make the rest api from device language you can set params which defines language in api root in method where you build RestAdapter
And after that you start your paths from /api/... For example:
void getVideoData(#Path("slug") String slug,Callback<VideoContainerGSON>cb);

Which Page is calling the Handler ashx

I want know which page and which URL has calling my Handler .ashx, is that possible?
I need this because, I have an Handler who calls and convert images from database, but some of my URLS of images are not passing the right query argument (they don't exist in database) and I need what is the URL who call to see what is the image for that arguments.
why not just use
A quick solution to your immediate question is to call (in C#)
Inside your public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context){} method, add the following 3 lines.
IServiceProvider provider = (IServiceProvider)context;
HttpWorkerRequest worker = (HttpWorkerRequest)provider.GetService(typeof(HttpWorkerRequest));
String referer = worker.GetKnownRequestHeader(HttpWorkerRequest.HeaderReferer);
This will give you the URL of the page that called your handler.
To go further though, you should ideally be implementing error handling to handle any missing images.

Linq to Sql - Set connection string dynamically based on environment variable

I need to set my connection string for Linq to Sql based on an environment variable. I have a function which will return the connection string from the web.config based on the environment variable, but how do I get Linq to always use this "dynamically created" connection string (preferably without having to specify it every time)?
I know I can specify the connection string using the constructor, but how does that work when using the datacontext in a LinqDataSource?
MyDataClassesDataContext db = new MyDataClassesDataContext(dynamicConnString);
For a LinqDataSource, intercept the ContextCreating event and create the DataContext manually as above:
protected void LinqDataSource_ContextCreating(object sender, LinqDataSourceContextEventArgs e)
e.ObjectInstance = new MyDataClassesDataContext (dynamicConnString);
From MSDN:
By default, the LinqDataSource control
creates an instance of the type that
is specified in the ContextTypeName
property. The LinqDataSource control
calls the default constructor of the
data context object to create an
instance of the object. It is possible
that you have to use a non-default
constructor or you have to create an
object that differs from the one
specified in the ContextTypeName
property. In that case, you must
handle the ContextCreating event and
manually create the data context
Open up the LINQ to SQL designer, and open the Properties tab of the designer (the schema itself), expand Connection and set Application Settings to False. Save.
Close that down and open up your DataContext designer file (dbml_name.designer.cs) and alter the DataContext constructor. You will immediately notice how your connection string decided to jump in here as you turned off application wide settings. So the part to focus on here is altering the base() inheritor. Renaming ConnString” below to suit your own. I also noticed a DatabaseAttribute on the class which I don’t think plays a big part and has any implications on the connection settings. You will also need a reference to System.Configuration:
public dbDataContext() : base(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnString"].ConnectionString, mappingSource)
Open the App.config or Web.config featured in the project where your LINQ to SQL classes reside, and rename the connection string to what you defined as “MyConnString“.
You now must Cut the entire entry with name change and Paste it into either the App.config or Web.config of the application which is to access the data, such as a web application, Silverlight, WPF, WCF etc. It is important that you alter the configuration file of the calling application which is to access the data, as the ConfigurationManager defined in your LINQ to SQL classes will look for the .config file from where the calling application is executing from, no matter where your LINQ to SQL classes have been Defined. As you can see, it works a little differently from before.
Now Right Click and open the Properties on your DAL or project containing your LINQ to SQL classes and remove the connection string “Application Setting” reference on the Settings tab.
Rebuild. You’re all done, now just do a Find in Files check for perhaps your database name that you know was featured in the connection string to check for any stragglers, there shouldn’t be any.
The DataContext class has a constructor that takes in a connection string.
you can change the connection string dynamically if you will implement the OnCreated() function. This function is a partial function and it can be implemented in seperate file other than where you dbml exists.
for detail please see this article
