Extracting charts from Socrata as you would a dataset - r

I need some help with extracting charts as you would a dataset and though the visualizations appear to be saved in the catalog as assets, I have not been able to find a way to pull the visualization out. I need to do this for at least 100 charts (all with different formatting) and it's looking like the only way I will be able to do this is to pull the dataset for each chart, recreate the chart in R and hopefully export it into excel (if that's even a thing).


How to stack a timeline/timeline events/and graphs in R

I want to create a timeline to show all the results of one of my studies. I just want to display a timeline, event by group, and line charts of some data I obtained.
I've tried doing it in illustrator/photoshop but it's just time consuming and not what I aiming for.
Here is the thing I've tried in illustrator, just to show you the type of diagram I'm aiming for:
So the figure I want to be able to do have this structure:
Timeline events grouped by type
Line charts of my data
and so on...
Have you some suggestion to do it in R? Maybe a package? Or another tool?

How to combine two data sets into one and plotting one graph with both data sets in R Studio

Currently I have combined the Apple stock market and the Samsung stock market from 2014- 2018. I have combined the Date,Open,High, low and Close using cbind and changed the names so it says Apple/ Samsung.
My problem is with the graph, Now my dataset is combined in columns so I feel like this might be part of the problem, but none the less I would prefer to keep it like that. I would love a graph that would have both of the open figures on it over the years.
If I just use plot(Total$OpenApple, Total$OpenSam) the plot is a huge block compared to the line graph I would like.
Without any example data its difficult to understand your problem fully. However, I would try using the ggplot2 package and dplyr package. Then you can change your data so that OpenApple and OpenSam are both part of the same column, and then use a function from ggplot2 to change the colors of your lines based on what group they are a part of.

Using ggplot to plot a customizable table of data

This idea has been spurred by this work at Five Thirty Eight.
I'm not entirely sure that they used R, but the chart appears in a similar fashion to their other data viz. I looked around here, but couldn't find anything directly relating to this.
Is this kind of plot possible using ggplot?
Thanks for any and all help!
They do use R but their ggplot2 theme is semi-proprietary and they don't say what they use. People have attempted to recreate the theme
After the graphs are created it then goes through an illustrative step to bring graphs together and make them more of a story.

How to use R to read Excel, create tables, get formatted tables back into GIS with coordinate locations

I'm new to R - which will be obvious in a sec here...and I was hoping someone could point me to the some packages to attempt to solve a specific problem:
I get Excel tables from scientists with analytical data for specific GIS point sample locations, we usually copy/paste these tables into the layout of GIS map documents; however quite often the line weights, fonts, etc get messed up...and the data gets updated/revised etc. - tedious copy/paste again...
I'd like to try to read these Excel files, have R create a multiple formatted tables for each sample location, and plot these tables with real world coordinates for use in GIS (ESRI or QGIS, etc.), where the tables would ideally show up offset some distance from the point sample locations in some sort of GIS file format.
I was thinking the export from R might be a .dwg, or even a raster geotiff with a transparent background...a format that would preserve formatting and position - not sure what the possibilities here could be...has anyone ever tried anything like this - I see several excel and geospatial packages, and understand that they can be used for regular geospatial data analysis, but in this case I'm trying to merge graphics (formatted tables from R) and GIS - which is something I'm having a hard time finding any info about.
Hopefully this question is not too vague...
edit - I have the SP package and am reading up on it, I guess I'm really stuck on the whole make several tables with R > get those tables all at once into a format that GIS can read - try this - imagine a georeferenced aerial photo - then imagine a layer of floating boxes on top of the aerial image, these boxes are placed with coordinates (i.e. lat/long, state plane feet, etc.) - can I make a layer like this with R and the geospatial packages?

R and googleVis - possible to make a "motion map"?

I am typically using R to do statistical analysis, and rather new to the data visualization capabilities. I'm trying to figure out if there is some way to marry the motion chart package gvisMotionChart with the mapping package, gvisGeoMap. I'd like to display a video of events over time, appearing on a map on their date of occurrence at lat/lon coordinates and then fading out. Anyone know if it's possible to do this? Any additional concerns if I have over 50,000 records (daily over 5 years) that I want to feed in to be displayed?
Please note that I do not have to use the gvis packages--I am just using these to motivate the idea. If there are other dynamic mapping packages available in R that will just draw on a shapefile and my event records, all the better.
