I am using boto3 to create a simple DynamoDB query as follows:
response = table.query(
This query works and return the single item just like it should.
course-lesson-id-part is my primary partition key and is numeric; I have two items in my table:
course-lesson-id-part: 1
course-lesson-id-part: 2
Ideally, and according to this reference, I should be able to use the following to query all items with course-lesson-id-part > 0:
response = table.query(
None of the other DB Query conditions seem to be working other than .eq, which does me no good here.
Anyone have any ideas?
Only eq is supported for partition keys.
You must specify the partition key name and value as an equality condition.
Source: Working with Queries
I have a query in DynamoDB to retrieve items that match a given condition in my partition
response = {'input': table.query(KeyConditionExpression=Key('project').eq(project_data)
& Key('name').eq(name), IndexName='my-index').get('Items') }
I would like to retrieve data when the value of Project exists in a list, it is, something like setting the condition to Key('project').in(project_data)
How can i do this in dynamodb?
Consider Below is my sample json.
"servletname": "cofaxEmail",
"servlet-class": "org.cofax.cds.EmailServlet",
"init-param": {
"mailHost": "mail1",
"mailHostOverride": "mail2"
i have chosen "servletname" as my primary key as i will receive it in every request plus few 1000 server names are there it could be the best PK.
My Question is, to make the partition key work for me.
Do i have to specify the partition key option seperately like below
ItemResponse<ServerDto> ServerDtoResponse = await this.container.ReadItemAsync<ServerDto>(bocServerDto.mailHost, new PartitionKey(bocServerDto.servletname));
Including the partition key in the select query itself , without adding seperate new PartitionKey(), like
select * from r where r.servletname='cofaxEmail' and r.mailHost='mail1';
Crux of the question is: By passing partitionKey object in where condition of select query is it enough to utilize the partition key feature?
For any crud operation you would pass in the value for the partition key. For example, on a point read.
ItemResponse<ServerDto> ServerDtoResponse = await this.container.ReadItemAsync<ServerDto>(bocServerDto.mailHost, new PartitionKey("cofaxEmail"));
For a query, you can either pass it in the queryRequest options or use it in the query as the first filter predicate. Here is an example of using the queryRequest options.
I have a dynamo DB table (id(pk),name(sk),email,date,itemId(number))
and GSI on (itemId pk, date(sk)
trying to query for an array of itemIds [1,2,3,4] but getting error using the IN statement in KeyExperssionValue when doing
const IdsArrat = [1,2,3,4,5];
const query: {
IndexName: 'accountId-createdAt-index',
KeyConditionExpression: 'itemId IN (:a1,:a2,:a3)',
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
ScanIndexForward: false,
getting error using the IN statement in.
This it possible to query for multiple values on GSI in dynamoDb ?
You're trying to query for multiple different partition key's in a GSI. This can only be done by doing multiple individual queries (3 in the example). It's also possible with a GSI that multiple values would get returned for a single Partition key lookup, so it's better to query the partition key "itemId" individually.
See the following for reference:
It's not possible to have a IN and join multiple values in a query , but it's possible to use BatchGetItem to request multiple queries that are solved in parallel . This is actually very close to the IN solution you want.
The result will be a list of the elements in the table.
There are limits in the number of queries in the size of the result set < 16 MB and the number of queries < 100.
Please check this document for details :
refering to this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/70494101/7706503, you could try partiQL to construct similar statement for querying gsi table with multiple key,
select * from table."gsi_index_name" where partition_key in [key1,key2]
then you could send the statement with low level api in one shot, for example, in dotnet, it's called ExecuteStatementAsync
I am trying to select data based on a status which is a string. What I want is that status 'draft' comes first, so I tried this:
ORDER BY c.status = "draft" ? 0:1
I get an error:
Unsupported ORDER BY clause. ORDER BY item expression could not be mapped to a document path
I checked Microsoft site and I see this:
The ORDER BY clause requires that the indexing policy include an index for the fields being sorted. The Azure Cosmos DB query runtime supports sorting against a property name and not against computed properties.
Which I guess makes what I want to do impossible with queries... How could I achieve this? Using a stored procedure?
About stored procedure: actually, I am just thinking about this, that would mean, I need to retrieve all data before ordering, that would be bad as I take max 100 value from my database... IS there any way I can do it so I don t have to retrieve all data first? Thanks
ORDER BY item expression could not be mapped to a document path.
Basically, we are told we can only sort with properties of document, not derived values. c.status = "draft" ? 0:1 is derived value.
My idea:
Two parts of query sql: The first one select c.* from c where c.status ='draft',second one select c.* from c where c.status <> 'draft' order by c.status. Finally, combine them.
Or you could try to use stored procedure you mentioned in your question to process the data from the result of select * from c order by c.status. Put draft data in front of others by if-else condition.
Suppose I have an object like
epochTime : 1527174282
action : create
state : fail
From the documentation of AWS, to query
You must specify the partition key name and value as an equality
You can optionally provide a second condition for the sort key (if
In the case where I just want to query some item from A to B from the whole dataset ( Just want to use the sort key ) how should I chooe the hash key and query for this kind of data to work effectively?
You need to define secondary index for the attribute with the primary key (hash) as the field and perform scan on the secondary index
Working with scans
Also refer this java sdk examples for working with secondary index and scans https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/GSIJavaDocumentAPI.Example.html