I have a dataframe with in 1 column gene IDs (data1). In another dataframe I have the corresponding gene names (data2). Data1 also contains cells with multiple genenames, separated with ':', and also a lot of NAs. Preferably I want to add a column to data1 with the corresponding gene names, also separated by ':' if there are multiple. An alternative would be to replace all the genenames in data1 with the corresponding gene names. Any idea how to go about this? Thanks!
a <- c("ENSG00000150401:ENSG00000150403", "ENSG00000185294", "NA")
data1 <- data.frame(a)
b <- c("ENSG00000150401", "ENSG00000150403", "ENSG00000185294")
c <- c("GeneA", "GeneB", "GeneC")
data2 <- data.frame(b,c)
One option involving stringr could be:
data1$res <- str_replace_all(data1$a, setNames(data2$c, data2$b))
a res
1 ENSG00000150401:ENSG00000150403 GeneA:GeneB
2 ENSG00000185294 GeneC
We can get data1 in long format, left_join data2 and paste values together.
data1 %>%
mutate(row = row_number()) %>%
tidyr::separate_rows(a, sep = ":") %>%
left_join(data2, by = c('a' = 'b')) %>%
group_by(row) %>%
summarise(a = paste0(a, collapse = ":"),
c = paste0(c, collapse = ":")) %>%
# a c
# <chr> <chr>
#1 ENSG00000150401:ENSG00000150403 GeneA:GeneB
#2 ENSG00000185294 GeneC
#3 NA NA
Here is another option with gsubfn
data1$res <- gsubfn("\\w+", setNames(as.list(as.character(data2$c)),
data2$b), as.character(data1$a))
# a res
#1 ENSG00000150401:ENSG00000150403 GeneA:GeneB
#2 ENSG00000185294 GeneC
#3 NA NA
In base R, this can be also done by splitting the 'a' column with strsplit and then do match with a named vector created from 'b', 'c' columns of second dataset
is.na(data1$a) <- data1$a == "NA" # converting to real NA instead of character
i1 <- !is.na(data1$a)
# create named vector
v1 <- setNames(as.character(data2$c), data2$b)
data1$res[i1] <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(data1$a[i1]), ":"),
function(x) paste(v1[x], collapse=":"))
I have a data.frame with a column that looks like that:
I want to somehow split this column into two colums with one containing all the values with F and one for all the other values, resulting in two columns in a df that looks like that.
F other
F.31.2,F43.1 A.43.2,R.45.2
Thanks in advance
Try next tidyverse approach. You can separate the rows by , and then create a group according to the pattern in order to reshape to wide and obtain the expected result:
df <- data.frame(diagnosis='F.31.2,A.43.2,R.45.2,F.43.1',stringsAsFactors = F)
new <- df %>% separate_rows(diagnosis,sep = ',') %>%
mutate(Group=ifelse(grepl('F',diagnosis),'F','Other')) %>%
pivot_wider(values_fn = toString,names_from=Group,values_from=diagnosis)
# A tibble: 1 x 2
F Other
<chr> <chr>
1 F.31.2, F.43.1 A.43.2, R.45.2
First, use strsplit at the commas. Then, using grep find indexes of F, and select/antiselect them by multiplying by 1 or -1 and paste them.
tmp <- el(strsplit(d$diagnosis, ","))
res <- lapply(c(1, -1), function(x) paste(tmp[grep("F", tmp)*x], collapse=","))
res <- setNames(as.data.frame(res), c("F", "other"))
# F other
# 1 F.31.2,F.43.1 A.43.2,R.45.2
d <- setNames(read.table(text="F.31.2,A.43.2,R.45.2,F.43.1"), "diagnosis")
I currently have a file that has a variety of responses to some questions. Each cell will have anywhere from 1 to 4 numbers, followed by the word "finished" inside of one cell. For example, df[1,1] could equal "-5","2","1","Finished" . I need to be able to get rid of the word finished, and just have the integers so that I can add them together to get one number for that cell. How can i do this?
Another option using R base apply function:
df <- data.frame(X = c('-5,-2,1,Finished','1,2,7,Finished','-3,-2,4,Finished'))
new_df <- apply(df, c(1, 2), FUN = function(x){
values <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(x, split = ","))) # Convert cell values to a vector
values <- values[which(!tolower(values) == "finished")] # Remove Finished
return(sum(as.numeric(values), na.rm = T)) # Add remaining integer values
[1,] -6
[2,] 10
[3,] -1
The above will iterate through every cell in a dataframe. For each cell it convert the cell's values to a vector by splitting on commas. Then it will remove the 'finished' value from the vector and finally sum all remaining numeric values. new_df will be a matrix the same size as df.
Maybe you can try the code below
df <- within(df,
Y <- sapply(regmatches(X,gregexpr("[+-]?\\d+",X)),
function(v) sum(as.integer(v))))
such that
> df
1 -5,-2,1,Finished -6
2 1,2,7,Finished 10
3 -3,-2,4,Finished -1
Dummy Data
df <- data.frame(X = c('-5,-2,1,Finished','1,2,7,Finished','-3,-2,4,Finished'))
One option after reading the file with read.csv/read.table is to use separate_rows to expand the rows after removing the 'Finished', while using convert = TRUE and then get the sum
df1 %>%
mutate(rn = row_number(), col2 = str_remove(col2, ",\\s*[Ff]inished")) %>%
separate_rows(col2, sep= ",", convert = TRUE) %>%
group_by(rn) %>%
summarise(col3 = sum(col2, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
select(-rn) %>%
bind_cols(df1, .)
# A tibble: 3 x 3
# col1 col2 col3
# <int> <chr> <int>
#1 1 -5,-2,1,Finished -6
#2 2 -3,-2,5,Finished 0
#3 3 3,4,2,Finished 9
Or using base R
df1$col3 <- sapply(sub(",[Ff]inished", "", df1$col2), function(str1)
sum(scan(text = str1, what = numeric(), sep=",", quiet = TRUE)))
df1 <- read.csv('yourfile.csv', stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df1 <- data.frame(col1 = 1:3, col2 = c('-5,-2,1,Finished',
'-3,-2,5,Finished', '3,4,2,Finished'), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
I asked the question(How to mutate a new column by modifying another column?)
Now I have another problem. I have to use more 'untidy'IDs like,
df1 <- data.frame(id=c("A-1","A-10","A-100","b-1","b-10","b-100"),n=c(1,2,3,4,5,6))
from this IDs, I want to assign new 'tidy' IDs like,
df2 <- data.frame(id=c("A0001","A0010","A0100","B0001","B0010","B0100"),n=c(1,2,3,4,5,6))
(now I need capital 'B' instead of 'b')
I tried to use str_pad functiuon, but I couldn't manage.
We can separate the data into different columns based on "-", convert the letters to uppercase, using sprintf pad with 0's and combine the two columns with unite.
df1 %>%
separate(id, c("id1", "id2"), sep = "-") %>%
mutate(id1 = toupper(id1),
id2 = sprintf('%04s', id2)) %>%
unite(id, id1, id2, sep = "")
# id n
#1 A0001 1
#2 A0010 2
#3 A0100 3
#4 B0001 4
#5 B0010 5
#6 B0100 6
Based on the comment if there are cases where we don't have separator and we want to change certain id1 values we can use the following.
df1 %>%
extract(id, c("id1", "id2"), regex = "([:alpha:])-?(\\d+)") %>%
mutate(id1 = case_when(id1 == 'c' ~ 'B',
TRUE ~ id1),
id1 = toupper(id1),id2 = sprintf('%04s', id2)) %>%
unite(id, id1, id2, sep = "")
The str_pad function is handy for this purpose, as you said. But you have to extract out the digits first and then paste it all back together.
paste0(toupper(str_extract(df1$id, "[aA-zZ]-")),
str_pad(str_extract(df1$id, "\\d+"), width=4, pad="0"))
[1] "A-0001" "A-0010" "A-0100" "B-0001" "B-0010" "B-0100"
Base R solution
df1$id <- sub("^(.)0+?(.{4})$","\\1\\2", sub("-", "0000", toupper(df1$id)))
tidyverse solution
df1$id <- str_to_upper(df1$id) %>%
str_replace("-","0000") %>%
# id n
# 1 A0001 1
# 2 A0010 2
# 3 A0100 3
# 4 B0001 4
# 5 B0010 5
# 6 B0100 6
df1 <- data.frame(id=c("A-1","A-10","A-100","b-1","b-10","b-100"),n=c(1,2,3,4,5,6))
A quick question that I was looking to understand better.
df1 <- data.frame(COLUMN_1 = letters[1:3], COLUMN_2 = 1:3)
> df1
1 a 1
2 b 2
3 c 3
Why does this work in setting data frame names to lower case:
df2 <- df1 %>%
set_names(., tolower(names(.)))
> df2
column_1 column_2
1 a 1
2 b 2
3 c 3
But this does not?
df2 <- df1 %>%
mutate( colnames(.) <- tolower(colnames(.)) )
Error: Column `colnames(.) <- tolower(colnames(.))` must be length 3 (the number of rows) or one, not 2
The solution, writing the arguments out explicitly, is:
df1 %>% rename_all(tolower) ==
rename_all(.tbl = df1, .funs = tolower)
mutate operates on the data itself, not the column names, so that's why we're using rename. We use rename_all because you don't want to type out 1 = tolower(1), 2 = tolower(2), ...
What you suggested, df2 <- df1 %>% rename_all(tolower(.)) doesn't work because then you would be trying to feed the whole df1 into the tolower function, which is not what you want.
Another solution would be this names(df) <- tolower(names(df))
I've a dataset with 18 columns from which I need to return the column names with the highest value(s) for each observation, simple example below. I came across this answer, and it almost does what I need, but in some cases I need to combine the names (like abin maxcolbelow). How should I do this?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! If it's possible it would be easier for me to understand a tidyverse based solution as I'm more familiar with that than base.
Edit: I forgot to mention that some of the columns in my data have NAs.
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#turn this
Df <- tibble(a = 4:2, b = 4:6, c = 3:5)
#into this
Df <- tibble(a = 4:2, b = 4:6, c = 3:5, maxol = c("ab", "b", "b"))
Created on 2018-10-30 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)
Continuing from the answer in the linked post, we can do
Df$maxcol <- apply(Df, 1, function(x) paste0(names(Df)[x == max(x)], collapse = ""))
# a b c maxcol
# <int> <int> <int> <chr>
#1 4 4 3 ab
#2 3 5 4 b
#3 2 6 5 b
For every row, we check which position has max values and paste the names at that position together.
If you prefer the tidyverse approach
Df %>%
mutate(row = row_number()) %>%
gather(values, key, -row) %>%
group_by(row) %>%
mutate(maxcol = paste0(values[key == max(key)], collapse = "")) %>%
spread(values, key) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# maxcol a b c
# <chr> <int> <int> <int>
#1 ab 4 4 3
#2 b 3 5 4
#3 b 2 6 5
We first convert dataframe from wide to long using gather, then group_by each row we paste column names for max key and then spread the long dataframe to wide again.
Here's a solution I found that loops through column names in case you find it hard to wrap your head around spread/gather (pivot_wider/longer)
out_df <- Df %>%
# calculate rowwise maximum
rowwise() %>%
mutate(rowmax = max(across())) %>%
# create empty maxcol column
mutate(maxcol = "")
# loop through column names
for (colname in colnames(Df)) {
out_df <- out_df %>%
# if the value at the specified column name is the maximum, paste it to the maxcol
mutate(maxcol = ifelse(.data[[colname]] == rowmax, paste0(maxcol, colname), maxcol))
# remove rowmax column if no longer needed
out_df <- out_df %>%