JavaFX8 build to run Web module on Raspberry Pi - javafx

Can someone recommend known to work non-Oracle based setup (JVM+JavaFX) to run JavaFX app with Web module support on Raspberry Pi/Raspbian 8 (jessie)?
The only JavaFX builds for armv6hf/Pi I could find were Gluon, Bellsoft and Chris Newland's.
Out of these three only Gluon and Chris's had Web support, v8 only. And both failed to run
on Azul's zulu8 jdk, different issues. Thanks.


Javafx application built in JDK 7 doesn't run with Java 8

I've developed a JavaFx application using JDK 7, but now that Java 8 was released, my client unistalled jre 7 and installed jre 8, and now the app is not running anymore:
I'm not sure but jre8 should not be compatible with previous versions of java? At least the last one ?
What can I do to solve this?
EDITED: I'm using exe4j to distribute my app as .exe
Here's a link
It uses launch4j to create .exe file and show you how to distribute your application with jre.
Muskan answers was very helpful because gave me a hint to bundle a jre with my application.
Actually I've not used launch4j instead I've used exe4j, which is very similar but I've used before.
If you decide to use this approach you can find step by step here.

Google NaCl with Qt on Windows

I have a project which is using Qt 4.7.4 version (also I can't rebuild it using qt4.8 or qt5 – there are a lot of errors appears, project is big and not mine so fixing issues would be even harder than erasing the whole code and write new code). So I need to make this project, well, working on NativeClient.
Is it even possible? I use Windows and Visual Studio, I was trying to google instructions about qt+nacl on Windows but just can’t find nothing.
Also which pepper version should I use if it depends on it?
Is your qt build supporting native client?
Please check out this
The Qt-Nacl is not support, for now, in Windows.
By the way, here is the github repository dedicated for it ->
In the file nacl-readme it is written :
[...] Windows is not supported as a host platform.
If you want to compile in Linux, I have made a script that will compile Qt5.4 with NaCl with all the dependencies needed.
I also made a video that will show the different steps and a showCase at the end :

QAugmentedReality on BB10

I want to create augmented reality application on BB10. But there is no 3rd party library is available for BB10. So i am thinking to implement Augmented Reality using QAugmentedReality of Nokia because blackberry said that Qt application will run on BB10.
Is there any sample AR application in QT so i can run that on BB10 and check if it work or not then i start developing my application.
In the official tutorial for QAugmentedReality there is a link to a sample application towards the end. However it's a .sis file, so intended for Symbian. Not sure if you can simply execute that on a BB10.
In any event you could follow the tutorial and just compile it for BlackBerry
WIkitude Lauche its Augmented Reality SDK for the BB10. So now any one can build their application using Wikitude.

Adobe Air 2.5 and AIR Debug Launcher (ADL) from AIR 1.5.3 SDK

I am having some issues with the differences between running my Air Desktop application with the ADL from within my IDE and actually running it as an packaged air application that is installed. Everything functions as it should in the IDE when run with ADL, but once it is packaged the drag and drop functionality no longer works correctly.
I was able to get this to work when Adobe Air 1.5 runtime was installed, instead of 2.5. I am aware that there were a lot of changes made with this last update, but I am unsure of how to proceed, as I am unable to debug the packaged air application to see what is actually happening.
One solution that I could see would be to install the Adobe Air 2.5 SDK and use that to debug with.
If anyone has any insight to why drag and drop works in the ADL and the runtime, your feedback would be much appreciated.
Also, I am using Flash Builder 4, with the Flex 3.5 SDK
If something doesn't work when compiled, it's usually because you've used a feature only allowed for natively packaged AIR applications. Try packaging it as a native file using this guide and see if it works:
Essentially all you'll need to do is:
Check this line in your app.xml file and make sure it is uncommented and set to extendedDesktop like below:
and then on the command line call:
ADT -package -target native mynewfilepath/myFile.exe myfilepath/myFile.air
[ADT is found within your flex sdk folder.]

Adobe Flex Development on Ubuntu

I'm thinking the following:
Netbeans + FlexBeans
Maven + FlexMojos
FlexBeans just doesn't compare with FlexBuilder
Not sure FlexMojos supports Flex 4
How do you guys manage to develop Flex apps on Ubuntu?
I personally prefer Netbeans to Eclipse. Netbeans has very good Maven project support. So I am thinking of:
"Extending" FlexMojos to work with Flex 4
Forking or developing from scratch a good Flex plugin for Netbeans\
Any ideas?
I've been developing with Flex on Ubuntu for the last 6 months with IntelliJ IDEA 9.
Besides many interesting features (that Flex Builder 3 does not have), the editor supports Maven and FlexMojos nicely. You can actually just import your poms directly into IDEA and it will create all configurations for you. This is also interesting if you are using a build server that uses Maven so you don't have to maintain multiple build configurations.
IntelliJ IDEA:
Give a go to FDT, they've just added MXML support. It's not cheap by any means, but worth trying.
Cheers, J
* Not sure FlexMojos supports Flex 4
Adobe is working on a Linux version of Flex Builder.
SapphireSteel has a plugin for Visual Studio called Amethyst
Ensemble has another one called Tofino
I develop Flex apps that run on Linux. I run VMWare on Centos and run Vista on that and have FlexBuilder installed in the virtual machine. It works pretty well since I found the Linux FlexBuilder to be very buggy and I can still use Linux for everything else.
There is an unsanctioned project to get Flash Builder 4 to run on Linux. I have tried it out and it works very well. The only real missing feature is design mode.
