Wordpress - Elementor pro nav align issue - wordpress

if anyone could help that would be much appricated. in the elementor editor it is all aligned and fine. but as soon as i update and view live version the menu looks like this.
when i hover over policies it appears like this. i have not had an issue before as it has always aligned under the dropdown in the correct position. also the text is aligned to the right and will not change to the left.

Do you have a link to the live page to check the code?
What do you mean with "live view" - are you working with some kind of staging/deployment tool?
Maybe it's a cache problem of either your browser or the server, did you try to clear them? Did you try to view the page still logged into WordPress and not logged in, does that make a difference?


Image not appearing in Firefox. Connection not secure

We have a website we just launched here: https://soteloforjudge.com/
It seems to work in most browsers but when I go to it in Firefox the logo at the top and bottom of the page do not show up and I get a message that the connection isn't secure for some images.
The image we are using is: https://soteloforjudge.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Henry_Sotelo_for_Judge_2022_Reno_Nevada_bg.png
Can anyone tell me how to fix this?
Just find the location in WP editor where you have added the background image and remove it then re add it and save. It should sort the issue. Here is your problem.
I think I fixed it. I added a retina image for the logo in Wordpress and now it seems to be working. Maybe I had added that one previously and then deleted it. Not sure what happened but now it works.

unable to View a page on my website but can View it in preview through Wordpress

in the hamburger menu of our website, i created a Yoga Video Course Page via wordpress and it was working fine. I looked this morning and can see it in Wordpress and can even edit it and see it on the preview. However when i try to view it on our website th screen appears Black.
Any suggestions would be grateful?
Thank you
Please try to open the inspect element and look if the elements are displayed as required. The issue might be due to several reasons. You need to investigate further and find a solution. Also look at the network tab on inspect element to make sure there are not 500 internal server errors. Also set the wp_debug=true on config.php to provide more error info. Also try to activate another theme and see if the page is being rendered properly.

What can i actually do if my wordpress dashboard is acting up? other admins of my site dont have these problems

-In the past i could hover over any item in the dashboard i.e. settings and its inner elements would show such as general, reading, writing.
Now i need to click on settings > page navigates to settings > now i can see the elements
-In plugins i cant navigate to other tabs, whenever i click on the tabs nothing happens. Feels broken.
-when i go to appearance > editor all my php and css files and such are expanded and there is no way to collapse as clicking on the arrows does nothing. I have to scroll the whole time to find a file.
-whenever i check page revisions it shows a blank page.
Other admins of my website dont have any of these problems i listed!
Has anyone had this before? Thanks in advance!
You mentioned others aren't having the same problem. That would indicate it has to do with something on your side of things.
Try another web browser.
Try another computer.
What is your network speed? You can do a speed test.

Website doesn't load portfolio content on mobile

I just made a website using a Wordpress theme and it all works good on desktop computers. However, while the site initially loads normally on my phone (I'm using iPhone 6 with iOS9, but the problem is the same on Android phones too, I tried two), once I click on the portfolio item, it loads a blank page (header and footer only).
When I tap on the address bar, I notice that it never went to the right link at first place (the portfolio item link), it just shows the homepage link and there is no content.
I managed to fix the problem by entering the external URL in portfolio item options. It was still internal link from the site but I made the link open the new tab (if it doesn't open new tab, the problem stays the same). However, if I choose to go back to the homepage from that link (the portfolio item link), the homepage is blank, there is only header and footer so the problem returns again.
Just so you know, the first portfolio item contains the external link outside the Wordpress and that one opens normally.
What is wrong with the mobile site?
The site URL is: http://svenharambasic.com
The screenshot is attached. Thank you!
P.S. There are also google ads showing, I never encountered that before, but I'll work on that once this is solved.
I only see a white screen upon clicking any of the homepage portfolio image links (except for the first link which goes to an external site in a new tab) on desktop and on mobile actually. There is a content_inner class with inline styling setting visibility:hidden.
It's unclear to me why it's doing that- maybe to remove focus from the body and draw focus towards something that is supposed to appear in the foreground but does not? If I remove visibility:hidden from the element in the browser, I see a series of additional images appear, which seems to me to be more an expected behavior. Are we on the right track?
I managed to solve this, it was the setting in the theme options; I had to disable grid lines... I can't say I truly understand why, but it worked!

How can I prevent this plugin from popping up from behind the content area?

I have this strange issue going on with my CSS on my site, and I'm hoping someone can help me out. I have a sharer box to the left of each of my posts. When you click the box to share (for instance the twitter box) the pop up box goes behind the post content, instead of in front of it. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? To see it for yourself, visit one of the posts and try to click on the google plus, or facebook like button (don't worry, it won't actually share unless you confirm it) You can view one of the posts to see what's going on here ---> http://noahsdad.com/child-down-syndrome-friend/ J
Here are a few screen shots of what is going on d.pr/ZCPy and http://d.pr/ax6H
Try with z-index:99999; on pop up box.
For the video shown in the post, add wmode="opaque" to the <object> / <embed> tag.
