Is YouTube IFrame API already loaded - youtube-iframe-api

I want to know if the API has already been loaded. I can't find anything about it here:
YouTube Player API Reference for iframe Embeds
Is there anyone here who knows how to find out? (There is a global variable YT, but that does not seem to be an official way to check it.)

Currently I am using undocumented solution to check if onYouTubeIframeAPIReady was reached:
if (typeof YT !== 'undefined' && YT.loaded) {
//API is ready

There is nothing in the documentation, but looking at the code this is what is used:


How to add Google Analytics cross-domain linker parameters to an URL with javascript (using GTM)?

On our site, we have a couple of buttons that will take you to a different domain but not before we've composed the actual URL with appropriate query parameters in Javascript. What is the best way to add Google Analytic's linker parameter to this URL? We're using the universal script injected by Google Tag Manager.
Ah... found it. Documentation suggests:
ga(function(tracker) { var linkerParam = tracker.get('linkerParam'); })
But the tracker is undefined in my case.
I found the solution in this blog post:
if (typeof(window["ga"]) !== "undefined") {
var firstTracker = ga.getAll()[0];
if (firstTracker) { return firstTracker.get("linkerParam"); }
But... on further investigation, I found the root cause: using GTM means that there are potentially multiple trackers active on a page. Hence the single ga-function won't work. I haven't found the exact GTM-compatible way of doing this, but I'll stick with this workaround for now.

Blank page in IE8 and 9

I've recently built and launched this page:
It works great in Chrome, Safari, Firefox and even IE10, but in IE8 and 9 all I get is a blank page.
I've read through post here on SO about similar issues and based on that I've tried this:
going over my templates in an attempt to find DOM errors.
Tried setting position:static on html and body
commented out #font-face in my CSS (since I was getting an error in IE on BrowserStack related to #font-face)
Checked for potential CORS issues. Found none.
None of it works.
Strangely too, when I tunnel to my local dev machine through BrowserStack, everything works like a charm.
I should add that the site is built using router and runs on Heroku using this build pack:
I really hope someone out there has that fresh pair of eyes that will lead me on the right track.
I've solved it!
The issue turned out to be related to the way I was initializing Google Analytics (GA). I was doing this: = function() {
// GA initialization code here
I had to do this: = function() {
if ( typeof ga === 'undefined' ) {
// GA initialization code here
So basically I was attempting to initialise GA on first creation of my menu template, but instead I had to latch on to the rendered callback and add a conditional to make sure I only initialise GA once.
Overall I am not thrilled with my approach to initialising GA, but that is another matter entirely. It works.

How do I tell when GroundOverlays in kml have finished loading?

I'm doing this:, slopehref, function(kmlObject){
if (kmlObject){
// GroundOverlay's still not rendered
So I know when the kml file is loaded but then it takes a few seconds to load the GroundOverlays. I want to get a callback when the GroundOverlays have rendered. I have been looking for eventids that might fire when network activity has stopped but I can't find anything about it.
Unfortunately this is not possible, there is no way to do this in the current Api. The best you could do is to put a feature request in for this functionality to be added:
There is a similar request already in there as well if you wanted to 'star' it:

How can I apply GA download tracking with Sitecore?

I'm posting this question to Stackflow b/c after doing much research into an answer to this very question online, I did not come across a straight forward answer and had to do my own sleuthwork to resolve this.
Basically, Sitecore uses a handler file .ASHX for all files uploaded to the Media Library. Since the 3rd party GA tracking tool I was using (entourage.js or gatags.js) does not recognize .ashx as a whitelisted download file, it was not adding the appropriate GA tracking syntax to the GA pixel tracker (__utm.gif).
So the solution turns out to be simple but sadly, not retroactive, meaning all files previously uploaded to the Media Library in the Sitecore content tree will continue to use the ashx extension unless you reupload the image. In your web.config file, search for the "Media.RequestExtension" setting. If you change the value associated with this setting from "ashx" to a blank string, this will force Sitecore to use the originalextension of the file and image in the Sitecore Media Library.
Aside from interfering with GA analytics, this method of turning every downloadable file extension into an ashx file is poor SEO practice. AND, Sitecore will not point you in the right direction of getting around this other than a round-about way (google Sitecore dynamic linking and configuration) because they want you to use their Sitecore OMS download tracking capability. And that's it! Two days of research led me to this conclusion.
So the solution turns out to be simple but sadly, not retroactive,
meaning all files previously uploaded to the Media Library in the
Sitecore content tree will continue to use the ashx extension unless
you reupload the image.
Not sure where you got this information, but it's incorrect. You can blank out the Media.RequestExtension setting and all existing files will use their original extension. In IIS7 Integrated Mode, you should be able to make this change without having to make other server configuration changes.
Edit: More Info
If you analyze Sitecore.Configuration.Settings.Media.RequestExtension (the API equivalent to this settings) in a decompiler, you can see that it's only used by the MediaProvider when constructing the Media URL. Sitecore should remember the original extension of the media and can serve it with its original URL, regardless of what this setting was when it was uploaded. That's my experience, anyway, and it seems to be validated by looking into Sitecore.Kernel.
You could use this script to track download events via Google Analytics.
if (typeof jQuery != 'undefined') {
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var filetypes = /\.(zip|pdf|doc*|xls*|ppt*|jpg|ashx)$/i;
var baseHref = '';
if (jQuery('base').attr('href') != undefined) baseHref = jQuery('base').attr('href');
jQuery('a').each(function() {
var href = jQuery(this).attr('href');
if (href) {
if (href.indexOf('?') != '-1') {
href = href.substring(0, href.indexOf('?'));
if (href.match(filetypes)) {
jQuery(this).click(function() {
var extension = String((/[.]/.exec(href)) ? /[^.]+$/.exec(href) : undefined);
var filePath = String(href);
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Download', extension, filePath]);
if (jQuery(this).attr('target') != undefined && jQuery(this).attr('target').toLowerCase() != '_blank') {
setTimeout(function() {
location.href = baseHref + href;
}, 200);
return false;
Just add in the required file types here at this line -
var filetypes = /.(zip|pdf|doc*|xls*|ppt*|jpg|ashx)$/i;
Having done a quick google for gatags.js, I can see that you can add an extension to the whitelist on line 24:
var isDoc = path.match(/\.(?:doc|eps|jpg|png|svg|xls|ppt|pdf|xls|zip|txt|vsd|vxd|js|css|rar|exe|wma|mov|avi|wmv|mp3)($|\&|\?)/);
Change it to:
var isDoc = path.match(/\.(?:ashx|doc|eps|jpg|png|svg|xls|ppt|pdf|xls|zip|txt|vsd|vxd|js|css|rar|exe|wma|mov|avi|wmv|mp3)($|\&|\?)/);
Alternatively, you could attach the Google Analytics _trackEvent yourself with a dom selector and a click event.
Either way, I think OMS can track media library files regardless of extension - removing the default ashx extension doesn't stop the file being handled by Sitecore.

Why is my javascript function not found by the page it is embedded in?

I have a page that has a simple javascript in the header portion of the page:
<script type="text/javascript">
function doLogout() {
var conf = confirm("Really log out?");
if (conf === true) { //changed == to === for boolean comparison
It uses jQuery to do an AJAX post to my logout page. The only issue right now is that when I click on the link (logout) to fire this function, nothing happens. I checked FireBug's console, and it told me that the function is not defined. This has happened to me before, but I think I botched a bunch of code to fix it sometimes.
Does anyone know the proper way to fix this issue?
After doing a lot of googling and trying different things, I found this very concise and informative post. Apparently, as the linked article states, the way the script is referenced in the web site is important as it won't run properly otherwise! Hopefully this information will be useful for more people.
This can also occur if there is a syntax error earlier in your javascript code. Often this will just be interpreted as the function not existing (nor any function AFTER the error). Check the code above this code (if there is any) and this code for syntax errors.
A way to tell if the cache error is it is to open Firebug and view the Script source. If the page was cached, you won't see your code. If it loaded but has syntax errors, the code will show, though it won't "find" it.
Things to test:
1) Can you call this function from something else? Like add a <script> at the bottom of the page to call it?
2) Does the page validate? Sometimes I get screwy javascript errors if there is some busted HTML like a missing </b>
3) I've been starting to wrap my javascript in <![CDATA[ ]]> just incase I've got goofy chars in my javascript.
4) I assume you've tested this in other browsers and have the same behavior, right?
5) If you haven't installed it already, install the Web Developer firefox addon. It has a nifty toolbar menu that will disable the cache for you so everything reloads.
6) As weird as it sounds, I once hit a javascript issue that was because of how my text editor was saving UTF-8 files. I forget the details, but it was adding some byte-order-mark or something that upset the browser.
I've had this occur when the page had been cached and so it didn't load the new script in. So to fix it clear all private data from Firefox. Not sure if that helps but it sure happened to me a bunch.
Other ideas for you to test:
is the function defined in the DOM tab in FireBug?
if you call doLogout() from the FireBug console, what happens?
I assume this is not the only script on that page. Make sure that some later script is not modifying doLogout to something else
I had the same issue and tried all that's been suggested here without success.
The only way I fixed it was by discovering that in the <script src="jquery.js"> tag I was using in the head of the page I forgot to close it with its </script> causing the page to ignore all Javascript functions. So please check that your includes look like:
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
I hope that helps. Ross.
If you are using DevExpress controls these links may help you: How to register and execute a JavaScript downloaded to the client via a callback and How to register and execute a JavaScript downloaded to the client via a callback (standalone JS file) and Executing javascripts from user controls dynamically created through ASPxCallback panels
The issue might occur if you have NoScript. You should check and make sure it's not blocking said script.
I had this issue and discovered the problem was just a wrong case letter inside the name.
Call: filterCheckbox()
function filterCheckBox() {}
problem: lowercase "box" vs uppercase "Box".
So check if the name is exactly the same.
