Remove all rows above and below a value in R - r

We have citizen scientist recording data for us using In-Situ Aqua troll 600 instruments. It is similar to a CTD but not. The data format is a little different. Different enough that I cannot use CTD trim from the OCE package in R. I need to remove all the rows of data during the soak time (time in the water before they start lowering the instrument) and the up cast from the data. That is all the rows after they reached the max depth. So I just need that center portion of my dataframe.
My Data
Date Time Salinity (ppt) (672441) Chlorophyll-a Fluorescence (RFU) (671721) RDO Concentration (mg/L) (672144) Temperature (°C) (676121) Depth (ft) (671051)
16:29.0 0 0.01089297 7.257619 31.91303 0.008220486
16:31.0 0 0.01765913 7.246986 31.93175 0.1499496
16:33.0 0 0.0130412 7.258863 31.93253 0.5387784
16:35.0 0 0.01299242 7.274049 31.93806 0.6187978
16:37.0 0 0.01429801 7.26965 31.94401 0.6640261
16:39.0 0 0.01342988 7.271608 31.93595 0.681709
16:41.0 0 0.01337719 7.271549 31.93503 0.684597
16:43.0 7.087267 0.007094439 6.98015 31.89018 1.598019
16:45.0 28.3442 0.007111916 6.268753 31.83806 1.687673
16:47.0 31.06357 0.007945394 6.197834 31.77821 1.418773
16:49.0 32.07076 0.0080788 6.166986 31.76881 1.382685
16:51.0 31.95504 0.004382414 6.191305 31.72906 1.358556
16:53.0 36.21165 0.01983912 5.732656 29.3942 123.4148
16:55.0 36.37849 0.02243886 5.626586 28.82502 125.2927
16:57.0 36.43061 0.02416219 5.450325 28.23787 126.7997
16:59.0 36.44484 0.02441683 5.421676 28.14037 127.0321
17:01.0 36.46815 4.510316 5.318929 28.09501 127.2064
17:03.0 36.41381 4.012657 5.241654 28.14595 127.2227
17:05.0 36.42724 0.7891375 5.174401 28.20383 127.2019
17:07.0 36.41064 0.4351442 5.120181 28.18592 127.197
17:09.0 36.38155 0.2253969 5.033384 28.21021 127.1895
17:11.0 36.37671 0.2089337 5.019629 28.21222 127.1885
17:13.0 36.43813 0.08728585 4.981099 28.17526 127.2223
17:15.0 36.47644 0.904435 4.951878 28.13579 127.2108
17:17.0 36.54742 0.1230291 4.93056 28.06166 127.2307
17:19.0 36.60466 10.04291 4.908442 27.9397 126.6003
17:21.0 36.61511 11.33922 4.904828 27.92038 126.5161
17:23.0 36.68179 0.6680982 4.87018 27.78319 123.707
17:25.0 36.74612 0.06539913 4.848994 27.72977 119.906
17:27.0 36.75729 0.02414635 4.826871 27.72545 114.9537
17:29.0 37.1578 0.01556828 4.804105 27.81129 113.3405
> depthmax<- max(WS$`Depth (ft) (671051)`, na.rm = TRUE)
> output <- WS[WS$"Depth (ft) (671051)" < depthmax,]
> Output2 <- output[output$"Depth (ft) (671051)" > 1,]
I tried these and got output2 to work but can't seam to get output to work. Is there a more elegant way to do this? Just to recap I need to remove all rows after the depthmax (127.2307) and all the rows before the depth when they start lowering the instrument (~2.41).

Your code does remove the maximum depth, but not the rows after the maximum depth is reached. You want to locate the row index of the the maximum depth and delete that row and the ones after:
start <- tail(which(na.omit(WS$`Depth (ft) (671051)`) < 2.41), 1) + 1
end<- which.max(na.omit(WS$`Depth (ft) (671051)`)) - 1
output <- WS[start:end, ]
The first line finds the index of the last row less than 2.41 and adds 1 to get the starting row. The second line finds the index of the maximum depth and subtracts 1 to get the row before that.


GameTheory package: Convert data frame of games to Coalition Set

I am looking to explore the GameTheory package from CRAN, but I would appreciate help in converting my data (in the form of a data frame of unique combinations and results) in to the required coalition object. The precursor to this I believe to be an ordered list of all coalition values (
My real data has n ~ 30 'players', and unique combinations = large (say 1000 unique combinations), for which I have 1 and 0 identifiers to describe the combinations. This data is sparsely populated in that I do not have data for all combinations, but will assume combinations not described have zero value. I plan to have one specific 'player' who will appear in all combinations, and act as a baseline.
By way of example this is the data frame I am starting with:
games <- read.csv('C:\\Users\\me\\Desktop\\SampleGames.csv', header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
n1 n2 n3 n4 Stakes Wins Success_Rate
1 1 1 0 0 800 60 7.50%
2 1 0 1 0 850 45 5.29%
3 1 0 0 1 150000 10 0.01%
4 1 1 1 0 300 25 8.33%
5 1 1 0 1 1800 65 3.61%
6 1 0 1 1 1900 55 2.89%
7 1 1 1 1 700 40 5.71%
8 1 0 0 0 3000000 10 0.00333%
where n1 is my universal player, and in this instance, I have described all combinations.
To calculate my 'base' coalition value from player {1} alone, I am looking to perform the calculation: 0.00333% (success rate) * all stakes, i.e.
0.00333% * (800 + 850 + 150000 + 300 + 1800 + 1900 + 700 + 3000000) = 105
I'll then have zero values for {2}, {3} and {4} as they never "play" alone in this example.
To calculate my first pair coalition value, I am looking to perform the calculation:
7.5%(800 + 300 + 1800 + 700) + 0.00333%(850 + 150000 + 1900 + 3000000) = 375
This is calculated as players {1,2} base win rate (7.5%) by the stakes they feature in, plus player {1} base win rate (0.00333%) by the combinations he features in that player {2} does not - i.e. exclusive sets.
This logic is repeated for the other unique combinations. For example row 4 would be the combination of {1,2,3} so the calculation is:
7.5%(800+1800) + 5.29%(850+1900) + 8.33%(300+700) + 0.00333%(3000000+150000) = 529 which descriptively is set {1,2} success rate% by Stakes for the combinations it appears in that {3} does not, {1,3} by where {2} does not feature, {1,2,3} by their occurrences, and the base player {1} by examples where neither {2} nor {3} occur.
My expected outcome therefore should look like this I believe:
c(105,0,0,0, 375,304,110,0,0,0, 529,283,246,0, 400)
where the first four numbers are the single player combinations {1} {2} {3} and {4}, the next six numbers are two player combinations {1,2} {1,3} {1,4} (and the null cases {2,3} {2,4} {3,4} which don't exist), then the next four are the three player combinations {1,2,3} {1,2,4} {1,3,4} and the null case {2,3,4}, and lastly the full combination set {1,2,3,4}.
I'd then feed this in to the DefineGame function of the package to create my coalitions object.
Appreciate any help: I have tried to be as descriptive as possible. I really don't know where to start on generating the necessary sets and set exclusions.

How to Count the Number of Distinct Values in a Data Frame Column with a Condition in R

I have a data frame that looks like this:
date timestamp transfer ID IP Address Username Encryption File Bytes Speed DateTimeStamp
1 20160525 08:22:06.838 F798256B wei2dt - "" 264 "1.62 seconds (1.30 kilobits/sec)" 20160525 08:22:06.838
2 20160525 08:28:26.920 F798256C wei2dt - "isi_audit_log.dmp-sv.tmp" 69 "0.29 seconds (1.93 kilobits/sec)" 20160525 08:28:26.920
3 20160525 08:28:26.923 F798256D wei2dt - "isi_audit_log.dmp-sv.met" 0 "Unable to stat isi_audit_log.dmp-sv.met: No such file or directory" 20160525 08:28:26.923
4 20160525 08:28:26.933 F798256E wei2dt - "CG0009 1364_GT_report.txt" 34 "0.01 seconds (34.0 kilobits/sec)" 20160525 08:28:26.933
I want to count the number of users (usernames) that were online at a certain time. Essentially, I want to check every five minutes or so how many users were active. I need to use the DateTimestamp column to create my intervals and utilize it as a condition to count the number of distinct users at that period of time. I've tried using a while loop to do something of the sort, but it did not work. Are there any suggestions on how I should go about this?
With dplyr
df %>% mutate(timeInt=cut(DateTimeStamp,breaks="5 min")) %>%
group_by(timeInt) %>% summarise(numberUniqueUsers=length(unique(Username)))

Using condition in columns of data frame to generate a vector in R

I have the following array:
Year Month Day Hour
1 1 1 1 0
2 1 1 1 3
I wrote a function which I then tried to vectorize by using apply in order to run calculations row-by-row basis, but it doesn't work due to the booleans:
#first month in season
if((tarr$month==12) || (tarr$month==3) ||(tarr$month==6) || (tarr$month==9)){
#second month in season
}else if ((tarr$month==1) || (tarr$month==4)){
}else if((tarr$month==7) || (tarr$month==10)){
#third month in season
}else if((tarr$month==2)){
I tried
but it raised this exception:
Error in tarr$month : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
(I already knew about this potential pitfall, but that's why I wanted to use apply in the first place!)
The only way I can currently get it to work is if I do this:
for (x in 1:nrow(tdjf)){
If there were only a few values, I'd throw up my hands and just use the for loop, efficiency be damned, but I have over 15,000 rows and that's just one dataset. I know that there has to be a way to make it work.
To vectorize your code, use ifelse() and| instead of ||:
(tarr$month==12) | (tarr$month==3) |(tarr$month==6) | (tarr$month==9),
ifelse((tarr$month==1) | (tarr$month==4),
ifelse((tarr$month==7) | (tarr$month==10),
You might be surprised at how quickly a well constructed for loop can run. If designed well, it has about the same efficiency of an apply statement.
The properfor loop in your case is
tdjf$days <- vector ("numeric", nrow (tdjf))
for (x in seq_along (tdjf$days)){
tdjf$days [x] <- day_in_season(tdjf[x,])
If you really want to go the apply route, I would recommend rewriting your function to take three arguments -- month, day, and hour -- and pass those three columns into mapply

Hash Table + Binary Search

I'm using an Hash Table to store some values. Here are the details:
There will be roughly 1M items to store (not known before, so no perfect-hash possible).
Table is 10M large.
Hash function is MurMurHash3.
I did some tests and storing 1M values I get 350,000 collisions and 30 elements at the most-colliding hash table's slot.
Are these result good?
Would it make sense to implement Binary Search for lists that get created at colliding hash-table's slots?
What' your advice to improve performances?
EDIT: Here is my code
HashList: array [0..10000000 - 1] of Integer;
for I := 0 to High(HashList) do
HashList[I] := 0;
for I := 1 to 1000000 do
Y := MurmurHash3(UIntToStr(I));
Y := Y mod Length(HashList);
if HashList[Y] > 1 then
if HashList[Y] > MostCollidingSlotItemCount then
MostCollidingSlotItemCount := HashList[Y];
Writeln('Total: ' + IntToStr(TotalCollisionsCount) + ' Max: ' + IntToStr(MostCollidingSlotItemCount));
Here is the result I get:
Total: 48169 Max: 5
Am I missing something?
This is what you get when you put 1M items randomly into 10M cells
calendar_size=10000000 nperson = 1000000
E/cell| Ncell | frac | Nelem | frac |h/cell| hops | Cumhops
0: 9048262 (0.904826) 0 (0.000000) 0 0 0
1: 905064 (0.090506) 905064 (0.905064) 1 905064 905064
2: 45136 (0.004514) 90272 (0.090272) 3 135408 1040472
3: 1488 (0.000149) 4464 (0.004464) 6 8928 1049400
4: 50 (0.000005) 200 (0.000200) 10 500 1049900
5: 10000000 1000000 1.049900 1049900
The left column is the number of items in a cell. The second: the number of cells having this itemcount.
WRT the binary search: it is obvious that for small tables like this (maximum chain length=4, but most chains are of length=1), linear search outperforms binary search. The takeover-point is probably somewhere between 10 and 100.

cut function and controlled frequency in the intervals

My question is pretty simple: the cut() function allows to choose the breaks along which I can divide the range of my vector into intervals. I would like to be able to control for the number of observations within the newly created interval, in a way similar to what could be obtained with a quantile argument in the cut() function call. However I don't want to be using the quantile argument because I would like for the intervals to be chosen fixed, so that I can match them between different databases for further comparison, and I want the same discrete values to be found in the labels of the newly cut vectors.
I used to use this for the quantile approach:
df$z<-cut(df$x, quantile(x, (0:10)/10), include.lowest=TRUE)
Which is fairly simple. My new approach is even simpler, so it resembles this for example:
df$z<-cut(df$x, c(0.04,0.055,0.06,0.065,0.07,0.075,0.08,0.085,0.09,0.095,0.11), include.lowest=T)
I then have another variable which I want to calculate some statistics on, according to the levels of the discrete variable.
So it would go something like this :
But for me to be able to calculate this kind of t-test confidence interval on each of the 'pools' of the y values (which number in the same amount as the observations within the intervals of the discrete variable), I need to be able to control for the number of values within each created interval for z, so that my test remains valid, at least as far as the number of observations is concerned.
Simply put, I'd need an automated procedure that would create the vector of breaks for the z variable so that each of them contains a minimum number of observations. As an added complication, it should be the same breaks for two different databases, which I don't know if it's possible.
Any help on the matter would be welcome, thank you in advance.
EDIT: here is a sample of my data for x.
structure(list(x = c(5.319125, 7.3036667, 5.5166167, 7.0308333,
5.6812917, 6.5496583, 5.6621833, 6.4682, 5.4897417, 7.185175,
6.44905, 7.2055833, 7.629375, 6.2282833, 6.6813917, 7.7976, 6.683975,
5.5089083, 7.307475, 7.3958667, 6.2036583, 6.2488833, 5.9372,
6.6180167, 6.4167833, 5.640275, 8.7416917, 8.3134167, 6.8996833,
5.1161917, 7.0606333, 5.2622667, 6.780925, 5.4615417, 6.48185,
5.51585, 6.2224333, 5.3660667, 7.196525, 6.2984083, 7.0137833,
7.4490083, 5.9712333, 6.4287833, 7.6693917, 6.4406417, 5.4135083,
7.16245, 7.2267, 5.820325, 6.066175, 5.760975, 6.4775, 6.2625,
5.5182583, 8.446625, 8.19025, 6.7955333, 4.7899583, 6.5680167,
4.5965917, 6.3539333, 4.6639, 6.0489667, 4.9047833, 5.353625,
4.711425, 6.6268833, 5.5458083, 6.3271917, 6.4591417, 5.1843917,
5.6117167, 7.1828417, 5.6956917, 5.0271917, 6.741875, 6.68305,
4.7859667, 5.3068667, 5.3245, 5.745675, 5.7518917, 5.37945, 8.0030417,
7.7064583, 6.2935333, 5.1838667, 6.9369333, 4.9734583, 6.7257167,
5.0510333, 6.4257667, 5.2858083, 5.7285167, 5.084, 7.0092833,
5.905875, 6.6893417, 6.8319583, 5.5558083, 5.9854833, 7.5552167,
6.064625, 5.3990333, 7.115175, 7.0600167, 5.1644833, 5.6848667,
5.7014417, 6.1051, 6.1186333, 5.7217667, 8.3685417, 8.071325,
6.6547333, 5.5972417, 7.4226, 5.539725, 7.26335, 5.645975, 6.87475,
5.8486167, 6.3001667, 5.5997833, 7.4353167, 6.5089583, 7.213625,
7.3125667, 6.12095, 6.5410083, 8.0639083, 6.6505167, 5.8886417,
7.6301167, 7.5850417, 5.7693667, 6.2480167, 6.1847167, 6.6896167,
6.6323917, 6.1972167, 8.8560333, 8.5501083, 7.1036167, 4.9929583,
6.9839583, 5.3847417, 6.8814417, 5.59555, 6.7867167, 5.7831333,
6.9370917, 5.7400917, 7.6922, 6.3151, 7.084725, 7.0414417, 5.95435,
6.4274167, 7.6692167, 6.9159, 6.0856083, 7.3079583, 7.1937667,
5.744675, 5.946525, 6.0651833, 6.8488833, 6.5924333, 5.772025,
8.3281167, 8.5475917, 6.7952917, 8.248525, 5.1931083, 7.0688917,
5.4793583, 7.0091583, 5.7593, 7.1053333, 5.9382583, 7.1765417,
6.003075, 7.7699833, 6.2757333, 7.2446583, 7.179275, 6.0013083,
6.447975, 7.7845833, 6.9071083, 6.1009, 7.425425, 7.4619083,
5.9380667, 6.2116, 6.13315, 7.0852, 7.0047417, 6.0763917, 8.5926583,
8.7468417, 7.2485167, 8.5096833, 5.1541, 7.0479917, 5.43065,
6.9689083, 5.7356, 7.0842917, 5.9051667, 7.1283333, 5.9666667,
7.7295583, 6.249925, 7.21005, 7.1427167, 5.9675583, 6.4135667,
7.7448583, 6.874275, 6.0679333, 7.388675, 7.429025, 5.911225,
6.1757167, 6.095225, 7.045775, 6.9870833, 6.0567333, 8.5771167,
8.7541917, 7.3187333, 8.5092083, 5.5746, 7.342925, 5.8561667,
7.4704667, 5.922225, 6.9787, 6.1564167, 7.6059667, 5.9122917,
7.7848833, 6.6192, 7.34055, 7.2352417, 5.9776083, 6.5197583,
7.4891583, 7.2185667, 6.4710167, 7.70945, 7.5078083, 6.1470417,
6.66115, 6.6899333, 7.4454083, 7.2270917, 6.350075, 8.3156667,
8.9007917, 6.7578083, 8.3258083, 5.1996, 6.9688833, 5.3592917,
6.7583417, 5.5623583, 6.756375, 5.7361, 7.120425, 5.6567, 7.6174667,
6.1474833, 7.1442167, 6.74475, 5.5820333, 6.0106, 7.142675, 6.667475,
5.9067917, 7.2392, 7.058675, 5.6394417, 5.9119167, 5.8367333,
6.798025, 6.694675, 5.8565917, 8.6035083, 8.912375, 7.0501083,
8.38045, 4.8478083, 6.7493167, 5.3686667, 6.5152333, 5.282025,
6.5464333, 5.5085583, 6.870975, 5.4757667, 7.318, 5.92225, 6.9300417,
6.5758083, 5.4233083, 5.8295583, 7.0451, 6.4790083, 5.68255,
6.9632833, 6.9965833, 5.5005667, 5.717725, 5.5938083, 6.5309,
6.4824583, 5.4429833, 8.072575, 8.3635, 6.5797167, 8.0352333,
4.6289833, 6.64105, 4.8883833, 6.2025833, 5.2291833, 6.4814667,
5.2211083, 6.5780083, 5.196275, 7.030725, 5.6001583, 6.620475,
6.2858333, 5.114375, 5.5424417, 6.7784917, 6.1561333, 5.339375,
6.6249083, 6.6248583, 5.139775, 5.4195, 5.4531833, 6.3348583,
6.4041417, 5.292, 7.6243833, 7.9624583, 6.3226417, 7.761175,
4.8419083, 6.8384083, 5.3500417, 6.5903333, 5.33275, 6.732575,
5.4486, 6.8069417, 5.4569583, 7.26275, 5.835525, 6.8680333, 6.6712333,
5.4720417, 5.904325, 7.1506917, 6.4746833, 5.638675, 6.9570667,
7.0017333, 5.5033667, 5.6859333, 5.651875, 6.5903, 6.529725,
5.4819667, 7.971975, 8.2337833, 6.5815333, 7.9736583, 5.7711917,
7.543325, 5.8986917, 7.5081333, 6.2920333, 7.5321667, 6.4908917,
7.7616583, 6.4509417, 8.08035, 6.8219, 7.7939167, 7.6491333,
6.4773583, 6.9338667, 8.1865583, 7.3998917, 6.572125, 7.9198417,
8.0568, 6.5880333, 6.8299667, 6.7399833, 7.6436, 7.509275, 6.5139833,
9.1520167, 9.3580667, 7.65415, 9.0725167, 5.7483583, 7.5230417,
5.89105, 7.4808833, 6.1969667, 7.4923583, 6.4092583, 7.70695,
6.3970833, 8.0971333, 6.7949083, 7.76445, 7.6170167, 6.4494333,
6.8997, 8.1575333, 7.3728417, 6.544075, 7.888, 8.0215, 6.5484,
6.7911667, 6.7121917, 7.6179083, 7.4731167, 6.4629167, 9.1226333,
9.3307083, 7.6230583, 9.024875, 5.543925, 7.1460833, 5.6575583,
7.5986083, 6.027075, 7.4386167, 6.3500333, 7.6694833, 6.3682583,
8.0843333, 6.7181083, 7.7376, 7.5818583, 6.4010667, 6.8440083,
8.1217917, 7.3290833, 6.5187333, 7.8591667, 7.9898583, 6.5051,
6.7251167, 6.6881333, 7.477675, 7.3571333, 6.3351833, 8.881575,
9.12315, 7.3851, 8.8008667, 5.3437833, 7.1560417, 5.5748, 7.4622583,
5.9412417, 7.3428667, 6.2594167, 7.5839167, 6.28685, 8.0270917,
6.6388333, 7.6611, 7.50065, 6.3217167, 6.7594417, 8.0401167,
7.252425, 6.444, 7.77975, 7.9104167, 6.42495, 6.6421667, 6.6103333,
7.3489417, 7.23205, 6.2059333, 8.726725, 8.994625, 7.2460917,
8.660125, 5.2502833, 7.2591, 5.6425417, 6.889925, 5.353675, 6.50635,
6.260675, 7.4236583, 5.9076417, 7.3915, 6.2134917, 7.1645333,
6.922675, 6.0295417, 6.1687917, 7.2771083, 6.6152333, 6.3299417,
7.167325, 6.647275, 5.726475, 5.93905, 6.2888583, 6.7497167,
6.4364083, 5.8906583, 7.6052917, 8.039425, 6.5672833, 7.8754667,
6.3086333, 5.352025, 7.2849417, 5.7184833, 6.9675917, 5.5615333,
6.6157917, 6.3505417, 7.4881, 6.0007417, 7.5110583, 6.35525,
7.254075, 7.0289083, 6.1994417, 6.2860833, 7.372575, 6.735975,
6.4628917, 7.3102167, 6.8619417, 5.9123667, 6.1611917, 6.4854083,
6.8942417, 6.563625, 6.0610083, 7.941625, 8.6969167, 6.66075,
8.1197167, 6.2802, 3.9638, 5.870825, 4.1852, 5.5841417, 4.3007583,
5.2352167, 4.4281417, 5.819425, 4.1990917, 5.9338917, 4.89765,
5.7204333, 5.6546833, 4.5632167, 4.9803333, 5.6962417, 5.247725,
4.7092583, 6.0145417, 5.6403917, 4.4016917, 4.7181, 4.5007833,
5.2828917, 5.1314167, 4.7492, 6.777575, 6.9040083, 4.9760583,
6.4471917, 5.0952833, 3.712725, 5.8215333, 4.025725, 5.5635,
4.2354083, 5.143525, 4.4900083, 5.6802417, 4.1214333, 5.8128,
4.7525583, 5.6412583, 5.5534917, 4.487475, 4.8237833, 5.6156917,
5.0573, 4.5755417, 5.8096083, 5.5252083, 4.3145583, 4.5437417,
4.194675, 5.0100833, 4.8972333, 4.590025, 6.6441417, 6.5789417,
4.6947667, 6.1648167, 4.8517333, 3.982925, 5.7966833, 4.1607083,
5.5564833, 4.2557417, 5.2304083, 4.8661333, 5.912875, 4.4988333,
6.03915, 4.9131583, 5.8518667, 5.6578583, 4.773225, 4.8958583,
5.8759833, 5.204725, 4.8961667, 5.9217, 5.58395, 4.5410667, 4.73445,
4.5922333, 5.2517333, 5.0220333, 4.619475, 6.4883667, 6.429175,
4.6796417, 6.3171083, 4.93615, 3.9278833, 5.7590417, 4.1155667,
5.612725, 4.2199833, 5.2126667, 4.805275, 5.8888833, 4.4363,
6.0380083, 4.892, 5.8192083, 5.64205, 4.708825, 4.8751583, 5.833775,
5.2210417, 4.853225, 5.924225, 5.5856583, 4.5386167, 4.7280917,
4.5618, 5.264425, 5.03855, 4.5539, 6.4993, 6.4900667, 4.6749083,
6.2961333, 4.918525, 4.0890583, 6.33385, 4.3470083, 5.9645, 4.6541833,
5.5438667, 4.9556583, 6.1590583, 4.6379417, 6.2876833, 5.2235167,
6.1387167, 6.0547583, 4.9545667, 5.254125, 6.05395, 5.4813417,
4.9971333, 6.2266583, 5.9172833, 4.7275917, 4.9274917, 4.443575,
5.3164917, 5.2507083, 5.1704583, 7.173075, 6.9351583, 5.0816667,
6.5568, 5.3417667, 5.1705167, 7.0777833, 5.6253333, 7.231225,
5.5799167, 6.6942917, 6.1014583, 7.538725, 5.7152667, 7.459275,
6.2406083, 7.064925, 6.9234417, 5.8328833, 6.1819583, 7.2127583,
6.8071583, 6.2599417, 7.2975417, 6.973875, 5.804125, 6.1944667,
6.38855, 7.0553583, 6.8393167, 6.1275417, 7.9986833, 8.5846,
6.4682167, 8.0134583, 6.1805917, 5.0699583, 6.9006667, 5.36365,
6.9204917, 5.4478667, 6.5391583, 6.0647417, 7.2951667, 5.6632833,
7.25595, 6.1057333, 6.9578417, 6.8235583, 5.8671833, 6.0716417,
7.060175, 6.5401, 6.1229417, 7.1305083, 6.7823417, 5.62415, 5.9202,
5.9957167, 6.7142167, 6.4706417, 5.9004667, 7.8304583, 8.2144667,
6.1530583, 7.6896417, 5.9285333, 4.2625417, 5.9677583, 4.58695,
6.0400083, 4.4215333, 5.6052833, 5.04165, 6.48845, 4.6423583,
6.1688833, 5.0256167, 5.926725, 5.7214667, 4.746375, 4.9828,
6.1583083, 5.6903, 5.217375, 6.1341583, 5.7868083, 4.5895333,
4.98235, 5.159725, 5.7866167, 5.6300833, 4.882975, 6.7210833,
7.4314833, 5.2493083, 6.8503833, 5.2225583, 3.8417833, 5.9798,
4.1168583, 5.63415, 4.3311333, 5.0777667, 4.6606833, 5.789425,
4.3565167, 5.9736167, 4.8910667, 5.9445417, 5.699275, 4.6897167,
4.9036083, 5.8767, 5.088675, 4.6224417, 5.8052833, 5.5697167,
4.3237, 4.6084333, 4.2958833, 5.1394417, 5.0137583, 4.7711, 6.771275,
6.5984417, 4.845625, 6.3338083, 5.1370333, 3.1820167, 5.2699667,
3.4827167, 5.0992583, 3.7040583, 4.6358583, 4.1604917, 5.2488333,
3.7522, 5.3774167, 4.2636167, 5.1998167, 5.0456333, 4.051475,
4.289175, 5.1718917, 4.5787083, 4.1461667, 5.2983167, 5.03025,
3.8709333, 4.0917167, 3.731925, 4.5584167, 4.4200333, 4.061375,
6.064225, 6.02975, 4.1590167, 5.6589083, 4.2614833, 3.68695,
5.587375, 3.91725, 5.3387, 4.0061667, 4.9563833, 4.1942, 5.6720583,
3.9584333, 5.6873583, 4.6251, 5.4801417, 5.3975583, 4.2382, 4.6710917,
5.4898083, 5.0469667, 4.4950083, 5.72005, 5.46085, 4.30355, 4.5525917,
4.3681667, 5.1723167, 5.0331417, 4.4793083, 6.5492917, 6.720225,
4.7550917, 6.197775, 4.8082917, 4.09925, 5.986525, 4.3104417,
5.68455, 4.4287167, 5.3555667, 4.5191083, 5.9269833, 4.2695917,
5.9984167, 4.981225, 5.8049917, 5.7680667, 4.5736667, 5.0673583,
5.7443583, 5.2811083, 4.719175, 6.0376667, 5.73875, 4.3947333,
4.8157333, 4.6093417, 5.3906417, 5.2357417, 4.684825, 6.8885583,
7.018425, 5.0878167, 6.5122333, 5.2084, 3.810525, 6.2600083,
3.6246583, 5.7396417, 4.0617917, 5.6724583, 4.2505833, 4.7518417,
4.1232, 6.208375, 4.5881167, 5.252575, 5.71795, 4.0840583, 4.700325,
6.2360333, 4.701725, 3.922525, 5.5162167, 5.6220333, 3.8836833,
4.4883667, 4.5398583)), .Names = "x", row.names = c(NA, -962L
), class = "data.frame")
Assuming I want 30 values per interval (the 'n'), here is the code I used:
df$z<-cut(df$x, seq(30,length(df$x),by=30)/length(df$x), include.lowest=T)
Which gives me:
> table(df$z)
[0.0312,0.0624] (0.0624,0.0936] (0.0936,0.125] (0.125,0.156] (0.156,0.187] (0.187,0.218] (0.218,0.249] (0.249,0.281] (0.281,0.312] (0.312,0.343] (0.343,0.374]
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(0.374,0.405] (0.405,0.437] (0.437,0.468] (0.468,0.499] (0.499,0.53] (0.53,0.561] (0.561,0.593] (0.593,0.624] (0.624,0.655] (0.655,0.686] (0.686,0.717]
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
(0.717,0.748] (0.748,0.78] (0.78,0.811] (0.811,0.842] (0.842,0.873] (0.873,0.904] (0.904,0.936] (0.936,0.967] (0.967,0.998]
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
What I want is a similar result to what I get with quantiles:
df$zbis<-cut(df$x, quantile(df$x, (0:20)/20), include.lowest=T)
[3.18,4.29] (4.29,4.62] (4.62,4.89] (4.89,5.14] (5.14,5.33] (5.33,5.53] (5.53,5.66] (5.66,5.8] (5.8,5.94] (5.94,6.1] (6.1,6.26] (6.26,6.45] (6.45,6.58] (6.58,6.74] (6.74,6.93]
49 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
(6.93,7.14] (7.14,7.34] (7.34,7.62] (7.62,8.06] (8.06,9.36]
48 48 48 48 49
Except I'd like this to be reproducible for another database, and so I can't use the quantile function, since I would not get the same intervals on a different database.
SECOND EDIT: here is the second sample from another database. 'x' is the same variable, and they have similar ranges.
structure(list(x = c(5.319125, 7.3036667, 5.5166167, 7.0308333,
5.6812917, 6.5496583, 5.6621833, 6.4682, 5.4897417, 7.185175,
6.44905, 7.2055833, 7.629375, 6.2282833, 6.6813917, 7.7976, 6.683975,
5.5089083, 7.307475, 7.3958667, 6.2036583, 6.2488833, 5.9372,
6.6180167, 6.4167833, 5.640275, 8.7416917, 8.3134167, 6.8996833,
5.1931083, 7.0688917, 5.4793583, 7.0091583, 5.7593, 7.1053333,
5.9382583, 7.1765417, 6.003075, 7.7699833, 6.2757333, 7.2446583,
7.179275, 6.0013083, 6.447975, 7.7845833, 6.9071083, 6.1009,
7.425425, 7.4619083, 5.9380667, 6.2116, 6.13315, 7.0852, 7.0047417,
6.0763917, 8.5926583, 8.7468417, 7.2485167, 8.5096833, 5.177275,
7.09985, 5.6444667, 7.0102417, 5.7303833, 7.0383333, 5.9870583,
7.3342083, 5.9363667, 7.7753333, 6.38355, 7.389575, 7.0396667,
5.889625, 6.29395, 7.51135, 6.940925, 6.1455417, 7.4281833, 7.4657167,
5.9707083, 6.1902083, 6.0936167, 6.9595167, 6.85065, 5.8525,
8.5148083, 8.805625, 7.00665, 8.4457, 5.3437833, 7.1560417, 5.5748,
7.4622583, 5.9412417, 7.3428667, 6.2594167, 7.5839167, 6.28685,
8.0270917, 6.6388333, 7.6611, 7.50065, 6.3217167, 6.7594417,
8.0401167, 7.252425, 6.444, 7.77975, 7.9104167, 6.42495, 6.6421667,
6.6103333, 7.3489417, 7.23205, 6.2059333, 8.726725, 8.994625,
7.2460917, 8.660125, 3.614125, 5.6345917, 3.9410417, 5.2901417,
4.0147333, 4.766825, 4.4500417, 5.5189, 4.11375, 5.6350667, 4.5756917,
5.5998833, 5.3663, 4.44405, 4.5767417, 5.552025, 4.847425, 4.4382583,
5.5769417, 5.2390667, 4.0610917, 4.4054833, 4.1917, 4.9029083,
4.6935917, 4.3499417, 6.0562333, 6.081225, 4.45855, 6.0121583,
4.740275, 4.5028, 6.4177833, 4.8716417, 6.1469917, 4.6208917,
5.7748083, 5.4530083, 6.694125, 5.0944333, 6.5123167, 5.3257083,
6.2765333, 6.0149167, 5.1815583, 5.30715, 6.4149083, 5.82245,
5.515425, 6.3654333, 5.8472833, 4.9798917, 5.1833583, 5.5210333,
6.0410667, 5.7377917, 5.2666083, 7.0378167, 7.744175, 5.718725,
7.3220583, 5.24325, 5.3256, 7.2155167, 5.696925, 7.0029667, 5.5235,
6.7261083, 6.2810667, 7.546825, 5.90915, 7.3299167, 6.2227333,
7.147075, 6.9142417, 6.0012083, 6.1725333, 7.29815, 6.7, 6.3454583,
7.2129583, 6.7559833, 5.8115, 6.0756667, 6.458225, 6.9969167,
6.778825, 6.2245833, 8.0809583, 8.875325, 6.7210917, 8.3203,
6.3513, 5.2591333, 7.1404917, 5.6266417, 6.9356, 5.4568, 6.6604,
6.206025, 7.48525, 5.8323667, 7.24635, 6.1446583, 7.066275, 6.8334,
5.9198667, 6.09505, 7.2206583, 6.63085, 6.270075, 7.1397333,
6.689125, 5.7441333, 6.042575, 6.38255, 6.9325833, 6.7175667,
6.1592, 8.00415, 8.8051167, 6.647125, 8.2465667, 6.2788167, 6.49435,
8.1847583, 6.664475, 8.0528583, 6.6822417, 7.376, 7.1517833,
8.2306833, 6.8584583, 8.3052167, 7.288375, 8.2758583, 7.7162583,
7.2807833, 7.0459, 8.2507833, 7.5855, 7.0505917, 8.2230167, 8.1669,
6.8184667, 6.9700583, 7.0936167, 7.7615667, 7.6239083, 7.0921667,
9.02585, 9.3416167, 7.6256333, 9.0869333, 8.0984667, 4.116325,
6.1680917, 4.56965, 5.797725, 4.36085, 5.42455, 5.144075, 6.1531833,
4.77825, 6.2533417, 5.0192083, 5.99395, 5.6934083, 4.9074167,
4.9823083, 5.9861667, 5.4068833, 5.1872833, 6.10095, 5.659325,
4.6632833, 4.86315, 5.221775, 5.5878, 5.3217083, 4.8202333, 6.4883083,
6.69355, 4.952075, 6.7075583, 5.00015, 5.2502833, 7.2591, 5.6425417,
6.889925, 5.353675, 6.50635, 6.260675, 7.4236583, 5.9076417,
7.3915, 6.2134917, 7.1645333, 6.922675, 6.0295417, 6.1687917,
7.2771083, 6.6152333, 6.3299417, 7.167325, 6.647275, 5.726475,
5.93905, 6.2888583, 6.7497167, 6.4364083, 5.8906583, 7.6052917,
8.039425, 6.5672833, 7.8754667, 6.3086333, 5.352025, 7.2849417,
5.7184833, 6.9675917, 5.5615333, 6.6157917, 6.3505417, 7.4881,
6.0007417, 7.5110583, 6.35525, 7.254075, 7.0289083, 6.1994417,
6.2860833, 7.372575, 6.735975, 6.4628917, 7.3102167, 6.8619417,
5.9123667, 6.1611917, 6.4854083, 6.8942417, 6.563625, 6.0610083,
7.941625, 8.6969167, 6.66075, 8.1197167, 6.2802, 3.9638, 5.870825,
4.1852, 5.5841417, 4.3007583, 5.2352167, 4.4281417, 5.819425,
4.1990917, 5.9338917, 4.89765, 5.7204333, 5.6546833, 4.5632167,
4.9803333, 5.6962417, 5.247725, 4.7092583, 6.0145417, 5.6403917,
4.4016917, 4.7181, 4.5007833, 5.2828917, 5.1314167, 4.7492, 6.777575,
6.9040083, 4.9760583, 6.4471917, 5.0952833, 3.712725, 5.8215333,
4.025725, 5.5635, 4.2354083, 5.143525, 4.4900083, 5.6802417,
4.1214333, 5.8128, 4.7525583, 5.6412583, 5.5534917, 4.487475,
4.8237833, 5.6156917, 5.0573, 4.5755417, 5.8096083, 5.5252083,
4.3145583, 4.5437417, 4.194675, 5.0100833, 4.8972333, 4.590025,
6.6441417, 6.5789417, 4.6947667, 6.1648167, 4.8517333, 4.1059833,
5.9023167, 4.2812417, 5.6593917, 4.3587583, 5.3359583, 4.983275,
6.0223417, 4.6178333, 6.1545333, 5.0244667, 5.9596, 5.7608833,
4.8875333, 4.9990583, 5.9919333, 5.3157417, 5.0169333, 6.024775,
5.6717167, 4.6372083, 4.8370583, 4.7311333, 5.3704, 5.133575,
4.7174917)), .Names = "x", row.names = c(NA, -455L), class = "data.frame")
Updated after some comments:
Since you state that the minimum number of cases in each group would be fine for you, I'd go with Hmisc::cut2
v <- rnorm(10, 0, 1)
Hmisc::cut2(v, m = 3) # minimum of 3 cases per group
The documentation for cut2 states:
m desired minimum number of observations in a group.
The algorithm does not guarantee that all groups will have at least m observations.
The same cuts for separate variables
If the distributions of your variables are very similar you could extract the exact cutpoints by setting the argument onlycuts = T and reuse them for the other variables. In case the distributions are different though, you will end up with few cases in some intervals.
Using your data:
cuts <- cut2(df1$x, g = 20, onlycuts = T) # determine cuts based on df1
cut2(df1$x, cuts = cuts) %>% table
cut2(df2$x, cuts = cuts) %>% table*2 # multiplied by two for better comparison
This is a good example of how NOT to pose a question. At last we have an example an, it is possible to post code that applies to it. (You apparently naively pasted the exact code in my comment without thinking about how to express 'n' and 'N' in the context of the problem. I did need to add prob=c( seq(...) , 1) in order to capture the highest values.
This assumes that you want groups of size 100 (although it is still very unclear why this is needed).
x$xct <- cut( x$x, breaks=quantile(x$x, prob=c( seq(100, length(x$x), by=100)/length(x$x) , 1) ))
(4.64,5.17] (5.17,5.57] (5.57,5.85] (5.85,6.17] (6.17,6.51] (6.51,6.85]
100 100 100 100 100 100
(6.85,7.26] (7.26,7.94] (7.94,9.36]
100 100 62
