MariaDB: How can I select a temporary table if there is a persistent table with the same name? - mariadb

I created a persistent table temp and a temporary table temp, that is, both have the same name. How can I use select/update/insert specifically to the persistent or the temporary table? How can I differ between them?
MariaDB Tutorial says:
Note − Temporary tables are permitted to have the same name as an existing non-temporary table because MariaDB views it as a difference reference.
So, I suppose it should be possible to refer to one of these tables. This question is related to this question I posed in SO, but goes one step back.

In case a temporary table has the same name as an existing non temporary table the temporary table will shadow the name of a non temporary table.
That means in a SQL statement you will not be able to reference the non temporary table.
A work around would be, to create a view on a non temporary table before creating the temporary table, since the view internally keeps the reference to the non temporary table:


merge secondary database into main one avoiding duplicate

I have two databases with the same structure. The first is the main one, while the second get updated periodically (in reality I have multiple "secondary" databases that I want to merge one by one into the main one).
The structure of the main and the secondary databases is identical.
I want to periodically dump all new values from the secondary database in the main one. However, the second time I do it, I want to exclude rows that were already copied the first time (and so on).
The tables in all these database have:
an ID column set as PRIMARY KEY going from 1 to N for each database (I suspect this was a mistake, but at the moment I can't change this)
a DATE column, representing a posix timestamp (float)
some other columns
My code looks like this:
ATTACH DATABASE secondary.db AS temp_db
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS my_table_temp
CREATE TABLE my_table_temp AS SELECT * FROM my_table
INSERT INTO main.my_table_temp SELECT * FROM temp_db.my_table
DELETE FROM my_table
INSERT INTO main.my_table SELECT DISTINCT * FROM main.my_table_temp ORDER BY date
DROP TABLE my_table_temp
the problem is that - I suspect due to the repeated ID column - the DISTINCT clause returns me:
UNIQUE constraint failed:
However I don't care at all of the ID field that could also be dropped or reset.
the secondary databases are constantly updated by a code that - at the moment - I can't change
I initialize the "main" database copy-pasting one of the secondary to avoid regenerating the whole structure from scratch. Maybe there is a better way of doing this
Apologies if this is a naive question, but I'm very new with SQLite.
Following the advice from #forpas, I solved this with the following code:
Assuming the columns to be id,date,col1 and col2
ATTACH DATABASE secondary.db AS temp_db
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS my_table_temp
CREATE TABLE my_table_temp AS SELECT date,col1,col2 FROM my_table
INSERT INTO main.my_table_temp SELECT date,col1,col2 FROM temp_db.my_table
DROP TABLE my_table /* I need to recreate my_table as I've removed a column*/
CREATE TABLE main.my_table AS SELECT DISTINCT date,col1,col2 FROM main.my_table_temp ORDER BY date
DROP TABLE my_table_temp
also, I automatized the extraction of the column names doing
This is then passed to the python code running the script and the column id is removed from the list. Note that the second (and following) time I run this code, the column id won't be present in my_table to start with. However this approach allows the code to be the same in the two cases: either if the column id is there or not.
This procedure is then iterated over each table name to fully merge the two databases.

SQLite: foreign key referencing data in an FTS5 shadow table

The full-text search extensions of SQLite (FTS3, FTS4, FTS5) create shadow tables. E.g., if I create FTS5-table
that will also automatically create several real (non-virtual) tables, with test_content among them, which (apparently) stores the actual data inserted into the original virtual table test.
I know SQLite authors suggest that these shadow tables "should not be accessed directly by the user". But it's not clear from the docs if there are no any guarantee at all about behavior of these tables, or this advise concerns primarily attempts to directly INSERT or UPDATE on them. But what are the risks of reading from these tables?
Specifically - I need another (regular) table to have a FOREIGN KEY which references rowid of the virtual FTS5 table:
CREATE TABLE myTable (col1 INTEGER REFERENCES test(rowid));
I couldn't find hints on that in the docs, but my own experiments showed that foreign key just doesn't work here - I still can delete records from the test table even though they are referenced from myTable. However, if instead I do
CREATE TABLE myTable (col1 INTEGER REFERENCES test_content(id));
then everything seems to work as needed - I can't delete records from the virtual test table if they are referenced from myTable.
This works because, as follows from direct inspection, the rowid value of the test table is always equal to the id column value of the test_content table. Even when I specify rowid manually like in INSERT INTO test (rowid, value) VALUES (424242, 'foobar'); - then a new row appears in the test_content with the corresponding content and the corresponding id equal to 424242 (even if no preceding records were ever in the table).
So basically, my question is - is this correspondence between the rowid of an FTS5-table and the id of the corresponding <name>_content shadow table guaranteed to hold? Or might this break in some cases or in future versions?

Create temporary table

I'm coming from SQL Server enviroment where you can declare a temp table with #table, but as I've read you can't do this in oracle.
I want get a value for 500.000 hardcoded id's from a table, but as the IN clause has a limit of 1000 I need to find another way. Is the best way to create a temporary table and insert the hardcoded values and then join the other table which contains the values I need ?
My client (toad) has autocommit set to off and I dont want to commit anything, I want it to be session-based so when I close the database client I want the temporary table do disappear. Is the code below the right way to do in oracle?
CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE Test(HardcodedId number(10))
I've also tried to use inner join and in the join select the hardcoded values from dual, but this creates a column for each value and i'm not able to use a reference to join with. Is it possible to insert all values into a single column in dual?
You can use some thing like this (500 union all)
select * from (
select '1' from dual
union all
select '2' from dual
...) q
Then you can join this with other tables.
For your situation, I would use a GTT (global temporary table) - which you have already researched by the looks.
The advantage of a GTT is that it's a permanent object (so no need to constantly create and drop it) and the data "stored" in it is on a session basis.

copy sqlite index from one database to another

I have a massive database (~800 GB) with several indexed tables. I need to copy one table (including indexes) to a new database. Copying the table itself is pretty straightforward.
$ sqlite3 newDB
> attach database 'oldDB.db' as oldDB
> create table newTable as select * from oldDB.oldTable
But I can't seem to find any information on a way to also copy over an index. Is there any way to do this? Since the tables are so large I'd really like to avoid having to re-index them.
SQLite has no mechanism to copy index contents.
If this particular table would be the majority of the data in the database, the fastest way to copy it would be to copy the database file and then to drop all other tables.
But otherwise, there you cannot avoid the reindex operation.
Please note that CREATE TABLE ... AS ... does copy only the contents of the table, but not the complete table definition (such as column types or constraints).
Copying large table in a single transaction is not a good idea. If you really have to you should turn off journaling first (destination database):
PRAGMA journal_mode=OFF;
As the others have stated, the index cannot be broken out. I suspect that time spent copying the database and then dropping a very large table would be longer than just -> 1. creating the new destination database, 2. determining the original CREATE TABLE statement (from the SQLITE_MASTER table of the source database) and recreating the table in the destination database. Then 3. just ATTACH your destination database to the source database and INSERT INTO destinationdb.tablename SELECT * FROM sourcedb.tablename;* to get the copy rolling.

Using temporary tables for update in stored procedure mysql

Can any one depict a simple example for using temporary tables in stored procedure for updating two tables in mysql?
Two kind of temporary tables available. One is session based and the other one is global temporary table.
Below is the simple example:
Select A,b,c into #MyTemp From MyDbTable
In the above example, #myTemp is the temporary table that you are creating. MyDbTable is the one that exist in your database. You can create multiple temporary tables.
I would suggest reading the article from here: Link
--Create a temp table and insert all these counts in it
Create Table #OperatorReportCount(Id int identity,Particulars varchar(100),NoOfArticles int)
--Insert these values in table
Insert Into #OperatorReportCount(Particulars,NoOfArticles) Values('Articles processed',#ProcessedArticleCount)
Insert Into #OperatorReportCount(Particulars,NoOfArticles) Values('Articles approved',#ArticlesApproved)
Insert Into #OperatorReportCount(Particulars,NoOfArticles) Values('Articles rejected',#ArticleRejectedCount)
Insert Into #OperatorReportCount(Particulars,NoOfArticles) Values('Rejections recieved',#RejectionsRecievedCount)
Insert Into #OperatorReportCount(Particulars,NoOfArticles) Values('Articles put on hold',#ArticlesOnHoldCount)
--Select the operator count table
Select Particulars,NoOfArticles From #OperatorReportCount
