How to can http services from https server - http

I have apache server(Frontend code) running on 80 port with https secure(SSL is configured). Backend server is nodejs and it is configured on 3000 port. When I tried to call services from https to http i.e. Apache(port 80 ssl configured) to Nodejs (port 3000 non-ssl) it is giving showing failed with status as "net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR".

This may have something to do with Same Origin policy.
Please see that answer: HTTP Ajax Request via HTTPS Page.


SSL certificate from Netlify - HTTPS with Digital Ocean

I am new at deploying web applications. I have set up a web server on Digital Ocean that is running on top of NGINX. Besides, I have a front application running on Netlify. The connection between the server and the web is not established (error 400) and I suspect a port problem.
I have double-checked the CORS policy, but my guess is that NGINX listens to port 80 for HTTP request (open), while Netlify automatically creates a SSL certificate which makes my requests go through the HTTPS protocol.
My question is: do I need to do anything else than setting up Nginx on the server side in such a way it listens to port 443 (HTTPS port), or do I need to generate another SSL certificate on the server side?
My intuition is option 1, but I feel lost with all these notions.
its CORS error, your Netlify HTTPS will not allow you to hit insecure HTTP API. You need to enable HTTPS on your droplet on Digital Ocean by providing a Domain Name to your application. Follow the link

Mixed content issue in using Application Load Balancer (ALB) in AWS

I have an ASP.Net web application hosted on IIS. The web application (an Umbraco site) is configured to have an HTTP binding in IIS and an SSL certificate is bound to an Application Load Balancer (ALB) in AWS which is used to manage user requests via HTTPS. This means that when a user requests a resource the ALB redirects any HTTP traffic to HTTPS and then forwards the requests to IIS via the port 80 (internal traffic within the VPC).
For most resources this is absolutely fine but there are a handfull of resources (fonts and images) which seem to be requested over HTTP which causes a mixed content warning in the browser. I have tried HTTP -> HTTPS rewrite rules in IIS and outbound rules to rewrite the response but this does not seem to resolve the issue.
Can anyone help?
The solution to the problem was this to run the the web-app locally as HTTPS rather than HTTP and update the load balancer to forward requests to the web-server on port 443 rather than port 80.
To do so
Create a development SSL certificate on IIS. Rather than creating a self-signed certificate I used this project ( to do so that the certificate was tusted
In AWS update the target group that the ALB listener used to forward requests to the IIS server on port 443 rather than port 80.

Redirect HTTPS request to HTTP (varnish) and then backend server HTTPS

My current configuration is like this :
1. Nginx listening on Port 8080 and 443
2. Varnish listening to port 80
Currently, when requests are made through HTTP they are delivered through the varnish, but when requests are made through HTTPS varnish doesn't deliver them.
My goal is to put varnish between Client and Nginx web server ( or make varnish work with port 443 )
Reading through articles and answer on StackOverflow, I tried to setup reverse proxy 443 to 80 ( or 8080 maybe ?)
I followed these article(s) :
Problem is that when I try to set these up, I get 502 bad request error, and sometimes the default Nginx page.
PS: I'm trying to set this up using virtual server block, not default server.
PS2: I also need to deliver the final web page through HTTPS weather the request made through HTTP or HTTPS ( but I get too many redirects error )
PS3: I'm using Cloudflare
The basic concept is to sandwich varnish between an entity handling SSL and a back-end server working on port 8080 or whatever you choose.
Here's the traffic flow:
user 443 > front-end proxy for SSL offloading 443 > Varnish 80 > nginx 8080.
Now your options for Front end proxy are:
1.A Load balancer supporting SSL termination / offloading.
2.Nginx or apache working as a proxy to receive traffic on 443 and forward that on port 80 to Varnish.
Error 502 means your Varnish is having issues connecting your backend, please check varnish.vcl

How to handle https request if ssl is not installed on server using codeigniter

I just tried with http ans https to fetch data in the for of json from server, while I try with http its working fine but when I try with https getting error. Is there any way to handle "https" request if server is not cofigured with SSL.
no, there isn't any way if the server isn't configured to user SSL. However if you want TLS encryption you could use a SSH tunnel. If you can't configure your application to use SSL you could configure a http server like Apache or nginx to act as an SSL Proxy.

accessing port 8443 with http in tomcat

I have a Tomcat 6.x or 7.x web application server running on a webserver listening on port 8443.
Why is it that when I access http://:8443, I am
prompted to download a file of the format application/octet-stream from any browser from any platform?
When I access http://:443 I get a 400 Bad Request.
Is there anyway to configure Tomcat to yield a 400 Bad Request error code if a user attempts to access the SSL port via http ?
It's because you need to type https:// beforehand :D I just had the same problem!
I think some forwarding is needed to ensure https is used.
