Laravel 6 - ErrorException Undefined offset: 1. How to find exact line cause by blade file? - laravel-blade

it cause by my blade file
Undefined offset: 1
in the past, Laravel 5 pointed for me what line cause the error in blade file if some thing wrong.
Now my blade file so many variable inside.
But in Laravel 6, how i can find what exact line cause the error?

Laravel 6 error page itself shows the line no and highlight it. For e.g Please check the below image:


getting "Module build failed (from ./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js): SassError: Invalid CSS after " in angular ag-grid

I'm getting following error after even with node-sass, sass or without both of them. But i remove node modules and node cache clean, I'm still getting this error. I tried adding node-sass and sass versions also. but still this error keep coming. this was happened after I upgrade my ag-grid version to 27.3 from 23.4.
ERROR in ./src/styles.scss (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??embedded!./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--13-3!./src/styles.scss)
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js):
SassError: Invalid CSS after " #return math": expected expression (e.g. 1px, bold), was ".div($lhs, $rhs);"
on line 315 of node_modules/ag-grid-community/src/styles/mixins/_ag-theme-params.scss
from line 1 of node_modules/ag-grid-community/src/styles/ag-theme-base/sass/_ag-theme-base-default-params.scss
from line 1 of node_modules/ag-grid-community/src/styles/ag-theme-base/sass/_ag-theme-base-mixin.scss
from line 1 of node_modules/ag-grid-community/src/styles/ag-theme-base/sass/_ag-theme-base.scss
from line 1 of node_modules/ag-grid-community/src/styles/ag-theme-alpine/sass/_ag-theme-alpine-mixin.scss
from line 2 of D:\Projects\Operative\Repo\ag-grid-update\finance\finance-frontend\src\styles.scss
>> #return math.div($lhs, $rhs);
need a help because I tried so many posted answers in SO.
As of Version 26 of AG Grid, Node-Sass will no longer work with AG Grid.
This is due to Node-Sass being deprecated in favor of Dart-Sass, you can find out more about this here.
For users upgrading from versions of AG Grid before 26 or new users, we would highly recommend using Sass.
For more information regarding AG Grid and Sass and how themes and styles work, please visit our documentation.

Foundation 6 -- Invalid CSS after "}": expected "}", was ""

I've been working on a web project using Foundation 6 (specifically, the starter theme FoundationPress).
All of a sudden, I get the error outlined in the title when gulp was watching and compiling my scss file -- one called, "_front.scss".
Here's the error:
[08:46:21] gulp-notify: [Sass Error] assets/scss/templates/_front.scss
Error: Invalid CSS after "}": expected "}", was ""
on line 210 of assets/scss/templates/_front.scss
>> }
Here's the code in _front.scss that generated the error:
There's no spaces or anything after the last line, which happens to be on line 210.
Can anyone help me out?

Problem compiling Flex project from Flash Builder

I'm having a problem with Adobe Flash Builder, when trying to compile and run a Flex Project I had previously coded outside FB.
I imported the classes following the correct package file system, and everything seemed to work correctly: none of the classes shows errors (and if I code something wrong, an error is shown, so FB error system is working), the auto-complete works fine in all classes, the Main.xmxl class is set up as 'default Application' in the project...
Maybe I skipped a step in between or something, but I always get the following error when trying to compile:
Sun Jun 19 18:40:32 CEST 2011
Uncaught exception in compiler
at flex2.compiler.mxml.lang.StandardDefs.isIUIComponent(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.ComponentBuilder.constructComponent(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.ComponentBuilder.analyze(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.dom.Node.analyze(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.VectorBuilder$ElementNodeHandler.componentNode(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.lang.ValueNodeHandler.invoke(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.VectorBuilder.processChildren(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.VectorBuilder.analyze(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.dom.VectorNode.analyze(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.AbstractBuilder$RValueNodeHandler.vectorNode(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.lang.ValueNodeHandler.invoke(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.AbstractBuilder$RValueNodeHandler.process(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.AbstractBuilder.processRValueNodes(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.AbstractBuilder.processPropertyNodes(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.AbstractBuilder.processPropertyNodes(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.ComponentBuilder$
at flex2.compiler.mxml.lang.ChildNodeHandler$
at flex2.compiler.mxml.lang.DeclarationHandler.invoke(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.lang.ChildNodeHandler$CoreDeclarationHandler.invoke(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.ComponentBuilder$ComponentChildNodeHandler.invoke(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.lang.ChildNodeHandler.scanChildNodes(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.ComponentBuilder.processChildren(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.ComponentBuilder.analyze(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.dom.Node.analyze(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.DocumentBuilder$NestedDeclarationNodeHandler.componentNode(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.lang.ValueNodeHandler.invoke(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.DocumentBuilder$DocumentChildNodeHandler.processNestedDeclaration(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.ComponentBuilder$ComponentChildNodeHandler.nestedDeclaration(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.DocumentBuilder$DocumentChildNodeHandler.invoke(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.lang.ChildNodeHandler.scanChildNodes(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.ComponentBuilder.processChildren(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.DocumentBuilder.analyze(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.dom.Node.analyze(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.ImplementationCompiler.parse1(
at flex2.compiler.mxml.MxmlCompiler.parse1(
at flex2.compiler.CompilerAPI.parse1(
at flex2.compiler.CompilerAPI.parse1(
Any guesses? I'm really getting mad with it...
Help would be greatly appreciated :)

TextMate's default CSS bundle throws an error when trying to use code complete

I like code complete for CSS because sometimes I forget what values are available for a property. Unfortunately it seems that TextMate's default CSS bundle errors when trying to use it's implementation of Code Complete.
The error it generates is...
/Applications/ /bin/bash: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
/bin/bash: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of filemap' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
from /tmp/temp_textmate.U2Q62Q:11
...any help would be greatly appreciated.
I've Google'd everywhere and can't find an actual solution!
Have you redownloaded the CSS bundle?
Did you try reinstalling Textmate (redownloading the .app and dragging it. It shouldn't remove your previous settings.)

flex builder new projects with syntax errors

I'm a junior developer and I'm having some problems with my Flex Builder 3. Every time I make a new project, Flex Builder detects syntax errors like:
1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbracket before leftbrace. FotoBeheer line 23
1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbracket before public. FotoBeheer line 22
1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before s. DomoticaSystem line 16
1093: Syntax error. DomoticaSystem line 16
Nevertheless, Fotobeheer will run, but any other program won't even start. Does anybody have any ideas how to solve this problem?
This is indicitive of syntax problems at or before the first line of error. Extra brackets or parenthesis are the typical culprit.
