How to run DocFx plugins & post processors under docfx.console? - docfx

I have successfully integrated DocFx with a Visual Studio project, using docfx.console, as described here and here.
Under this setup, the building of the project triggers DocFx to process the docfx.json and markdown files found under the project. I do not directly execute docfx.exe. This works both when building the project manually in Visual Studio, and when building on a build server.
I am using the default DocFx template (there is no extracted template in my project) and docfx.console 2.48.1 (the latest as of now).
I am now trying to integrate a custom DocFx plugin & post processor. I have taken two samples from Github (RtfDocumentProcessor & DocFx.Plugin.LastModified) and created a new .NET Framework 4.7.2 class library, which builds OK.
The problem is how to modify the docfx.json to tell DocFx to use the plugin & post processor. The above articles assume docfx.exe is run directly, and also that there is a "template" folder, for example:
Build our project.
Copy the output dll files to:
Global: the folder with name Plugins under DocFX.exe
Non-global: the folder with name Plugins under a template folder. Then run DocFX build command with parameter -t {template}.
I have tried putting my class library DLL in many different folders, and tried modifying the "template" and "postProcessors" settings in docfx.json, but in every case the build fails with a message like this (this is complaining about the DocFx.Plugin.LastModified post processor, which I tried running by setting: "postProcessors": [ "ExtractSearchIndex", "LastModifiedPostProcessor" ]):
Warning:[BuildCommand]Can't import: LastModifiedPostProcessor,
System.Composition.Hosting.CompositionFailedException: No export was
found for the contract 'IPostProcessor "LastModifiedPostProcessor"'.
Does anyone have instructions on how to get this to work with docfx.console?


ASP.Net Core doesn't find cshtml

I refactored the entire question, because now, I Know what are happening, Thx to Daboul
When I start the ASP.Net Core exe inside the VS15 or even on a cmd line with dotnet run it's work fine, but when I try to double click on the exe to run, it's doesn't find the .cshtml.
The weird part, is that the files are there, and are found when executed by vs15
Can someone explain to me what I'm doing wrong?
I just create an Core Web App and changed the project.json to produce the .exe like here and here
Visual Studio and dotnet run run your application in the folder where your code exist. It means it can access the Views folder and the .cshtml files you are editing when you are coding.
However when your run your .exe application, you do it from the publication folder, for exemple ...\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\MySolution\src\MyProject\bin\Debug\netcoreapp1.0\publish I would advice you to go to this folder and check that the folder Views exist. If it does not, it means you just need to publish your views by adding "**/*.cshtml" in your project.json:
"publishOptions": {
"include": [
Then publish again with dotnet publish or your previous method. It should fix your problem.
Just for knowledge: It is now possible to precompile all the views with .NET Core 1.1. It means there would be no need to publish the .cshtml files.
You can see that one is running in development (the one working) while the other one is running in production. You should first try to remove this difference, see if it fixes the issue. I use a MYEXE_DEV.bat file to do that:
Give it a try.
Ok, let's try to move forward a bit then. When you launch you app by pressing F5 in Visual Studio, VS usually (it might depend on your template I guess) uses a launchSettings.json file with several launch profile, for instance below I have two predefines profiles IISExpress and WebApplication1, and in the .json file you might have parameters that explain why it's working under VS, but not when just double clicking on the exe.

Precompiling and Deploying website from Visual Studio Team Services

We're using Visual Studio Team Services with Git as the source control system and I've configured a build which executes successfully online. Ideally I'd like to:
After building the site in VSO, precompile and dump the aspx and .dll files to the git repository
On the on-premises web server, pull from git and move to our staging site
The second part I can figure out on my own, but the documentation for VSTeam seems sketchy on how to dump the compiled sources to git. I've kept the default build configration almost the same as the default with the exception of a Powershell script which is supposed to create artifacts for the drop. Despite this, the file create is empty.
The following is how my build definition is set up in VSO.
Instead of the PowerShell script, you'd be able to use the "Copy and Publish artefacts" and have it create a specific artefact with the specific bits you need:
This will automatically create a named build artefact which you can then use from Release Management as an input.
The PowerShell script was used in the XAML builds when used with the "Project Output | As Configured" option.
To create your "packaged" website, you need to add a couple of parameters to the MsBuild/Visual Studio Build step to instrict the compiler to package your website:
/p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:DeployTarget=Package
/p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true /p:PackageAsSingleFile=false
Optionally you can configure your target directory as well using
If you do this, you need to configure this directory as your copy root in the copy and publish task.
I did a quick look at the Power-Shell script, there are two issues with it:
It still use the variables like "$Env:TF_BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY" which does not exist in VSTS(VSO). See Variables for VSTS.
It copies the files from "BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY" folder to "BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY". But the "Publish Build Artifacts" step in your definition publish the files in "BUILD_ARTIFACTSTAGINGDIRECTORY" folder.
So if you want to use this script, you need to update the script to remove the "TF_" string in the variables and update the "Publish Build Artifacts" step to publish the files in "BUILD_BINARIESDIRECTORY" folder(Set Path to Publish to: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)).
However, if you want to copy and publish the website files, you can simply add one more argument in "MSBuild Arguments" section of "Visual Studio Build" step:
Remove the Power-Shell script step and the other steps just keep default settings.
Or you can also change the settings of "Copy Files" steps to select the files/folders you'd like to copy.

Visual Studio Team Services Compile LESS scripts during build

I'm deploying an ASP.NET Web Application to an Azure Website using VSTS's Continuous Integration. Everything works great except compiling LESS files.
I looked through the build steps and I couldn't find anything specific to LESS. Is there any documentation on how to do this?
It's pretty easy actually. You just have to set it's build action property to "content" and everything should be good to go.
If that doesn't do the trick, I found this blog post detailing another method to try (note that I haven't tried this technique myself yet):
In Visual Studio, open the properties of your web project, go to the "Build Events" section, and the in the section "Post-build event command line", insert the following line:
$(SolutionDir)\packages\dotless.1.1.0\Tools\dotless.Compiler.exe -m "$(ProjectDir)\content\*.less" "$(ProjectDir)\content\*.css"
Every time the project builds, this command will compile any .less file in the \content folder into a corresponding .css file, minifying it as well (with the -m switch).
Here is the post that contained this information:

Plugin is not recognized in QML Desktop Appication Deployment

I have wrote a Qt Quick Desktop application in c++ qnd Qt Creator(QML) on Windows7. Now I have to deploy it.
I'm using Qt Quick Desktop Components plugin in my application, I've installed it according to these instructions, and I'm using it with:"import Qt.labs.components", as written there.
I tried adding to the .pro file:
QML_IMPORT_PATH = C:\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.7.4\mingw\imports\Qt\labs\components
but I saw it's working well without it, and I removed it.
I've read a guide how to deploy such an application here, and followed it; I have now a deployment folder, with: the .exe file, the needed dll's, and a folder hierarchy like:Qt/labs/components.
in components I put the styleplugin.dll(for desktop components), and a qmldir file, with the content: plugin styleplugin, excactly like in the doc.
but when I'm runnig my application.exe from the deployment folder in another computer, I'm getting a white, empty window, means: It didn't find the .dll file.
Should you explain me please what's wrong?
I know two reasons, when app can not load plugin dll:
Some of dependecies of the plugin dll are missing or can not be found and that is why it can not be loaded. Qt Creator or Visual Studio environment can be different than the system one. For example, your IDE can modify PATH environment variable. Check plugin's dependencies availability with Microsoft Dependency Walker tool in the same environment where you launch your app.
App can not find plugin in standard directories. To check this you should specify plugin import directory explicitly:
QDeclarativeView *rootView = new QDeclarativeView()

How to preserve existing files and folders on site update?

I'm using Microsoft Web Deploy to publish and update my site. (script is generated with Visual Studio). This tool removes auto-generated files and folders on update, as they are not included into install package. How to make it keep these files?
The Web Deploy command line tool has two switches that may be useful: -skip and -enableRule:DoNotDeleteRule. For information on -skip, see Web Deploy Operation Settings, and for DoNotDeleteRule, see Web Deploy Rules.
In Visual Studio, you may be able to tweak the deploy.cmd file to use these to achieve what you want. For more information, see How to: Install a Deployment Package Using the deploy.cmd File.
Having to edit the deploy.cmd files each time you generate them is a pain. I am using VS2017 and found I can set an environment variable on the server and deploy.cmd will use it. The deploy readme file says it:
Alternatively, you can specify additional flags by setting the
"_MsDeployAdditionalFlags" environment variable. These settings are
used by this batch file.
So on the server I created the environment variable:
And that did it. It now adds the rule each deploy on the server.
