icescrum the field startDate with value does not respect the custom validation - scrum

my icescrum version: R6#14.5 Pro Standalone
my server version: Apache Tomcat/6.0.45+dfsg
When I try to close a Sprint (in Sprint Plan section) I get this error message:
the field startDate [30/09/18 22.00] with value does not respect the custom validation
How Can I solve this issue?


How to overwrite sqlite database for existing users in a Xamarin Forms app?

We have a Xamarin Forms app.
We have a few existing users which had been using the app since last year where the database file name is MyAppName.db
Our new app strategy requires us to include the .db (Sqlite) along with the app to ensure we can include persistent information and does not require internet when you install the app, meaning we hope to overwrite the db file for existing users.
After we publish this new change where the database file is now MyNewDbFile.db, our users complain that they do not see any data, the app does not crash tough.
We capture error reports and we can see a common error in the our tool stating about "row value missused", a quick search indicates the value are not present and so the "SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE COLUMNAME" query does not work causing the exception.
We can confirm we are using
Xamarin.Forms version 4.5.x
sqlite-net-sqlcipher version 1.6.292
We do not have any complex logic and cannot see a very specific reason causing this as this is not produced when we test our apps from the Alpha channel or the TestFlight.
We investigated the heart of the problem and can confirm that the troublemaker is the device Culture information.
We have been testing with English as the device language, however the minute the app is used by folks with any other language except English the query causes exception.
We make use of the Xamarin Essentials library to get device location (which is optional).
The latitude and longitude returned are culture specific.
So if you are using a Spanish language on device, the format for the Latitude and Longitude information is a , (comma) and NOT a . (dot).
That is, a Latitude value is something similar to 77.1234
where it is separated by a . (dot)
However for users with different region settings on device, the format would change to
77,1234 as value where it is separated by a , (comma).
The query requires us to have the values as string and that when not separated by a . (dot) fails to execute:
if (deviceLocation != null)
queryBuilder.Append($" ORDER BY((Latitude - {deviceLocation.Latitude})*(Latitude - {deviceLocation.Latitude})) +((Longitude - {deviceLocation.Longitude})*(Longitude - {deviceLocation.Longitude})) ASC");
Where the deviceLocation object is of type Xamarin.Essentials.Location which has double Latitude and Longitude values but when used as a string or even if you explicitly do deviceLocation.Latitude.ToString(), it would return the formatted values as per the device CultureInfo.
We can confirm that the problem is due to a mismatch of the format type and causing the query to throw an exception and in return making the experience as if there is no data.

Delay before update a Group Profile Picture?

I'm using the Microsoft Graph SDK for creating Group / Team and set up a Profile Picture.
I realize that I can't set up the Group Photo right after its creation : I have to wait a couple of minutes / hours to update it (and it works of course). Below is the common error met :
Code: ErrorInvalidGroup. Message: The requested group [Group GUID]#[Tenant GUID] is invalid. Inner error
Any idea on the process ? It is a "normal" bug because of a delay of "complete creation" ?
Thx for your answers.

Add custom text to AX 2012 drill-down links

I want to customize the standard drill-down functionality and add a text parameter to the drill-down URL. I will then parse and use the parameter in the SysStartUpCmdDrillDown or EventDrillDownPoller class like the solution provided by Jan B. Kjeldsen in this question.
The standard drill-down link is dynamics://Target/?DrillDown_RecID/ :
In previous versions of AX it was possible to modify the RecId to custom text and parse the text once the client is started:
Unfortunately, in AX 2012 the RecId is checked before the client is started and if it is not a valid int64, the drill-down event is not sent to the client. Since it is not possible to change the RecId to anything other than an integer, #Alex Kwitny suggested in the comments at that same question that you can add the custom text to the drill-down target like this:
The problem I experience with this is that the link now gets confused about which instance to start.
If the target is equal to the value in the System Admin -> system parameters -> Alerts ->Drill-down target, a client with the correct server instance is started. When I append the text with my custom text, it always starts the default instance(Which could be different from the instance I intended to start). While this is not ideal, I could work around this issue.
The bigger problem is that it now always starts a new session of the default instance, even if a client session is already started. As far as I can see I cannot write X++ code to solve this issue since the server instance is determined before any code in the client is executed.
My question is this - How can I add custom text to the drill-down link while preserving the way the client instance is started: If a client for the instance is already open, it should process the link in the open client, and not start up a new client of the default instance.
You should probably come up with another solution as mentioned in this post, but there could still be a way.
The URL has two objects that can be modified:
dynamics://[Drill-down target(str)]/?Drilldown_[Int64]
According to you, if you modify the [Drill-down target], then it launches AX using the default client config, and that is behavior that you don't want. If you have a matching [Drill-down target], it'll launch in the open client window, which is behavior I can't confirm, but I'll take it at face value and assume you're correct.
So that means the only thing you can modify in the URL is [int64]. This is actually a string that is converted to an int64 via str2int64(...), which in turn corresponds to a RecId. This is where it gets interesting.
This work all happens in \Classes\SysStartUpCmdDrillDown\infoRun.
Well, lucky for you the ranges for the objects are:
RecId - 0 to 9223372036854775807
Int64 - -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807
You can call minRecId() and maxRecId() to confirm this.
So this means you have -9223372036854775808 to -1 numbers to work with by calling URLs in this range:
Then you would modify \Classes\SysStartUpCmdDrillDown\infoRun to look for negative numbers, and fork to your custom code.
HOW you decide to user these negative #'s is up to you. You can have the first n-digits be a table id or a look-up value for a custom table. You can't technically use a RecId as part of that negative number because in theory the RecId could get up that high (minus 1).

Email from lookup field throwing error

We recently updated our CRM 2013 update to SP1. Afterwards the lookup field on the email form taking care of the from field, throws an error when clicked on.
When running diagnostics tool and reading with trace log viewer i see following error.
'<', hexadecimal value 0x3C, is an invalid attribute character. Line 7, position 58.
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String[] args)
I can see that different users have created emails and used the from field after i updated to SP1. So does anyone have an idea what might cause this?
Update: If i click on the field itself and delete the user the lookup works without problem. It is only if there is allready a user in the field and i try to lookup that an error is shown. mvc3 Error Message

in my Edit View i need the user to type in start date and end date of a test release.
Now i have to make sure that the user gets an error message if he wants to save the enddate before startdate.
e.g. start date 01.02.12 and enddate 01.01.2013!
Any Ideas?
The quick and dirty (sort-of) way - add the following code in your controller method:
if (data.StartDate > data.EndDate)
this.ModelState.AddModelError("EndData", "End date must be after the start date.");
if (!this.ModelState.IsValid)
return this.View();
A better (or cleaner) solution would be to create a custom validation attribute for the model. An example.
