I'm trying to select the first item from the list below using robotframework:
<select id="organization_saml_enabled" name="organization[saml_enabled]">
<option value="true">SAML SSO enabled</option>
<option value="false" selected="selected">SAML SSO disabled</option>
With this snippet:
Click Element //select[#id="organization_saml_enabled"]/option[#value="true"]
I get the error Keyword 'Selenium2Library.Click Element' expected 1 to 3 arguments, got 0.
I dont get it because from the way i understand the documentation the Click Element needs the locator and optional offsets.
Can anyone help me check what I'm missing here.
Add locator strategy (xpath:) before the actual locator and remember to have at least two spaces between keyword and argument:
Click Element xpath://select[#id="organization_saml_enabled"]/option[#value="true"]
dont use Selenium2Library, use SeleniumLibrary latest version.
I'm working on a website with a feature that can sort users.
I'm using mvcgrid.net libs but I can't figure it out. the toolbar doesn't work.
I used most of the basic source codes from mvcgrid.net but when i press something in the search bar it doesn't work or the items per page selection.
If you have specific code to take a look at, please post. Otherwise, here are a few things you can check:
(1) Be sure you've applied the mvcgrid data attributes needed. For example, for a search field you might have these attributes:
(2) Be sure the value you chose for mvcgrid-option (in this example, "search") is then added when you configure the grid. For example:
MVCGridDefinitionTable.Add("ContactGrid", new MVCGridBuilder<ContactViewModel>(defaults)
(3) You then need to read the attribute (again in the grid config) in your .WithRetrieveDataMethod()
string search = options.GetAdditionalQueryOptionString("search");
I've forgotten step 2 in the past -- that's generally what has tripped me up.
hi how to use Get Element Attribute in Robot framework? in instruction I have
Return value of element attribute.
attribute_locator consists of element locator followed by an # sign and attribute name, for example element_id#class.
I have this xpath=${check_radio_xpath}#class is this right way?
where ${check_radio_xpath} = md-radio-11
I get this error:
${ischecked} = Selenium2Library . Get Element Attribute xpath=${check_radio_xpath}#class
Return value of element attribute.
TRACE Arguments: [ 'xpath=md-radio-11#class' ]
DEBUG Finished Request
FAIL ValueError: Element 'xpath=md-radio-11' not found.
I think you're pretty close. Please try to format your question better, I took a quick shot because your question is difficult to read. The result will be more and better help from the community
${RADIO_XPATH} //*[#id="${check_radio_xpath}"]
${CLASS}= Selenium2Library.Get Element Attribute ${check_radio_xpath}#class
sample for this <div><label for="foo"></label></div>
${for_value}= Get Element Attribute xpath=//div/label for
Log To Console ${for_value}
console result is:
This snippet works for me :
Get Line Numbers And Verify
${line_number1}= Get Element Attribute //*[#id="file-keywords-txt-L1"] data-line-number
Log To Console ${line_number1}
${line_number2}= Get Element Attribute //*[#id="file-keywords-txt-L2"] data-line-number
Log To Console ${line_number2}
Verify in order of ${line_number1} and ${line_number2} is true
What was important is that the spaces/tabs between the keywords are correct, otherwise it does not get recognised as a so called keyword.
Thanks a lot, i wanted to check meta noindex content in page source.
i used this.
${content} Get Element Attribute xpath=//meta[#name="robots"]#content
should be equal as strings ${content} noindex,follow
You can use both XPath and CSS selector if you have selenium library
${title}= Get Element Attribute ${xpath} attribute=title
I am having problems in Capybara with the Ambiguous match problem. And the page provides no 'ids" to identify which one is which.
I am using within function.
within('.tile.tile-animation.animation-left.animation-visible.animated') do
#some code in here
I've used the :match option which solved my first problem.
within('.tile.tile-animation.animation-left.animation-visible.animated', :match => :first) do
#some code in here
The question is how to get to the SECOND css '.tile.tile-animation.animation-left.animation-visible.animated' ?
It depends on the html -- a simple solutions is
within(all('.tile.tile-animated.animation-left.animation-visible.animated')[1]) do
# some code in here
which will scope to the second matching element on the page, but won't be able to auto-reload if the page changes, and won't wait for the elements to appear. If you need it to wait for at least two elements to appear you can do
within(all('.tile.tile-animated.animation-left.animation-visible.animated', minimum: 2)[1]) do
which will wait some time for at least the 2 elements to appear on the page, but still won't be able to auto-reload if the page changes. If you need the ability to auto-reload on a dynamically changing page it will need to be possible to write a unique selector for the element (rather than indexing into the results of #all.
In Polymer 1.0, I am trying to data bind a string variable {{str}} to an <iron-meta> element (tag in parent element) as follows.
This fails:
<iron-meta id="meta" key="info" value="{{str}}"></iron-meta>
The above code breaks. But the following code works (without the binding).
This works:
<iron-meta id="meta" key="info" value="foo/bar"></iron-meta>
The difference is the variable version {{str}} fails and the constant version "foo/bar" works.
Does anyone have a clue what is what is breaking the binding and how to fix it?
Edits in response to comment questions:
How does it fail? This fails silently. The values I have printed out simply do not update when I press the Login and Register buttons.
Here is a link to the code in a Github repository. See lines
You need to use an attribute binding and not a property binding
<input type="text" value$="{{str}}" />
I have the following code, where I need to get the value:
<a href="/checkout/cart.jsf">
<span class="numberofitems">1</span>
However, when I attempt to point at it using css=span [class='numberofitems'], I get the message "The element has no value; is it really a form field?" The element does have a value which I can see in Firebug, but I can't figure out how to properly store this value.
Here we go.. every WebElements given below will give better outcome to get the value '1'.
By.xpath("//a[text()='Items: ']/span"))
If they are not working,
Check whether the Elements are HIDDEN with help of Firebug.
Check whether the classname, 'numberofitems' is repeated.