dynamic change style of an element (DomIcon) - css

I am stuck and need some advise. I just want to modify my DomIcon which is assigned to a DomMarker in a here map. It's been developed in Angular / Ionic and I simply want to rotate an PNG around the anchor.
I simply created new elements within my component. However, independently how I set the transform it is immediately overwritten with an updated tranform matrix.
var theFather = document.createElement('div');
var domElement = document.createElement('img')
domElement.setAttribute('class', 'theThing')
domElement.src ='./assets/icons/aThing.png'
domElement.style.width = '40px';
domElement.style.height = '40px';
I tried various alternatives discussed in the forum to rotate the thing but I always fail. Apparently, I completey miss something in my trials.
1) Tried to simply transform:rotate by setting cssText or the style.transform of a cloned png img (DomIcon) within the attach callback. It rotates correctly and on the same pt but it only rotates if the clonedElement is rotated within the onAttach callback. Bad thing, I cannot update the clonedElement by an external event that is not a DOM or here API Event. Right?
var domIcon = new H.map.DomIcon(domElement, {
onAttach: function(clonedElement, domIcon, domMarker) {
clonedElement.addEventListener('mouseover', rotateThisThing);
2) Tried to simply rotate the original PNG but this is not transformed at all. I can see that the cssText is updated and correct but it is not rendered on the map.
domIcon.c.style.cssText += 'transform: rotate(90deg)';
3) Tried to set the elements style properties by calculating the rotation in a transform:matrix which correctly rotates the icon and set in the document itself but unfortunately this is very volatile.
document.getElementsByTagName("img")[i].style.cssText += 'transform: ' + newval;
4) Tried to set the elements style properties as to 3) but using renderer2
5) Tried to export a new CSS variable and rotate in CSS directly.
this.mapElement.nativeElement.style.setProperty('--the-rotator', value);
What am I missing here?
Your advice is very mich appreciated?
Many thanks in advance,

The API manipulates Marker's position by changing the transform style property of the cloned Dom element. In your case clonedElement inside onAttach callback is a clone of theFather.
Your onAttach callback should therefore look e.g. like this:
var domIcon = new H.map.DomIcon(domElement, {
onAttach: function(clonedElement, domIcon, domMarker) {
clonedElement.getElementsByTagName("img")[i].style.transform = 'rotate(90deg)'
You can check below sample code which rotates arrow DomMarker every 1 second. See how reference to the cloned element is assigned to clonedElement variable which is then used in setInterval function.
var domIconElement = document.createElement('div'),
domIconContent = document.createElement('div'),
counter = 0;
domIconContent.innerHTML = `<svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" width="40" height="40">
<path d="m0.812665,23.806608l37.937001,-22.931615l-21.749812,38.749665l1.374988,-17.749847l-17.562177,1.931797z" fill-opacity="null" stroke-opacity="null" stroke-width="1.5" stroke="#000" fill="#fff"/>
marker = map.addObject(new H.map.DomMarker(map.getCenter(), {
icon: new H.map.DomIcon(domIconElement, {
onAttach: function(clonedElement, domIcon, domMarker) {
clonedContent = clonedElement.getElementsByClassName('dom-icon-content')[0];
setInterval(function() {
if (clonedContent) {
clonedContent.style.transform = 'rotate(' + (counter += 45) + 'deg)';
}, 1000)


animating a custom attribute in a custom component

I am attempting to animate a material property that is buried inside of a gltf-model (that has many objects). I can find the parameter and animate it with a tick event, and it looks like this
It almost works, but animating with formulas is a nightmare. Instead I want to control it with the animation component. Unfortunately, exposing the parameter directly seems impossible, as I have to use getObject3D.traverse() just to locate the object, and then get the parameter.
Instead I have made a custom attribute (in schema) and and animating that attribute. And in the update function, I'm using that attribute to drive the buried parameter. It should work, but I can't seem to get a response in the update function. Iow, my custom attribute is not animating.
AFRAME.registerComponent('matclipplane', { // attached to gltf-model tree
clipHeightA:{type: 'number', default: 0}
init: function () {
let el = this.el;
let comp = this;
comp.treeModels = [];
el.addEventListener('model-loaded', function(ev){
let mesh = el.getObject3D('mesh');
if (node.isMesh){
comp.modelLoaded = true;
update: function(){
console.log("update"); // returns nothing. no update from
animating attributes clipHeightA
let comp = this;
if (comp.modelLoaded){
comp.treeModels[1].material.map.offset.y =
AFRAME.registerComponent("click-listener", { // attached to box button
dir:{type:"boolean", default: false}
init: function(){
let el=this.el;
let data = this.data;
el.addEventListener("click", function(evt){
let tree = document.querySelector('#tree');
data.dir = !data.dir;
el.setAttribute("material",'color', 'orange');
} else {
<a-entity id="tree" gltf-model="#tree" scale="5 5 5"
animation__grow="property: clipHeightA; from: 0; to: 1;
startEvents: grow; dur: 500"
<a-entity id="button" geometry="primitive: box" material="color:orange;
metalness: 0.5" scale="0.2 0.2 0.2" class="clickable" click-listener></a-
<a-entity id="mouseCursor" cursor="rayOrigin: mouse" raycaster="objects:
here is the glitch in progress
Clicking on the orange cube should launch the uv reveal animation. I expect that calling a custom component attribute should trigger an update event, but the update does not log in the console.
Not sure how to animate a parameter inside a gltf.
Do I have to implement the animejs component directly inside my custom component?
Or can this be done with the animate component?
According to the docs you can animate properties through
object3D like animation="property: object3D.x"
components like animation="property: components.myComp.myProp"
I don't see it mentioned (although it's used in the docs) but it also works when you provide the property as the components attribute:
animation__grow="property: matclipplane.clipHeightA;"
glitch here. You can see update is being called.
Also tree was an id of both the asset and the component, therefore grow was emitted on the asset item.

PaperJS, Need to select items underneath a transparent raster using Mouse Down

I have a Canvas with multiple raster images.
I use onMouseDown on Tool to find select the item which was clicked.
I have a new requirement.
Suppose, two images overlap each other, and the upper image is partially transparent. That makes the lower image visible. But when I try to click on the lower image, obviously I end up choosing the upper image.
Failed Attempt
I tried to use the getPixel(point) function on Raster. I thought if I can figure that the selected pixel is transparent, I can ignore that raster and look for other items. But I am not getting the color value that I am expecting (transparent or not) using this function.
So, my second thought was that I need to change the mousedown event point from the global co-ordinate space to local raster co-ordinate space. It still did not work.
Is there a way to achieve what I want?
tool.onMouseDown = (event) => {
project.activeLayer.children.forEach((item) => {
if (item.contains(event.point)) {
// check if hit was on a transparent raster pixel
const pixel = item.getPixel(event.point)
// 2nd attempt
const pixel = item.getPixel(item.globalToLocal(event.point))
There is a simpler way to do what you want to achieve.
You can rely on project.hitTestAll() method to do a hit test on all items.
Then, if the hit item is a raster, hit pixel color information will be contained in hitResult.color. hitResult.color.alpha is all you need to check if a raster was hit on a non-transparent pixel.
Here is a sketch demonstration of the solution.
const dataUrl = '';
const lowOpacity = 0.3;
// create 2 rasters
new Raster({
source: dataUrl,
opacity: lowOpacity,
onLoad: function() {
this.position = view.center - 100;
new Raster({
source: dataUrl,
opacity: lowOpacity,
onLoad: function() {
this.position = view.center + 100;
// on mouse down
function onMouseDown(event) {
// unselect previously selected items
paper.project.selectedItems.forEach(item => {
item.selected = false;
item.opacity = lowOpacity;
// do a hit test on all project items
const hitResults = project.hitTestAll(event.point);
// for each hit result
for (let i = 0; i < hitResults.length; i++) {
const hitResult = hitResults[i];
// if item was hit on a non transparent pixel
if (hitResult && hitResult.color && hitResult.color.alpha > 0) {
// select item
hitResult.item.selected = true;
hitResult.item.opacity = 1;
// break loop

A-Frame. Zoom on wheel scroll

I've come through the official docs but wasn't able to locate information about how possibility of zooming in/out panorama images, is it supported in the A-Frame or maybe there is a workaround to read about implementing some of three.js on top of it?
This might be a cleaner way in 2018.
I limited the zoom of the Aframe camera 1-5 so it doesn't get too messy.I just tested this and its working greatly.Hope it helps others.
window.addEventListener("mousewheel", event => {
const delta = Math.sign(event.wheelDelta);
//getting the mouse wheel change (120 or -120 and normalizing it to 1 or -1)
var mycam=document.getElementById('cam').getAttribute('camera');
var finalZoom=document.getElementById('cam').getAttribute('camera').zoom+delta;
//limiting the zoom so it doesnt zoom too much in or out
//setting the camera element
You could either:
Scale an <a-sphere> up or down when detecting the mouse wheel event
zoom in or out the camera, like documented here
This article might be helpful, as it covers using the mousewheel event on multiple browsers.
I think scaling may screw up Your setup, or be a resource waste, so I'd go with 2.
Sandy's answer helped me. I want to contribute an answer which shows the full code and enables smoother zooming (increments of 0.1):
window.addEventListener("wheel", (event) => {
// small increments for smoother zooming
const delta = event.wheelDelta / 120 / 10;
var mycam = document.getElementById("cam").getAttribute("camera");
var finalZoom =
document.getElementById("cam").getAttribute("camera").zoom + delta;
// limiting the zoom
if (finalZoom < 0.5) finalZoom = 0.5;
if (finalZoom > 2) finalZoom = 2;
mycam.zoom = finalZoom;
document.getElementById("cam").setAttribute("camera", mycam);
camera="zoom: 1"
look-controls="reverseMouseDrag: true"
<!-- my pano image stuff -->
<img id="skyTexture" crossorigin="anonymous" />
<a-sky src="#skyTexture"></a-sky>
This is what I put together to do it. Check the initial vrZoom variable.
For me, what I struggled the most, was to understand the way you set a parameter that's inside a component. You have to call it like this: element.setAttribute('componentName', 'parameterName', 'value') and in my case cam.setAttribute('camera', 'zoom', vrZoom)
Here's my script all together. It would be possible to create a component with this, such as look-controls.
var mousewheelevt=(/Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent))? "DOMMouseScroll" : "mousewheel";
if (document.attachEvent)
document.attachEvent("on"+mousewheelevt, function(e){scroller(e)});
else if (document.addEventListener)
document.addEventListener(mousewheelevt, function(e){scroller(e)},false);
var vrZoom = 4; // My initial zoom after animation
var cam = document.querySelector('#mainCam');
function scroller(evt)
//Guess the delta.
var delta = 0;
if (!evt) evt = window.event;
if (evt.wheelDelta) {
delta = evt.wheelDelta/120;
} else if (evt.detail) {
delta = -evt.detail/3;
if (evt.preventDefault) evt.preventDefault();
evt.returnValue = false;
//Actual Zooming.
vrZoom += delta * 0.1
vrZoom = Math.min(Math.max(vrZoom, 1), 8); // clamp between 1 and 8
cam.setAttribute('camera', 'zoom', vrZoom)
I struggled quite a bit with getting this to work for an embedded a-frame, especially because the scene would become skewed upon dynamically adjusting the camera's zoom setting. This is a bug with a-frame. Here are the two ways I found to reset the scene upon setting the zoom level.
Or ...
let scene = document.querySelector('a-scene');
scene.camera.aspect = scene.clientWidth / scene.clientHeight;

d3.js Map (<svg>) Auto Fit into Parent Container and Resize with Window

UPDATE: I have posted and accepted a fully working solution in the answers section. Any code in this section is to be used as reference for comparison to your own NON-WORKING code, but is not to be used as the solution.
I'm building a dashboard and using d3.js to add a world map that will plot tweets in real time based on geo location.
The world.json file referenced in the d3.json() line is downloadable HERE (it's called world-countries.json).
The map is on the page as an SVG container and is rendered using d3.
Below are the relevant code slices.
<div id="mapContainer">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="100%" height="500"></svg>
#mapContainer svg {
margin:0 auto;
#mapContainer path {
// generate US plot
function draw() {
var map = d3.select("svg");
var width = $("svg").parent().width();
var height = $("svg").parent().height();
var projection = d3.geo.equirectangular().scale(185).translate([width/2, height/2]);
var path = d3.geo.path().projection(projection);
d3.json('plugins/maps/world.json', function(collection) {
.attr('d', path)
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
$(window).resize(function() {
UPDATE: I have scaled the map to an acceptable size (for my particular browser size), but it still will not scale and center when I change the size of the window. IF, however, I resize the window, then hit refresh, then the map will be centered once the page is reloaded. However, since the scale is static, it is not scaled properly.
Here's the solution which will resize the map AFTER the user has released the edge of the window to resize it, and center it in the parent container.
<div id="mapContainer"></div>
function draw(ht) {
$("#mapContainer").html("<svg id='map' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='100%' height='" + ht + "'></svg>");
map = d3.select("svg");
var width = $("svg").parent().width();
var height = ht;
// I discovered that the unscaled equirectangular map is 640x360. Thus, we
// should scale our map accordingly. Depending on the width ratio of the new
// container, the scale will be this ratio * 100. You could also use the height
// instead. The aspect ratio of an equirectangular map is 2:1, so that's why
// our height is half of our width.
projection = d3.geo.equirectangular().scale((width/640)*100).translate([width/2, height/2]);
var path = d3.geo.path().projection(projection);
d3.json('plugins/maps/world.json', function(collection) {
.attr('d', path)
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", width/2);
$(window).resize(function() {
if(this.resizeTO) clearTimeout(this.resizeTO);
this.resizeTO = setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
$(window).bind('resizeEnd', function() {
var height = $("#mapContainer").width()/2;
$("#mapContainer svg").css("height", height);
The selection object is an multidimensional array, although in most cases it will probably have only one object in it. That object has a "clientWidth" field that tells you how wide its parent is.
So you can do this:
var selection = d3.select("#chart");
width = selection[0][0].clientWidth;
This should work:
viewBox="0 0 860 500"
preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet">
The best choice is to have a combined use of aspect ratio on normal definition of d3 graph's width and height. This has helped me in lot of my graph works.
Step 1 : Dynamically get the height of the div to which the graph has to be appended.
Step 2 : Declare width as aspect ratio with respect to the dynamically caught height.
var graph_div = document.getElementById(graph.divId);
graph.height = graph_div.clientHeight;
graph.width = (960/1200)*graph.height;
In d3 v4, we could do this
const projection = d3.geo.equirectangular().fitSize([width, height], geojson);
const path = d3.geo.path().projection(projection);
fitSize is equivalent to
fitExtent([[0, 0], [width, height]], geojson)
fill free to add padding

Why does Flex's Matrix Transform Snap Child Back to Top Corner of Parent?

I'm having trouble with Matrix Transforms in Flex.
I have a Flex Canvas with nothing but an Image in it, like so.
<mx:Image id="img" source="/some/Url" />
To this image I am applying zoom/rotation transforms using code like this:
private function _rotateAndZoomImage(zoom:Number, angle:Number):void{
var radians:Number = angle * (Math.PI / 180.0);
var offsetWidth:Number = ( img.contentWidth/2.0 );
var offsetHeight:Number = ( img.contentHeight/2.0 );
var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.translate(-offsetWidth, -offsetHeight);
//Do the zoom
matrix.scale (zoom/100, zoom/100);
matrix.translate(+offsetWidth, +offsetHeight);
img.transform.matrix = matrix;
This all works. BUT. The image is draggable. The user can move it anywhere inside the canvas that is it's parent.
Once the image has been moved and the transform is applied the image gets "snapped" back to the original 0,0 (top left of the canvas) location before being transformed and is left there afterwards - not where the user would expect it to be.
After messing about with this for the best part of a day I still can't work out why on earth it's doing this. Anybody?
Edit: Note that the same happens without the two calls to .translate() in the above code. So the following code also snaps the image back to 0,0 of the canvas after it has been moved:
private function _rotateAndZoomImage(zoom:Number, angle:Number):void{
var radians:Number = angle * (Math.PI / 180.0);
var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.scale (zoom/100, zoom/100);
img.transform.matrix = matrix;
Here is how I fixed it. I overrode the 'move' function in my Image class, called super.move(), and then reset the transform matrix to the value I originally set it to (in this case _affineTransform).
override public function move(x:Number, y:Number):void
this.transform.matrix = _affineTransform;
Hacky, but watcha gonna do...if someone has a cleaner solution, please let me know!
If you look in the source code for the set x() override in mx.core.UIComponent, you'll see the following line:
_layoutFeatures.layoutX = value
Basically, it ignores the default display list x value and stores the position elsewhere. The real x is probably set later once the full layout has been processed (replacing your translation value). You should probably always use x, y, scaleX, scaleY, rotation and any other relevant properties. It seems that Adobe doesn't intend for Flex to support the regular display object transform matrix.
I think you may have to add the x,y values to your translation:
private function _rotateAndZoomImage(zoom:Number, angle:Number):void{
var radians:Number = angle * (Math.PI / 180.0);
var offsetWidth:Number = ( img.contentWidth/2.0 );
var offsetHeight:Number = ( img.contentHeight/2.0 );
var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
matrix.translate(-offsetWidth, -offsetHeight);
//Do the zoom
matrix.scale (zoom/100, zoom/100);
matrix.translate(img.x + offsetWidth, img.y + offsetHeight);
img.transform.matrix = matrix;
try setting this.
The solution/workaround to this is quite simple. Instead of this:
<mx:Image id="img" source="/some/Url" mouseDown="img.startDrag()" />
I now have this:
<mx:Canvas id="inner" mouseDown="inner.startDrag()" clipContent="false">
<mx:Image id="img" source="/some/Url" />
The draggable image no longer lives directly inside the main Canvas. Instead it lives inside a child Canvas. The image is no longer draggable itself. It's the inner Canvas that gets dragged.
Now, when a transformation is applied to the image, it stays put as its parent's 0,0 coords are now where they're supposed to be, as it's where you dragged the canvas to.
Hope this helps somebody and saves them the time I've wasted on this.
