Calculated Field - Summing Measures with Dimension - google-analytics

I want to get the Total AUTO MQL for Form Fills. The end result should be in Measure. I don't know the syntax.


How to get percentage of increment/decrement of two formula field values in saved search NetSuite

I am working on to populate the payroll expenses of last month and current month using saved search according to departments.
I got the last month payroll expenses and current month payroll expenses using formula field.
Now I am trying to get result in percentage of two amount Values which I have got through formula fields.
I am not being able to get the even subtraction of both of the formula fields.
So that I can divide and get the increment /decrement percentage.
Tried many ways using formulas (case, subtraction of two formulas), using summary type and its functions but not got required result.
Please suggest something for saved search result.

Custom field days remaining to finish a task

How can I create a formula that allows me, in a custom field, to calculate the remaining days of the task, with respect to the last data cutoff (Status Date), as long as it is not 100% complete?
I have tried to create a simple formula to perform the initial test of the remaining days, using the status date field and the end field, [End]-[Status Date], but the result is wrong.
Just use the "Remaining Duration" column that already exists in MS Project, it shows exactly what you are asking for.

Kendo-grid custom aggregate in footer template by columns values

I have a large grid and I need to add a count in the footer, to calculate count of non-nullable and not empty cells in column, but standart count aggregate gives only completed total count result. In custon templates I find ability only for using these completed aggregation functions (min, max, sum, count...). Is there any ideas how to count only filled cells in column and display result in footer of grid?
You can configure the columns.footerTemplate property as a function, and use some custom logic to count the non-null fields, then display it in the footer of the respective column, e.g.:
If someone interests how I have solved it, I will answer in general.
I have created custom column in result's data (before binding it to grid) with values 1 or 0: 1 - if I want to count current row in result; 0 - if I don't. Then I have used sum aggregate function for this column instead count. And then I just only have not displayed this column in grid for users.
This approach gives ability to write your custom logic outside of kendo footer template, you just use count (in this case sum) for results of your custom logic.
All other approaches and solutions, which I've tried did not help.

How to get the total count of unique values of a field in solr

I want to the sum of count of unique values of a field in solr.
My original requirement is like this:
I have a collection in solr cloud, spread across multiple shards from which I have to get the list of unique values of the field(let's say abc), which has duplicate values. And the sorting of the search results should be such that the value having the maximum occurance should be at the top and least occurance should be at the bottom.
I have been able to achieve this requirement by the below query and it works totally fine.
But I am not able to get the count of the total num of facets returned here.
Is there a way to do it.
I am doing this in solr 4.10 and 5.3
You could specify facet.limit=-1 and count the number of terms returned.
In Solr 5.3 there is JSON facets which has the parameter numBucketsthat seems to do what you want, but I do not know if that works properly in SolrCloud.

XtraReport calculated field not working, always display zero

I have created a summary calculated field sumMyField with Type Int32, the expression is Sum([MyField]), the column values are not 0, my others calculated fields in other reports are working correctly, but in this report the calculated field is always zero. I think it is relative to something like "cache". I cannot deleted the report and re-create it, as this takes too long to re-design
My solution is:
Delete the cell, recreate it and recreate the field to it. The calculated expression is correct!
