Strange blue subtitle when plotting objects from the RandomFields package - r

Theplot method for RFspatialGridDataFrame outputs a weird blue "subtitle" when passing main or axis label arguments to the plot function.
model <- RPbernoulli(RMexp(scale = 3), threshold = 1)
simulation <- RFsimulate(model, x = 1:138, y = 1:74)
plot(simulation, main = "This is an example title")
The following is a screeshot of the output
Strangely enough, this appears to be a feature, as running other example for the RandomFields documentation shows.
Is there any way of not outputting this blue repeated title? I have tried fiddling with other graphical arguments (such as setting legend = F) but the behavior does not change.

I have contacted the maintainers of the RandomFields package, and it appears to be a setting in RFoptions.
By setting RFoptions(grPrintlevel = 0) before the plots, this behavior can be avoided. More information can be found under ?RFoptions in section 10 regarding graphics. The relevant part regarding grPrintlevel reads
grPrintlevel: integer values 0, 1, 2; only relevant when simulations are
plotted. The higher the more text is shown in the plot.
Default: 1.


Interactive plot: Manipulate contents of a ggplot2 plot with a sliding bar

Edit: Thank you to Javier for his suggestion. I forgot to mention that I would like to incorporate this interactive plot into a report / dashboard, so something that works with a HTML document from RMarkdown would be ideal, but a dashboard solution would also be fine.
Consider the following plots; the red line represents the actual data, while the green line plots predictions generated by a model:
The predictions of two different models are displayed; one trained over the first 100 hours, and the other over the first 216 hours. Predictions are then generated for the unseen data-points, then plotted.
What I would like to do, is train n models, eg. one every 12 hours in an expanding window fashion. After having done this, I would like to present the results in an interactive fashion where the user can click/slide something to move the vertical line back and forth, thereby changing which model's predictions are displayed. The point would be to intuitively show the effect of different training lengths.
I'm new to shiny and interactive plots in R; can this be done without too much trouble?
You can with the manipulate package for quick interactive plots. Shiny requires more fine-tuning and it is more time-consuming.
Here is a reproducible example for you to test out:
This creates the slider bar:
manipulate(plot(1:x), x = slider(1, 100))
Put your code here for the creation of the interactive plot:
plot(cars, xlim = c(0, x.max), type = type, ann = label),
x.max = slider(10, 25, step=5, initial = 25),
type = picker("Points" = "p", "Line" = "l", "Step" = "s"),
label = checkbox(TRUE, "Draw Labels"))
Check out the CRAN manipulate package for more information:
I was able to do this with the example at the bottom of this link.
sliderInput("n", "Training length:", 100, min=24, max= 11*24)
plotPredictCurve(data= df, trainLength= input$n)

Move title of plots in a list of plots in R

I have a list of plots that I have assigned names to, and then converted to plot titles as suggested by The titles happen to appear over the top x-axis title and so I attempt to move them as suggested here: The overall code looks as follows:
lapply(names(Cast.files), function (x) plot(Cast.files[[x]],
main = x,
adj = 0, #adjust title to the farthest left
line =2.5 #adjust title up 2.5
It should be noted that plot is now converted from base R to the oce package for analyzing oceanographic data, but calls the same arguments from base R plot.
The problem becomes that in trying to move the title, the axis labels move as well and overlap. Any suggestions?
Edit: Here is what the image looks like before:
And after:
You might also want to look into the oma= argument in par(), which provides an "outer" margin which can be used to put a nice title. Something like:
par(oma=c(0, 0, 1, 0))
title('Title', outer=TRUE)
This was solved by adding a title argument outside of the plot function as follows:
lapply(names(Cast.files), function (x) plot(Cast.files[[x]],
which = c("temperature", "salinity", "sigmaT","conductivity"),
Tlim = c(11,12),
Slim = c(29,32),
col = "red")
+ title(main = x, adj = 0.48, line = 3.5)#adding the titles at a specific location
This allowed for plots that looked like:
If you use the title function, rather than setting main within plot, it would allow you to change the line without affecting anything else in the plot.

Combine two plots created with effects package in R

I have the following Problem. After running an ordered logit model, I want to R's effects package to visualize the results. This works fine and I did so for two independent variables, then I tried to combine the two plots. However, this does not seem to work. I provide a little replicable example here so you can see my problem for yourself:
mod <- polr(vote ~ age + log(income), data=Chile)
eff <- effect("log(income)", mod)
plot1 <- plot(eff, style="stacked",rug=F, key.args=list(space="right"))
eff2 <- effect("age", mod)
plot2 <- plot(eff2, style="stacked",rug=F, key.args=list(space="right"))
I can print these two plots now independently, but when I try to plot them together, the first plot is overwritten. I tried setting par(mfrow=c(2,1)), which didn't work. Next I tried the following:
print(plot1, position=c(0, .5, 1, 1), more=T)
print(plot2, position=c(0,0, 1, .5))
In this latter case, the positions of the two plots are just fine, but still the first plot vanishes once I add the second (or better, it is overwritten). Any suggestions how to prevent this behavior would be appreciated.
Reading down the long list of arguments to ?print.eff we see that there are some arguments for doing just this:
plot(eff, style="stacked",rug=F, key.args=list(space="right"),
row = 1,col = 1,nrow = 1,ncol = 2,more = TRUE)
plot(eff2, style="stacked",rug=F, key.args=list(space="right"),
row = 1,col = 2,nrow = 1,ncol = 2)
The reason par() didn't work is because this package is using lattice graphics, which are based on the grid system, which is incompatible with base graphics. Neither par() nor layout will have any effect on grid graphics.
This seems to work:
edit: Too late...

How to plot a large ctree() to avoid overlapping nodes

When I plotted the decision tree result from ctree() from party package, the font was too big and the box was also too big. They are overlapping other nodes.
Is there a way to customize the output from plot() so that the box and the font would be smaller ?
The short answer seems to be, no, you cannot change the font size, but there are some good other options.
I know of three possible solutions. First, you can change other parameters in the plot to make it more compact. Second, you can write it to a graphic file and view that file. Third, you can use an alternative implementation of ctree() in the partykit package, which is a newer package by some of the same authors.
Default Plot Example
airq <- subset(airquality, !
airct <- ctree(Ozone ~ ., data = airq,
controls = ctree_control(maxsurrogate = 3))
plot(airct) #default plot, some crowding with N hidden on leafs
Simplified plot
# simpler version of plot
plot(airct, type="simple", # no terminal plots
abbreviate = TRUE, # short variable names
pval = FALSE, # no p-values
id = FALSE), # no id of node
abbreviate = TRUE,
digits = 1, # few digits on numbers
fill = c("white"), # make box white not grey
id = FALSE)
This is somewhat better and one might be able to improve it further. To figure out these details, I originally did class(airct) which returned "BinaryTree". Armed with this info, I started reading ?plot.BinaryTree
Write to a file
A second simple solution is to write the plot to a file and then view the file. You may need to play with the settings to find the best fit.
png("airct.png", res=80, height=800, width=1600)
Plot with partykit package instead
Finally, you can use a newer and not-yet-finished re-implementation of the party package by some of the same authors. At this point (Dec 2012), the only function they have re-done is ctree(). This version allows you to change font size.
airct <- ctree(Ozone ~ ., data = airq)
class(airct) # different class from before
# "constparty" "party"
plot(airct, gp = gpar(fontsize = 6), # font size changed to 6
abbreviate = TRUE,
id = FALSE)
Here I have left the leafs in their default setting because I have frankly never figured out how to get it to work the way I want. I suspect this has to do with the fact that the package is incomplete (as of Dec 2012). You can read about the plot method starting with ?
Another option (that doesn't change what you want but does potentially solve the underlying problem) is to change the size of the figure itself, as I learned in my class for my assignment.
Replace the r in the below:
{r, fig.width=X, fig.height=Y}
where the X and Y need to be replaced by numbers chosen by you depending on what size you think works better.
This website, talks about doing this in more detail and universally throughout the document.

What does negative length vectors in a wireframe plot (lattice package) means?

I want to plot a wireframe in R using the lattice package. However, I get the following error message "error using packet 1 negative length vectors are not allowed". The data looks like the following:
> result_mean
experiment alpha beta packet
1 0 1.0 1 3.000000
2 0 1.1 1 2.571429
The command to create the data is the following
png(file=paste("foobar.png"),width=1280, height=1280);
plot <- wireframe(result_mean$packet ~ result_mean$alpha * result_mean$beta,
data=result_mean, scales = list(arrows=FALSE, cex= .45, col = "black", font = 3),
drape = TRUE, colorkey = TRUE, main = "Foo",
col.regions = terrain.colors(100),
screen = list(z = -60, x = -60),
xlab="alpha", ylab="beta", zlab="mean \npackets");
I'm wondering what this error message means and if there is a good way to debug this?
Thanks in advance!
Debugging lattice graphics is a bit difficult because (a) the code is complex and multi-layered and (b) the errors get trapped in a way that makes them hard to intercept. However, you can at least get some way in diagnosing the problem.
First create a minimal example. I suspected that your problem was that your data fall on a single line, so I created data that looked like that:
d <- data.frame(x=c(1,1.1),
Now confirm that fully three-dimensional data (data that define a plane) work just fine:
d2 <- data.frame(expand.grid(x=c(1,1.1),
So the question is really -- did you intend to draw a wireframe of two points lying on a line? If so, what did you want to have appear in the plot? You could hack things a little bit to set the y values to differ by a tiny bit -- I tried it, though, and got no wireframe appearing (but no error either).
edit: I did a bit more tracing, with various debug() incantations (and searching the source code of the lattice package and R itself for "negative length") to deduce the following: within a function called lattice:::panel.3dwire, there is a call to a C function wireframePanelCalculations, which you can see at
Within this function:
nh = (nx-1) * (ny-1) * ng; /* number of quadrilaterals */
sHeights = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, nh));
In this case nx is zero, so this code is asking R to allocate a negative-length vector, which is where the error comes from.
In this case, though, I think the diagnosis is more useful than the explicit debugging.
