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Closed 3 years ago.
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I've a lot of questions related with ant media server:
Is this only a frontend for red5? Which is the role played red5 doesn't provide? How ant media server leverages to red5?
Why is there two applications by default (LiveApp, and WebRTCApp)? Does it mean, am I able to add applications?
Which are the potions regarding rest security?
I'm looking forward for a VoD solution. It it a good solution?
Why it's only able to upload mp4 videos for VoD?
Ant Media Server forked from Red5 and it's publicly available at Github Ant-Media-Server project. This is not a secret. Right now AMS committed 2524 commits over it only for Community Edition and 1507 commits for Enterprise Edition. This is the open-source world and AMS isn't interested in re-inventing the wheel again. Making a contribution to the current works creates progress for the world.
1- AMS developer team added a lot of features on Red5. You can see features in Also you can see a comparison with AMS, Red5 and Wowza in this URL ->
2- Yes, you can create your own applications in AMS. Please follow this doc ->
3- AMS developer team Developed IP Filter feature in REST Services. Please follow this doc ->
4- Yes, you can use AMS for VoD solution.
5- mp4 format is more convenient for a video solution. Do you have any other suggestions?
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have just started out doing web development projects for clients and I have done two so far using NextJS, NuxtJS along with headless WordPress for the CMS. As I also have a full time job these projects take a fair amount of time and I end up working constantly.
I have recently come across Webflow and have messed around with it to see how it works. It seems like if I used Webflow and the CMS is provides I could get through projects much quicker than I would currently.
Do you think that for freelancing using a tool like Webflow is a better idea than what I am currently doing?
I currently use Webflow for client projects and I use Next.js at work. I would highly recommend using Webflow for the following reasons on most web dev client projects.
Speed of customization (You can create components in Webflow and copy and past them into new projects, which allows you to reuse standard parts in seconds)
CMS already integrated.
Ability to easily give clients access to edit their own content if they need
Easily edit SEO settings
Easily connect other tools like Zapier and Memberstack if you need
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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am bulding a learning portal for a client and the client has asked for a feature where the user can record and upload sound directly from the browser (or browser plugin) to a custom made forum on the portal. The client envision having a button like [start recording] on the site. I am probably ending up with recommending against this feature but I would like to hear if any of you have done something similar and what you used.
This specific application is built using dotnet core 2.0 and Angular 5 in the frontend.
Using WebRTC could be an option if you can run your site under an SSL cert.
You may want to take a look to this example here.
Here you have another example using the device camera.
You can store the response on a Blob and send it to your server.
It is an initial aproach but I think it could help you take a decision.
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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm creating an app that recognizes the songs of some web radio feeds, I would need to parse feeds to find songs, I found a paid service (ACRCloud) that allows you to do so, but the cost is high given the number of radios that I would like to analyze, so I searched a bit and found Echoprint, I could use it for my purpose? Would be suitable? Why don't I find the documentation ... I don't know, maybe there are better solutions? Thank you
Echoprint would generate good fingerprints for your usage (exact copy of musics, recognition time in the scale of tens of seconds).
However, you will have to maintain a database of known musics. Which is difficult to keep up to date.
The mothership of Echoprint, the Echo Nest, offered music recognition in the past, but this seems now over. Though, a server designed as fingerprint storage and retrieval is free to use.
What you could do to generate a database is:
fetch metadata from some streams, when available.
download the youtube version of those musics. See the youtube-dl tool for that (disclaimer, this may be violating the TOS of youtube)
inject fingerprints in the echo nest server.
This could bootstrap efficiently your system. But you may have a hard time reaching the performance of paying services like ACRCloud and similar. It depends on your requirements.
We run a service for our website which follows 9 radio stations, using the internet stream of those stations. We show real time what is playing on those stations.
The library (in c#) and a database of 1.3 million fingerprints can be found at:
Example programs include the software to follow a radio station.
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Closed 11 years ago.
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I want to create a Website for that I am using technology,Since I am Actually Buying a domain and web hosting space for it. Before that I have question regarding some doubts.
I have seen Website . As everyone Knows that is platform dependent and I want my Website should open everywhere with same look and feel. And Someone have told me there will be no issue for platform Dependency,You only need to choose Server with windows and deploy Your website there. and after that everybody will be able to open website with same look. Now My question is that if that's the thing is there then why the issue of platform Independent for(java EE,Php) website is there.
Please Clarify my doubts.
Platfrom independence in this case is only a concern for the server, not the client.
A normal website can be openened in all mainstream browsers, on Mac, Linux or Windows or mobile clients. So it will work everywere. is platform dependent.
This is not true.
An website can be installed on any web-server provided it has .net framework installed on it. Most modern age windows servers has it. Hence, whoever told you that
choose Server with windows and deploy Your website there. and after
that everybody will be able to open website with same look
Is right.
When somebody accesses your website's page generates HTML content which is sent to client which is platform independent. Hence all clients will get same look and feel.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have never programmed web sites. I know that I can create web sites using ASP.
So is it possible to create full web site with Silverlight? Or does Silverlight only support web forms?
Yes I suppose you could.
However, would it be the right choice for your target market?
Silverlight market share : 65%
Flash market share : 95%
Javscript - pretty much everyone
HTML - everyone
If you're tarketing the whole world, personally I wouldn't use silverlight for the whole site, just for features that required it (and even then, I'd write a HTML only backup version for people who don't have silverlight).
However, if you're writing it for a company that you know has silverlight installed and you're familiar with silverlight then go for it!
theoretically it's possible, but I don't think it's really recommended when some environments stop supporting plug-ins as java/flash/silverlight...
I suppose Html5 is the best choice for web development.
Here is a flow chart to help you in your decision
Pick your platform