Calling Firebase Remote Config REST API without auth - firebase

I want to use Firebase Remote Config API via REST in a mobile app. Due to technical limitations, I can't use the Android/iOS SDK so I have to resort to the REST API.
However, that API requires authentication using a private key -- obviously I can't include that key in the application.
I don't need any other Firebase service at this time, just the remote config.
How can I work around this limitation? I tried following the guide at, but as mentioned it requires to first generate a short-lived OAuth2 token using the auth API.

According to the documentation on using the Remote Config REST API:
This document describes how you can use the Remote Config REST API to read and modify the set of JSON-formatted parameters and conditions known as the Remote Config template.
So the REST API is for modifying Remote Config variables, the type of action you could also do in the Firebase console. It is not for use in regular clients, which consume the configuration variables. For that you'll have to use one of the provided clients, as there is no REST API and the wire protocol is not documented.


Create a secured API using Firebase

I have created an API with Firebase using Cloud Functions. GET and POST endpoints are deploeyd.
A client application is registered on the project and can access it callable functions.
I would like other client applications (using their own separate Firebase project) being able to access the API too.
However, I am concerned regarding security.
If I create HTTPS endpoints for those applications, anyone having the URL will be able to use the API ?
And if I manage to restrict access only to those authorized apps, can I allow/restrict only specific endpoints (only GET endpoints, for example)?

Is it possible Firebase Remote Config to be queried from backend service REST?

I have an idea to make my apps to be Backend Driven and for this reason I want to query Firebase Remote Config for some values which has some condition properties when they should be applied (for example: parameter show_banner should be applied only for Country: Portugal) and I want to have the possibility to use A/B testing for such scenarios.
In other words I want my backend microservice to make requests to Firebase Remote COnfig (with A/B testing feature) on behalf of mobile applications (I can have information about the version, country, mobile id etc.. in the backend). Is there any REST APIs that can help me achieving this ?
The REST API for Remote Config only allows managing the template, so the equivalent of the operations you can perform in the Firebase console.
There is no public REST (or other server) API to get a set of remote config values for a specific device. That operation is only possible through the client-side SDKs.

Documentation for Firebase Remote Config *Client* API?

I'm looking for documentation detailing the API that allows clients to connect to Firebase Remote Config. I'm making a Unity project for a platform other than mobile, and I've built my own client code for other Firebase products since no client library is available to my knowledge; now, I'm looking to do the same for Remote Config but I can't seem to find any documentation for the actual REST API!
I'm aware of the Remote Config admin/configuration API, but this is NOT what I'm looking for, as it is built for developer/admin accounts to modify remote config data; instead, I'm asking for the API that the official Firebase client libraries use to fetch one single user's configuration.
A link to official or unofficial documentation or easy-to-read sample code would be greatly appreciated! Otherwise, I might end up reverse engineering the Google-provided client libraries and generate some myself.
firebaser here
There is currently no publicly documented REST API for accessing Remote Config data from a client. The only supported platforms are the ones for which an SDK is available.
Also see:
Firebase Rest api for remote config
Calling Firebase Remote Config REST API without auth
How to query firebase remote config rest API, where somebody tries to use the (afaik undocumented) REST API in a web app

send data to firebase using REST API or HTTPS request

after reading this answer from #Arsam, i am successfully sending data from nodeMcu esp8266 to firebase.
but i am using Database secrets Although it is deprecated.
and while searching for an alternative i came across firebase REST
Firebase Database REST API
API Usage
You can use any Firebase Realtime Database URL as a REST
endpoint. All you need to do is append .json to the end of the URL and
send a request from your favorite HTTPS client.
HTTPS is required. Firebase only responds to encrypted traffic so that your data remains safe.
after reading that, anyone conclude that you can send data to firebase using HTTPS request.
so my questions,
is REST API just an HTTP request?
i am just confused if it is, then why just not naming it HTTP API?
can i send my data to firebase Realtime-database using only https request from my client?if yes then how
REST or RESTful API design (Representational State Transfer) is designed to take advantage of existing protocols. While REST can be used over nearly any protocol, it usually takes advantage of HTTP when used for Web APIs.
Be carefull when using the REST API on the client side!
The REST API for the Firebase RTDB is usualy ment for development of code where you don't wand or can't use the official SDKs. For example when you code in a language that doesn't have a official Firebase SDK. Or also in usecases where you because of perfromacne reasons don't want to use the SDKs. In most cases landing pages.
BUT. The REST API is very handy for public data in your database. And I would only recommend to leave public data only the read access. Othervise anyone could fill up your database with knowing your REST API.
So if you plan to use the RTDB on your client side try to use official SDK because the handle the security for you.
David East even had a talk on the last Google IO on how to improve the loading time for laning pages by removing the Firebase SDKs and using the REST API. But that was also only for public data.
If you want to use it on a server from the backend you can use also the REST API. Here is the documentation for using the REST API and here for the authentication part of it.

Alternative to firebase functions to create actions-on-google integration

I am trying to find an alternative for Firebase to create functions that will work with actions-on-google DialogFlow class. I am creating a nodeJS app which will create a web service endpoint which will be configured as the Fulfillment URL in the DialogFlow dashboard. All the business logic to handle the request from API.AI will be at the nodeJS app. This app will then send back response by calling app.ask() and other related methods of API.AI (aka DialogFlow)
Reason: Our deployment cloud is on OneOps and we have dedicated assemblies for nodeJS apps. That is, I need to deploy this node app on our OneOps cloud and not on Firebase cloud.
Is there an alternative over Firebase here?
Absolutely! With Dialogflow you can define any URL (preferable HTTPS) in Dialogflow's console and you're free to use any hosting platform that can speak HTTP:
Also, you should be able to use the Action on Google library to respond to requests on most Node.js environments
Certainly! You can use whatever you want - all that Dialogflow requires is that the webhook be on a public address with a valid HTTPS certificate.
When designing the webhook, you'll need to accept a POST request from Dialogflow that contains JSON as the body, and similarly respond with a JSON body.
Since you're using node.js, you'll likely be using Express. One thing to note if you'll be using the actions-on-google library is that it expects that Express has already populated the req.body with a JSON object - not with the string body. This is typically done with middleware such as body-parser.
