Your Sitemap or Sitemap index file doesn't properly declare the namespace - xml-sitemap

Little help about the issue, I get after adding the sitemap into google webmaster.
I get this error in the google webmaster
Your Sitemap or Sitemap index file doesn't properly declare the namespace
Here is the sitemap code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">


.xml sitemap "unsupported file format" next.js

I'm getting ready to launch my first client project using next.js and I've fallen at the last hurdle. I have an obscenely simple .xml sitemap in my next.js project and google is not accepting it error from google search console is "unsupported file format"
<xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8">
<urlset xmlns="">
I copied the sitemap structure from the next.js docs and the sitemap is reachable under with the sitemap being in the "/local" file.
Please help a girl out x
Solved issue at last. amended code below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
Essentially I was unfamilair formatting the xml seems that the ? merks in opening line act as a self closing element.

Issues with custom URLRewrite rules in 7.9

Currently I'm having some issues with custom URL rewrite rules within ISH 7.9.
For some of our environments it works fine (like local and test), but on ACC and PROD it only seems to work from time to time after multiple deploys/restarts of the system.
We have created a custom cartridge that has a deploy.gradle file to exclude the files urlrewriterules.xml, domainsplittings.xml and from the original cartridges. They get replaced by our custom files in the share/system/config/cluster folder. The static rules applied in the urlrewriterules.xml always work fine. However the rules that are coming from custom Java classes sometimes don't get well loaded by the RewriteRuleFactoryImpl returning back the below error:
[2018-11-07 08:20:37.906 +0100] WARN localhost ES1 appserver0 [ShipSupport-ebusiness-Site] [-] com.intershop.component.urlrewrite.internal.factory.RewriteRuleFactoryImpl [] [Storefront] [wJ5DCcg2CM5DCZPUUqdNu2D2fj8NZHaXjvP9qIZb] [yFAAAFvikjkOsqjA-0-00] "yFAAAFvikjkOsqjA-0-00" An implementation of rewrite rule type 'CustomCategory' does not exist.
The part of code in the urlrewriterules.xml that will call this java class is the following:
<!-- Custom Category Rule /c/<NAME_OF_LOWEST_CATEGORY> -->
<rule type="CustomCategory" priority="1000" name="custom category rule">
<configuration id="pathPrefix">/catalog</configuration>
<configuration id="partsCatalogID">4393</configuration>
We also have the classes well created in our own cartridge such as CustomCategoryRewriteRule that extends BaseRewriteRule. URL Rewrite is enabled for those channels and we always Invalidate the cache in the channels that have it enabled.
The extension for the CustomCategory (defined in the same cartridge) is defined as below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<extensionpoint:ExtensionPointModel xmlns:extensionpoint="" name="CustomCategoryRewriteRule">
<extensionBindings type="java" extensionPoint="com.intershop.component.urlrewrite.capi.RewriteRule-RewriteRule.create" extension="com.package.CustomCategoryRewriteRule" priority="1"/>
Also the app-extension.component is defined in the same cartridge as below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<components xmlns="" scope="global">
<fulfill requirement="selectedCartridge" value="cartridge_name" of="intershop.SLDSystem.Cartridges"/>
<fulfill requirement="selectedCartridge" value="cartridge_name" of="intershop.EnterpriseBackoffice.Cartridges"/>
We followed this article to confirm on how to do it: We also have it working fine in another project, but using Intershop 7.8.
Do you have any idea on what might be the cause?
Thank you!
We ended up solving it out by apply the SMBResponsive cartridge as well.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<components xmlns="" scope="global">
<fulfill requirement="selectedCartridge" value="royalihc_sldsystem" of="intershop.SLDSystem.Cartridges"/>
<fulfill requirement="selectedCartridge" value="royalihc_sldsystem" of="intershop.EnterpriseBackoffice.Cartridges"/>
<fulfill requirement="selectedCartridge" value="royalihc_sldsystem" of="intershop.SMBResponsive.Cartridges" />
Thanks Andreas for all the help.
Besides the implementation, you also need to create an extension file in <cartridge>/staticfiles/cartridge/extensions. This is the actual registration of the rewrite rule for the lookup mechanism. See the following example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<extensionpoint:ExtensionPointModel xmlns:extensionpoint="" name="CustomRewriteRule.extension">
<extensionBindings type="java" extensionPoint="com.intershop.component.urlrewrite.capi.RewriteRule-RewriteRule.create" extension="com.package.CustomCategoryRewriteRule " priority="1"/>
Also the cartridge that contains these extensions needs to be registered at the application types via a component file in <cartridge>/staticfiles/cartridge/components. This is needed so that the extension is loaded correctly in the correct application context. See this example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<components xmlns="">
<fulfill requirement="selectedCartridge" value="your_custom_cartridge" of="intershop.SLDSystem.Cartridges" />
<fulfill requirement="selectedCartridge" value="your_custom_cartridge" of="intershop.B2CBackoffice.Cartridges" />
<fulfill requirement="selectedCartridge" value="your_custom_cartridge" of="intershop.B2CResponsive.Cartridges" />
I'm not quite sure if you need to register it for all of these applications, but these are the ones we used in our last project. If you use different application types or have custom ones, make sure to add those accordingly.

Tomcat server, change default HTTP 404?

I am using tomcat and I would like, whenever I go to a direction that is not handled by a servlet, do other stuff insead of showing the default error:
type Status report
message /test
description The requested resource is not available.
Where can I handle this¿?
Thank you in advance
Define an error page in web.xml:
No does not need anyting spec. Can be anything, html, jsp, jsf ...
Can be placed anywhere, often at the bottom
Between brackets
You can define error pages by their http status (404, 500,...) or by defining the fully qualified exception name (java.lang.Exception, ...). If you are using Servlet 3.x you can even omit the error-code/error-classname part to define a default error page.
Here is a minimal web.xml which you can put in a webapps folder (if you don't want to change 404 pages globally). This will allow you to e.g. redirect all requests to a new folder.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<web-app xmlns=""
Note that web.xml must be put in .../webapps/YourFolder/WEB-INF/web.xml.
In the redirect.jsp. You would put something like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en" dir="ltr">
// get the requested URI
String requestedLocation = request.getRequestURI();
// rewrite to new location
String newLocation = requestedLocation.replaceAll("^/Old", "/New");
// 301 - permanent redirect
response.setHeader("Location", newLocation);
→ <%=newLocation%>
Since Tomcat 9 there is different error handling configuration.
You have to:
create simple html error page
save it in some directory(for example webapps/ROOT/error_page.html)
add valve configuration to server.xml in Host part.
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve" errorCode.404="webapps/ROOT/error_page.html" errorCode.0="webapps/ROOT/error_page.html" showReport="false" showServerInfo="false" />
Please refer:
or Tomcat documentation:

Has the XML-Document-Transform xmlns URL changed?

In your Web.Release.config or Web.Debug.config, right after ...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
you see ...
<configuration xmlns:xdt="">
When I browse to this URL, I receive the following content:
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Does that mean there's a new URL and I need to update the xmlns or can you just not browse it?
That's an XML namespace, not the location of a resource on the web.
It only happens to look like a URL. Some XML namespaces do not look like URLs.

Can Adobe's filevault tool (VLT) be configured to ignore files?

If it can, where would this be configured?
From the documentation, all mention of ignoring files is about excluding .vlt from SVN commits, but we're facing the opposite issue — we'd like to exclude files that are on the file system from VLT commits — e.g. .DS_Store, *.iml, etc.
VLT creates a .vault folder in the user's home directory, similar to .subversion, but this just seems to hold authentication details.
The programme also doesn't seem to allow an ignore property to be set via propset — I tried this with a similar syntax to SVN (vlt propset -R vlt:ignore .DS_Store *) and received a fairly useless, (& overly optimistic for future improvement) error message:
Generic properies not supported, yet
Any pointers would be great!
Just add the ignores to your META-INF/vault/settings.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<vault version="1.0">
<ignore name=".svn"/>
In the vault config directory, where the filter.xml is, create a file settings.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<vault version="1.0">
<ignore name=".svn"/>
<ignore name=".DS_Store"/>
If you wanna solve it in a more general matter you can use a user-config similar to SVN in your home directory.
$ cat ~/.vault/settings.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<vault version="1.0">
<ignore name=".svn"/>
<ignore name="._*"/>
<ignore name="release.txt"/>
<ignore name=".git"/>
<ignore name=".gitignore"/>
<ignore name="*/generated(/?)*"/>
Where .svn, .git and so on is ignored as well as generated AEM files (s.a. less to css).
just go to the src/main/content folder where jcr_root folder lie.
You will see the folder "META-INF" and go in to META-INF/vault folder.
open the setting.xml file. You will see the following content.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<vault version="1.0">
<ignore name=".svn"/>
<ignore name="._*"/>
<ignore name="release.txt"/>
<ignore name=".git"/>
<ignore name=".DS_Store"/>
<ignore name=".gitignore"/>
<ignore name="*/generated(/?)*"/>
You can add the ignoring files/folder here. I have added the Eclipes project folder .DS_Store.
