Issue with CSS sprite when hovering over an image with a link - css

I'm working on my website and was originally using two separate images at the size of 210 by 210px for an image link (which changes into another image when hovered over.) However I found that there was always a little flicker when first hovering over the image which obviously bothered me so I decided to switch to a CSS sprite with two the images on it instead. That way I wouldn't get the flicker.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to get the CSS sprite to work successfully. I'm creating my website in Wordpress BoldGrid Post and Page Builder so I'm not doing the HTML/CSS, but the Customizer allows me to add my own Custom CSS which is what I'm doing.
I've given the image link the CSS ID "home" in the image settings (in Post and Page Builder). This is what I've put in my Custom CSS:
#home:hover a {
position: absolute;
background-position: -210px 0;
Currently, the original image isn't budging and I can see the hover image UNDERNEATH the original image (It's border is thicker and I can see it underneath).
I must have missed something with this. Because I'm working in a Wordpress Post and Page Builder it makes following CSS Sprite tutorials online not as straightforward. Hopefully it's a easy fix.

:hover is being used incorrectly...
by using #home:hover a you are only applying the background to the a when the element #home is hovered...
it should be:
#home a {
position: absolute;
#home:hover a {
background-position: -210px 0;
Something like below:
#home a img {
display: none;
#home a {
position: absolute;
width: 210px;
height: 210px;
display: block;
#home:hover a {
background-position: -210px 0;
<div id="home">
<a href="#">
<img src="">


How to make a single nav arrow appear when hovering over half an image in lightbox

I am trying to implement navigation arrows as they work in this ekko-lightbox gallery example - they appear on the right and left only when the mouse is hovering over just the right or left side of the image. I've been combing through the scripts in Developer Tools and still can't deduce how it's done (I'm pretty new to css). I have the arrows on my site appearing on hover, but I would like to use this more subtle approach of having only one at a time appear depending on which side of the image you're on.
Ekko lightbox is based on Bootstrap's modals, so perhaps there is a way in CSS to do something like this(?):
.modal-content(width: 50%):hover .arrow-left {
display: block;
Most of the time you create elements that cover the area you want control the hover then use display or something like opacity on hover to adjust. here is an simple example
.lightBox {
width: 800px;
height: 400px;
border: 1px solid black;
.navHolder {
width: 50%;
float: left;
height: 100%;
opacity: 0;
.navHolder:hover {
opacity: 1;
<div class="lightBox">
<div class="navHolder">
<div class="navHolder">

Why is not the :after image shown

I am trying to add an "external link image" to a-links with a target attribute. I have taken the image Wikipedia uses ( and converted it to base64 with I want to add it as a background image to a[target]:after.
<a target="_blank" href="">External link</a>
a[target]:after {
background-image: url();
The image seems somehow to be there. Chrome inspector seems to know about it, but nothing is shown however. Why is the image not shown? Or rather, what is the minimum CSS I need to add to make the image display?
Here is a fiddle:
The pseudo element has no dimensions:
a[target]:after {
background-image: url(...);
content: "";
display: inline-block; /* so we can give dimensions */
height: 50px;
width: 50px;
You can also insert the image within content:
a[target]:after {
content: url("...");

Text over image using CSS transitions

I am an illustrator making a portfolio site.
I'm trying to simply create a rollover css transition with Dreamweaver. I would like it so when you roll over the image the text will rise up to give a description about the image.
Do you mean something like this - DEMO?
What I've done is, I've created two classes (.pic and .text). .pic holds the picture and the other class contains the text. The .text class is positioned at the bottom of .pic and it has a height of 0; To make the text appear when you :hover over the image I just transition the height of .text, in this case from 0 to 150px;
Here the code from my demo
<div class="pic"><img src="" />
<div class="text"><p>This is a cat</p></div>
.pic {
position: relative;
width: 200px;
height: 300px;
overflow: hidden;
.text {
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
right: 0;
width: 200px;
height: 0;
text-align: center;
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
transition: height 0.7s ease-out;
.pic:hover > .text {
height: 150px;
by rolling over the image, do you mean mouse-over event? this can be done in multiple ways. but probably if you dont have too much css or javascript knowledge. then just download an image caption plugin. one such plugin that comes to my mind is called jquery capty. just google it and follow instruction of adding like 2 lines of code. its that simple.another way is using CSS positioning of the caption text over the image and use display:none initially and on mouse hover event, use the css :hover pseudo class and give it display: inline-block. hopefully this helps
The best way to do this would be to add a :hover event within your CSS file once you're within Dreamweaver.
Something similar to this:
.class {
background: blue;
.class:hover {
background: red;
This is not something that I've seen Illustrator be able to do and transfer it to Dreamweaver

Linking a Background Image

I am trying to link my background image using the tutorial over at but it's just not working for me.
I think I have the css right, but when I insert the html to make the link, it sets my WHOLE site as one giant link. Is there a way to make the link layer behind my content so it is only clickable on the sides of the container?
I've tried using this css:
body {
background-image: url('images/bg.png');
background-position: center top;
background-attachment: fixed;
body #background-link {
position: absolute;
top: 0; left: 0;
border: 0;
float: left;
and this html:
the link
You need to set the z-index of the container of the site so that it is higher than the anchor link. The simple way to do this -
Add this CSS:
This is the HTML:
the link
<div id="wrapper">
all of your site code goes here
The position:absolute makes you're link stay in front. You can probably try z-index, but is easier to tell if i can see you're entire code? Or page-link?

Creating Menu Buttons with CSS

I am using HTML and CSS to create a webpage. I want to create buttons that are of a .gif file that I already have. I am using div to place items in the page itself. How do I use the image, and also use the rollover features so that the image changes to a different image I have that is a different color.
Changing the image url works, but can be a nuisance if the images are not preloaded or the user's cache is disabled.
Check out sprites FTW.
A quick definition of a sprite is a large image, containing several smaller images. So a 10x20 image, with the normal state being the upper 10x10, and the hover state being the lower 10x10. The user only sees the upper 10x10 due to the CSS:
display: block;
width: 10px;
height: 10px;
background-image: url(to-image.gif);
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: top left;
then on hover, it shifts to the bottom part of the image
background-position: bottom left;
Make the button element a fixed size, and set the .gif file as the element background in CSS. Then you can use a :hover class on the element to change the image. Here I'm using an "A" tag so it works on IE6.
<a class="button"></a>
.button {
display: block;
background-image: url(default.gif);
width: 100px;
height: 20px;
.button:hover {
background-image: url(hover.gif);
