2sxc Prefill datetime value in Manage Content Data - 2sxc

I created a Entity in Content-Types and Data and this entity have a field that is a datetime
When I click in the Plus button (+) I want to hide the field from user (this I got) and that default value be the current date (to be filled behind the scene)
Is there a way to achieve this ?
I read about prefill but I dont got how to do that with the default "Manage Content / Data"
I´m using 2sxc 10.24.0

Welcome to StackOverflow, #Alexandre ;)
The special buttons can only be done in the view. The internal manage-data doesn't provide options to customize. You can set default texts, but there is currently no mechanism to provide tokens, JS or something to get dynamic values as an initial value from the normal Admin-dialogs.

I got if I create a view and then use
#Edit.Toolbar(toolbar: new object[] { new { command = new { action = "new", contentType = "Articles", prefill = new { CreationDate = DateTime.Now } }}}
I believe that to do that in Manage Content / Data will be need to modify the "view" from the 2sxc


Appmaker Input Form, change options based on earlier dropdown choices

Say i'm having someone order a cake and they choose vanilla or chocolate, and then they have to choose a frosting
if vanilla: strawberry or buttercream
if chocolate: mocha, dark chocolate or buttercream.
Right now the frosting value in the data model can accept all four options, so all four show up in the dropdown.
a) is there a way to change the binding for the second dropdown after the first is chosen?
This can be done without having the data saved in any datasource. Simply do the following...
Suppose the first dropdown is named primaryDropdown and the second dropdown is called secondaryDropdown. In the primaryDropdown options set the following:
["Vanilla", "Chocolate"]
Also, make sure to uncheck the option allowNull and on the onAttach event handler, place the following:
widget.value = "Vanilla";
Now we move on to the secondaryDropdown. Here, we will do a binding so place the following in the options value:
In the client script, we need to make sure that function exists so please paste the following in any client script:
function getAvailableOpts(primaryValue){
var options;
case "Vanilla":
options =["Strawberry","Buttercream"];
case "Chocolate":
options = ["Mocha","Dark Chocolate","Buttercream"];
options = [];
return options;
From here, you are good; However we can still make it better. For that, make sure to also uncheck the allowNull option for the secondaryDropdown and then we need to add some logic in the onValueChange event handler of the primaryDropdown.
widget.root.descendants.secondaryDropdown.value = widget.root.descendants.secondaryDropdown.options[0];
Im guessing you set the dropdown "possible value" options in the data source and you have those fields as just string fields in your table.
the quick and dirty way to do this is go to the Cake drop down and on the Property Editor>Events>OnValueChange select Custom Action and use this Code
widget.root.descendants.Field.options = ['Strawberry','Buttercream'];
}else if (widget.value === "Chocolate"){
widget.root.descendants.Field.options = ['Mocha','Dark Chocolate','Buttercream'];
"Field" here is replaced with the name of the dropdown box for your frostings
also go to the property editor of the frostings dropdown and delete everything in the options field there.
I was trying to solve for a similar situation and created an additional table to serve as a lookup.
I have a drop down for CATEGORY with possible options set on the field in the main data source.
Then I have a second table with 2 Columns: CATEGORY, and SUB_CATEGORY.
On the entry form I have options for the SUB_CATEGORY drop down set to SUB_CATEGORY on the CATEGORY_MATRIX lookup table.
Then for an onValueEdit event on the CATEOGRY drop down I have a script to reload the CATEGORY_MATRIX table source based on the value of the CATEGORY drop down in the query so when the CATEGORY is selected only valid SUB_CATEGORY options are shown in the second drop down.
var datasource = app.datasources.CATEGORY_MATRIX
datasource.query.filters.CATEGORY._equals = newValue;
There may be more efficient ways to do this but the benefit is I could create another form page and dynamically add new combos so there isn't any required code change as new combos are needed.

Custom AEM Form field not persisted

I attempt to create a custom field for AEM form (AEM6.0 SP3) following how text field does it: /libs/fd/af/components/guidetextbox
I created init.jsp and widget.jsp with same content.
On widget.jsp, I then add some jQuery to autopopulate text field on focus out.
var thisField = '${guideid}${'_widget'}';
$(thisField).focusout(function() {
$(this).val('date ' + new Date());
On focus in, I type text 'ABC' then when focus-out I get text 'date ' however when submitting the data, text 'ABC' gets submitted.
Is there any AEM API I need to invoke (instead of just jQuery .val() function) in order for the changes to be recorded ?
Not the best solution, but we managed to get it work by first calling focus(), eg.
$(this).focus().val('date ' + new Date());
Better solution:
create a custom function eg
function initDatePicker(thisObj) { $(this).focusout(function() {thisObj.value = $(this).val();});}
Update .content.xml to call this within initScript eg.
<cq:template guideNodeClass="guideTextBox" jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured" jcr:title="Datepicker input field" initScript="initDatePicker(this)"/>
the function will be immediately included when the widget is added to canvas.
In AEM Forms a Javascript model is maintained that stores the value and that model is used to submit the data. Now to pass on the value from the ui to the model XFA_EXIT_EVENT[1] has to be triggered. So after setting the value you must add this line of code to persist the value
Also a better way would be to create your own widget for this specific scenario. See [2] for more details. The article is for AEM Form 6.1 but it will work for AEM 6.0 as well.
[1] https://helpx.adobe.com/aem-forms/6/html5-forms/introduction-widgets.html
[2] https://helpx.adobe.com/aem-forms/6-1/custom-appearance-widget-adaptive-form.html

Render Node by Id in Umbraco 4.11

TL;DR How do you render a content item by Node Id.
I'm using Widget Grid admin extension for Umbraco to configure a content manageable widget area and I'm stuck trying to render the configured widgets.
I have a list of node id's that I want to render on the page but I can for the life of me work out how to do this.
Any guidance is greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Xml contained within the Models property
<col1> <nodeId>4839</nodeId> <nodeId>4844</nodeId> <nodeId>4845</nodeId> </col1>
Once I get down to col1 it seems to cease being of type DynamicXml and just spits it out as a string... No idea.
Presumably you're doing this from within a macro, and I'm going to presume you have a multi-node picker set to store the Id values as CSV:
string[] widgetIds = ((string)Model.Widgets).Split(',');
foreach (var id in widgetIds)
var widget = Model.NodeById(id);
#RenderPage("~/macroscripts/widgets/" + widget.NodeTypeAlias
+ ".cshtml", widget);
This will let you select different types of widget in your multi-node picker, and have a different view for each widget.
This also uses the dynamic approach but you could easily adapt this by swapping the first line for:
string[] podIds = CurrentModel.GetProperty<string>("widgets").Split(',');
Given that the property is stored as XML, you can use the notation as described in this post (http://umbraco.com/follow-us/blog-archive/2011/2/28/umbraco-razor-feature-walkthrough-%E2%80%93-part-3):
foreach (var id in Model.widgets.col1[0].nodeId)

Getting the values from a repeated Embedded Schema using TOM.NET API in an event handler in SDL Tridion 2011 SP1

I am working on the Event Handler for saving a component.
My objective is to perform some validations when the user creates and component based on a schema.
I have a schema with the name "Employee".
Employee has an embedded schema with the name "Experience" and it is multivalued.
Experience has 3 fields.
Role : Drop down with the values Manager, Lead.
Company: Text field
Years: Text field
When the user enters some data in these fields, I want to do some validations before save.
The high level design would look like this.
Load the instance of the Component
Navigate to embedded field "Experience"
For every "Experience". I need to get the value of the "Role", and check that appropriate value is entered in other two fields(By writing Component Save event)
For( all the repeated "Experience")
If (Role=="Manager")
check the values in the other two fields and do some validation
If (Role=="Lead")
check the values in the other two fields and do some validation
I am stuck at extracting the value and Names of subfields at the embeddded field.
I have tried:
Tridion.ContentManager.Session mySession = sourcecomp.Session;
Schema schema= sourcecomp.Schema;
var compFields = new ItemFields(sourcecomp.Content, sourcecomp.Schema);
var embeddefield = (EmbeddedSchemaField)compFields["Experience"];
var embeddedfields = (IList<EmbeddedSchemaField>)embeddefield.Values;
foreach(var a in embeddedfields)
string value=a.Value.ToString();
Actually I am stuck how to retrieve the values in the other fields at the same time.
Can any one explain how it can be done?
What you need to understand on a EmbeddedSchemaField class is that it represents both a schema and a field (as the name implies...)
I always find it helpful to look at the source XML of the component when writing code that targets its fields, you get a good visual representation of what your classes must do. If you look at a component XML like this:
<Title>Some Title</Title>
<ParagraphTitle>Title 1</ParagraphTitle>
<ParagraphContent>Some Content</ParagraphContent>
<ParagraphTitle>Title 2</ParagraphTitle>
<ParagraphContent>Some more Content</ParagraphContent>
Body is your embedded Schema field, which is multivalued, and contains 2 single-valued fields within it.
Addressing these fields in TOM.NET then:
// The Component
Component c = (Component)engine.GetObject(package.GetByName(Package.ComponentName));
// The collection of fields in this component
ItemFields content = new ItemFields(c.Content, c.Schema);
// The Title field:
TextField contentTitle = (TextField)content["Title"];
// contentTitle.Value = "Some Title"
// Get the Embedded Schema Field "Body"
EmbeddedSchemaField body = (EmbeddedSchemaField)content["Body"];
// body.Value is NOT a field, it's a collection of fields.
// Since this happens to be a multi-valued field, we'll use body.Values
foreach(ItemFields bodyFields in body.Values)
SingleLineTextField bodyParagraphTitle = (SingleLineTextField)bodyFields["ParagraphTitle"];
XhtmlField bodyParagraphContent = (XhtmlField) bodyFields["ParagraphContent"];
Hope this gets you started.

ASP.NET MVC 3 - #Html.DropDownList - How do I change the description?

The following code in a cshtml file creates a dropdown with a list of Contacts, but the field it uses for the description of values, is not the one I want to display.
How do I force it to choose data from a different field in the Contact object?
#Html.DropDownList("ContactId", String.Empty)
#Html.DropDownListFor(a => a.OtherContactId,
new SelectList(Model.ContactList, "ContactId", "ContactValue",
Model.OtherContactId), "-- Select --")
where, Model.ContactList is populated in your controller action.
p.s. I'm not entirely certain whether you mean change the title of the select option text or the property that is updated, so have presented a kind of hybrid offering
You can try something like this on the server side(controller):
ViewBag.ContactList = new SelectList(iContactRepository.GetAllContacts(),
"ContactId", "Name", contactDefault.ContactId);
//Here the method GetAllContacts returns Iqueryable<Contact>.
And this on the view:
#Html.DropDownList("ContactIdSelect", ViewBag.ContactList as SelectList)
This is the SelectList documentation.
Hope it helps.
