Find firebase user by a part of the email address? - firebase

I have a set of users with email addresses like the following (along with other users):
Is there a way to find all users with an email address ending on or starting with user?

There is no api in firebase authentication, that will enable you to do that. If you want to find the user per ending of email address, then you have to connect the firebase authentication to firebase database. Then when you query the data, you can split the string retrieved.


UPDATED : flutter sign in with realtime database firebase [duplicate]

Is it possible to implement Firebase Authentication with Username And Password
(not email and Password) in Flutter? Is there a way to do it with the Firebase Auth Plugin?
Logically you can control email address
I mean if you want you can maintain email address pattern and store the username for the created UID .
Example :
Var currentTimeStamp:
No Need to verify the email address as you need only the UID
Then you have to store the UID ,email address ,along with username in the Firestone or real-time database so that user can login again with the user name .you have to check user name and password is correct or not then do signin with that email addrsss and the given password
It’s just an idea
No, FirebaseAuth only supports sign in with email and password. There are no usernames unfortunately.
Currently there is no way to use the default FirebaseAuth to sign in with a username.
But email + password login is much more secure because if you want to try and brute force a user you have 2 missing pieces of information instead of one.
Actually there is a way from the start offered by Firebase. It is by using Custom Auth Tokens (link).
But this is most suitable when you have complete custom server/backend and only want to use Firebase Authentication to handle the authentication.
You will need to create custom auth tokens using the user's user id and password. This can only be done by Firebase Admin SDK (link).
That means this approach needs some kind of server. You can use Google cloud functions or AWS lambda for some cheap options.
Then in order to use the authenticated users, you'll need to implement a function to verify these tokens (link). This gives the UID of the user.

Is it Possible? sending email verification before a record is created in firebase authentication? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Verify a user's email address before confirming registration, with Flutter and Firebase
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
Is it Possible? can I send email verification before I create a user with email and password in Firebase authentication using flutter?
I wanted to know this because if I register the entered mail and then if I send email verification, then if the email account is not valid(i.e the email format is correct, but it is not present in google database to send link to email), then it would simply create a record in Firebase authentication which is a loss of storage, so I would like to know.
Thank you
There are two providers for signing in with email to Firebase:
Through Email+password. There is no way to require the user to verify their email address before they can sign in with this provider. You can of course prevent users without a verified email address from using the app, and accessing the data.
Through Email link. Here the user gets an email with a sign-in link, so their email address is implicitly verified as part of signing in.
If you want to require the user to verify their email address before they can sign in, it might be best to have them sign in through an email link.
In addition to #Frank's answer, when a user signs up you can send verification email to them. You can always check if the user has verified their email in your app by checking the isEmailVerified property as well as in security rules.
Talking of database storage, you can run a scheduled cloud function every midnight to delete data of users who have not verified their email.
You can refer to this answer for a detailed explanation on periodically deleting unverified users.

Firebase: do not create users until email is verified [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is it Possible? sending email verification before a record is created in firebase authentication? [duplicate]
(2 answers)
Verify a user's email address before confirming registration, with Flutter and Firebase
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
I have a Flutter mobile application which uses the Firebase email authentication. Users register themselves by entering username, password, current country and first and last name. When they register, I create a user document under the users collection which will have email as an id, first, last name, country, notification token. However once they verify their email address then only they can use all the features of the app.
My problem is, some users enters junk email address which does not exists. Due to this, I am ending up with having wrong email address in the Authentication as well as in my Firestore user collection too. Also as these are junk email addresses, they will never be able to verify and login.
Right now I have a Firebase scheduler function that deletes these unverified users (older than 30 days) from the Authentication as well as user collection.
I don't want to create any entry in the Firebase authentication as well as in the users collection until and unless the user verifies their email address. Or is there any other way to achieve this?
Thank you
One solution is to use Email Link authentication: the account will be created when the user completes the process.
Paul Ruiz (Firebaser) has written a complete article detailing how to implement this option: See the "Email Link (Passwordless Sign-In)" section.
FYI, the equivalent doc for the iOS and Android SDKs can be find here and here.

Flutter Firebase Auth with Username and Password

Is it possible to implement Firebase Authentication with Username And Password
(not email and Password) in Flutter? Is there a way to do it with the Firebase Auth Plugin?
Logically you can control email address
I mean if you want you can maintain email address pattern and store the username for the created UID .
Example :
Var currentTimeStamp:
No Need to verify the email address as you need only the UID
Then you have to store the UID ,email address ,along with username in the Firestone or real-time database so that user can login again with the user name .you have to check user name and password is correct or not then do signin with that email addrsss and the given password
It’s just an idea
No, FirebaseAuth only supports sign in with email and password. There are no usernames unfortunately.
Currently there is no way to use the default FirebaseAuth to sign in with a username.
But email + password login is much more secure because if you want to try and brute force a user you have 2 missing pieces of information instead of one.
Actually there is a way from the start offered by Firebase. It is by using Custom Auth Tokens (link).
But this is most suitable when you have complete custom server/backend and only want to use Firebase Authentication to handle the authentication.
You will need to create custom auth tokens using the user's user id and password. This can only be done by Firebase Admin SDK (link).
That means this approach needs some kind of server. You can use Google cloud functions or AWS lambda for some cheap options.
Then in order to use the authenticated users, you'll need to implement a function to verify these tokens (link). This gives the UID of the user.

Change email address of user who signed it with Google

When using Firebase Auth, should I allow users to change their email address if they originally authenticated with Google?
How would I then handle this, when the user will not have a password and will not be able to log in with this new email address but will have to use the Sign In With Google option and log in with their original google email address.
You can link multiple authentication providers to one account - see the docs here.
This way, they can choose to sign in any of the linked providers on another device or on the original device (e.g. after they've deleted and re-installed the application).
