Time complexity of nlm-package in R? - r

I'm estimating a Non-Linear system (via seemingly unrelated regressions - SUR), using systemfit (nlsystemfit() function) package with 4 equations, 32 parameters to estimate (!) and 412 observations. But my code is taking forever (my laptop it's not a super-powerful one tho). So far, the process was on a 13 hours run. I'm not an expert in computational stuff, but someone explained me some time ago the concept of Time Complexity of the algorithms (or big-o), then depending on this concept the time to compute a certain algorithm could rely on specific functional relation on the number of observations and/or coefficients.
Hence, I'm thinking of just stopping my process, and trying to simplify the model (temporarily) and trying to run something simpler, only to check-up if the estimated parameters had sens so far. And then, run a whole model.
But all this has a sense if I can change key elements in my model, which can reduce the time of processing significantly. That's why I was looking on google about the time complexity of nlm-package (nlsystemfit() function relies on nlm) but unsuccessfully. So, this is my question: Anybody knows where I can find that info, or at least give me advice on how test non-linear systems before run a whole model?

Since you didn't provide any substantial information regarding your model or some code for the same, its hard to express a betterment for your situation.
From what you said:
Hence, I'm thinking of just stopping my process, and trying to simplify the model (temporarily) and trying to run something simpler, only to check-up if the estimated parameters had sens so far. And then, run a whole model.
It seems you require benchmarking or to obtain the measured time taken to execute, as in your case. (although it can deal with memory usage or some other performance metric as well)
There are quite a few ways to benchmark code in R, which include the use of Sys.time() or system.time() just before and right after your algorithm/function executes, or libraries such as rbenchmark (which is a simple wrapper around the system.time function), tictoc, bench and microbenchmark.
Among these the last two are preferable options, as bench::mark includes system_time(), a higher precision alternative to system.time() and microbenchmark is known to be a reliable source to accurately measure and compare the execution time of R expressions/algorithms.


How to estimate gamma and cost parameters for SVM quickly

I want to train SVMs in R and I know there are functions such as e1071::tune.svm() that can be used to find the optimal parameters for the SVM. However, it seems there are some formulas out there (e.g. used in this report) that can give you a reasonable estimate of these parameters.
Since a grid-search for the parameters can take quite a lot of time on larger datasets and usually, one has to provide a range of possible values anyway, I wondered whether there is a package that implements formulas to get a quick estimate for the gamma and cost parameters for the SVM?
So far, I've found out that caret::train() might use such an approach to estimate sigma (which should be the reciprocal of 2*gamma^2) but I haven't tried it yet, since other calculations are still running (and will be, probably for the next days). Is there also an implementation to estimate cost or at least give a range of reasonable values?
I have found a similar question that asks for alternatives to grid-search in general. However, I would be interested in an R implementation of such alternatives and also, I hope things have developed further since the more general question was posted years ago.

What is a good benchmark to standardise computation speed (filter out machine speed)?

I have written a function in R that calculates a large array of values for an input argument. (The specifics of the function is not important for the purposes of this question.) I want to measure and report the computation speed of this function in some (roughly) objective way that does not hinge on the machine speed. Since the speed of computers increases regularly, I am mindful of the fact that computation speed on my machine will differ from other machines both now and in the future. I would like to report the computation speed in some standardised way that "filters out" the effect of the machine speed.
To remove the effect of the machine speed (as best I can) I propose to calculate the speed of my function, and compare this to the speed of some "benchmark function", done on the same machine. I can then report the speed of my function as a multiple of the time taken to perform the benchmark function, and this should give me a (roughly) standardised measure of the computational cost of my function. I already know that I can use the system.time function in R to calculate the speed of functions, so now all I need to do is to pick an appropriate benchmark function for my comparison.
My background is in maths/stats, not computer science, so I'm a bit of a novice at this. I'm sure it is something that is well-known, just not to me.
Questions: Does the method I have proposed make sense? Is this method used generally in computer science, and if so, does it have a name I can look up? Assuming the method makes sense, what is a good "benchmark function" to use for comparison?

How to do memory management, monitoring, and testing in R?

I notice that using R to program constantly causing some running speed problem, especially when the code involves growing a list. It's just very unintuitive what is slowing down the program so dramatically during the looping.
Specifically I'm using caret to train a gbm model, after getting the tuned hyperparameter, I need to do LOOCV to obtain the test error, which demands me to train the model for n times (n=number of samples). All I store in the list is my prediction result. Yet the list grows slower as the loop progress.
Can you offer some general advice for testing the memory issues related to R programming?
First create an empty list/vector. Size of your "n" so R has not to rewrite it every time it wants to add one additional value

A framework for comparing the time performance of Expectation Maximization

I have my own implementation of the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm based on this paper, and I would like to compare this with the performance of another implementation. For the tests, I am using k centroids with 1 Gb of txt data and I am just measuring the time it takes to compute the new centroids in 1 iteration. I tried it with an EM implementation in R, but I couldn't, since the result is plotted in a graph and gets stuck when there's a large number of txt data. I was following the examples in here.
Does anybody know of an implementation of EM that can measure its performance or know how to do it with R?
Fair benchmarking of EM is hard. Very hard.
the initialization will usually involve random, and can be very different. For all I know, the R implementation by default uses hierarchical clustering to find the initial clusters. Which comes at O(n^2) memory and most likely at O(n^3) runtime cost. In my benchmarks, R would run out of memory due to this. I assume there is a way to specify initial cluster centers/models. A random-objects initialization will of course be much faster. Probably k-means++ is a good way to choose initial centers in practise.
EM theoretically never terminates. It just at some point does not change much anymore, and thus you can set a threshold to stop. However, the exact definition of the stopping threshold varies.
There exist all kinds of model variations. A method only using fuzzy assignments such as Fuzzy-c-means will of course be much faster than an implementation using multivariate Gaussian Mixture Models with a covaraince matrix. In particular with higher dimensionality.
Covariance matrixes also need O(k * d^2) memory, and the inversion will take O(k * d^3) time, and thus is clearly not appropriate for text data.
Data may or may not be appropriate. If you run EM on a data set that actually has Gaussian clusters, it will usually work much better than on a data set that doesn't provide a good fit at all. When there is no good fit, you will see a high variance in runtime even with the same implementation.
For a starter, try running your own algorithm several times with different initialization, and check your runtime for variance. How large is the variance compared to the total runtime?
You can try benchmarking against the EM implementation in ELKI. But I doubt the implementation will work with sparse data such as text - that data just is not Gaussian, it is not proper to benchmark. Most likely it will not be able to process the data at all because of this. This is expected, and can be explained from theory. Try to find data sets that are dense and that can be expected to have multiple gaussian clusters (sorry, I can't give you many recommendations here. The classic Iris and Old Faithful data sets are too small to be useful for benchmarking.

How can I tell if R is still estimating my SVM model or has crashed?

I am using the library e1071. In particular, I'm using the svm function. My dataset has 270 fields and 800,000 rows. I've been running this program for 24+ hours now, and I have no idea if it's hung or still running properly. The command I issued was:
svmmodel <- svm(V260 ~ ., data=traindata);
I'm using windows, and using the task manager, the status of Rgui.exe is "Not Responding". Did R crash already? Are there any other tips / tricks to better gauge to see what's happening inside R or the SVM learning process?
If it helps, here are some additional things I noticed using resource monitor (in windows):
CPU usage is at 13% (stable)
Number of threads is at 3 (stable)
Memory usage is at 10,505.9 MB +/- 1 MB (fluctuates)
As I'm writing this thread, I also see "similar questions" and am clicking on them. It seems that SVM training is quadratic or cubic. But still, after 24+ hours, if it's reasonable to wait, I will wait, but if not, I will have to eliminate SVM as a viable predictive model.
As mentioned in the answer to this question, "SVM training can be arbitrary long" depending on the parameters selected.
If I remember correctly from my ML class, running time is roughly proportional to the square of the number training examples, so for 800k examples you probably do not want to wait.
Also, as an anecdote, I once ran e1071 in R for more than two days on a smaller data set than yours. It eventually completed, but the training took too long for my needs.
Keep in mind that most ML algorithms, including SVM, will usually not achieve the desired result out of the box. Therefore, when you are thinking about how fast you need it to run, keep in mind that you will have to pay the running time every time you tweak a tuning parameter.
Of course you can reduce this running time by sampling down to a smaller training set, with the understanding that you will be learning from less data.
By default the function "svm" from e1071 uses radial basis kernel which makes svm induction computationally expensive. You might want to consider using a linear kernel (argument kernel="linear") or use a specialized library like LiblineaR built for large datasets. But your dataset is really large and if linear kernel does not do the trick then as suggested by others you can use a subset of your data to generate the model.
