Why is moment.js date is 50 years ahead? - firebase

Using moment to format a date retrieved from a firestore timestamp. However the date is off by at least a day, and at most, a few months. and the year is off by 50 no matter what.
Here is the firestore timestamp
EDIT: Here is whats logged from lastMsg.seconds:
I retrieve the time in seconds in a FlatList's renderItem:
renderItem={({ item, index }) => {
return (
And finally inside the component I use moment like so:
const date = moment()
.format('MMMM DD YYYY');
While ive tried multiple format configurations, the one that gets it closest to accurate is with .startOf("year"). Even then, date is being displayed as "February 09, 2070". If .startOf() is changed to "month", "day", or "hour", the date gets changed to sometime in march. How can this be fixed to display the date as in firestore?

Looking at the https://firebase.google.com/docs/reference/js/firebase.firestore.Timestamp we can either get JS Date object or use the toMillis method to get milliseconds.
Now the simple moment.js api for converting timestamp to moment object is given here https://momentjs.com/docs/#/parsing/unix-timestamp-milliseconds/
Now you can apply format on the moment object like below:
Your issue with wrong date is may be due to the use of utc and seconds together and not passing timestamp to moment()

Use moment.unix():
const props = {
subtitle: 1581372232
const date = moment
.format('MMMM DD YYYY');
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.24.0/moment.min.js"></script>
because item.lastMsg.seconds is
The number of seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z


Correct way to get accurate time in Rust?

I'm trying to get accurate time with:
use chrono::{DateTime, Local, Utc};
use std::time::SystemTime;
fn main() {
"Local.now() {}",
println!("Utc.now() {}", Utc::now().format("%H:%m:%S").to_string());
let system_time = SystemTime::now();
let stime: DateTime<Utc> = system_time.into();
println!("SystemTime.now() {}", stime.format("%H:%m:%S"));
However, if I run it:
$ date && target/debug/mybin
Sun Jan 15 04:08:19 PM CET 2023
Local.now() 16:01:19
Utc.now() 15:01:19
SystemTime.now() 15:01:19
I don't know where comes from the shift, but I want to know what's the correct way to get the right time?
The %m token inserts the current month's number, which is 1 because it is January. You probably want %M instead, which inserts the minute number. So you are correctly obtaining the current time, but are incorrectly displaying it by using the month number in the place where you'd expect to see the minute number.
See chrono's strftime documentation for a complete list of formatting codes.

How to fomat date UTC with moment.js?

I am struggling to understand how to work with moment.js (UTC):
without utc
const now = moment().format() // result: 2022-06-04T02:48:50+03:00 (that's correct, but i need a format like this: 2022-06-04T02:48:50 ).
with utc
const now = moment.utc().format() // result: 2022-06-03T23:50:54Z // the problem is that as you can see the result is behind 3 hours
How to handle this situation?

Moment.js, FullCalendar.js datetime comparisons with timezone offsets

I'm confused.
I have a textbox that is populated with a date and time (string) such as '09/07/2021 10:30'.
I convert this string to a moment like so:
var suggestedDateObj = moment(suggestedDate, 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm');
I then want to check if this date and time is in between time slots in a fullcalendar.js event object. I do this like so:
var startDateObj = moment(value.start);
var endDateObj = moment(value.end);
if (suggestedDateObj.isBetween(startDateObj, endDateObj)) {}
However...it isn't working. And it's due to timezone offset (i think).
suggestedDateObj returns a value with a UTC offset of +0100 (British Summer Time)
However my calendar event objects return a date with a UTC offset of +0000. So when i check if '09/07/2021 10:30 +0100' is in between '09/07/2021 10:30 +0000' and '09/07/2021 11:30 +0000' it doesn't work!
I guess my question is really either:
How can I create my suggestedDateObj moment with a timezone offset of zero? OR
How can i tell fullcallendar events that the time it is displaying is actually BST (+0100)? At the moment I don't specify the 'Timezone' parameter.
Hmm....this might work....although it feels a bit clunky:
var tmoment1 = moment(suggestedDate, 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm');
//create default date with specific timezone offset of zero
var suggestedDateObj = moment().utcOffset(0);
//set the date and time
day: tmoment1.day(),
month: tmoment1.month(),
year: tmoment1.year(),
hour: tmoment1.hour(),
minute: tmoment1.minute(),
second: 0
You can generate suggestedDateObj in utc like that:
var suggestedDateObj = moment.utc(suggestedDate, 'DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm');`
For the .isBetween() I suggest you to use the square bracket like forth parameter, like documentation says.
if (suggestedDateObj.isBetween(startDateObj, endDateObj, undefined, '[]'))
The square brackets indicate that the check must include the dates of the limiter

momentjs format duration to [hh:mm:ss] with hh larger than 24hours

How can I use momentjs to format a number in seconds like
moment(172800).format('hh[h] mm[min]')
to some like
'48h 00min'
in essential I want to count timer pass in hh:mm:ss with hours going way beyond 24.
You can use moment-duration-format plug-in.
You can create a duration from your seconds and then use format method from moment-duration-format to print duration according your needs.
Here a example:
// Create moment duration
var dur = moment.duration(172800, 's');
// Format duration according your needs
console.log( dur.format('hh[h] mm[min]') );
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.18.1/moment.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment-duration-format/1.3.0/moment-duration-format.min.js"></script>

moment toISOstring without modifying date

I have a date like "Thu Sep 01 2016 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (IST)" which I need to send to server as ISO-8601 utc time. I tried like :
but I am getting the result like
which is 1day behind my intended time. So what can I do to make moment ignore my local timezone and see it as UTC?
The expected output is
And no, the initial input isn't a string rather a javascript "new Date()" value.
Reason this happens:
This happens because .toISOString() returns a timestamp in UTC, even if the moment in question is in local mode. This is done to provide consistency with the specification for native JavaScript Date .toISOString()
Use the same function and pass true value to it. This will prevent UTC Conversion.
const date = new Date("2020-12-17T03:24:00");
const dateISOStringUTC = moment(date).toISOString();
const dateISOString = moment(date).toISOString(true);
console.log("Converted to UTC:" + dateISOStringUTC)
console.log("Actual Date value:" + dateISOString)
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.29.1/moment.min.js"></script>
I take the same problem today and find the solution.
Here is the solution: moment(date,moment.ISO_8601)
var date = new Date();
console.log("Original Date");
console.log("After Moment Format");
Test Execution:
Moment Documentation: MomentJs
