How to reach a restrserve api from rstudio server on aws? - r

I am trying out the very interesting package RestRserve from with RStudo server that I installed on an AWS instance.
This is de code I use:
app = Application$new()
path = "/hello",
FUN = function(request, response) {
response$set_body("Hello from RestRserve")
backend = BackendRserve$new()
backend$start(app, http_port = 8080)
I think the app is up and running, the message seems right:
{"timestamp":"2020-01-26 07:42:30.957686","level":"INFO","name":"Application","pid":1872,"msg":"","context":{"http_port":8080,"endpoints":{"HEAD":"/hello","GET":"/hello"}}}
-- running Rserve in this R session (pid=1872), 2 server(s) --
(This session will block until Rserve is shut down)
However, when I try to reach the app using the ip address of the instance like this: the browser says the site can't be reached.
Did I miss something? Any ideas about why this doesn't work?

Likely you need two additional steps:
make sure you allow traffic from internet to 8080 port
make sure you use public IP (or better DNS) of your instance


Deno Server doesn't go through the Internet

I built a simple Webserver with just the serve function from the std http module. It just redirects a request to a new URL:
import { serve } from "";
serve(req => Response.redirect(""))
It works, when I access the server through a browser on my laptop, where the server is running, but when I try to access it on another machine in the same network using the ip-address of my laptop, there simply is no response at all. Is this one of the security features Deno has and if so, how can you deactivate it?
So I tried looking up the requests I make on my local machine in Wireshark, but when I run the server and send a request, it doesn't show up there. I disabled my Wifi Connection to see if that changes anything and to my surprise, I still got an answer from the server when I sent a request through the browser. I came to the conclusion that the Deno server somehow doesn't serve over the local network which really confuses me. Is there a way to change that behaviour?
This is not related to Deno, but rather the firewall features of your device/router/network or an error in the method that you are using to connect from the other device (typo, network configuration, etc.).
Without additional configuration (by default), serve binds to, so — as an example — if your laptop is assigned the local address by your router, you could reach the server at the address
You might want to do research on SE/NetworkEngineering and elsewhere to determine the cause of the blocked connection.

ASP.NET Core: How to get remote IP address?

I try to get remote (client) IP addres:
var ip = httpContext.Features.Get<IHttpConnectionFeature>()?.RemoteIpAddress
But it works only for local requests (it will return ::1 value)
When I load page from remote machine the value is null. I investigated there is no IHttpConnectionFeature in the Features collection in this case.
Why? And how to get remote ip address correctly?
I know that this post is old but I came here looking for the same question and finnaly I did this:
On project.json add dependency:
"Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpOverrides": "1.0.0"
On Startup.cs, in the Configure method add:
app.UseForwardedHeaders(new ForwardedHeadersOptions
ForwardedHeaders = ForwardedHeaders.XForwardedFor |
And, of course:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpOverrides;
Then, I got the ip like this:
In my case, when debugging in VS I got always IpV6 localhost, but when deployed on an IIS I got always the remote IP.
Some useful links:
How do I get client IP address in ASP.NET CORE? and RemoteIpAddress is always null
The ::1 may be because:
Connections termination at IIS, which then forwards to Kestrel, the web server, so connections to the web server are indeed from localhost.
Just try this:
var ipAddress = HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress;
And if you have another computer in same LAN, try to connect with this pc but use user ip instead of localhost. Otherwise you will get always ::1 result.

Meteor 0.9.2 remote connection issue

Not sure if it's just a coincidence or a bug but after updating to 0.9.2 I lost my remote connections to any of my Meteor apps. localhost:3000 works fine but remote access to host:3000 or any other port I try cannot connect.
I had exactly the same symptoms with the new Meteor (, I was able to connect fine on my development server using localhost:3000, but I received an error when attempting to connect to that server using the NETBIOS name (which I have been doing successfully since Blaze). Example URL:
This worked fine before but does not with the latest Meteor.
I was also able to overcome this issue by specifying an IP address and port explicitly in the Meteor server startup command:
meteor --port
What is interesting is that it seems as long as the IP address in the --port parameter matches the private network address of the server, you can still connect to your server using a logical name. In my case, my server is in a DMZ on my private network, and I can use the public domain name to get to the server. I can also use the server's NETBIOS name, both work fine.
I don't fully understand why this would work unless node.js or Meteor is doing some internal comparison. It is certain though that this is a matter of either the Meteor upgrade or the Node.js upgrade.
Use --port:host:port
example: meteor run --port:
Binding to a specific IP seems to solve the problem:
meteor run -p

SignalR self hosting with owin

I want to create an signalr app that will be self hosted using Owin, so to start off i tried to run the sample that is on But when i run the application and then navigate to /signar/hubs i get a 500 Server error. I get the same exception when i try to connect from my client app.
Do i need to add something else apart from what is in the sample code? or does anyone know of a good tutorial?
Things to check if trying to access from an external connection:
Are you hosting the server on all addresses or just localhost?
// use http://*:8080 to bind to all addresses.
string url = "http://localhost:8080";
Make sure to run app as administrator.
Also, is the Windows firewall blocking the port you are using? I had to add an exception to allow incoming TCP connections on that port.

EC2- non responding http requests

I just installed my node.js app in a windows micro instance with security group quick-start and with http port enabled.
I opened the firewall in the instance and opened port 80, 443 for inbound and outbound both.
In spite of that, my http requests are not being honored by the node.js app.
From log I see that the app is connected to redis and mongo and is also started.
What's wrong ? why http requests are blocked ?
Have you by chance built your app on top of the Example Webserver as currently shown on the Node.js home page as well? The sample currently looks like so:
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
res.end('Hello World\n');
}).listen(1337, '');
console.log('Server running at');
Either way your Node.js server might simply not be listening on the correct port/hostname combination - the Example Webserver listens on port 1337 (rather than the regular HTTP port 80) and on localhost only (rather than on the private/internal IP address which has been assigned to your EC2 instance) for example.
If these assumptions apply, you could achieve you goal by adjusting the listen() statement accordingly, see my answer to the related question Node.js Amazon EC2 example webserver - no result for an extended discussion, including a couple of variations regarding the flexible use of the server.listen(port, [hostname], [callback]).
Good luck!
Finally found the problem.
I introduced log4js and integrated this with express, as,
app.use(log4js.connectLogger(logger, { level: log4js.levels.ERROR }));
This created the problem. Somehow this was failing. Looks like it works only with DEBUG. After commenting this, it started working. Strange !!
