Missing rest resource for certain requests in ready api project - automated-tests

I have created a composite project to test rest api using ready api tool and commited to git. Then someone imports that project from git, some api endpoints missed under api section, also some test steps missed under test cases. Here, once I added endpoints under APIs, i renamed services and gave the refering test suite name or meaning full name.
I noticed that if I use the same for in both locations, that means test suite name and service, this error happens. How could I solve this problem?. Because I have already developed this project.

You might want to change the names to a different one instead of using the same in both location and do ensure that you SAVE your entire project before committing to GitHub.


The transaction currently built is missing an attachment for class - Attempted to find a suitable attachment but could not find any in the storage

Full Error:
transactions.TransactionBuilder. - The transaction currently built is missing an attachment for class: com/gibtn/corda/printutilities/PrintLedgerTransaction. Attempted to find a suitable attachment but could not find any in the storage.
This has been asked here and here but I hope to get better clarification.
I have built a set of libraries to perform common tasks in my Flows that I include in all my CorDapps. For now I just copy the JARs into each project, make some changes to the gradle files and everything works great.
I recently put together a small library for performing common tasks in Contracts and added the JAR the same way.
This works fine with MockNodes. But when I test with real nodes I will get this error in the CRaSH shell and the transaction will fail with a NoClassDefFoundError exception.
Is what I am doing even possible? Or do I always have to keep my utility classes inside the Contracts module in IntelliJ so they are bundled together with the Contracts into a single JAR? That way when the node starts the JAR (containing the Contracts and any utilities) is added to Attachment storage as a single Attachment.
I found a way to solve this. It's a bit dirty but initial testing seems to work. I just created a blank class in my utilities JAR that implements Contract. It's verify() method is empty. Now when the Corda node starts it sees this Contract and adds the JAR to Attachment storage. So from the CRaSH shell if I run:
attachments trustInfo
...my utility JAR will be listed (it wasn't before). I see when I use one of the utility methods in a Contract the utility JAR will be included as a separate Attachment in the WireTransaction.
I'm not crazy about this solution and will probably stop using a utility JAR for Contracts. I'll go back to copying the classes into each project. Nevertheless there is a way to do it. I would just need a more experienced Corda developer to give it their blessing before I'd go forward into production with it.

Cannot find namespace in project oxford name space in sample app of microsoft cognitive services

I am trying to create a simple app that shows near real time emotions with a live web cam. I am using this guide:
I've Downloaded the sample app:
but I am unsure how I could make it run. the README says:
. Get API keys for the Vision APIs.
2. Open the sample in Visual Studio 2015, build and run the sample applications:
- For BasicConsoleSample, the Face API key is hard-coded directly in BasicConsoleSample/Program.cs.
- For LiveCameraSample, the keys should be entered into the Settings pane of the app. They will be persisted across sessions as user data.
I've got the API keys and inserted the Face API key to the Program.cs code and all of the API's into the settings.
It say's that it cannot find some namespaces as seen in the image:
Why does it say that the namespaces are not included in the Microsoft.ProjectOxford namespace ? Thanks
Edit: This was solved. After updating Nuget and all it still didn't work and the problem was that the pathname was too long.
What I did was downloading the project to desktop and than pressed extract files.
It created a folder with a long name and inside was another folder with a long name so the path was big.
Just put it in D or just extract here and not it will extract the folder inside the zip and not create another one with the folder inside.
You're seeing red squiggles because you're missing some dependent assemblies. These are provided via NuGet, so you should download it by right-clicking on the project, and selecting Manage NuGet packages.... The UI thereafter is hopefully self-explanatory.
Once the missing packages are pulled in from NuGet, you should be able to build+run the application. Once you run it, there should be UI presented where you'd enter the requisite key. The XAML for it is here.

jax-rs url inside an ejb module

I created a tutorial that incorporates various components of J2EE in them. The app is an ear module that has an ejb project and a web project.
the project structure is
the ejb project has a couple dao that perform basic crud operations using jpa. I'm trying to learn/understand jax-rs to gain a better understanding of json and handling json objects. the project is loosly based on
this project:
so, i created my BookResource here and made it a stateless ejb. i have everything compiling and deploying without any obvious errors - other parts of the app work (the jpa stuff) but i can't get the jax-rs stuff to
work. i have a couple of"Books" that I created in my database and am wanting to test this by making a rest call through the browser.
so i deploy my .ear file in wildfly (v10) with no obvious errors, I see JNDI mappings for my EJB's...etc
initially, i'd like to be able to test this through my browser, but am not certain what url to use -- the class i have extending javax.ws.rs.core.Application has an application path of /rest and my
BookResource has a path of /library, and for getting all books from the library, the sub-resource is books. I've tried every combination of the url below,
all to no avail. every call results in a 404 error, and the only time i got ANYTHING is when i tried john-web combination, it threw some ugly exception in the browser. so the questions is with a rest service living inside an ejb module within an ear, what should the url be given the above information. nothing i've tried
seems to work!??
I've not included any code samples to try and keep the explanation short -- i didn't want to include every java file in my little project, but can add anything as requested.

Different resource files for integration testing an asp.net application

My asp.net application uses a resource file to point to some REST api endpoints. The apps behavior changes depending on the amount of data it gets back from those services.
I'd like to perform integration testing on my app but I'd like to use different resource files that have custom api endpoints depending on the scenario I'd like to check against. For instance, I'd like to be able to test the integration of my app if the end points return nothing, one item, or many items.
In my ninject bindings I have
var appSettings = StreamDeserializer.DeserializeFileFromResource<AppStartSettings>(Resources.appsettings);
Is there a way I can configure specflow to rebuild my application with a different resource file depending on the integration test scenario?
No, SpecFlow runs only when you execute your tests and so can not influence your build.
Could you parameterize in your code, which resourcefile is used so that it is decided at runtime?
Then you could write a step that changes this parameter.

Windows symbolic link ASP.NET app repository

We are hosting huge app for our cutomers. There are diffrent configuration and contents (images, user files). But the core code, directories structure, databse scheme is this same for every client.
I'm looking for a way to create one core code repository, so all clientes will use it. We do updates often, so this will make our live easyer.
The idea is to create the repo and In clients directories create just symbolic links to that repo direcories: bin, App_Resources, Css, SystemImages etc.
Is this a good idea? Will ASP.NET MVC app handle this correctly, or I've to add some code for it handle the 'virtual direcotories'?
I would suggest that you take a look Single-tenant and Multi-tenant applications even if you say that your code base is the same for every one.
Here is a nice Multi-Tenancy ASP.NET example
I would also suggest that you check http://appHarbour.com as you can easily push changes from your master repository to appHarbour using Git or Mercurial.
Regarding your exact question, I also keep static files in a custom scheme under Amazon S3, so each client can upload there own files, plus the ones I have and all is based on a single location that does not put more resources just to delivery static files.
You can see my live web application using this technique checking the View Source.
