number sequence event rule issue on Axapta V4 - axapta

We reached max systemId number sequence.
So I increase the max value, then, I set an event rule on system Id numberSequence to check how it increases.
I deleted it and I still have a lot of generated records in eventCUD table.
AX seem to continue logging system ids creation even if the relative rule doesn't exist anymore. I check all event rules table and I don't have any "ghost" records.

It sounds like the rule is cached somewhere/somehow.
From the AOT open the EventRule table and verify the rule is not there.
Make sure your batch jobs are withhold/ended, then restart the AOS. It's reported (in URL below) that if the batch job is not in that state, even after an AOS restart, the alerts can keep coming.
Then restart your AOS(s) just in case the kernel caches the rule somehow. If you have multiple AOS's, just stop them all, then start them 1 by 1.
Read here for more info:
EventCUD should hold a queue of alerts that need to be sent. If you are OK missing some alerts, just truncate the table.
Alternatively, running the job under [System Administration>Periodic>Alerts>Change based alerts] should read in all of those EventCUD records and generate a ton of alerts that have yet to be sent out. If you choose this method, make sure to inform users they may receive a bunch of alerts that were pending.


Two conflicting long lived process managers

Let assume we got two long lived process managers. Both sagas operates over 10 milion items for example. First saga adds something to each item. Second saga removes it from each item. Given both process managers need few minutes to complete its job if I run them simultaneously I get into troubles.
Part of those items would hold the value while rest of them not. The result is close to random actually and depends on command order that affect particular item. I wondered if redispatching "Remove" command in case of failure would solve the problem. I mean if you try remove non existing value you should wait for the first saga to add the value. But while process managers are working someone else may dispatch "Remove" or "Add" command. In such case my approach would fail.
How may I solve such problem? :)
It seems that you would want the second saga to not run if the first saga is running (and presumably not run until some process which depends on whatever the first saga added being there). So the apparent solution would be to have a component (could be a microservice, could also be a record in a strongly consistent datastore like zookeeper/etcd/consul) that gives permission for the sagas to start executing. An example protocol might look like:
Saga sends a message to the component identifying the saga and conveying the intention to start
Component validates that no sagas might be running which would prevent this saga from running
Component responds with permission to start running
Subsequent saga attempts result in rejection until the running saga tells the component it's OK to run the other saga
Assuming that this component is reliably durable, the failure mode to worry about is that permission is granted but this component never processes the message that the saga finished (causes of this could include the permission message not getting delivered/processed or the saga crashing). No amount of acknowledgements or extra messages can solve this (it's basically the Two Generals' Problem).
A mitigation is to have this component (or something watching this component) alert if it seems that too much time has passed without saga completion. Whatever/whoever is responsible for ensuring liveness would then investigate to see if the saga is still running and if none is running, inform the component that it's OK to run the other saga. Note that this is not foolproof: it's quite possible for the decider in question to make what turns out to be the wrong decision.
I feel like I need more context. Whilst you don't say it explicitly, is the problem that the second saga tries to remove values that haven't been added by the first?
If that was true, a simple solution would be to just use a third state.
What I mean by that is to just more explicitly define and declare item state. You currently seem to have two states with value, and without value, but nothing to indicate if an item is ready to be processed by the second saga because the first saga has already done it's work on the item in question.
So all that needs to happen is that the second saga keeps looking for items where:
(with_value == true & ready_for_saga2 == true)
Ready_for_saga2 or "Saga 1 processing complete", whatever seems more appropriate in your context.
I'd say that the solution would vary based on which actual problem, we're trying to solve.
Say it's an inventory and add are items added to the inventory and remove are items requested for delivery. Then the order of commands does not matter that much because you could just process the request for delivery, when new items are added to the inventory.
This would lead to an aggregate root with two collections: Items and PendingOrders.
One process manager adds new inventory to Items - if any orders are pending, it will complete these orders in the same transaction and remove both the item and the order from the collections.
If the other process manager adds an order (tries to remove an item), it will either do it right away, if there's any items left - or it will add the order to the pending orders to be processed when new items arrive (and maybe notify someone about the delay, while we're at it).
This way we end up with the same state regardless of the order of commands, but the actual real-world-problem has great influence on the model chosen.
If we have other real world problems, we can make a model those too.
Let's say you have two users that each starts a process that bulk updates titles on inventory items. In this case you - and the users - have to decide how best to resolve this conflict - what will lead to the best real world outcome.
If you want consistency across all the items - all or no items should be updated by a single bulk update - I would embed this knowledge in a new model. Let's call it UpdateTitlesProcesses. We have only one instance of this model in the system. The state is shared between processes. This model is effectually a command queue, and when a user initiates the bulk operation, it adds all the commands to the queue and starts processing each item one at a time.
When the second user initiates another title update, the business logic in our models will reject this, as there's already another update started. Or if the experts say that the last write should win, then we ditch the remaining commands from the first process and add the new ones (and similarly we should decide what should happen if a user issues a single title update, not bulk - should it be rejected, prioritized or put on hold?).
So in short I'd say:
Make it clear which real world problem we are solving - and thus which conflict resolution outcome is best (probably a trade off, often also something that requires user interaction or notification).
Model this explicitly (where processes, actions and conflict handling are also part of the model).

When are commited changes visible to other transactions?

A transaction in an Oracle db makes changes in the db, and the changes are committed. Is it possible that other transactions see the performed changes only after several seconds, not immediately?
We have an application that performs db changes, commits them, and THEN (immediately) it reads the changed data back from the database. However, sometimes it happens that it finds no changes. When the same read is repeated later (by executing the same select manually from SQL Developer), the changed data are returned correctly. The db is standalone, not clustered.
The application does not communicate with the database directly, that would be easy, several layers (including MQ messaging) are involved. We've already eliminated other potential causes of the behaviour (like incorrect parameters, caching etc.). Now I'd like to eliminate an unexpected behaviour of the Oracle db as the cause.
At first, I'd like to emphasize that I'm NOT asking whether uncommited changes can be visible to other sessions.
At second, the Oracle COMMIT statement has several modifiers, like WRITE BATCH or NOWAIT. I don't know whether these modifiers can have any influence on the answer to my questions, but we are not using them anyway.
Assuming that your sessions are all using a read committed isolation level, changes would be visible to any query that starts after the data was committed. It was possible in early versions of RAC to have a small delay between when a change was committed on one node and when it was visible on another node but that has been eliminated for a while and you're not using RAC so that's presumably not it.
If your transactions are using the serializable isolation level and the insert happens in a different session than the select, the change would only be visible to other sessions whose transactions began after the change was committed. If sessions A & B both start serializable transactions at time 0, A inserts a row at time 1, and B queries the data at time 2, B would see the state of the data at time 0 and wouldn't see the data that was inserted at time 1 until after it committed its transaction. Note that this would only apply if the two statements are in different sessions-- session A would see the row because it was inserted in A's transaction.
Barring an isolation level issue, I would expect that the SELECT wasn't actually running after the INSERT committed.

How to lock a record when two members are trying to access it?

I have the scenario like this,
My environment is .Net2.0, VS 2008, Web Application
I need to lock a record when two members are trying to access at the same time.
We can do it in two ways,
By Front end (putting the sessionID and record unique number in the dictionary and keeping it as a static or application variable), we will release when the response is go out of that page, client is not connected, after the post button is clicked and session is out.
By backend (record locking in the DB itself - need to study - my team member is looking ).
Is there any others to ways to do and do I need to look at other ways in each and every steps?
Am I missing any conditions?
You do not lock records for clients, because locking a record for anything more than a few milliseconds is just about the most damaging thing one can do in a database. You should use instead Optimistic Concurrency: you detect if the record was changed since the last read and re-attempt the transaction (eg you re-display the screen to the user). How that is actually implemented, will depend on what DB technology you use (ADO.Net, DataSets, Linq, EF etc).
If the business domain requires lock-like behavior, those are always implemented as reservation logic in the database: when a record is displayed, it is 'reserved' so that no other users can attempt to make the same transaction. The reservation completes or times out or is canceled. But a 'reservation' is never done using locks, is always an explicit update of state from 'available' to 'reserved', or something similar.
This pattern is also describe din P of EAA: Optimistic Offline Lock.
If your talking about only reading data from a record from SQL server database, you don't need to do anything!!! SQL server will do everything about managing multi access to records. but if you want to manipulate data, you have to use Transactions.
I agree with Ramus. But still if u need it. Create a column with name like IsInUse as bit type and set it true if one is accessing. Since other guys will also need same data at same time then u need to save your app from crash .. so at every place from where the data is retrieved you have to put a check if IsInUse is False or not.

Best way to keep track of current online users

I have a requirement that my site always display the number of users currently online. For example, "35741 Users Currently Online". This is not based on a log in, simply how many users are currently on my site. I have tried using Session Start/Session End for this, however session end is not reliable. Therefore I get inflated numbers, as my session start adds numbers but session end doesn't remove them because it doesn't fire.
There is no additional information to be gathered from this (reporting, etc), it's simply requested that the number show up. Very simple request that's turning into a huge deal. Any help is appreciated.
I should specify that I have also tried using a database for this. Simple table that contains a session ID and a last activity column. With each page hit, I check to see if the session is in my database. If not, insert. If so, update with activity time. Then I run a procedure that sweeps the database looking for sessions with no activity in the last 20 minutes. This approach seemed to kill my SQL server and/or IIS. Had to restart the site.
Best way is like you do, but time it out via activity. If a given session doesn't access a page within 5 minutes or so, you may consider them no longer active.
If you're using ASP.Net membership, take a look at GetNumberOfUsersOnline.
For every user action that you can record, you need to consider them "online" for a certain window of time. Depending on the site, you may set that to 5 minutes. The actual web request should take less than a second. You have to make some assumption about how long they might stay on that page and do nothing but be considered online.
This approach requires that you keep track of the time of each users last activity.
Use Performance Counters:
State Server Sessions Active: The
number of active user sessions.
Expanding what silky said in his answer - since really http is stateless to determine if the user is currently 'online' you can really only track how long since the user last accessed your site and make a determination on how long between requests your consider to still be active.
Since you stated that this isn't based upon users logging in may it's a simple of how many different IP addresses you received requests from in the past 5 minutes (or however long you consider the 'online' timeout to be).
Don't use sessions for this unless you also need sessions for something else; it's overkill otherwise.
Assuming a single-server installation, do something like this:
For each user, issue a cookie that contains a unique ID
Maintain a static table of unique IDs and their last access time
In an HttpModule (or Global.asax), enter new users into the table and update their access times (use appropriate locking to prevent race conditions)
Periodically, either from a background thread or in-line with a user request, remove entries from the table that haven't made a request within the last N minutes. You might also want to support an explicit "log out" feature.
Report the number of people online as the size of the table
If you do use sessions, you can use the Session ID as the unique identifier. However, keep in mind that Session IDs aren't issued until you store something in the Session dictionary, unless you have a Session_Start() event configured.
In a load balanced or web garden scenario, it gets a little more complicated, but you can use the same basic idea, just persisting the info in a database instead of in memory.
When the user logs in write his user name into the HttpContext.Current.Cache with a sliding expiration (say 20 minutes).
Then in the Global.asax.cs in the Application_PreRequestHandlerExecute "touch" the cache entry for the current users so it resets the sliding expiration.
When a user explicitly logs out, remove his username from HttpContext.Current.Cache.
If you do this, at any given time HttpContext.Current.Cache.Count will give you the # of current users.
Note: this is assuming you aren't using the Cache for other purposes.

How do I implement "pessimistic locking" in an application?

I would like some advice from anyone experienced with implementing something like "pessimistic locking" in an application. This is the behavior I'm looking for:
User A opens order #313
User B attempts to open order #313 but is told that User A has had the order opened exclusively for X minutes.
Since I haven't implemented this functionality before, I have a few design questions:
What data should i attach to the order record? I'm considering:
I would consider a record unlocked if the LockRefreshedTime < (Now - 10 min).
How do I guarantee that locks aren't held for longer than necessary but don't expire unexpectedly either?
I'm pretty comfortable with jQuery so approaches which make use of client script are welcome. This would be an internal web application so I can be rather liberal with my use of bandwidth/cycles. I'm also wondering if "pessimistic locking" is an appropriate term for this concept.
It sounds like you are most of the way there. I don't think you really need LockRefreshedTime though, it doesn't really add anything. You may just as well use the LockAcquiredTime to decide when a lock has become stale.
The other thing you will want to do is make sure you make use of transactions. You need to wrap the checking and setting of the lock within a database transaction, so that you don't end up with two users who think they have a valid lock.
If you have tasks that require gaining locks on more than one resource (i.e. more than one record of a given type or more than one type of record) then you need to apply the locks in the same order wherever you do the locking. Otherwise you can have a dead lock, where one bit of code has record A locked and is wanting to lock record B and another bit of code has B locked and is waiting for record A.
As to how you ensure locks aren't released unexpectedly. Make sure that if you have any long running process that could run longer than your lock timeout, that it refreshes its lock during its run.
The term "explicit locking" is also used to describe this time of locking.
I have done this manually.
Store the primary-key of the record to a lock table, and mark record
mode attribute to edit.
When another user tries to select this record, indicate the user's
ready only record.
Have a set-up maximum time for locking the records.
Refresh page data for locked records. While an user is allowed to
make changes, all other users are only allowed to check.
Lock table should have design similar to this:
User_ID, //who locked
Locked_Row_ID(Entity_ID), //this is primary key of the table of locked row.
Table_Name(Entity_Name) //table name of the locked row.
Remaining logic is something you have to figure out.
This is just an idea which I implemented 4 years ago on special request of a client. After that client no one has asked me again to do anything similar, so I haven't achieved any other method.
