How can I access my personal data through the Evernote API? - evernote

I would like to make some Pyton or NodeJS script to help me with repetitive tasks or searchs in my personal Evernote.
I don't want to make any application for general use. Only some scripts for me.
Is there a quick way to make this before creating an account in I want to access my already available data in Evernote.

Yes, this exact thing exists. Go here:
And get a "developer token" for your production account. It will allow access to your account only and you can do what you like with your data via the API.


Is there a way to create a sheet report for authentication handled by firebase?

I couldn't find this information anywhere, so I'm sorry if this was already answered.
I'm developing an educational game and I'm using the Google Firebase to handle the authentication. I want a sheet report for whom logged on the game and when. I know that this information is available in the Authentication Menu of the What I need to know is if there is a way to get this report in sheet(csv) format. Also, if the game is published/posted on site, would the Google Analytics create this report for me?
Thanks for the help!
PS.: the game still is just a executable prototype that I run on my machine, so the Google Analytics still isn't running.
There is no API to retrieve information about who signed in to your project using Firebase Authentication. If you want something like that, you could build it yourself on top of it, although the most common approach is to log events to Analytics with a suitable user ID.

How to create a firebase project with same structure as an existing one?

I'm working on a product which uses Firebase as its backend. Since firebase exposes the API keys to the user so that could be a security issue. So, after doing some research I've set the database security rules along with API keys restrictions.
But, now I'm unable to use it in local development as well. I was thinking of creating another firebase project and use that as a testing environment and use the existing one as production.
Since the existing project has a lot of data and users. I want everything similar in the new firebase project as well. But I'm unable to find an efficient way to do so. Can anyone please suggest what would be the best option here? Should I create a new testing environment or is there a way to allow me to use the keys locally without it causing a security concern?
Any help would be great. Thank you for your time.
There is no specific command to replicate one project to another, but you can build the necessary functionality yourself with each product's APIs.
For porting users between projects you can use:
The Firebase CLI, which has auth:import and auth:export commands.
The Firebase Admin SDK, which has commands to list all users and import a list of users.
For transferring data between the projects, you can use the API of the relevant database to read/write the data.

DTAP storing script variables in a simple and fast way

I am setting up a DTAP environment for Google App Maker. Google App Maker enables working in a singe file very well, however there is one use case that I would like to simplify.
For each deployment I need to "know" certain things in the back end script. Things like the ip address of the SQL server, or usernames and passwords. This information needs to be retrieved fast and often, given the stateless nature of
The best solution so far is a settings form, combined with google drive tables and caching. This works, but it is not simple, and things could fail easily. The other approach is hard coded and linked to the deployment url. This is fast and simple, but also means that all the credentials are in the source.
I am looking for a better solution. Apps Script used to have the script properties. Is there a similar option in App Maker, with a UI to maintain the settings.
There is no built-in UI to manage script properties, but App Maker's runtime (Apps Script) provides API to perform CRUD operations on it:
PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty('testKey', 'testValue');
...and you can 'easily' build the UI on top of this API. In answer for this question are highlighted major steps to achieve this: Google App Maker how to create Data Source from Google Contacts
Here is a feature request for the first party support. You can up-vote it by giving it a star:

OpenStack custom Dashboard

I am looking for way to create simple multiuser Dashboard for OpenStack as alternative to Horizon. Idea is keep Horizon for administrators and manage users in another aplication with possibility to create (with admin confirmation) custom system.
My idea is create a web aplication (Node.js) which would communicate with OpenStack REST API because we need some extra feature (messaging, LDAP/AC Auth).
I also looked for some projects like alternative to Horizon, but cant find anything .
My question is, what is better idea? Create custom solution or use some already created Dashboard(which one?) and only modify it?
Take a look at this open source project:
So its frontend is based on ReactJS and BackboneJS and the backend is the Django and DRF which consumes the OS python client API.
As for your question, it depends. The horizon project has a very good plugin registration service that let you easily create custom dashboards and you don't have to worry about many other details.
However, create a new dashboard on your own also sounds cool but it needs a lot more effort and time than using the horizon.

How can I access one of my note, in evernote, for personal use using developer token

I have an evernote account and I want to write a small application for my personal use. The application will read from the note, use the contents to take some decisions for me and may write back to it as well.
Its perfectly okay if the access is limited to one notebook, or just one note for now. I'm okay to make the note public for now, but I would prefer to keep to private.
For my specific use case, sandbox server won't be of much use. I can go directly to production as it will be a small script only. I have got a developer token but it seems that I can't really read note contents using it. Not sure, if oAuth token is the way to go since I'm not going to share this script publicly.
How should I proceed?
Yes I think that is fine, just be careful not to share the developer token with anyone. I do the same thing for small personal projects that I don't intend to share.
