Open telegram app from a link in a mobile web site - telegram

Is there any way to open telegram application from a website being in a mobile? I know if you use telegram:// you can open telegram app, but how can I open telegram and create a new conversation with a given number? i know it is possible by whatsapp like this:
this is the link,
when the link loads it beign redirected to this link

You can use this link to open conversation with telegram username:
username without #

To share with, you have the following URL options...{url}&text={text}{url}&text={text}
Take a look at the official API source: Widgets -> Sharing Button. They suggest the format. It seems like telegramUsername format, or any format indicating a user or a phone number, is not supported according to the documentation.
You may share:
url : The URL you want to share.
text : Text to accompany the URL you want to share.
If you are interested in watching a project that keeps track of these URLs, then check us out!:

2022 Updates
But, you can do the same with username -
For updating the information -
telegram:// no longer works on the latest chrome browser of pc version, instead of this, use tg:// which works great on all devices.


Firebase Crashlytics links from mail, redirect to error-page, due to wrong Chrome user

having a firebase project with crashlytics active
receive mails for crashes
try to open the crash from the link within the mail
Example link:
I have multiple accounts in chrome. One is my private, one is my work account.
My main account is the private one. (/u/0)
Now, once I try to open the link
result: get redirected to wrong user
expected result: asking which account I want to use to open the link
My current workaround is to stop loading the link in the middle and replacing the u/0 with u/1 and let chrome continue. This will load the link correctly. But it will not always work and is super cumbersome.
Is there anything I can do? Do some of you face the same problem?
(Besides logging in with my work account. No - I don't want to log out from my main and switch forth and back all the time)
Okay I found a way, although I would love to hear a better one.
Using a redirect chrome extension. Redirector
github Link
Chrome Extension Link
From: ^https://console\.firebase\.google\.com/u/./(.*)

How to open Google Authenticator from a link?

I'm developing a website that requires a 2FA. We already permit to users to set it by scanning a QR Code shown in our configuration page.
My question is a bit more tricky. How can I permit user to open the app if he opens the page from mobile browser, ie. navigating from the phone with the Authenticator app installed?
I already have the logic to understand if the user is on mobile or not, but I don't find any solution that can replace the QRCode since the user cannot use the mobile camera in that case (he is using the phone to net on my website!).
I was searching the possibility to create a link that is recognised by an authenticator app (Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator) but I didn't find a solution. Any idea?
After some research and trial, I found the link I was searching for.
In Google Authenticator (or any other app), the account are listed in the form:
In order to generate a new entry without scanning the QRCode, a link in the form of:
has to be opened. For instance, the link above results in the following entry:
The link is opened by the phone using the installed Authenticator app.

Should I use Firebase Dynamic Links over Universal and App Links?

Im building an app for iOS and Android and need to open urls in the app on mobile and in the browser on desktop.
All links should open in the app if possible, so I cant generate one link for each possible url.
Can I do this in Firebase or do I have to create links in advance?
I'm not sure this question is related specifically to Firebase, or a general one.
I can try answering about the general case:
For opening in App:
In order to use Universal Links in iOS and AppLinks in Android, you'll need your click server to host Apple's AASA file or Android's asset file. This means that you'll need to serve that file for the operating system.
For opening in browser on desktop:
You'll need your click server to be able to detect desktop user agent and redirect you to store.
I didn't understand your question about: All links should open in the app if possible, so I cant generate one link for each possible url. Actually one link can fit all use cases, but you'll need to develop that capability in your own click server.

Scrape, upload and notify

I am making an app which sends a notifications to users as soon as a new item is available on an external website
Currently this process is Manual, where I check the update myself and send out a notification. I then update my website to show the new item.
I am trying to use a web scraper to run on my website to extract the information and display it in the app but even that is run manually.
Are there any tools that I can use to automate this process?
So something that will:
check the external website for updates, periodically.
Get the change and update my website (WordPress)
Send out a notification to users
I have automated something similar (excluding the WordPress part).
It was also an automation for monitoring a website for new items (apartments for rent): when a new apartment was available - the automation would send me notification on my mobile.
As an automation tool, I used Easybots Studio ( - simple, free, had all the functionality I needed out of the box and I could write my own 'bots'.
1. HTML Monitoring
In a nutshell, the automation solution looks something like:
On 15 minutes Elapsed
[HTML Bot] Get HTML of the page
[HTML Bot] GetAllBySelector(".someHtmlElementClass") (get all html elements in the list of apartments)
foreach new listing
Pushbullet Bot.Send Notification on my mobile
Click to see picture from the actual implementation in Easybots Studio
The automation is based on the their blog entry ("monitoring a web site for fast-selling theater tickets"), which might be helpful here as well.
So, if you go that path, you will need to explore the HTML of your external website, and see how are the items listed. That is needed for the HTML bot can get all items either by 'SelectAllByXPath' or by 'GetAllBySelector'.
2. WordPress Automation
As for automating the WordPress part - I can't find bot doing that on their web site, nut you can develop your own app (WordPress has REST API possibility), or even maybe contact the easybots support to see if they have such bot in pipeline.
If you are a .Net dev - here is a starting point to using WordPress Rest APIs:
3. Sending Notificatons
In Easybots, there are Email bots that you can use to send emails, but also some mobile notifications bots (pushbullet, pushover, ..).
In the question it is not specified what kind of notification is needed, but this should be easy with Easybots.
Other tools out there: WinAutomation, Automation Anywhere, UiPath..

Chat (like Facebook) source code/component for ASP.NET Website

I want to add a chat feature (like Facebook chat) on my ASP.NET Project. All chat functions are like FB Chat. Example:
blink browser 's title to alert user when new message come
do not close when reload page
My project have users database and user will login to use chat feature.
Hope someone tell me source code or component or any information about that.
Thanks !
Found this one: JabbR. Live site here, Source code here. Try out the Live site and if you like it, download the source from github.
