I need help to optimize my website ggsel.com. I use counters of google analytics and Yandex Metrica. If I drop these counters then I get very good results by page speed, but if I put these counters in my page result is bad.
I attached screenshots from page speed to this post. Please tell me, how to save these counters and getting the best result from page speed. And maybe can you give me some advice for me. How I can better FID and FCP for my site?
with metrica and analytics
I have an image heavy art site and my FID score needs improving. The new Google algorithm taking place in June is going to punish me for having pages that take 256ms to load , but google analytics script takes up 156ms of that.
Should I remove it?
Remove only if you think Google Analytics is not important for you, There are some hacks which I personally do not recommend to resolve GA script issue shown in PSI but if you still wishes to resolve you can find helpful answers in this post. PageSpeed Insights 99/100 because of Google Analytics - How can I cache GA?
I am trying to know my website's page speed from google page-speed insights. But it showing question mark as result. I want to know about this question mark and its solution.
my website is developed in WordPress.
I recommennd Lighthouse Developer Tools
Simply follow the steps, and you can perform your first Audit without Page Speed Insights!
First step for your website is to serve images that are appropriately-sized to save cellular data and improve the load time.
For example: "07/besp_long1-1.png" which has a size of 1,761 kb can be served with a smaller size and in a next-gen format like .webp.
The given URLs by you are showing following errors in Google Page Speed Insights:
Field Data - The Chrome User Experience Report does not have sufficient real-world speed data for this page.
Origin Summary - The Chrome User Experience Report does not have sufficient real-world speed data for this origin.
It means that your website doesn't provide sufficient number of distinct samples that provide a representative, anonymized view of performance of the URL as per the Documentation of Google page speed insights.
As an alternative I would recommend using Lighthouse Tool to avoid such issues.
In this article about making sense of the Site speed related data in Google Analytics. The author mentions about a report that has both the Page Load Sample and Avg. Page Load time. I am unable to find this Page Load Sample report or add it as an additional dimension in my Site Speed related reports next to the Avg. Page Load Time. Any directions in this regards would be helpful. I google around and it seems there is a chance this may have been phased out of Google Analytics.
Try switching to the "Technical" tab in Site Speed Page Timings report
So I've been working on a website for a while. GA account has been up for a couple months but I waited for the website to be finished before putting up the actual JS tag.
In the meantime, the website is being HTTP password restricted (basic authentication) so it isn't even accessible unless you know the user/pwd combination.
To my surprise, I realized today that GA has logged several hundred views to the root of my website. Paths are mostly things like:
Bounce% and exit% both at 100% for all of them.
I realize this looks like referral spam, and there are ways to prevent it. Came across this upon googling:
My question is: how can GA log anything anyway when no tag is up and the website isn't even accessible?
Thank you very much in advance
Because it's spam. They hit Google Analytics directly with random GA codes and don't even go through your website.
GA can't tell if these are real hits (from website visits) or fake hits (from spam bots who hit GA directly calling the same ode as they would if on the website). Though arguably they should do more about this.
Massively annoying - particularly when first starting out as this can be a heavy proportion of your "traffic".
It's easy to set up a filter rule is to catch a lot of this by filtering on hostname. As they are randomly hitting GA and don't even know what website they are hitting GA for, they don't usually set this correctly. Real traffic should only come from yourwebsitedomain.com so add a filter for that.
STRONG piece of advice: abandon the default UA-########-1 tracking code of your new website -- simply do not use it!
Create a second and third property on the Admin screen, then use the tracking code for the third property. You will immediately see a lot less spam. No filters or segments necessary!
If you want the whole sad story about spam visits in GA, I have been maintaining the Definitive Guide article for over a year now:
Can you tell me how to increase the expiry time of the Google Analytics. All the page speed tests are telling me to increase it beyond 12 hours.
So far I have tried setting the expiry in the .htaccess file for all *.js files but it doesn't have any effect. I have also searched on the Analytics help pages and forum, without success.
You can download/host it yourself -- just make sure you follow the Google Analytics ga.js Changelog and update it when applicable.
Note: PageSpeed is a recommendation, not a 100% steadfast rule. I'd be willing to bet you're over-optimizing something seemingly easy and could focus on other internal efforts for better performance gains. Give Yotta a shot and see what they say/think.