How to get how many PhoneAuth used Firebase - firebase

I'm using Firebase blaze plan. How can I get how many Phone Auth (SMS) used and how many left in this month with API request?

There is no API to retrieve the usage details of phone authentication. The quota/usage is only available in the Firebase console.
You can find the information in the Authentication > Usage tab of your Firebase console.
If you're actually using phone number verification, your chart will look more interesting than mine above. :)


is there a way to add registrationids for FCM topics using firebase console

I want to send notifications to a set of users whose details I have in a CSV, in my research, I've found that using topics is a way to go about this.
i want to accomplish what this link is doing but using firebase console. is there a way to import registration ids and group them in the console itself?
There's no way to register an FCM token for a topic in the Firebase console.
I usually have a small Node.js script locally that uses the Admin SDK to register a token to a topic, which isn't much more than (for Node.js):
getMessaging().subscribeToTopic(['my_token'], '/topics/mytopic')

Email verification without having a FirebaseUser

I'm trying to send a verification email without having a firebaseUser, is it possible ?
I know i can do it with user.sendEmailVerification() method but can i do it just by giving an email from a textfield ?
Based on what I knew and what I've read from the documentation, it looks like it's not possible to do this. A Firebase user, a.k.a an user authenticated within Firebase platform is required if you want to send email verification that uses Firebase Email Vetification service.
Well, do not lose hope since there are plenty workarounds to do this. What I would do to achieve this is to use Firebase Cloud Functions to create serverless API platform. I connect Firebase Cloud Functions with Firebase Admin SDK (which also has access to other Firebase services if I am not mistaken).
I send an email using some kind of email service providers such as SendGrid to designated email address (which the app got from user's inputted email) and provide a link to verify there (in the e-mail that sent to designated email address). Then, in the cloud functions, you leverage Firebase Admin SDK to change verification status.
This approach is flexible though, as it can be used to verify a user not only with Firebase Authentication.
Hope it helps. If it's not clear for you, just comment.
Happy coding.
EDIT: After thoroughly read your question again, I realized that my answer is not fully correct. Somehow you still need a specific user to be added within Firebase Authentication database, which you would not want to do manually and let your app do so instead. Perhaps you can use Firebase Admin SDK in this matter. You can read official Firebase documentation for more information regarding Admin SDK.

How to check which number of users(email/password auth) are currently logged in my apps from firebase console manually?

I need to see not total number of user. i only want them who are currently active (not signed out user) to my app through email and password. I want to see it from firebase console. help me please.
The Firebase Console doesn't show the number of users that are currently signed in to Firebase Authentication.
If you want to know how many users are actively using your app, you'll have to build something yourself.
Gaurav's comment about using an Analytics tool is a good hint. Even though Firebase's analytics SDK isn't available for the web, there are other analytics tools out there that would allow you to track the number of active users.
Another way is to write some information to a cloud database each time a user takes an action in your app. Then you can query that database to determine how many unique users recently took actions. That is actually pretty much what most analytics packages to. :)
A final option would be to use the Firebase Realtime Database's presence system, which uses a more active approach to detect how many users are currently connected to the database.

Verify phone number in React Native with Firebase?

I thought after firebase version 3.0.0 phone Auth would be integrated. However, I keep getting the error that firebase.auth().verifyPhoneNumber() is not a function (Node.js). I am currently working with react native, which means I am using the web API. Does anyone know how to proceed from here?
"firebase": "^4.8.0",
EDIT: I am implementing facebook, google and email as sign-in methods. My app however, requires that the users verifies his/ her phone number. All I see in the docs is how to signIn via SMS but no verification.
Thanks in advance!
When you signInWithPhoneNumber, you are essentially verifying a user's phone number. You could sign in with Facebook/Google and then linkWithPhoneNumber/updateWithPhoneNumber to the currentUser. This would update the user's phone number and verify ownership too. Phone number authentication has been supported in Firebase since version 4.x.x. BTW, this doesn't work out of the box for react-native. You would need to use a similar approach to this: Ionic2 authentication firebase

App is not verified when using Google Provider in firebase login

I used firebase.auth.signInWithPopup() from this documentation. However, I am getting this warning on the popup window saying that my app isn't verified yet. See image below.
I don't know where to start from here since as far as I can remember, I can't find anything about this on the firebase auth docs. Any advice?
Google now requires apps be verified when you request certain sensitive data:
Firebase is not exempt. Why should it be? Any attacker can create a Firebase account with Google provider enabled and try to phish Google users with it.
Verify your app through this link OAuth consent screen
