I am using nginx as a proxy to a nodejs application. I have the same application running multiple times each on a different port. The request is directed to the correct application/port based on host name.
test1.domain.com would be proxied to
test2.domain.com would be proxied to
test3.domain.com would be proxied to
When I hard code " proxy_pass;" Everything works fine.
Now I wrote a njs script to read a file in a users directory to get the port number based on the subdommain. Here is the script.
#inclusion of js file
js_include sites-available/port_assign.js;
js_set $myPort port;
function port(r) {
var host = r.headersIn.host;
var subdomain = host.split('.');
var fs = require('fs');
var filename = '/home/' + subdomain[0] + '/port';
var port = fs.readFileSync(filename);
this does read the file and returns the port number correctly. I have verified this in the error logs, Because I get:
2020/01/21 04:26:46 [error] 2729#2729: *6 invalid port in upstream "
", client:, server: *.foundryserver.com, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", host: "test1.foundryserver.com"
now when I tried to issue the directive: proxy_pass$myPort I get an internal server error and the error stated above.
Not sure what is the difference it the two. I can only think somehow using a variable $myPort is got weird characters or something.
There was some extra information in the port variable. I was able to store the port number in a json format and parse it in the js. {"port":"8000"} is stored in the file.
function port(r) {
var host = r.headersIn.host;
var subdomain = host.split('.');
var fs = require('fs');
var filename = '/home/' + subdomain[0] + '/myport';
var jport = fs.readFileSync(filename);
var port = JSON.parse(jport);
by doing the json parsing it removed any unseen characters in the variable.
I am using OpenResty to generate SSL certificates dynamically.
I am trying to find out the user-agent of request before running ssl_certificate_by_lua_block and decide If I want to continue with the request or not.
I found out that ssl_client_hello_by_lua_block directive runs before ssl_certificate_by_lua_block but if I try to execute ngx.req.get_headers()["user-agent"] inside ssl_client_hello_by_lua_block I get the following error
2022/06/13 09:20:58 [error] 31918#31918: *18 lua entry thread aborted: runtime error: ssl_client_hello_by_lua:6: API disabled in the current context
stack traceback:
coroutine 0:
[C]: in function 'error'
/usr/local/openresty/lualib/resty/core/request.lua:140: in function 'get_headers'
ssl_client_hello_by_lua:6: in main chunk, context: ssl_client_hello_by_lua*, client:, server:
I tried rewrite_by_lua_block but it runs after ssl_certificate_by_lua_block
Are there any directive that can let me access ngx.req.get_headers()["user-agent"] and run before ssl_certificate_by_lua_block as well?
My Nginx conf for reference.
# HTTPS server
server {
listen 443 ssl;
rewrite_by_lua_block {
local user_agent = ngx.req.get_headers()["user-agent"]
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "rewrite_by_lua_block user_agent -- > ", user_agent)
ssl_client_hello_by_lua_block {
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "I am from ssl_client_hello_by_lua_block")
local ssl_clt = require "ngx.ssl.clienthello"
local host, err = ssl_clt.get_client_hello_server_name()
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "hosts -- > ", host)
-- local user_agent = ngx.req.get_headers()["user-agent"]
-- ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "user_agent -- > ", user_agent)
ssl_certificate_by_lua_block {
ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/resty-auto-ssl-fallback.crt;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/resty-auto-ssl-fallback.key;
location / {
proxy_pass http://backend_proxy$request_uri;
If someone is facing the same issue.
Here is the email group of OpenResty that helped me.
I was not thinking correctly. The certificate negotiation happens before a client send user-agent data(that comes in after the SYNACK reaches the client). So you cant save issuing the certificate in the process. Hard luck.
Once the handshake and the Client/Server Hello happens then the server has the user-agent, you can do the blocking under access_by_lua_block.
I have two servers:
NGINX (it exchanges file id to file path)
Golang (it accepts file id and return it's path)
Ex: When browser client makes request to https://example.com/file?id=123, NGINX should proxy this request to Golang server https://go.example.com/getpath?file_id=123, which will return the response to NGINX:
data: {
filePath: "/static/..."
status: "ok"
Then NGINX should get value from filePath and return file from the location.
So the question is how to read response (get filePath) in NGINX?
I assume you are software developer and your have full control over your application so there is no need to force square peg in a round hole here.
Different kinds of reverse proxies support ESI(Edge Side Includes) technology which allow developer to replace different parts of responce body with content of static files or with response bodies from upstream servers.
Nginx has such technology as well. It is called SSI (Server Side Includes).
location /file {
ssi on;
proxy_pass http://go.example.com;
Your upstream server can produce body with content <!--# include file="/path-to-static-files/some-static-file.ext" --> and nginx will replace this in-body directive with content of the file.
But you mentioned streaming...
It means that files will be of arbitrary sizes and building response with SSI would certainly eat precious RAM resources so we need a Plan #B.
There is "good enough" method to feed big files to the clients without showing static location of the file to the client.
You can use nginx's error handler to server static files based on information supplied by upstream server.
Upstream server for example can send back redirect 302 with Location header field containing real file path to the file.
This response does not reach the client and is feed into error handler.
Here is an example of config:
location /file {
error_page 302 = #service_static_file;
proxy_intercept_errors on;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_pass http://go.example.com;
location #service_static_file {
root /hidden-files;
try_files $upstream_http_location 404.html;
With this method you will be able to serve files without over-loading your system while having control over whom do you give the file.
For this to work your upstream server should respond with status 302 and with typical "Location:" field and nginx will use location content to find the file in the "new" root for static files.
The reason for this method to be of "good enough" type (instead of perfect) because it does not support partial requests (i.e. Range: bytes ...)
Looks like you are wanting to make an api call for data to run decision and logic against. That's not quite what proxying is about.
The core proxy ability of nginx is not designed for what you are looking to do.
Possible workaround: extending nginx...
Nginx + PHP
Your php code would do the leg work.
Serve as a client to connect to the Golang server and apply additional logic to the response.
$response = file_get_contents('https://go.example.com/getpath?file_id='.$_GET["id"]);
preg_match_all("/filePath: \"(.*?)\"/", $response, $filePath);
location /getpath {
try_files /getpath.php;
This is just the pseudo-code example to get it rolling.
Some miscellaneous observations / comments:
The Golang response doesn't look like valid json, replace preg_match_all with json_decode if so.
readfile is not super efficient. Consider being creative with a 302 response.
Nginx + Lua
lua_package_path "/etc/nginx/conf.d/lib/?.lua;;";
server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server;
location /getfile {
root /var/www/html;
set $filepath "/index.html";
access_by_lua_file /etc/nginx/conf.d/getfile.lua;
try_files $filepath =404;
Test if lua is behaving as expected:
getfile.lua (v1)
ngx.var.filepath = "/static/...";
Simplify the Golang response body to just return a bland path then use it to set filepath:
getfile.lua (v2)
local http = require "resty.http"
local httpc = http.new()
local query_string = ngx.req.get_uri_args()
local res, err = httpc:request_uri('https://go.example.com/getpath?file_id=' .. query_string["id"], {
method = "GET",
keepalive_timeout = 60,
keepalive_pool = 10
if res and res.status == ngx.HTTP_OK then
body = string.gsub(res.body, '[\r\n%z]', '')
ngx.var.filepath = body;
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "[" .. body .. "]");
ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "missing response");
mkdir -p /etc/nginx/conf.d/lib/resty
wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ledgetech/lua-resty-http/master/lib/resty/http_headers.lua" -P /etc/nginx/conf.d/lib/resty
wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ledgetech/lua-resty-http/master/lib/resty/http.lua" -P /etc/nginx/conf.d/lib/resty
I have setup nginx as a proxy server. It should basically forward the HTTP URL to particular IP address. The following is my configuration
worker_processes 1;
error_log logs/error.log;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
server {
listen 8080;
location ~ ^/db/([-_a-zA-Z0-9/]+)/series {
set $token $1 ;
set $upstream1 " ";
content_by_lua 'length = string.len(ngx.var.token)
if length < 8 then
ngx.say("Invalid token (less than 8 characters)")
local count = 0
for i=1,8 do
count = count + string.byte(ngx.var.token,i)
in_server = {
[0] = "",
[1] = "",
[2] = "",
[3] = "",
[4] = "",
[5] = "",
[6] = "",
[7] = ""
ngx.var.upstream1 = in_server[count%7]
proxy_pass http://$upstream1;
The upstream variable is set to an IP address based on the type of token. The logic is sound, I have tested in lua separately. But everytime I query nginx server , I get the following error :
2016/05/09 17:20:20 [error] 32680#0: *1 no resolver defined to resolve , client:, server: , request: "GET /db/rustytoken/series?&q=select%20%2A%20from%20foo%20limit%201 HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:8080"
I am not sure, why does it need a resolver If am sending a direct IP Address. Anyways, I added the following in location directive
And installed dnsmasq to resolve domain names. It still couldnt. I get the following error instead.
2016/05/09 17:14:22 [error] 32030#0: *1 could not be resolved (3: Host not found), client:, server: , request: "GET /db/rustytoken/series?q=select%20%2A%20from%20foo%20limit%201 HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost:8080"
You should use "rewrite_by_lua" instead of "content_by_lua"
because you set $upstream1 " " , so you have to rewrite it.
You shoud use https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module#balancer_by_lua_block
instead of content_by_lua.
See some examples here https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-core/blob/master/lib/ngx/balancer.md
Nginx config is not executed linearly.
Here is the best tutorial I know - http://openresty.org/download/agentzh-nginx-tutorials-en.html
Another possible solution:
set_by_lua_block $upstream1 {
length = string.len(ngx.var.token)
if length < 8 then
-- cannot use this API here, you should add error processing
--ngx.say("Invalid token (less than 8 characters)")
local count = 0
for i=1,8 do
count = count + string.byte(ngx.var.token,i)
in_server = {
[0] = "",
[1] = "",
[2] = "",
[3] = "",
[4] = "",
[5] = "",
[6] = "",
[7] = ""
return in_server[count%7]
I am using Nginx to proxy request to some backend server.
For this, i am using proxy_pass module to redirect.
Config file:
location = /hello {
proxy_pass: abc.com
I want to execute the following workflow.
Request to nginx server --> change request parameters --> pass the request to abc.com --> change the response parameters --> send response back to client.
Is this possible with nginx ? Any help/pointers to this problem would be appreciated.
You should be able to change/set new parameters with this
location /hello {
proxy_pass: abc.com
if ($args ~* paramToChange=(.+)) {
set $args newParamName=$1;
set $args otherParam=value;
There is not a way in nginx out of the box to make a request to get params dynamically then apply them to another request before sending the client response.
You can do this by adding a module to nginx called lua.
This module can be recompiled into nginx by downloading it and adding it in the .configure options during installation. Also I like the openresty bundle that comes with it and other useful modules already available, like echo.
Once you have the lua module this server code will work:
server {
listen 8083;
location /proxy/one {
proxy_set_header testheader test1;
proxy_pass http://localhost:8081;
location /proxy/two {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8082;
location / {
default_type text/html;
content_by_lua '
local first = ngx.location.capture("/proxy/one",
{ args = { test = "test" } }
local testArg = first.body
local second = ngx.location.capture("/proxy/two",
{ args = { test = testArg } }
I tested this configuration with a couple of node js servers like this:
var koa = require('koa');
var http = require('http');
function startServerOne() {
var app = koa();
app.use(function *(next){
console.log('\n------ Server One ------');
console.log('this.request.headers.testheader: ' + JSON.stringify(this.request.headers.testheader));
console.log('this.request.query: ' + JSON.stringify(this.request.query));
if (this.request.query.test == 'test') {
this.body = 'First query worked!';
this.body = 'this.request.query: ' + JSON.stringify(this.request.query);
console.log('Server 1 - 8081');
function startServerTwo(){
var app = koa();
app.use(function *(next){
console.log('\n------ Server Two ------');
console.log('this.request.query: ' + JSON.stringify(this.request.query));
if (this.request.query.test == 'First query worked!') {
this.body = 'It Worked!';
this.body = 'this.request.query: ' + JSON.stringify(this.request.query);
console.log('Server 2 - 8082');
This was the output from the node console logs:
Server 1 - 8081
Server 2 - 8082
------ Server One ------
this.request.headers.testheader: "test1"
this.request.query: {"test":"test"}
------ Server Two ------
this.request.query: {"test":"First query worked!"}
Here's what happens:
Nginx sends server one a request query with the test parameter set.
Node server 1 sees the test parameter and responds with 'First query worked!'.
Nginx updates the query parameters with the body from the server one response.
Nginx sends server two a request with the new query parameters.
Node server 2 sees that the 'test' query parameter equals 'First query worked!' and responds to the request with response body 'It Worked!'.
And the curl response or visiting localhost:8083 in a browser shows 'It worked':
curl -i 'http://localhost:8083'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: openresty/
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2015 16:57:45 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
It Worked!
I have an Express app running behind Nginx, so when I try to get the user’s IP, I always get instead of the real one, which is set by Nginx in the X-Real-IP header. How do I get this header? Is there a way to have it via the socket object?
The code would be basically like that:
io.sockets.on( 'connection', function( socket ) {
var ip = /* ??? */;
/* do something with the IP…
… some stuff …
To get the IP when you're running behind NGINX or another proxy:
var ip = req.header('x-forwarded-for') || req.connection.remoteAddress;
or for Socket.IO
client.handshake.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || client.handshake.address.address;
From: http://www.hacksparrow.com/node-js-get-ip-address.html