How to customize the css of FileGator app - css

I'm using a FileGator for displaying the data in the browser.
it was built with Vue.js for frontend.
But I'm not able to customize all the CSS of the app even though I added customized CSS in the app.css in the dist folder. Hope someone gives me a solution.

Folder dist/ is where compiled css and js are placed. If you're using npm build process as explained here dist folder will be overwritten each time npm build is triggered.
If you don't want to build with npm then you can use provided configuration.php file to add a simple style:
'add_to_head' => '<style>body{background:red}</style>',
or your own css file:
'add_to_head' => '<link href="/somewhere/your.css" rel=stylesheet>',


Css Conflict when using npm run build in NextJs

I am trying to turn a html/css template to NExtJS App , the problem is that the app is multi-lang So i have two Css file one for Rtl and other for ltr So i do the folowing:
the above Code work fine when I use npm run dev .... but When i use npm run build i got some Conflicts because the two Css file are using same classNames and Webpack combine the two file in one generated css file.
So is there any solution for this or other way to import Css file depending on the Current Lang

How to get started with NodeJS and Sass project, so I can customize bootstrap 4 theme

I want to customize Bootstrap 4 theme such as colors, fonts, etc..
I read the instructions from Bootstrap website saying that I need to create custom.scss file and import Bootstrap’s source Sass files like this
// Custom.scss
// Your variable overrides
$body-bg: #000;
$body-color: #111;
// Bootstrap and its default variables
#import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";
I'm new to both Sass and NodeJS and I do not know how to get started with a NodeJS and Sass project.
I went as far as installing NodeJS and Sass on my Mac using brew. I also installed Bootstrap by typing:
npm install bootstrap
This is the most progress I have made. I do not know in which path the bootstrap files are installed when I did the command npm install bootstrap and also I do not know how to bring that Bootstrap installation into my project folder.
Could anyone please provide some information or point me to a resource on how to get started with a NodeJS and Sass project so I can customize Bootstrap 4 theme using Sass.
You have to run the npm install bootstrap command inside your project directory. Bootstrap and its files will then be installed into the directory node_modules/bootstrap inside your project directory.
Now, when placing your custom scss files into this folder, they will be able to access the node_modules directory, in which bootstrap is.
You can then create a custom building pipeline using npm tools for compiling scss files to css. This requires more in-depth knowledge on node.js and NPM, but that is the usual and recommended way of doing it.
If you just want to compile the scss once and work with the css from there without having to use node.js more in depth, you can use packages like scss-compile and then use console commands like node-sass -rw scssFiles -o cssOutputFiles to compile your custom theme once.

Change node modules packages path in symfony3

I am installing bootstrap and jquery with npm. I want only ( not the sass files ) the jquery and bootstrap files to be installed in web/vendor and not in node_submodules/... Is that possible?
So my symfony structure looks like this
- bootstrap and jquery files are here <<
- vendor
- I want my bootstrap and jquery files here <<
Or should I just download bootstrap and jquery and place them myself in web/vendor and forget about node_modules.
See npm local install package to custom location.
Using your approach is fine for a small project, but if you plan on building a more ambitious application, you should really look into using a build tool like webpack, gulp, or grunt. Then you can package up your javascript dependencies from your node_modules into a single file and have it generated into your public js folder.

Q&A - Angular CLI: Using CSS preprocessors globally

How can I use preprocessors in my ng2 app? I'm using angular-cli and the original docs are not clear enough for me. Besides, I want to use the styles globally, not only component-wide.
Install your CSS compiler: Search npm for your preffered extension language.
Tested and recommended for SASS: npm install node-sass --save-dev
Add your "to be processed" file to src/assets/css (with the normal file extension, e.g. .sass)
Add the style ref to the index.html file:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/whatever.css"> - note the .css file extension.
Update your build file (angular-cli-build.js) with the folder of your "to be processed" files. This object HAS to be placed before the vendorNpmFiles-array.:
sassCompiler: { //(lessCompiler or stylusCompiler)
includePaths: [
'app/assets/css' //Only the folder, not your file!
Bonus answer: Why don't I use direct paths to files instead of the includePath? Because you may want to use variable files, so it could get really messy with absolute paths!
The Angular CLI has built in support for Sass/SCSS, Less, and Stylus. See here.
As of the Webpack update to the CLI, there are no extra steps other than renaming your stylesheets with the appropriate extension.
For the previous System.js/Broccoli versions, it was also necessary to install the preprocessor packages to your app, like so: npm install node-sass --save-dev.
It will automatically process the stylesheets within and under the src folder.

GruntJS CSS handling : How to select CSS files and how to package them

I'm using the Yeoman stack to bootstrap an application and had a question on how CSS files should be handled. (I've uploaded a sample on Github :
The basic question is : How do you go about handling different CSS files
during development (when running grunt serve)
when packaging the app (when running grunt build).
I have installed a number of libraries through bower that come with CSS files.
For example the jQueryDataTables library has the following CSS
Now, the way I understand it is that I should never reference this jquery.dataTables.css file directly in my index.html (I hope this assumption is correct).
My index.html should only contain
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/main.css">
I assume that this styles/main.css will be generated by the grunt workflow and will be correct both in dev mode, as well as in dist mode.
I'm puzzled by a couple of things
How should I tell grunt that I need to include for example bower_components/datatables/media/css/jquery.dataTables.css
Do I do need to reference that jquery.dataTables.css in my index.html, or in my Gruntfile.js, or simply drop it in app.styles ?
How does grunt decide what CSS files it needs to assemble into a single main.css
How does grunts behavior differ between grunt serve and grunt serve dist
Here's what I found :
grunt serve
When calling grunt serve , a CSS file is generated called .tmp/styles/main.css,
That is in fact the CSS file that is used by the app when it launched by 'grunt serve'.
That main.css file only contains stuff coming from the app/styles/main.scss file.
Other CSS files that are put in app/styles/ are not being picked up by grunt serve.
grunt serve:dist
When calling grunt serve:dist, a CSS file is generated called dist/styles/2314bw1.main.css
That is in fact the CSS file that is used by the app when it launched by grunt serve:dist.
That main.css file contains everything that it found in app/styles/*.css,
So the basic issue is that when running grunt serve , the generated main.css does not all the classes from all the css files found in app/styles/*.css.
However, when packaging the app grunt build or grunt serve:dist, it does contain all classes from all the css files found in app/styles/*.css.
How do I configure my app / grunt to use these external CSS, and how do I get to a situation that works during development, as well as during packaging.
I'm not familiar with Yeoman but it look likes it's running gruntjs underneath. You can edit the tasks to include plugin specific styles.
This is your gruntfile.js
How does grunt decide what CSS files it needs to assemble into a single main.css ?
Drop your plugin specfic styles inside "app/styles". You can give it a special folder if you want to. Then add to your main.scss. Sass will compile everything down in the main.css.
First in console:
cp jquery.dataTables.css jquery.dataTables.scss
Then add the import into main.scss
#import "jquery.dataTables"
How does grunts behavior differ between grunt serve and grunt serve dist?
serve:dist does this(see code below), it builds your files, opens a link to your server, creates a dummy webserver to serve your files using connect
if (target === 'dist') {
return['build', 'open:server', 'connect:dist:keepalive']);
serve on the other hand watches changes to your files.
